1 Correction to: The Journal of Geometric Analysis https://doi.org/10.1007/s12220-020-00596-8

The original version of the article unfortunately contained a few errors.

In section 4 titled ‘Building a Career and a Family’, in the paragraph beginning with ‘As recalled by his student..’, the sentence, ‘As recalled by his student Yonsheng Han, during that first visit to China Guido was 51 and the average age of his students was 55.’ has been removed.

In Fig. 15, the caption was incorrectly published as ‘Guido Weiss (front center) with students from Peking University 1980’ and the corrected caption is, ‘Guido Weiss (front center) with students from Beijing Normal University (1985). Several students and faculty present worked with Guido in 1980, as well’. Figure 15 with the corrected caption is given below.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Guido Weiss (front center) with students from Beijing Normal University (1985). Several students and faculty present worked with Guido in 1980, as well

The original article has been corrected.