Correction to: American Journal of Potato Research

Solomon Yilma, Oregon State University, is considered a co-author on this publication. Dr. Yilma was mistakenly not included in the proof of the final manuscript, with the inability to correct that omission prior to publication. Dr. Yilma contributed to this research by conducting evaluations of the PALB clones for response to late blight with that data summarization shown in Table 4. Dr. Yilma also provided seed of POR00LB6-1 which was a parent of two of the PALB clones. POR00LB6-1 was confirmed by our project as having the marker associated with Rychc. The immediate parent of POR00LB6-1 was DG91-32, which is proposed as the source of Rychc identified in the PALB clones. The finding that POR00LB6-1 has the marker associated with Rychc provides additional support for DG91-31 as the ancestor contributing Rychc.