
The necessity to contain the environmental impact due to fossil fuel use, and their limited availability, has made it necessary to increase the coverage of world energy demand with renewable sources, through a gradual transition from an energy system based mainly on the use of non-renewable sources to one which provides for greater integration of renewable sources (Azeem et al., 2020; Lund & Kempton, 2014).

The transition to future energy systems foresees their complete transformation, including distributed generation based on the sustainable use of renewable sources and the organization of territorial systems according to the ‘smart energy systems’ (SES) approach (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A, n.d.; Lund, 2014).

The use of this approach makes energy systems more complex because it brings with it a series of issues related both to the use of renewable energy sources (RES), whose production is uncertain over time and to the balance and security in the supply which, in a distributed production configuration, presents the need to a more coordinated and controlled management of the interconnections between the different sectors (Lund, 2014).

For this reason, to perform energy system analyses (of energy demand and supply) and to evaluate an optimal integration of renewables into the system, especially variable ones, an ‘hour-by-hour’ simulation model is needed, taking into account all the possible interactions of the energy sectors, users, and technologies.

Future energy grids will require coordination with other infrastructures to identify synergies, increase efficiency, and reduce costs compared to solutions that solely focus on one grid.

In solving the mismatch between demand and production, technologies play a crucial role. Smart grids, for example, can regulate energy flows according to changes in supply and demand, helping to balance the grid and reduce excesses, while also enabling the integration of RES.

Energy storage technologies such as batteries, flywheels, hydropower storage, and electric vehicles can help balance the grid as well.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) can provide stability, reliability, and resilience to the grid and enhance its performance and flexibility (Zhao et al., 2023). They can offer ancillary services by providing energy during the peak demand but also by storing excess energy from renewables, reducing the need for conventional power plants to ramp up production during peak hours (Killer et al., 2020). They can also assist in restarting power plants and grid infrastructure without relying on external energy sources (Griesheim et al., 2020).

It is expected that the global demand for BESSs will grow by 25% annually, with a long-term price target of 100$/kWh for board market penetration (Bai & Song, 2023) with lithium-ion batteries as a prevalent choice due to their high energy and power density, low self-discharge, and high round-trip efficiency. However, while innovation on batteries continues, further cost reductions depend on critical mineral prices (IEA (2023)).

In addition to these systems, it is possible to use the electrical surplus to produce hydrogen, via electrolysis (alkaline, PEM, SOECs, etc.), which can be used both as an energy carrier and in industrial processes.

Power-to-Gas (P2G) indicates a group of technologies that convert surplus electricity into hydrogen or methane to be used as fuel or energy storage medium. P2G is seen as a promising strategy to integrate renewable energy sources into the energy system, as it allows for the conversion of excess renewable energy into a storable form that can be used to balance the grid and provide energy on demand. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in P2G strategies as part of the energy planning process and a significant body of literature has emerged on the topic (Burre et al., 2020; Dolci et al., 2019; Ince et al., 2021; Koj et al., 2019a, 2019b; Raimondi & Spazzafumo, 2023; Skov et al., 2021; Sorrenti et al., 2022; Terna Spa, n.d.). By storing excess renewable energy in the form of hydrogen or methane, P2G can help to balance the grid and provide energy. This can help to mitigate the intermittency of renewable energy sources and increase their overall value to the energy system.

P2G can provide a range of energy services, including electricity generation, heat production, and transportation fuel. The versatility of P2G makes it an attractive option for energy planning, as it can be used to address multiple energy challenges (Liu et al., 2017).

The economic viability of P2G strategies depends on a range of factors, including the cost of renewable energy sources, the cost of the P2G technology, and the market demand for the resulting products (Liu et al., 2017). Some studies have found that P2G can be economically competitive in certain scenarios, while others have suggested that it may be more cost-effective to use other forms of energy storage (Pastore et al., 2022a; Pastore et al., 2022b).

The regulatory framework for P2G is still evolving, and there is a need for clear policies and regulations to support its deployment (Dolci et al., 2019). The deployment of this technology is subject to legal barriers, which may differ from one country to another. The most frequently considered pathway, from a legal standpoint, is using hydrogen for mobility (Dolci et al., 2019).

The environmental benefits of P2G depend on the source of the renewable energy used to power the technology. If renewable energy sources are used exclusively, P2G can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality, whereas fossil fuels used to power the technology limit its environmental benefits (Partidário et al., 2020).

Overall, the literature suggests that the economic viability and environmental benefits of P2G will depend on a range of factors, and clear policies and regulations will be needed to support its deployment (Patore, 2023).

The overall objective of this work was to evaluate the benefits and the technical feasibility of the integration of hydrogen in a defined regional energy strategy that already meets the European targets of reducing CO2 emissions by 2050.

Many studies have performed energy modeling with a holistic approach, analyzing and implementing energy planning strategies at national, regional, local, and urban levels to achieve challenging sustainability objectives (Piacentino et al., 2019), like higher integration of RES, flexibility, and sustainable heating, but also investigating the possibility to use hydrogen in the strategies (P2G measures).

At the country scale Colbertaldo et al. (2018), n, (n.d.) have analyzed scenarios for Italy for the years 2030 and 2050, considering the transportation and power sector and foreseeing RES integration and hydrogen use for fuel cell mobility; however, these actions could not allow achieving the decarbonization targets.

At regional level, in Bellocchi et al. (2020), Automobile Club Italia, (n.d.) the authors performed a multi-objective optimization to set an energy strategy for an Italian region, Valle d’Aosta, considering transportation and building consumption. Energy efficiency measures and PV system installations were considered key actions to reduce emissions (up to 50%).

These types of strategies could be considered guidelines for policymakers and are particularly useful for those territories that are affected by the need to increase energy security, like islands or mountain communities.

In Cabrera et al. (2018), QGIS, (n.d.) for example, the authors implemented a smart energy strategy for an island, Gran Canaria, considering the power, heating, transportation, and desalination. The energy mix considered in one scenario could reach an emission reduction equal to 75%. The scenarios used the CO2 captured and biogas methanation to produce electro-fuels.

In Prina et al. (2018) energy efficiency measures in building sector were foreseen for the South Tyrol region, Italy; the authors performed a multi-objective optimization, considering the transport, heat, and power sectors to achieve 44% emission reduction and keeping the costs equal to the reference scenario.

From the analysis of the literature, it has emerged that the energy mix and in particular the RES installed capacity are chosen without using both top-down and bottom-up approaches. Moreover, in many of the works, the smart energy systems are modeled, not considering all the sectors involved in energy consumption.

The energy system considered in this study is a southern Italian region, Campania, whose outlined energy plan for the year 2050 does not foresee hydrogen production (Battaglia et al., 2022). Starting from that energy model configuration, the authors considered the integration of alkaline electrolyzers to produce hydrogen to be used in the transport sector, to analyze the effect of hydrogen production on the overall performance of the energy strategy.

The main objective of this paper is to provide an assessment of the potential of green hydrogen production in the region, within an already set strategy towards 2050 based on a holistic approach to energy modeling and a combined bottom-up and top-down analysis for RES potential evaluation.

The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows: the “Materials and method” section describes the methodology, the “Results” section presents the main results obtained from the application of the method to the case study, the discussion is displayed in the “Discussion” section, and the “Conclusion” section concern conclusions with indication of future developments.

Materials and method

This paper is based on a previous energy strategy implementation (Battaglia et al., 2022), set up for a regional energy system, considering a future scenario (year 2050), whose goal was to obtain 80% CO2 emission reduction, compared to 1990 levels, in line with the European environmental goals for that future year.

For the sake of clarity, a brief description of the overall methodology is here presented. The details are available in Battaglia et al. (2022).

The research performed in Battaglia et al. (2022) allowed us to schematize the guidelines for the correct territorial integration of available resources together with energy efficiency policies; the analysis of the achievement of the objectives imposed at national level, Burden Sharing; and the level of ‘smartness’ of a regional system.

The methodology proposed by the research allowed to not only implement future scenarios with the smart energy system approach but also to include site-specific RES potential in the hourly analysis and evaluate flexibility.

To do this, the actual regional energy system model was implemented, starting from the evaluation of the energy consumption and production for a reference year (2017) for each sector of the system (electricity, heating, cooling, industry, and transport), using a bottom-up approach with GIS and energy tools, on an hourly basis.

The entire system was built in the main techno-economic model, which is EnergyPLAN (Lund, Thellufsen, et al. 2021), whose characteristics are described in the following sub-section.

Starting from the reference model of the energy system, a further integration of RES was adopted. The results used to evaluate the sustainability of the system are related to the energy, emissions, and costs.

The subsections presented below describe the four main steps of this work: Implementation of the regional baseline model (“Main model description” section), Validation of the model (“Validation” section), Identification of future scenarios with RES integration (“Integration of RES in future scenarios” section), Implementation of scenarios with Power-to-Gas strategy (“Hydrogen production” section), Future scenario definition (“Future scenario definition” section), Cost analysis (“Cost analysis” section), and Sensitivity analysis (“Sensitivity analysis” section).

Main model description

To analyze smart energy systems, it is necessary to include the entire energy system, with a model supporting high time resolution, to analyze the influence of fluctuating RES, storage systems, and demands, including all types of highly renewable and sustainable technologies, including the principle of linking the different grids and the possibility to add flexibility in modeling (Lund et al., 2007; Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat), n.d.).

There are many examples of the tools available in the scientific community that address multiple issues related to integrating renewables, energy sectors, and technologies (Chang et al., 2021). However, the appropriate energy tool to be used for planning is highly dependent on the specific objectives that must be fulfilled (Connolly et al., 2010).

This research chooses EnergyPLAN (EnergyPLAN | Advanced energy systems analysis computer model., 2020) as the main tool for analyzing smart energy systems at the regional level because it allows to include radical technological changes in the system and the site-specific behavior. It also gives the possibility to include hourly resolution, allows direct interaction with other tools, and high flexibility of the input data, which could be obtained by other dedicated tools or measured data.

The tool has been applied to model cities (Bonati et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2021; De Luca et al., 2018; Mathiesen et al., 2015; Menapace et al., 2020; Thellufsen, 2020), districts, and regions (Battaglia et al., 2022; Østergaard et al., 2021) but also nations (Cruz et al., 2023).

The user input parameters are energy demands, capacities and efficiencies of the technologies, fuel usage, CO2 emission factor from fuels, and costs (Østergaard, 2015).

The simulation strategy aims at reducing fuel consumption based on a predetermined order of operation. An overview of the layout of the software is displayed in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

EnergyPLAN overview

Demand side input data

For each type of data and distribution used in the model, the evaluation is described below. Since the case study analyzed is within the Italian territory, it was possible to obtain data from the National Statistical Database.

  • The value of electric energy consumption related to a certain territory is available in the National Statistical Institute (Istat, n.d.) database or the National Transmission Line company database provided by TERNA SpA (Terna Spa, n.d.), and it usually refers to a series of years. The hourly trend during the reference year was implemented considering the curve provided by TERNA SpA.

  • The hourly heating distribution demand can be obtained through the heating degree hour method, considering the operating hours of the plants in the climatic zones (Italian Government., 2019). The heating degree hour method considers the thermal demand proportional to the temperature difference between the external environment and the set point set by the user of the heating system. In this case, the thermal inertia of materials and the influence of radiative flow are neglected, causing a relevant approximation, especially in the case of the presence of a predominant transparent surface.

  • The hourly cooling distribution demand can be obtained through the cooling degree hour method, considering the operating hours of the plants.

  • The hourly trend consumption due to domestic hot water demand was obtained using a dynamic simulation energy tool (DesignBuilder Italia, 2019).

  • The analysis of road transport trends was conducted by considering the emissions associated with vehicular circulation, constructing an hourly distribution curve that incorporates measurements of air pollutants linked to mobility. Urban traffic emissions contribute directly to several air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and inhalable dust. Notably, around 80% of benzene emissions are attributed to petrol combustion, directly linked to vehicular traffic (European Environment Agency, 2020; Bernetti et al., 2010). Leveraging this understanding and data sourced from ACI (, a transportation demand curve was evaluated for the analyzed case study. More information are available on Battaglia et al. (2022).

  • Finally, at the regional level, it is possible to use data concerning the number of companies per sector and number of employees and the data on diesel and gas consumption at the provincial level for the industrial sector.

Supply side input data

The total amount of installed capacity of RES or traditional power plants is available on Atlaimpianti (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A, n.d.), a GIS ( application operating for the whole national territory.

  • In the case studies analyzed, the electricity production from PV plants has been simulated using TRNSYS-17 (Klein, 2010) software, which allows to consider different slopes and exposures for the collectors and also weather data information.

  • The thermal production from solar collectors can be simulated using TRNSYS software as well, considering an individual application of solar thermal panels (with an area of 5 m2 and a 700-l storage tank) serving the thermal demand for domestic hot water for an apartment of 100 m2. The water temperature ranged from 15 to 60 °C. The result obtained for a single application was then elaborated considering the total area of solar thermal collectors installed in the region.


To compare the model to the actual balance, the key numbers used for validation are (1) electric energy demand and supply; (2) CO2 emissions; and (3) fuel balance.

Integration of RES in future scenarios

Future energy system implementation is usually based on the integration of RES and energy efficiency measures.

The constraints related to the increase in installed renewable capacity are essentially of two types: (1) the technical potential linked to the area and (2) the area available for installation.

For each type of renewable energy technology considered both the types of constraints were considered. The first is through bibliographic research. While the second is through GIS software tools ( Once these two are set it was possible to check if the maximum installable capacity was compatible to meet the targets and how they could be integrated into the system to achieve the best performances.

Hydrogen production

The high integration of RES in the energy systems is usually translated into the presence of excess electricity. Taking this into account, it is possible to further improve the percentage of renewable energy used by the system, using the excess electricity to produce hydrogen, which will then be used for fuel cell mobility, replacing fossil fuel consumption.

The hydrogen production system considers a population of electrolyzers and hydrogen storage. This system is modeled to produce at any hour all the hydrogen demands from the transport sector. Hydrogen storage is used to relocate electricity consumption to decrease excess electricity production in the system. The description of the sizing and production model is displayed below.

To evaluate the minimum electrolyzer capacity, \({C}_{elc-MIN}\), EnergyPLAN software (Lund, Zinck, et al. 2021) defines the hydrogen production of the electrolyzer, \({f}_{elc}\), as the average hydrogen consumption.


where \({F}_{{H}_{2}}\) is the total annual hydrogen demand and 8784 represent the hours within a year.

Then the hourly hydrogen production \({f}_{elc}\) is recalculated, for each hour, according to the storage content: the state of filling at a given hour \({s}_{elc}(x)\) is equal to the of the previous hour \({s}_{elc}(x-1)\), plus the average production \({f}_{elc}\) minus the actual consumption of the hour \({f}_{{H}_{2}}(x)\).

If, at 1 h, the storage content exceeds the maximum capacity, the production is decreased; while if the storage content goes below zero, the production is increased.

The minimum electrolyzer capacity, \({C}_{elc-MIN}\), is then identified as the maximum production needed to be divided by the electrolyzers’ efficiency, \({\alpha }_{elc}\):

$${C}_{elc-MIN}=Hourmax ({f}_{elc})/{\alpha }_{elc}$$

The electricity demand, \({d}_{elc}\), is identified as follows:

$${d}_{elc}={f}_{elc}/{\alpha }_{elc}$$

The model also seeks to reorganize hydrogen production to avoid excess and power-only production.

The potential for increasing the production at hours of excess production is identified as the lower value of either surplus electricity (CEEP) or the difference between the capacity and the production of the electrolyzer:

$${d}_{Elec-inc- pot}=Min \left[CEEP;({C}_{elc}-{d}_{elc})\right]$$

Secondly, the potential for decreasing production at hours of power-only production is identified as the lower value of either the import and the power production or the electrolyzer demand:

$${d}_{Elec-dec- pot}=Min \left[{e}_{imp}+{e}_{PP};{d}_{elc}\right]$$

Then a balance is created considering that either the potential of increasing or the potential of decreasing is lowered to achieve the same level as that of the annual potentials. A new optimal distribution of the electrolyzer electricity demand (producing the same annual hydrogen) is calculated and evaluated against the storage capacity. Full documentation is available at Lund, Thellufsen, and Lund (2021).

The authors initially evaluated the hydrogen production, considering the following assumptions:

  • Use of the critical excess of electricity production to supply the operation of electrolyzers;

  • Hydrogen is used in mobility, in particular, replacing fossil fuels in light transport consumption;

  • Hydrogen production takes place with alkaline electrolyzers with an efficiency of 65%.

The capacity of the electrolyzers used for each scenario is the minimum one.

Future scenario definition

This section describes the scenarios envisioned to be applied to the case study. The energy system considered has a regional scale. Campania is a Southern Italian region that is among the first most densely populated region in Italy.

To implement the energy model, a data collection and elaboration of the abovementioned input data was necessary. Then the energy system was rebuilt within the ‘EnergyPLAN’ environment. A validation of the results was performed.

As you can see from the Sankey diagram in Fig. 2, the Campania energy system, transport, heat, and electricity demands are not connected, and the main primary energy sources are fossil fuels.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Campania region energy balance for the reference year 2017

Thus, an increase in the production of energy from renewable energy resources is desirable even if it could lead to a Critical Excess of Electricity Production (CEEP).

Starting with the current energy system, a 2030 ‘transition’ scenario and a 2050 scenario for Campania were determined to achieve the emission reduction of, respectively, 40 and 80% concerning 1990 level.

The ‘Transition Scenario’ was determined based on the following main assumptions:

  • Electrification of the transport sector using electric and hybrid vehicles and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology to replace diesel;

  • A potential expansion of wind and solar energy was envisioned according to the regional plan;

  • A district heating and cooling (DHC) system was introduced in some areas, considering geothermal energy potential and the heat demand density.

The 2050 scenario was based on the following assumptions, while the model implemented was based on the 2030 one:

  • Electrification of the transport sector was expected to increase from 2030 levels;

  • The total programmable thermoelectric generation was predicted to remain the same as in 2030;

  • By 2050, the DHC would be powered by CHP plants fueled by natural gas and RES (geothermal energy from compression heat pumps and for absorption machines, solar thermal collectors, and biomass);

  • Increase in installed wind and PV;

  • The possibility of exploiting another resource widely available on the territory (biomethane).

The actions envisioned within the scenarios allow to achieve the objective imposed by the EU.

To improve the self-sufficiency of the system, the authors included in the abovementioned 2050 scenario, Power-to-Gas strategies, in which the surplus electricity generated by RES would be used to produce hydrogen for fuel cell mobility.

In order to let the electrolyzers be fed just by the surplus electricity, the authors considered a hydrogen demand trend equal to the CEEP one.

From a technical point of view, this scenario cannot be achievable as it would be necessary to separate the production of electricity that meets the demand from the surplus, which is feasible only with small applications. Moreover, from an economic point of view, it would not be feasible since the storage demand would be very high.

For this reason, the authors implemented a second scenario in which the main assumptions are the same above-mentioned ones but the electrolyzers are fed by the electricity provided by the national network mix (real case). In this case, of course, the abatement of the surplus electricity will be lower and evaluated using EnergyPLAN tool.

Cost analysis

The economic benefits of the scenarios are evaluated through the total costs which comprise investment, fuel, CO2, and operating/maintenance (O&M). Operation and maintenance costs are expressed in terms of percentage of the investment costs.

The assumed costs derive from data found in scientific literature and shown in the following Table 1 and 2.

Table 1 Technology, O&M costs, and lifespan for scenarios 2017, 2030, and 2050 ((IRENA) International Renewable Energy Agency 2017; the Danish Energy Agency and Energinet, 2016; The Danish Energy Agency & Energinet, 2016; The IEA solar heating & cooling programme — PlanEnergi, n.d.)
Table 2 Fuel costs and revenues by 2017, 2030, and 2050 (Mathiesen et al., 2015; The Danish Energy Agency & Energinet, 2016; The IEA solar heating & cooling programme — PlanEnergi, n.d.)

Both the database (The Danish Energy Agency & Energinet, 2016) and ((IRENA)International Renewable Energy Agency (2017)) are based largely on thoroughly documented and publicly available information, while also incorporating insights from solicited expert opinions. The catalogs encompass both established and emerging technologies. Uncertainties regarding both current and future costs and performance are taken into account as well. This uncertainty is depicted by presenting a range — a lower and an upper limit — around the central estimate. This range should be understood as the probability range, reflecting a 90% confidence level in the given estimates.

Sensitivity analysis

In any model, input data is crucial as it directly influences the output. However, this data often comes with uncertainties due to various factors like estimation errors, future projections, or assumptions.

In this context, the authors examine how uncertainties in fuel prices could affect the costs and demand associated with transportation, especially in relation to a Power-to-Gas strategy. The sensitivity analysis is used to explore these impacts, relying on specific projections for fuel costs from established sources. This analysis helps understanding the robustness of the model and the implications of varying fuel prices on their proposed strategy.

The fuel costs have been considered according to the projection provided by Mathiesen et al. (2015) and The Danish Energy Agency and Energinet (2016) and shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Fuel costs for the year 2050 (Mathiesen et al., 2015; The Danish Energy Agency & Energinet, 2016; The IEA solar heating & cooling programme — PlanEnergi, n.d.)

Where the high costs were the ones already considered for the scenarios described in the “Materials and method” section. The background for the fuel costs shown are the work for IDA Energy Vision 2050.

While transport sector hydrogen demand has been considered to increase up to 20% of the total demand of light transport, as the projection provided by Gaeta et al. (2021).


In this section, the main findings of the study are presented in order to assess the efficacy of the strategies implemented for the Campania Region. The first subsection displays the future scenarios related to the development of the energy system in the years 2030 and 2050, a second section describes the results obtained by the adoption of the Power-to-Gas strategies to abate the surplus electricity from RES. Finally, the results of the sensitivity analysis are shown.

Scenarios without hydrogen production

The results of the model and future scenario implementation of Campania region are available in Battaglia et al. (2022). For the sake of clearness, some of those results are reported in this section to compare the scenarios without hydrogen with the ones implemented in this work.

As can be seen from Fig. 3, the Campania primary energy supply is going to decrease if the strategy proposed is adopted. The configuration proposed by the authors for the year 2050 will allow to achieve the 80% reduction of CO2 emission concerning the 1990 level.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Campania region primary energy supply for the implemented scenarios

The RES consumption share in the 2050 scenario will be equal to 43% (excluding biogas and biomass). Therefore, an increase in energy production from renewable energy sources could lead to a critical excess of electricity production. This RES integration translates into a presence of electrical excess (the blue area of the graph in Fig. 4), for an annual total of about 2.4 TWh.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Campania region electricity consumption by end use in a typical week of January, for the year 2050 without hydrogen production

Figure 5 presented in the analysis displays the overall costs associated with the different scenarios. Predictably, costs in 2050 significantly surpass those of 2030 and 2017, while fuel costs present a dramatic decrease. Nearly half of the total expenses are attributed to investments in electric vehicles (EVs).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Total energy costs for the 2017, 2030, and 2050 scenarios (Battaglia et al., 2022)

Power-to-Gas strategy implementation

The authors simulated a scenario in which hydrogen production uses only the available CEEP of the 2050 scenario. In this case, the hourly consumption of electric energy trend appears without any export, as it is shown in Fig. 6. As stated in the previous section, the objective of introducing hydrogen in the energy system is to decrease fossil fuel consumption in transport (Fig. 7). Moreover, another objective is to break down the surplus in electric energy production.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Campania region electricity consumption by end use in a typical week of January, for the year 2050 with hydrogen production (ideal consumption of CEEP only)

Fig. 7
figure 7

Campania region transport consumption by sources for the year 2050 without hydrogen production

The hydrogen produced by the electrolyzers is sent to a storage system and transported to the fueling stations to be used in fuel cell vehicles and in particular in light-duty transportation. The main results are related to the introduction of hydrogen production in the energy system and its use in the transport sector, replacing fossil fuels as reported in the following pie graphs in Figs. 7 and 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Campania region transport consumption by sources for the year 2050 with hydrogen production

In this case, the results of the analysis show that the CEEP would be entirely consumed by electrolyzers and the hydrogen produced could cover 10% of the transportation sector. The storage size, in this case, would be equal to 3 GWh, while the electrolyzer capacity is equal to 5 GW. The CO2 emission reduction respect to the 1990 level is equal to 84%.

In a real case, however, when electrolyzers use electricity from the grid, it is also possible to obtain a coverage of consumption in light transport for a total of 10%. The consumption trend is shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Campania region electricity consumption by end use in a typical week of January, for the year 2050 with hydrogen production (ideal consumption of CEEP only)

Adopting electrolyzes for a total capacity of 1300 MW and storage of 0.9 GWh, in this case, the excess electricity produced is reduced by 78%.

On the economic point of view, Fig. 10 shows the comparison in terms of investment, O&M, fuel, and CO2 emission costs, among the three scenarios foreseen for the year 2050.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Total energy costs for the 2050 scenarios

As the graph shows, the Power-to-Gas scenario provides for similar total costs with respect to 2050 scenario without hydrogen production while the decrease of export electricity does not have a positive impact on the total costs on the alternative 2050 scenarios.

Sensitivity analysis

In order to investigate the uncertainty on the model input data and to consider the modal shift in mobility, the authors performed a sensitivity analysis related to fuel price, for the evaluation costs and the evolution of the transportation demand, with respect to the input data of Power-to-Gas strategy.

As it is possible to evaluate from Fig. 11, which is a graph that displays the results of the sensitivity analysis in terms of costs and carbon emissions, related to the supply side of the energy system and carbon emissions corrected by considering import/export-corrected fuel account.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Total costs and CO2 emissions for the scenarios at different hydrogen demand and fuel costs

The total costs of the scenarios implemented are similar; however, what can be noticed is that with higher hydrogen demand, the carbon emissions that consider the import and export of fuel are always the highest. This is due to the fact that the electricity surplus, even if decreasing compared to the baseline case, is such that it is necessary to import electricity. This underlines the importance of choosing the control volume within which the analysis of the energy and environmental performance of energy systems is carried out and of strategically planning the energy transition of interconnected systems.


The data presented highlight the potential for hydrogen production through electrolyzers to play a significant role in decarbonizing transport sector. The results denote that hydrogen, when produced via electrolysis and stored, can cover a notable portion of the transportation sector’s energy needs.

In examining the scenarios, achieving a substantial impact requires substantial infrastructure.

The diminished excess electricity production, albeit a trade-off, indicates a more balanced energy utilization.

From an economic standpoint, while the Power-to-Gas scenarios show comparable costs to the 2050 scenario without hydrogen production, it is notable that the reduction in exported electricity does not necessarily translate to positive cost impacts in alternative 2050 scenarios. This underscores the complexity of balancing energy production, storage, and transportation needs while considering economic viability.

The presented data emphasizes the importance of scaling electrolyzer capacity and storage to achieve substantial sector penetration. Future strategies should focus on optimizing these infrastructure aspects to balance efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


This study aimed to investigate the performance improvement potential of the integration of the Power-to-Gas strategy in Campania region, Italy, considering a future scenario that already meets the European environmental goal of 80% reduction of CO2 emission concerning the 1990 level.

In all the Power-to-Gas scenarios implemented, by integrating hydrogen production into the energy strategy, the energy system can move towards a more sustainable development, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and in particular hydrogen fuel cells can provide a clean alternative to traditional internal combustion engines.

Integrating electrolyzers with the grid offers different insights. With a reduced capacity of 1300 MW and storage of 0.9 GWh, the efficiency slightly decreases, yet still manages to cover 10% of light transport needs.

Moreover, this diversification of endogenous energy sources can enhance energy security by reducing reliance on a single primary energy source, especially for territories heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels. High use of RES could also have social benefits since the majority of the energy is independent of the market dynamics since it is produced locally and self-consumed.

Other important challenges to overcome are infrastructure development, costs, and safety considerations. As the technology matures and becomes more accessible, hydrogen could play a significant role in reducing emissions and diversifying the transportation sector.

The authors’ findings indicate that there is space for a further reduction of emissions and a breakdown of surplus electric energy produced by RES.

However, it is important to acknowledge the potential of this study. It could be, in fact, the starting point for other scenarios, which would consider different types of conversion technology and electro-fuel production. Future research should consider an economic assessment of the strategy together with e-fuel production.