Erratum to: Int.J. Behav. Med.

DOI 10.1007/s12529-010-9099-4

Concerning the publication in International Journal of Behavioral Medicine (Epub ahead of print, May 2010) [1], the following is reported by the authors: a syntax error was identified concerning one of the secondary outcomes, Social Functioning subscale of the MOS SF-36, used in this study to evaluate three vocational rehabilitation interventions (VRIs). As a result, scores on the Social Functioning scale were miscalculated, affecting the total sum scores of this subscale. In the published article, we stated that social functioning did not improve significantly over time in two VRIs. However, after new analyses we conclude that mean social functioning scores significantly improved over time (p < .001) in all three VRIs. In VRI1, social functioning improved from 45 (95%CI 36.0–54.8) before intervention, to 67 (95%CI 58.076.5) after intervention, to 71 (95%CI 61.8–80.5) three months after intervention. In VRI2, improvements were reported from 50 (95%CI 39.9–59.2), to 77 (95%CI 67.0–86.6), to 75 (95%CI 65.2–84.8). Finally, in VRI3 social functioning improved from 43 (95%CI 36.3–50.3), to 67 (95%CI 59.7–73.3), to 73 (95%CI 66.0–80.8). In conclusion, social functioning improves significantly in all three VRIs, but stayed below the scores found in the Dutch population (mean = 84) [2]. It may be hypothesised that improvements comparable with the social functioning level of the Dutch population require more time, especially in patients with longstanding disabling fatigue.

The correct manuscript can be obtained from the corresponding author.