Correction to: Geoheritage (2023) 15:40

In this article, the word “incisor” in Fig. 6 caption should be change to “molar”. Given here is the image with the corrected caption.

Fig. 6
figure 1

Results of digisation in both museums using different scanners. a, b Specimens scanned with Artec Eva (a Stephanorhinus etruscus, type cranium, IGF 756; b ossiferous block MSF 89); c, d specimens scanned with Artec Space Spider (c Oreopithecus bambolii, type juvenile mandibles, IGF 4335; d cranium of Lycyaena cf. chaeretis, MSF 84); e, f specimens scanned with Artec Micro (e Hystrix etrusca, molar, IGF 938; f detail of the mesh of single m1 of Eucyon monticinensis, BRS 5/27). Specimens not to scale