Correction to: Cell Stress and Chaperones (2020)

In the original publication, the given name of the last author was incorrectly displayed as the name must read: Katsuyoshi Masuda.

In addition, it has come to authors’ attention that an inadvertent mistake was made in Table 2, where the entry “40 WpIRNase inhibitor” should have stated: “40 U/μl RNase inhibitor”.

Lastly, the Y-axis of Fig. 6a was distorted so the correct figure is shown here and should be used in place of the previously published figure.

Fig. 6
figure 1

Inhibition of heat-induced aggregation of ADH and CS by HSPB5 synthesized using the batch and dialysis systems. Light scattering resulting from heat-induced aggregation of ADH and CS was assessed by measuring the increase in optical density at 360 nm, as described in the “Materials and Methods.” a HSPB5 prepared by the dialysis system exhibited dose-dependent inhibition of the increase in optical density associated with heat-induced aggregation of ADH