Onder dit kopje geven we kennis van recente onderwijskundige publicaties van onze Nederlandse en Belgische collega’s in de buitenlandse vakpers.

Academic Medicine

Beschikbaar op:www.academicmedicine.org.

  • 2011;86(8): geen onderwijskundige publicaties uit Nederland/Vlaanderen.

Advances in Health Sciences Education

Beschikbaar op:www.springerlink.com

  • Singaram VS, van der Vleuten CPM, Stevens F & Dolmans DHJM. “For most of us Africans, we don’t just speak”: a qualitative investigation into collaborative heterogeneous PBL group learning. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(3):297- 310.

  • van der Zwet J, Zwietering PJ, Teunissen PW, van der Vleuten CPM & Scherpbier AJJA. Workplace learning from a socio-cultural perspective: creating developmental space during the general practice clerkship. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(3):359-73.

  • McGill DA, van der Vleuten CPM & Clarke MJ. Supervisor assessment of clinical and professional competence of medical trainees: a reliability study using workplace data and a focused analytical literature review. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(3):405-25.

  • Dolmans DHJM & Wilkerson LA. Reflection on studies on the learning process in problembased learning. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011; 16(4):437-41.

  • Yew EHJ, Chng E & Schmidt HG. Is learning in problem-based learning cumulative? Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(4):449-64.

  • Rotgans JI & Schmidt HG. Cognitive engagement in the problem-based learning classroom. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(4):465- 79.

  • Sockalingam N, Rotgans JI & Schmidt HG. The relationships between problem characteristics, achievement-related behaviors, and academic achievement in problem-based learning. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(4):481-90.

  • Chng E, Yew EHJ & Schmidt HG. Effects of tutor-related behaviours on the process of problem-based learning. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(4):491-503.

  • Choo SSY, Rotgans JI, Yew EHJ & Schmidt HG. Effect of worksheet scaffolds on student learning in problem-based learning. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(4):517-28.

  • Lew MDN & Schmidt HG. Self-reflection and academic performance: is there a relationship? Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(4):529-45.

The Clinical Teacher

Beschikbaar op:www.theclinicalteacher.com

  • 2011;8(3): geen onderwijskundige publicaties uit Nederland/Vlaanderen.

Education for Health

Beschikbaar op:www.educationforhealth.net

Dit tijdschrift verschijnt sinds 01-01-07 alleen nog on line (gratis).

  • Van Dijk DP, Dinant G & Jacobs JA. Inappropriate drug innovations: What has happened since the 1999 WHO Guidelines? (10 Augustus 2011, Article n. 462).

Journal of General Internal Medicine

Beschikbaar op:www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp

  • 2011;26(6): geen onderwijskundige publicaties uit Nederland/Vlaanderen.

  • 2011;26(7): niet beschikbaar.

  • 2011;26(8): geen onderwijskundige publicaties uit Nederland/Vlaanderen.

Medical Education

Beschikbaar op:www.mededuc.com

  • Chamberland M, St-Onge C, Setrakian J, Lanthier L, Bergeron L, Bourget A, Mamede S, Schmidt H & Rikers R. The influence of medical students’ self-explanation on diagnostic performance. Med Educ 2011;45(8):688-95.

  • Helmich E, Bolhuis S, Laan R & Koopmans R. Early clinical experience: do students learn what we expect? Med Educ 2011;45(8):731- 40.

  • Schmidt HG, Rotgans JI & Yew EHJ. The process of problem-based learning: what works and why. Med Educ 2011;45(8):792-806.

  • La Rochelle JS, Durning SJ, Pangaro LN, Artino AR, Van der Vleuten CMP & Schuwirth L. Authenticity of instruction and student performance: a prospective randomised trial. Med Educ 2011;45(8):807-17.

Medical Teacher

Beschikbaar op:www.medicalteacher.org

  • 2011;33(8): geen onderwijskundige publicaties uit Nederland/Vlaanderen

  • Ringsted C, Hodges B & Scherpbier A. ‘The research compass’: An introduction to research in medical education: AMEE Guide No. 56. Med Teach 2011;33(9):695-709.

  • Turner NMB, Scheffer R, Custers E & Ten Cate OTJ. Use of unannounced spaced telephone testing to improve retention of knowledge after life-support courses. Med Teach 2011;33(9): 731-37.

Patient Education and Counseling

Beschikbaar op:www.elsevier.com/locate/pateducou.

  • geen nieuw volume uitgekomen sinds 2011; 84(1).

Teaching and Learning in Medicine

Beschikbaar op:www.siumed.edu/tlm.

  • geen nieuw volume uitgekomen sinds 2011; 23(3).