1 Introduction

Advances in artificial intelligence in the last few decades have introduced us to humanoid robots that we encounter everywhere ranging from classrooms to airports to shopping malls to hospitals. While their presence in our daily lives has brought a lot of excitement, how humans perceive and interact with them has become an important research topic in cognitive science. Do we perceive them differently from the way we perceive other humans? How important is it that they look or sound human or behave like humans? What are our expectations from robots? To what extent do they fulfill our expectations? These are some of the questions cognitive scientists are interested in addressing not only to be able to better understand human nature but also to be able to guide the design of robots in the future.

In his classical work, The Design of Everyday Things, Don Norman [1] provides important insights about how cognitive sciences can help in the design of artefacts including machines such as robots. According to Norman [1], the design artifacts should be adapted to the minds of their users, and this is why one needs to understand the human mind first. This implies that a collaboration between human–robot interaction and cognitive sciences is necessary. Indeed, the use of robots in well-established cognitive psychology and neuroscience paradigms in the last decade has proven useful to understand how humans respond to non-human agents as compared to their human counterparts, and what kind of principles we should follow in humanoid robot design [2,3,4].

One of the cognitive psychology/neuroscience paradigms that have been successfully applied in human–robot interaction is the expectation-violation paradigm [5, 6]. These paradigms have been developed to understand the nature of information processing in a variety of perceptual and cognitive tasks [7,8,9,10,11,12] and have been instrumental to come up with recent theories of human brain and cognition such as predictive coding or computation [13,14,15]. According to these theories, perception is not a purely bottom-up or stimulus-driven process, rather, expectations and prior knowledge play an important role in how we perceive our environment. A growing body of empirical work in psychology and neuroscience are in line with these theories showing that participants respond faster and more accurately when they perceive events that are expected compared to the ones that are unexpected [9,10,11,12]. These results suggest that humans constantly predict what would come next and this in turn determines what they perceive [14].

Recent work at the intersection of cognitive science and social robotics has shown that humans can extend their prediction skills to the perception of robots and form expectations about robots based on their prior experience [5, 6, 16, 17]. These studies manipulated expectations towards robots by means of using stimuli that have mismatches in a variety of visual dimensions including appearance (form), motion, and interaction. In other words, these mismatch paradigms aim to induce certain expectations based on a particular cue, and at the same time present another cue that usually does not match that cue, resulting in expectation violation. For instance, Urgen et al. [6] show that the appearance of a robot can elicit certain expectations in humans about how the robot would move, and when the robot does not move in an expected way, an N400 ERP effect is observed indicating that the expectations are violated. Using a similar paradigm, [5] showed differential activity in the parietal cortex for an agent that moved in an unexpected way compared to others that moved in an expected way, which they interpreted as a prediction error within the framework of predictive coding [13, 14]. Furthermore, in a study that investigates sensorimotor signaling in human–robot interaction, [17] shows that people show lower variability in their performance when a human-like robot commits a human-like error compared to a mechanical error and that the pattern is reversed when the agent is non-human-like morphologically.

Other HRI studies explored mismatches in multisensory contexts. While vision seems to be the dominant modality in many HRI studies that investigate how humans perceive robots, [18] highlights the critical role of voice in communication and interaction with artificial agents. Accordingly, there is a growing body of research that examines the role of voice in HRI in combination with other visual features such as the appearance or movement of artificial agents [19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]. For instance, several studies show that the mismatch between the visual appearance and voice of an artificial agent induces the uncanny valley effect [19], impairs emotion recognition, and negatively impacts likability and believability [30]. In a similar vein, [22] shows that the inconsistency between the facial proportions and vocal realism of an artificial agent reduces its credibility and attractiveness. A study with children [20] shows that the interaction between voice and other visual features such as appearance and movement affect the perceived lifelikeness and politeness of a robot. People also find artificial agents with a human-like voice more expressive, understandable, and likable [21], or attribute more human-like attributes evidenced by drawing tasks (such as facial features) [29], than the ones with a synthetic voice.

One drawback of many studies that study HRI in an audio–visual context is that they usually use subjective measures in the form of self-reports such as fear and eeriness [19], credibility or attractiveness [22], politeness and lifelikeness [20], likability, expressiveness, and understandability [21], drawings [29], or emotion labeling [30] to evaluate artificial agents rather than more objective measures such as reaction time or accuracy. Although self-reports can be instrumental in providing an initial assessment and uncovering social behavior under a variety of tasks, they fall short for a number of reasons. First, self-reports are susceptible to the awareness and the expressiveness of the participants and may provide an incomplete or biased picture of human behavior if participants lack these skills [31]. Second, self-reports usually do not provide a mechanistic understanding which would help with both explaining and predicting human behavior [6, 32]. Indeed, Greenwald and Banaji [33] recommend the use of implicit measures to better understand human social cognition. To support this effort, many tasks have been developed such as priming and implicit association tasks that usually rely on reaction times [34], as well as eye-tracking [32] and neurophysiological measures [6] recorded within strong cognitive psychology paradigms in human–robot interaction. Some studies even directly compared the results of explicit and implicit measurements. A common finding of these studies is that explicit and implicit measures are modulated differently by the experimental conditions that are under investigation [32, 35, 36]. Therefore, given the limitations of explicit measures, it is important to benefit from implicit measures recorded under well-established paradigms to gain a better understanding of human perception and cognition in human–robot interaction, especially in multisensory contexts.

The aim of the present study is to investigate the perception of human and synthetic voices in the presence of congruent or incongruent visual cues about the agents that produce those voices using a prediction paradigm. More specifically, we aim to address whether we make predictions about how robots sound based on how they look and whether those predictions are similar to the ones we make for humans. To this end, we used an expectation-violation paradigm in which human participants judged whether a greeting word sounded human-like or synthetic (‘robotic’). This sound was preceded by a picture of a human or a robot and informed the participants with a certain probability about the sound that would follow (thus form expectations). The hypothesis is that people would discriminate the robot sounds faster when they are preceded by a robot picture in contrast to a human picture just as they would do so with human sounds that are preceded by human pictures.

2 Method

2.1 Participants

30 healthy adults from the university community (16 females, Mean age = 25.2, SD = 0.65) participated in the experiment. All participants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing. The sample size of the study was determined by a power analysis prior to data collection. The minimum required sample size was determined to be 30 by using G*Power (with alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.90, η2 = 0.25). The study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the university and all subjects signed a consent form before the study.

2.2 Stimuli

2.2.1 Visual Stimuli

The visual stimuli consisted of static images of three agents. We call them Human, Android, and Robot (see Fig. 1). Android and Robot are the same machine in different appearances. Android has a more human-like appearance, and was modeled from the Human agent, whereas Robot has a more mechanical appearance as the clothing is removed. Android is the robot Repliee Q2 which was developed at Osaka University. The images in Fig. 1 were captured from the videos of Saygin-Ishiguro database [5, 6], the agents were doing hand waving gesture. The images were 240 × 240 pixels in size, and all three were matched in terms of their low-level properties (luminance and spatial frequency) with SHINE Toolbox [37].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Visual stimuli in the experiments consist of images of three agents with different degrees of human-likeness: a human (Human), and two robots, one having more human-like appearance (Android) and one having less human-like appearance (Robot)

2.2.2 Auditory Stimuli

The auditory stimuli consisted of two sound files which lasted 2 s: the voice of a human saying ‘Good morning’ (Human Voice), and a modified version of it in which the voice sounds synthetic (we call it ‘Robotic Voice’ within the context of this study). We explored several sound programs which create synthetic voices usually associated with robots considering our experience with science-fiction movies, smart devices, voice assistants, and video games, and discovered that the main manipulation on these sounds is to play with its echo and frequency. To create a synthetic voice that would be associated with a robot in a controlled manner, we modified the human voice by means of manipulating only these two features and keeping everything else constant. We used the audio library AudioLib in Python [38] for this modification. The library has 5 different sound types: Ghost, Radio, Robotic, Echo, and Darth Vader. We conducted a pilot study in the lab with a small group of people to check whether applying any of these filters actually worked, and the ghost was found to be the most synthetic sound that was associated with a robot. To compensate for the echo factor in this synthetic voice, echo (0.05) was added to the human voice. Human and synthetic audio files were otherwise matched in terms of their amplitude (i.e., loudness) using Adobe Audition CC (13.0.6). We also added white noise to both sound files to make the task harder, as previous research on prediction shows that the effect of prediction is strongest when the stimulus is ambiguous [11]. In order to decide on the task difficulty, we added different levels of white noise (soft: 1/20, medium: 1/8, severe: 1/2) and tested them in a pilot study. It suggested that the visual cue (i.e. prior) was used when the fraction of the white noise level was 1/2.

2.3 Procedure

Subjects participated in two experiments (Experiment 1 and Experiment 2). The order of the experiments was counterbalanced across subjects. In both experiments, the subjects were seated 57 cm away from a computer screen. Their heads were stabilized with a chinrest. Before each experiment, the subjects were introduced to visual and auditory stimuli and were given verbal instructions. When introducing the visual stimuli, it was stated to the participants that the Android is a type of robot. In addition, the human voice was told to belong to the human in the Human image, and the synthetic voice was told to belong to the agent in the Robot or Android image depending on the experiment. They also did a practice session to make sure that they understood the task. The experiment was programmed in Psychtoolbox-3 [39, 40].

2.3.1 Experiment 1

Experiment 1 consisted of 5 blocks, each containing 80 trials. Each trial started with a fixation cross on a gray background (1 s), which was followed by a visual cue (1 s), an image of a human or a mechanical robot (Human and Robot agents in Fig. 1). Following the visual cue, a 2 s auditory stimulus was presented, either a human or a synthetic (robotic) voice (See Fig. 2). The task of the subjects was to indicate whether the sound was human-like or robot-like by pressing a key.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Each trial in Experiment 1 consists of a fixation screen, a visual cue (Human or Robot) and an auditory target (human or robotic voice) after which subjects need to respond with a key press

The visual cue informed the subjects about the upcoming auditory stimulus category. Following the previous work that used prediction paradigms [10, 11, 41, 42], in 80% of the trials, the visual cue was congruent with the auditory stimulus (e.g., human image and human voice or robot image and robotic voice), whereas, in 20% of the trials, the visual cue was incongruent with the auditory stimulus (e.g. human image and robot-like voice or robot image and human voice, see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

There are two types of trials in Experiment 1. A Congruent trials in which the category of the visual cue and the auditory target match (e.g., human appearance (Human) and human voice, or robotic appearance (Robot) and synthetic (robotic) voice), B Incongruent trials in which the category of the visual cue and the auditory target do not match (e.g. human appearance (Human) and robotic voice, or robotic appearance (Robot) and human voice)

2.3.2 Experiment 2

Experiment 2 is identical to Experiment 1 except the visual cue screen. As a visual cue, subjects were shown the image of either a human or a human-like robot (Human and Android agents in Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Each trial in Experiment 2 consists of a fixation screen, a visual cue (Human or Android), and an auditory target (human or robotic voice) after which subjects need to respond with a keypress

Similar to Experiment 1, there were two types of trials: congruent trials and incongruent trials. In congruent trials (80% of total trials), the category of visual cue matched the category of the auditory stimulus (e.g., human image and human voice, or a robot image and robotic voice). In incongruent trials, the category of the visual cue did not match the category of the auditory target (e.g., human appearance and robotic voice, or robotic appearance and human voice, see Fig. 5). The total number of trials was the same with Experiment 1.

Fig. 5
figure 5

There are two types of trials in Experiment 2. A Congruent trials in which the category of the visual cue and the auditory target match (e.g., human appearance (Human) and human voice, or robotic appearance (Android) and robotic voice), B Incongruent trials in which the category of the visual cue and the auditory target do not match (e.g. human appearance (Human) and robotic voice, or robotic appearance (Android) and human voice)

Note that we did not include the human, android, and robot conditions in a single experiment as it would require the generation of three levels of voice stimuli, which may not necessarily match perfectly with the human-likeness level of the images. So, for the sake of simplicity and interpretability, and following the two-category structure of previous prediction paradigms [12, 42], we conducted two experiments in which we compared a human and a robot, and across the two experiments, we compared the effect of human-likeness of the robot.

2.3.3 Statistical Analysis

We conducted separate ANOVAs for Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, and an additional ANOVA to compare the results of Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. Experiment 1

We conducted 2 (Congruency: Congruent, Incongruent) × 2 (Visual Cue: Human, Robot) mixed ANOVA to investigate the effects of congruency and visual cue (agent) on reaction times and accuracy. The congruency was taken as a between-subjects factor due to the unbalanced number of trials between its levels, and the visual cue was taken as a within-subject variable. Experiment 2

We conducted 2 (Congruency: Congruent, Incongruent) × 2 (Visual Cue: Human, Android) repeated measures ANOVA to investigate the effects of congruency and visual cue (agent) on reaction times and accuracy. The congruency was taken as a between-subjects factor due to the unbalanced number of trials between its levels, and the visual cue was taken as a within-subject variable. Comparison of Experiment 1 and Experiment 2

We conducted a 4 (Visual Cue: Human 1 (Experiment 1), Robot, Human 2 (Experiment 2), Android) × 2 (Congruency: Congruent, Incongruent) × 2 (Experiment Order: 1, 2) mixed ANOVA to investigate whether the congruency, the human-likeness of the agent, the order of Experiment 1 and 2 (Robot or Android first) and their interaction affect reaction times or accuracy.

3 Results

3.1 Experiment 1 (Human, Robot)

3.1.1 Accuracy

The data met the assumptions of ANOVA, so we ran 2 × 2 mixed-design ANOVA with a within-subjects factor of visual cue (human, robot) and a between-subject factor of congruency (congruent, incongruent) on the accuracy scores. There was a main effect of congruency on the accuracy scores (F(1,58) = 22.66, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.28). Congruent trials were overall more accurate than incongruent trials (Fig. 6). There was no significant effect of visual cue (F(1,58) = 0.13, p = 0.72), nor the interaction between congruency and visual cue (F(1,58) = 0.09, p = 0.76) on the accuracy scores.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Reaction Times (RT) on correct trials (left) and accuracy (%) results (right) of Experiment 1. Error bars show the standard error of the mean (SEM)

3.1.2 Reaction Times (Correct Trials)

The data met the assumptions of ANOVA, so we ran 2 × 2 mixed-design ANOVA with a within-subjects factor of visual cue (human, robot) and a between-subject factor of congruency (congruent, incongruent) on the reaction times of correct trials. There was a main effect of congruency on the reaction time of correct trials (F(1,58) = 21.27, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.27). Subjects were significantly faster in congruent trials than they were in incongruent trials (Fig. 6). There was also a main effect of the visual cue on reaction times (F(1,58) = 16.20, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.22). Subjects were significantly faster when the visual cue was Human than it was Robot (Fig. 6). There was no interaction between the congruency and the visual cue on the reaction times (F(1,58) = 0.04, p = 0.83).

3.2 Experiment 2 (Human, Android)

3.2.1 Accuracy

The data met the assumptions of ANOVA, so we ran 2 × 2 mixed-design ANOVA with a within-subjects factor of visual cue (human, android) and a between-subject factor of congruency (congruent, incongruent) on the accuracy scores. There was a main effect of congruency on accuracy scores (F(1,58) = 21.61, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.27). Subjects were significantly more accurate in congruent trials than incongruent trials (Fig. 7). There was no significant effect of the visual cue on accuracy scores (F(1,58) = 0.41, p = 0.53). There was no interaction between congruency and accuracy either (F(1,58) = 0.04, p = 0.85).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Reaction Times (RT) on correct trials (left) and Accuracy (%) results (right) of Experiment 2. Error bars show the standard error of the mean (SEM)

3.2.2 Reaction Times (Correct Trials)

The data met the assumptions of ANOVA, so we ran 2 × 2 mixed-design ANOVA with a within-subjects factor of visual cue (human, android) and a between-subject factor of congruency (congruent, incongruent) on the reaction times of correct trials. There was a main effect of congruency on the reaction time of correct trials (F(1,58) = 20.48, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.26). Subjects were significantly faster in congruent trials than they were in incongruent trials (Fig. 7). There was also a main effect of the visual cue on reaction times (F(1,58) = 25.57, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.31). Subjects were significantly faster when the visual cue was Human than it was Android (Fig. 7). There was no significant interaction between congruency and visual cue (F(1,58) = 1.16, p = 0.29).

3.3 The Human-Likeness Dimension: The Comparison of Experiment 1 and Experiment 2

In addition to the main analyses reported above, we explored whether the human-likeness of the agent in the spectrum of Human-Android-Robot affected the reaction times or accuracy. To this end, we compared the reaction times of Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. Since we have four agents (visual cues) in the two experiments (Experiment 1: Human–Robot and Experiment 2: Human–Android), we included all of them as Human1, Robot, Human2, and Android. In addition to the visual cue, we also included the congruency and order of the experiments in a 4 × 2 × 2 mixed ANOVA.

3.3.1 Accuracy

Data met the assumptions of running an ANOVA. There was a main effect of congruency on the accuracy scores (F(1,56) = 23.93, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.30). Subjects were significantly more accurate in congruent trials than incongruent trials. There was no significant effect of the visual cue on the accuracy scores (F(3,168) = 0.57, p = 0.64). There was no significant effect of experiment order either (F(1,56) = 0.01, p = 0.93). None of the interactions were significant (Cue × Congruency: F(3,168) = 0.27, p = 0.85; Cue × Order: F(1,168) = 0.80, p = 0.49; Congruency × Order: F(1,56) = 0.01, p = 0.93; Cue × Congruency × Order: F(3,168) = 0.07, p = 0.98).

3.3.2 Reaction Times (Correct Trials)

Data met the assumption of homogeneity (Levene’s test p > 0.05) but violated the assumption of sphericity (Mauchly’s test, (5) = 65.88, p < 0.05). Therefore, we used Greenhouse–Geisser correction wherever needed. There was a main effect of the visual cue on the reaction times (F(1.74, 97.24) = 6.87, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.11). Planned contrasts showed that the reaction times for Human 1 are significantly faster than Robot (p = 0.01, η2 = 0.11) and Android (p < 0.05, η2 = 0.31) but did not differ from Human 2 (p = 0.72); the reaction times for Robot are significantly slower than Human 2 (p < 0.05, η2 = 0.22) but did not differ from Android (p = 0.97); and the reaction times for Human 2 are significantly faster than Android (p < 0.05, η2 = 0.15).

There was a main effect of congruency on reaction times (F(1,56) = 23.36, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.29). Subjects were significantly more accurate in congruent trials than incongruent trials. There was no significant effect of the experiment order on reaction times (F(1,56) = 0.01, p = 0.96). None of the interactions were significant (Cue × Congruency: F(1.74, 97.24) = 0.27, p = 0.85; Cue × Order: F(1.74, 97.24) = 0.10, p = 0.96; Congruency × Order: F(1,56) = 0.18, p = 0.68; Cue × Congruency x Order: F(1.74, 97.24) = 0.20, p = 0.79).

4 Discussion

We investigated whether expectations about artificial agents affect our perception. To this end, we used a well-known prediction paradigm from cognitive psychology in a human–robot interaction context. We hypothesized that people would get faster in judging how an agent sounds (human-like or synthetic) if it was preceded by a congruent visual cue (e.g. a robot picture for a robot-like voice) than an incongruent visual cue (e.g. a human picture for a synthetic, robot-like voice).

Our results suggest that people form expectations about how an agent sounds based on the visual appearance of the agent. If the visual cue is a robot, people expect that it would sound synthetic, as demonstrated by shorter reaction times and more accurate responses when the appearance and voice were congruent than when they were incongruent. This was true whether the robot has a more human-like appearance or a less human-like appearance. These results are consistent with previous work that suggests that predictive processes underlie our perception [9,10,11, 13, 14] including humans and robots. In other words, it seems that we can extend our predictive capabilities to perceive artificial agents, and just like our interaction with other humans, our expectations can affect how we perceive non-human agents.

An important contribution of our study to the previous work on prediction in HRI is its multimodal nature. Although there are studies that examined the effect of expectations on the perception of robots, most of these studies were done in the visual modality [5, 6, 17]. Given the recent work that highlights the importance of voice in HRI [18] and the developments in text-to-speech technology, it has become essential to go beyond the visual modality and incorporate the effects of voice on communication and interaction with artificial agents. Studies that support this effort usually manipulate the congruity of voice and appearance cues and measure a variety of things regarding the artificial agents such as their attractiveness and credibility [22], likeability and believability [21], perceived lifelikeness and politeness [20], as well as emotion recognition [30], embodiment [29], and the uncanny valley [19]. Our study extends this body of work in two ways. First, rather than presenting the visual and auditory aspects of the stimuli simultaneously, it presents them consecutively in a prediction paradigm where the visual stimulus serves as a prior (cue) for the upcoming auditory stimulus. The advantage of this method is that it allows us to study the effect of expectations on perception more directly, by involving explicit priors, rather than making assumptions or post hoc conclusions about predictive mechanisms. Second, unlike previous work that used explicit measures in the form of self-reports in the multimodal perception of robots, we used implicit measures such as reaction times and accuracy. One advantage of implicit measures is that they are more objective and less susceptible to the participants’ awareness and the ability to express their introspective states [31]. More importantly, they are much better at providing a mechanistic understanding of human behavior and cognition than self-reports [31, 34], thus allowing us to make more direct links with the perception literature in cognitive sciences. Consistent with previous work on predictive processing in the perception of simple or complex object stimuli [9,10,11], we found that reaction times get longer, and accuracy scores get lower when we encounter artificial agents that we do not expect. This in turn suggests that our expectations affect how we perceive non-human agents as they do with other natural object categories.

Our study has several implications in various fields of HRI that intersects with predictive processing. One implication concerns the design of robots and the successful interaction between humans and robots. Previous work suggests that it is better to design artificial agents that do not violate our expectations because doing otherwise may elicit undesirable responses in humans while they interact with those agents, such as the uncanny valley [5, 6, 19, 43,44,45,46,47,48], impairments in emotion recognition [30], and decreased likeability [21] and credibility [22]. A second implication concerns the specific user groups for which the robots will be developed. Predictions stem from prior knowledge, which in turn implies that any variability in prior knowledge about robots can affect to what extent predictive mechanisms are utilized. For instance, an engineer in Japan who is heavily exposed to robots may not be surprised by a metallic-looking robot speaking with a humanlike voice, unlike a person who has never interacted with a robot. The person in the former case would generate minimal prediction errors while the latter would have large prediction errors. Similar concerns may apply when we consider different generations. For instance, children who are born in the last decade in the technology era may have different expectations from robots compared to the elderly who met robots in their adult life. Future work should investigate how familiarity with robots can affect our prediction abilities and their consequences. This will enable the design of customized robots for different end users.

Our study has several limitations. The first concerns the choice of voice stimuli. To create the synthetic, what we called ‘robotic’, voice, we recorded and modified a natural human voice using a variety of sound parameters (frequency and echo). We acknowledge that there is not a natural ‘robotic voice’ category out there. So, we did our manipulation based on what we consider how a typical robot voice sounds like based on our experience with voice assistants, smart devices, science fiction movies, and video games. We also acknowledge that not all robot voices are the same but rather there may be a family of synthetic voices that are associated with robots. An inspiration for us in creating such synthetic voices was some available software libraries that modify sound stimuli to create a variety of non-human-like sounds, e.g., ghost-like, robotic, etc. While we did not run a separate study in which we examined the discriminability of the modified voices from a natural human voice, our pilot study gave us some insights into which parameter combinations elicited the most synthetic responses. Although we found this method as the most systematic way of manipulating the voice stimuli, it has some shortcomings. First, the synthetic voice transformed from a real human voice may inherently include some human cues as compared to voices that are completely synthetic, e.g., the ones generated with text-to-speech or voice synthesis methods [49]. So, it may be difficult to categorize them as non-human. Since the robots we used as stimuli in the present study were humanoid in nature, it may not be unreasonable to have some human cues in the voice. Nevertheless, text-to-speech or voice/speech synthesis methods can be considered in future studies as an alternative. Second, it may be the way the stimuli were presented to the participants before the experiment that biased their perception of the “modified human voice” as a “robotic’ voice. Future work can investigate what kind of deviations from a natural human voice would lead people to categorize voices as non-human-like or synthetic in comparison to the natural human voices and completely synthetic voices generated with text-to-speech or voice/speech synthesis methods.

A related second limitation of the study is the lack of a variety of voice stimuli that come in different degrees of human likeness, unlike visual image stimuli. Since to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that employs an explicit prediction paradigm in a multimodal context in HRI, we wanted to keep things simple and follow similar binary paradigms in cognitive sciences [12, 41, 42]. Future work can extend this work using a variety of mismatches between voice and appearance, similar to [50].

Another line of work that was not addressed in the present study but is worth pursuing is reversing the order of the modalities in the prediction paradigm. That is, one can use the auditory stimuli as the cue (prior) and the image stimuli as the target and investigate whether voices can influence how we perceive the bodies of agents. This work could show whether the predictive processing in a multimodal context is reciprocal in nature across the two modalities involved.

5 Conclusion

We investigated whether the expectations about an agent affect how we perceive that agent. More specifically, we examined how we perceive the voice of an agent if our expectations based on what we see are not met. Our results show that the present study provides insights into how we perceive and interact with robots. It seems that we can extend our predictive capabilities to the perception of robots, and just like our interaction with other humans, our expectations can affect how we perceive robots. In sum, we would interact with artificial agents much more efficiently if they are designed in such a way that they do not violate our expectations. The use of a well-established prediction paradigm from cognitive sciences in the present study has opened a new avenue of research in human–robot interaction. Appearance and voice are only two features among many, for which we seek a match in agent perception. Future work should investigate what features of artificial agents make us form expectations, how we do that, and under what conditions these expectations are violated.

The present study sets a good example of how the collaboration between human–robot interaction and cognitive sciences can be fruitful and useful for both sides [3, 51, 52]. Our study not only suggests possible principles for robot design but also shows how fundamental cognitive mechanisms such as prediction can generalize to agents that we have not evolved with over many generations. As such, our study shows that artificial agents such as robots can be great experimental tools for cognitive science to improve our understanding of the human mind.