
River flow prediction is an important tool for early flood warning, water resource management, water demand assessment, irrigation, agriculture, and hydroelectric power generation. These aspects become more and more critical in the case of climate changes causing a variation in rainfall regime and land use in many areas (Merz et al. 2014; Deitch et al. 2017; Blöschl et al. 2019). In particular, extreme weather events produce flash floods, floods, and debris flow phenomena. These have relevant socio-economic implications and represent a significant scientific issue, as confirmed by the extensive literature on the subject (Bates et al. 2008a, b, 2012; Gaume et al. 2016; Bryndal et al. 2017; IPCC 2018).

In recent years, we have observed an increase in the use of deep-learning in geosciences and in particular in river-flow prediction, with promising results (e.g., Boulmaiz et al. 2020; Chattopadhyay et al. 2020; Kratzert et al. 2018; Luppichini et al. 2022; Sit et al. 2020). The implementation of suitable run-off models is made difficult by the complexity of the natural systems and by the environmental information available (Jaiswal et al. 2020). Furthermore, each physically-based model is limited by the inevitable simplifications of the modeled system (Antonetti and Zappa 2018). The deep-learning models available make it possible to manage complex systems without having to introduce any simplifications, Information is instead directly extracted from the data. These procedures are the most appropriate for addressing the noisy and chaotic nature of the time-series forecasting problems (Livieris et al. 2020).

Long short-term memory (LSTM) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the most common and most efficient deep-learning methods (Zheng et al. 2019; Yi et al. 2019; Fawaz et al. 2020; Sit et al. 2020). The combination of CNN and LSTM models (CNN-LSTM) allows to exploit the advantages of two different layers. LSTM efficiently acquires sequence pattern information thanks to its peculiar architecture, whereas CNN layers filter the noise in the input data and extract the most significant features for the final prediction model (Bengio et al. 2013). On the other hand, LSTM exploits only the features present in the training set, although they can be adapted to cope with temporal correlations (Livieris et al. 2020). Several works have used deep-learning models based on LSTM networks to create run-off simulations (Kratzert et al. 2018; Le et al. 2019; Boulmaiz et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2020; Nguyen and Bae 2020; Hu et al. 2020), whereas others are based on CNN (Li et al. 2018; Huang et al. 2020; Kim and Song 2020; Hussain et al. 2020), or on a combination of both (CNN-LSTM) (Kimura et al. 2019; Baek et al. 2020; Xu et al. 2020). Other LSTM techniques (LSTM-ED) consider two blocks of layers: the first block (called encoder) reads the input sequence and encodes it into a fixed-length vector, whereas the second block (called decoder) decodes the fixed-length vector and transmits the intended sequence (Sutskever et al. 2014; Cui et al. 2022; Luppichini et al. 2022).

However, these tools require good computer skills that can limit an application of these techniques outside the research community, for example the technical bodies managing the territory. The availability of software and user-friendly toolkits can improve the application of these techniques in several other cases. If the results derived from these toolkits are inserted into a network, it will be possible to obtain increased knowledge, leading to future developments and improvements in the field. However, Sit et al. 2020 observed that similar techniques had been used worldwide for different studies but, apart from some exceptions, these applications are not open-source and reproducible. This is a noteworthy limit to their distribution and application.

The aim of this work is to exploit a dynamic and valid Google Colab toolkit called CleverRiver for the application of deep-learning models for river-flow prediction. This toolkit makes it possible to build workflows using hardware resources made available by the company and not those of the user’s desktop PC (Bisong 2019). The toolkit allows the application of deep-learning models based on different architectures, currently the most used to create models for river flow predictions. In particular, the architectures are based on the researches of Luppichini et al. 2022 and Lupi et al. (2022). Google Colab can be employed by two different types of users: the first user has poor computer skills, or none at all; the second user is able to understand and to interact with the code of the toolkit. In the first case, the user can apply the method of the tool to her/his data to obtain a result and new computational capacity. In the second case, the user can compare the code of the toolkit with her/his own code, and can also contribute to improving the toolkit by bringing new and clear knowledge to the scientific community.

Materials and methods

CleverRiver is projected in close relationship to the work of Luppichini et al. 2022, making it possible to apply their method. The workflow is based on the use of the API of Keras, Tensorflow libraries for the creation of the deep-learning models. The toolkit uses also the Numpy and Pandas libraries for the management of the data. CleverRiver is composed of three sections. The first one aims to train deep-learning models by using a progressive and user-friendly procedure. In this section the user can exploit different types of data (e.g., hydrometric height, discharge, rainfall, temperature) with different data frequency (e.g., daily, hourly) setting the inputs and outputs of the models in simple manner. A deep-learning model can be interpreted as a mathematical expression:

$$\widehat{O}=f\left({X}_{t}\right)=f \left( {(I}_{t-\mathrm{1,1}},{I}_{t-\mathrm{2,1}},\dots {,I}_{t-n,1}\right),\left({I}_{t-1, 2},{I}_{t-2, 2},\dots {,I}_{t-n,2}\right), \dots , \left( {I}_{t-1,m},{I}_{t-2,m},\dots {,I}_{t-n,m}\right))$$

where \(\widehat{O}\) is the predicted output (hydrometric height or discharge) at time t, and \(I\) are the antecedent inputs (e.g., \(m\) can be 1 = rainfall, 2 = discharge, 3 = temperature). The choice of the dimension of \(n\) depends on the characteristics of data such as sample frequency (daily, hourly, etc.), and on the characteristics of the simulated watershed (e.g., run-off time). These parameters must be chosen by the user after some tests have been performed. For example, Luppichini et al. 2022 set \(n\) to 96, using rainfall data with 15 min of frequency corresponding to a maximum antecedent t of 24 h. The authors then simulated the watershed characterized by a fast run-off (in several cases lower than 12 h). By setting these parameters and after uploading the CSV files (e.g., rainfall data) in the workspace, the procedure allows to create the input matrix that will be used to train the models.

For training of the models, the dataset has to be divided into three parts: training, validation, and dataset testing. The training and validation datasets are used during the training steps, whereas the test dataset is used during the evaluation of the results. Dividing the dataset allows the user to reduce the possibility of overfitting. The partition 60%–20%–20% for training, validation and test datasets, respectively, has been used in several studies (Li et al. 2020; Nguyen and Bae 2020; Hu et al. 2020; Luppichini et al. 2022) and has permitted to dispose of sufficient data for both the training and the evaluation of the model. To train the model, the software allows to select between loss function and optimizer from a list of the most commonly used of the two parameters. CleverRiver provides the use of three different model architectures: i) LSTM; ii) LSTM-ED; iii) CNN-LSTM. These are the most common architectures used for flood prediction (Sit et al. 2020; Cui et al. 2022; Luppichini et al. 2022). The first one is the most straightforward architecture composed of a simple LSTM node and a Dense node. The LSTM-ED architecture was proposed by Luppichini et al. (2022) and is based on two blocks of LSTM nodes. Finally, the CNN-LSTM architecture proposed by Lupi et al. (2022) is composed of a combination of CNN and LSTM nodes (Fig. 1). The parameters of the architecture size (e.g., number of nodes) can be modified by the user allowing to test different settings.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Deep-Learning architectures developed in CleverRiver: A Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture; B encoder-decoder LSTM architecture; C Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and LSTM combined (CNN-LSTM) architectures

The last parameters for simulation allow to define the range of the time interval of the predictions. For example, if the dataset has a daily frequency, we can define that the max value of the range is t = 10 days and we can create a simulation each day (step = 1) or every five days (step = 5). The algorithm trains a model for each t of prediction. The following step is model training. During this phase, some graphs and CSV files are compiled, which help to understand the errors of the models. To stop the training, we used the specific API of Keras and specifically the early stopping method. This method allows the training procedure to stop when the monitored metric, namely the value of the cost function, has ceased to improve. Therefore, given all the possible hypotheses, we wanted to find the best one (called “optimal”). This hypothesis would allow us to make more accurate estimates, still based on the data available.

The first section ends with the possibility to create a unique ZIP file of the output of the models and to transfer it onto the local device.

The second section uses the trained models processed during the first section to create specific simulations of events designed to test and apply the models. In this section, the user can define the time interval of the events and steps between each simulation. In other words, one can choose an interval time (from 2020-01-10 to 2020-01-15) and then decide the beginning of each simulation (e.g., each day, every two days), until the interval is complete. The results can be exported using the functionalities of Google Colab, or running a specific step that creates a ZIP of the work environment.

The third section aims to create a relationship between the users and the CleverRiver authors, with a form that allows to send a message directly to the authors, inviting the users to share their toolkits and experiences.

CleverRiver is loaded onto a GitHub repository together with the documentation and datasets having different characteristics (e.g., number of stations, sample frequency) for experimentation ( In this work, the CleverRiver results are derived using the “dataset2” uploaded onto the GitHub repository, composed of 25 hydrometric height time series and 19 rainfall time series of the Arno River (Tuscany, Italy) watershed. The data has an accumulation period of 1 h from 2010 to 2020. This dataset is used and analyzed in more detail by Luppichini et al. 2022, who applied the same methodologies for the analysis of the precision and accuracy of the deep learning models on this study area. Figure 2 shows the location of the stations composing the dataset used to describe the workflow.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Study area and location of the stations used in this work

Software description

CleverRiver is installed by importing the necessary libraries and setting up of the workspace (Step 1.1 in Fig. 3). The tool then prompts the user to import the input data in the “training_input_data” directory; the notebook checks whether the files are correct for the following procedures (Step 1.2 in Fig. 3). CleverRiver can create the input matrix through Steps 1.3 and 1.4. The algorithm provides some information on the size of the input matrix, such as number of records, number of columns, number of data (Fig. 4). The user can define the model parameters with Step 1.5 by using a simple user-friendly interface (Fig. 5). Step 1.6 allows to train the models. For each simulation, CleverRiver provides the structure of the model and the errors calculated on the test dataset of the best model expressed in terms of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The outputs are saved in the “trained_models” directory and each training has its own directory. For each simulation, the algorithm saves the model in JSON and H5 format. It also saves a CSV file including the information and the errors of the model; the predicted values calculated on the test dataset in CSV format; and three graphs (Fig. 6). The first graph is a plot of the training history of the loss function value calculated on the training and on the validation dataset (Fig. 7). The second graph is a scatter plot showing the relationship between observed and predicted values (Fig. 8). The third graph is a time plotter of the test dataset with observed and predicted values (Fig. 9).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Steps 1.1 and 1.2: creation of the workspace and importing of the data input

Fig. 4
figure 4

Steps 1.3 and 1.4: definition of the parameters and creation of the input dataset

Fig. 5
figure 5

Step 1.5: definition of the parameters for model training

Fig. 6
figure 6

Step 1.5: training of models

Fig. 7
figure 7

History graph of the training procedure. The graph is referred to a simulation of 0 h of forecast (\({t}_{0}\))

Fig. 8
figure 8

Scatter plot of the observed and predicted values. The graph is referred to a simulation of 0 h of forecast (\({t}_{0}\))

Fig. 9
figure 9

Plot of the observed and predicted values of the test dataset. The graph is referred to a simulation of 0 h of forecast (\({t}_{0}\))

Section Materials and methods allows to use the trained model to create specific simulations. With Steps 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, CleverRiver creates the workspace and imports the trained models and data for the simulations. With Step 2.4, it creates the input matrix as for Step 1.4, and it saves the predicted values in the “output_predictions” directory.

It is then possible to execute Step 2.5 for the simulation of a specific event. In this step, the algorithm prompts some simple inputs: i) the time interval to simulate; ii) the time distance between each simulation; iii) the label of the y axis for the output graphs (Fig. 10). For each simulated event, the plots (Fig. 11) are saved in the output folder and can be downloaded using the Google Colab functions or Step 2.6, which allows to create a ZIP file of the “output_predictions” directory.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Steps 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3: creation of the workspace and import of trained models and data input for simulations

Fig. 11
figure 11

Step 2.5: setting the simulation of the event and result of the graph (the coloured curves are the successive simulations with a time distance of 6 h, whereas the black line represents the observed values)

Table 1 summarizes the parameters required by the toolkit with a brief description, the value ranges, and the default values.

Table 1 Parameters of the toolkit with a brief description, the value ranges and the default values

Section Software description is a form that allows to contact the CleverRiver authors, so as to create a network for different applications of river flood prediction (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12
figure 12

Section Software description and the form to share issues, results, or general observations with the CleverRiver authors

Discussion and conclusions

Google Colab notebooks are important tools for creating dynamic workspaces with no limits for the client in terms of operating system, Python installation, and hardware (Bisong 2019; Yang et al. 2022). CleverRiver is the first deep-learning software for the prediction of river-flow, and it provides valid techniques based on the most common approaches (Sit et al. 2020; Van et al. 2020; Luppichini et al. 2022) for training of the models and evaluation of the results. CleverRiver is an open-source Python toolkit for the simulation of river flows and can be a reference point for the dissemination of deep-learning models in this field. This toolkit is based on the LSTM and CNN layers, which are probably the most popular, efficient, and commonly used deep-learning techniques (Fawaz et al. 2020; Yi et al. 2019; Zheng et al. 2019). These types of layers have been used in several works with the purpose of predicting river-flow (e.g., Li et al. 2018; Baek et al. 2020; Boulmaiz et al. 2020; Huang et al. 2020; Kim and Song 2020; Van et al. 2020; Hussain et al. 2020; Luppichini et al. 2022). For this reason, CleverRiver is a valid toolkit able to apply this, or similar architectures, in a potentially large number of future applications.

River-flow models based on deep-learning cannot yet be used on a large scale as they require particular computational skills. This is the main difference from physical models, which use different types of free, for-pay, open-source, and non open-source software.

Importantly, the ability to simulate efficient river-flow with the great number of data available in different parts of the word is crucial for present-day river management and geo-risks. In this regard, CleverRiver represents a valuable tool for a range of potential users including (but not limited to):

  • policy makers responsible for regulating river development;

  • river managers and engineers designing and implementing flood protection;

  • researchers evaluating the impacts of climate change within the fluvial zone;

  • students and neophytes to deep-learning techniques, who will be able to learn and try out their datasets.

Finally, the growing demographic pressure on fluvial zones and the changes caused by climate change in high-frequency and high-intensity precipitation events strongly suggest the need to plan for future adaptation of the community (Bates et al. 2008a, b, 2012; Gaume et al. 2016; Bryndal et al. 2017; IPCC 2018).

New releases will be progressively uploaded with new architectures, data management, and model parameters. For these reasons, we think that CleverRiver can be a valid tool to solve the problem of the scarce availability of open-source codes for flood prediction (Sit et al. 2020) and to extend the use of these tools outside the scientific community by means of a preliminary and cognitive approach.