Onder dit kopje geven we kennis van recente onderwijskundige publicaties van onze Nederlandse en Belgische collega’s in de buitenlandse vakpers.

Academic Medicine

Beschikbaar op:

http://www.academicmedicine.org .

  • 2011;86(5): geen onderwijskundige publicaties uit Nederland/Vlaanderen.

  • Westerman M, Fokkema JPI & Teunissen PW. The Need for a Uniform Use of the Construct of Burnout. Acad Med 2011;86(6):661.

  • Wenrich MD, Jackson MB, Ajam KS, Wolfhagen IH, Ramsey PG & Scherpbier AJJA. Teachers an Learners: the Effect of Bedside Teaching on the Clinical Skills of Clinician-Teachers. Acad Med 2011;86(7):846–52.

Advances in Health Sciences Education

Beschikbaar op:


  • Jippes M & Majoor GD. Influence of national culture on the adoption of integrated medical curricula. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(1):5–16.

  • Claramita M, Utarini A, Soebono H, van Dalen J & van der Vleuten C. Doctor–patient communication in a Southeast Asian setting: the conflict between ideal and reality. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(1):69–80.

  • Van de Wiel MWJ, van den Bossche P, Janssen S & Jossberger H. Exploring deliberate practice in medicine: how do physicians learn in the workplace? Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(1):81–95.

  • Pelgrim EAM, Kramer AWM, Mokkink HGA, van den Elsen L, Grol RPTM & van der Vleuten CPM. In-training assessment using direct observation of single-patient encounters: a literature review. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(1):131–42.

  • Govaerts MJB, Schuwirth LWT, van der Vleuten CPM & Muijtjens AAM. Workplace-based assessment: effects of rater expertise. Adv Health Sciences Educ 2011;16(2):151–65.

  • Kusurkar R, Croiset G, Kruitwagen C & ten Cate O. Validity evidence for the measurement of the strength of motivation for medical school. Adv Health Sci Educ 2011;16(2):183–95.

The Clinical Teacher

Beschikbaar op:


  • 2011;8(2): geen onderwijskundige publicaties uit Nederland/Vlaanderen.

Education for Health

Beschikbaar op:


Dit tijdschrift verschijnt sinds 01-01-07 alleen nog on line (gratis).

  • Pfeiffer A, Noden BH, Walker ZA, Aarts R & Ferro J. General Population and Medical Student Perceptions of Good and Bad Doctors in Mozambique. Educ Health 2010;24(1):article 387.

Journal of General Internal Medicine

Beschikbaar op:


  • 2011;26 (3 tm/5): geen onderwijskundige publicaties uit Nederland/Vlaanderen.

Medical Education

Beschikbaar op:


  • Reinders ME, Blankenstein AH, van Marwijk HWJ, Knol DL, Ram P, van der Horst HE, de Vet HCW & van der Vleuten CPM. Reliability of consultation skills assessments using standardised versus real patients. Med Educ 2011;45(6): 578–84.

  • Sargeant J, Eva KW, Armson H, Chesluk B, Dornan T, Holmboe E, Lockyer JM, Loney E, Mann KV & van der Vleuten CPM. Features of assessment learners use to make informed assessments of clinical performance. Med Educ 2011;45(6):636–647.

  • Chamberland M, St-Onge C, Setrakian J, Lanthier L, Bergron L, Bourget A, Mamede S, Schmidt H & Rikers R. The influence of medical stduents’ self-explanations on diagnostic performance. Med Educ 2011;45(7): 688.98.

  • Helmich E, Bolhuis S, Laan R & Koopmans R. Early clinical experience: do students learn what we expect? Med Educ 2011;45(7):731–40.

Medical Teacher

Beschikbaar op:


  • Hodges BD, Ginsburg S, Cruess R, Cruess S, Delport R, Hafferty F, Ho M-J, Holmboe E, Holtman M, Ohbu S, Rees C, ten Cate O, Tsugawa Y, van Mook W, Wass V, Wilkinson T, & Wade W. Assessment of professionalism: Recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 Conference. Med Teach 2011;33(5):354–363.

  • Bergman EM, van Der Vleuten CPM, & Scherpbier AJJA. Why don’t they know enough about anatomy? A narrative review. Med Teach 2011;33(5):403–9.

  • Kusurkar RA, ten Cate ThJ, van Asperen M, & Croiset G. Motivation as an independent and a dependent variable in medical education: A review of the literature. Med Teach 2011; 33(5): e242–e262.

  • Schuwirth LWT & van der Vleuten CPM. Programmatic assessment: From assessment of learning to assessment for learning. MedTeach 2011;33(6):478–85.

  • van Hell EA, Kuks JBM, Dekker MJ, Borleffs JCC & Cohen-Schotanus J. The digital pen as a novel device to facilitate the feedback process. Med Teach 2011;33(6):497–9.

  • Widyandana D, Majoor GD & Scherpbier AJJA. Effects of partial substitution of pre-clinical skills training by attachments to primary health care centers: An experimental study. Med Teach 2011;33(6):e313–e317.

  • Koops W, van der Vleuten C, de Leng B, Oei SG, & Snoeckx L. Computer-supported collaborative learning in the medical workplace: Students’ experiences on formative peer feedback of a critical appraisal of a topic paper. Med Teach 2011;33(6):e318–e323.

  • Hemmer PA, Busing N, Boulet JR, Burdick WP, Mckillop J, Irby D, Farmer EA & Duvivier R. AMEE 2010 symposium: Medical student education in the twenty-first century – A new Flexnerian era? Med Teach 2011;33(7):541–6.

  • van der Lee N, Westerman M, Fokkema JPI, van Der Vleuten CPM, Scherpbier AJJA, & Scheele F. The curriculum for the doctor of the future: Messages from the clinician’s perspective. Med Teach 2011;33(7):555–61.

  • Scheele F. The story of health care’s Achilles’ heel. Med Teach 2011;33(7):578–579.

  • Peeraer G, Donche V, de Winter BY, Muijtjens AMM, Remmen R, van Petegem P, Bossaert L, & Scherpbier AJJA. Teaching conceptions and approaches to teaching of medical school faculty: The difference between how medical school teachers think about teaching and how they say that they do teach. Med Teach 2011;33(7):e382–e387.

  • Mol SSL, Peelen JH, & Kuyvenhoven MM. Patients’ views on student participation in general practice consultations: A comprehensive review. Med Teach 2011;33(7):e397–e400.

Patient Education and Counseling

Beschikbaar op:

http://www.elsevier.com/locate/pateducou .

  • 2011;83(1): geen onderwijskundige publicaties uit Nederland/Vlaanderen.

  • Hulsman RL. The art of asessment of medical communication skills. PEC 2011;83(2):143–4.

  • Van Eijk-Hustings YJL. Damen L, Schaper NC & Vrijhoef HJM. Implementation of Motivation Interviewing in a diabetes care manageemnt initiative in teh Netherlands. PEC 2011;84(1):10–15.

Teaching and Learning in Medicine

Beschikbaar op:

http://www.siumed.edu/tlm .

  • Geen nieuw volume uitgekomen sinds 2011; 23(3).