Correction to: Int J Hematol (2012) 95:189–197

In the original publication of the article, figure 1 and its caption are published with errors. The corrected Fig. 1 and its caption are given in this correction.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Variation of white blood cells, ECs and EPCs in circulation after TBI. The counters of white blood cells were lower than 0.5 × 109 3 days after irradiation, and continued to decline until the mice died (A). The numbers of ECs and EPCs were elevated after conditioning, reaching a maximum at day 3 or 5 (filled triangles and squares P < 0.05 compared to control group) and were maintained for 3–5 days (B, C). Analysis of fluorescence-activated cell sorting of EPCs and ECs in the normal group (DF) and the irradiated group (GI) at day 5 was conducted. Gate1 represents cells with CD45, Gate2 represents cells with CD45low. At day 5, EPCs (CD45low/−CD133+CD31+) comprised 9.03% of the total (H, I) and ECs (CD45CD133CD31+) constituted 74.26% of the total (H) in the irradiated group