Correction to: Adv Ther (2020) 37:4033–4042

In the original article, there is an error in Fig. 1. The correct Fig. 1 is given below:

Fig. 1
figure 1

SVR12 rates in TN patients with CC, GT1–6a treated with 8 weeks of G/P. aScottish HCV study included GT1,2,4–6, US VA study included GT1–3. bFour patients were lost to follow-up in the ITT population. cOne confirmed reinfection with subsequent spontaneous clearance, no virologic failure. dOne virologic failure. eOne patient died after completing treatment but before SVR12 testing, one patient was lost to follow-up. fPatients missing SVR12 data were excluded from SVR12 analysis. CC compensated cirrhosis, DHC-R German Hepatitis C-Registry, G/P glecaprevir/pibrentasvir, GT genotype, HCV hepatitis C virus, ITT intention-to-treat, PMOS post-marketing observational studies, SVR12 sustained virologic response at week 12, TN treatment-naïve, VA Veterans Association