
To tackle the depletion of non-renewable energy resources and climate change, several European countries have set ambitious targets to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2035 and 2050 (European Commission, 2020). To reach these objectives, a fast-paced strategy that allows for realizing significant energy savings in the short to medium term becomes compelling, alongside measures that are implemented over longer timeframes. This reasoning is reinforced by the energy crisis due to the Russia-Ukraine war.

Buildings are the largest energy-consuming sector in Europe, accounting for 40% of the total final energy consumption (IEA, 2013), with almost two-thirds corresponding to residential buildings (Santamouris, 2015). Domestic hot water (DHW) in Europe (EU27 plus UK, Switzerland, and Norway) is the second most important energy usage in the residential sector after space heating, and it represents 14% of the sector’s total final energy demand (ODYSSEE, 2019). DHW-related energy use per dwelling began to decrease in Europe approximately 20 years ago (ODYSSEE, 2019); however, this trend has slowed down significantly since 2014 in some countries (e.g., France, Italy, and Spain) and has even reversed in others (e.g., Austria, Belgium, and Romania) (ibid.). In the last two decades, DHW usage shows the lowest improvement in energy efficiency among all end-uses (ibid.).

From the production perspective, DHW is often considered in the context of analyses on heating systems and their full or mostly partial decarbonization (e.g., by solar hot water systems (Panaras et al., 2013), by biomass-fired systems (Demirbas, 2005), or by the installation of central heat pump systems (Montero et al., 2023)). For retrofit, increased attention is also paid to dedicated heat pumps for DHW supply (e.g., Tammaro et al. 2017). From the demand perspective, DHW is receiving less attention than space heating although the associated energy consumption and the potential for energy savings are far from being negligible, particularly in the residential sector. Several studies have focused on the reduction of total (hot and cold) water consumption (Willis et al., 2013; Beal et al., 2010, Mengshan et al., 2011); some of them have analyzed specifically DHW through simulations (Hadengue B. et al 2022), but hardly any also addressed the related energy savings and reduction of CO2 emissions based on real implementation. This study aims to close the knowledge gap concerning the actual energy savings potential that can be achieved through the reduction of DHW consumption.

Energy savings for DHW can be obtained by implementing simple measures in the short to medium term, thereby contrasting with the heavy burden related to the thermal insulation of building envelope, the installation of heat recovery in the ventilation system, or changing the heat supply system. Among various options to improve the energy efficiency of DHW systems (Hadengue et al. 2022), a simplest solution consists of installing water flow restrictor devices on faucets and showerheads (see Appendix 1) to reduce water consumption and informing users about its benefits in order to ensure its acceptance. This consequently reduces the energy required to produce DHW and the associated CO2 emissions when fossil fuels are used.

To assess the effectiveness of this energy efficiency measure (EEM), we develop and test a methodology to determine the water and energy savings as well as the reduction of CO2 emissions related to water flow restrictors. The required information was collected in the context of energy efficiency programs (EEPs) for the residential sector in Switzerland and was complemented by a survey and interviews.

The present study is structured as follows: the “Saving DHW using flow restrictors” section describes the EEMs pertaining to water flow restrictors implemented by the EEP’s campaigns covered by our case study; the “Methodology” section explains the methodology (based on one ex-ante and three ex-post methods) that is used to estimate the energy savings; the “Ex-ante deemed energy savings (DES method)—analysis and results” and “Ex-post methods—analysis and results” sections cover the analysis and results for the energy savings and the CO2 emissions; and finally, the “Discussion” and “Conclusions” sections contain the discussion and conclusions of the present study.

Saving DHW using flow restrictors

The EEM studied in this paper includes the installation of flow restrictors (also called flow reducers or flow regulators) in faucets and the replacement of existing showerheads by efficient ones (see Appendix 1).

DHW fixtures affected by flow restrictors

Flow restrictors are installed on toilet (washroom or bathroom) faucets and kitchen sink faucets but not on bathtubs and washing machines because the amount of required water for the latter is predefined. Water flow restrictors for faucets reduce, according to manufacturers, the flow rate by 50% (Aquaclic, 2022). For the efficient showerheads, the flow reduction is close to one-third according to manufacturers’ brochures (ibid.).Footnote 1 Instead of replacing the showerheads, some of the flow restrictors installed in faucets can also be installed in showers.

The campaigns

As part of the EEP in the canton of Geneva, the campaigns on DHW savings were ramped up from pilot scale to full scale in 2014, and they were subsequently implemented by three other utilities in the canton of Vaud (Cabrera Santelices et al., 2019). From 2014 to the beginning of 2019, 25 campaigns targeting 14,825 dwellings were carried out (see Appendix 3 for more details). A total of 13,038 dwellings participated in the EEPs.

During each campaign lasting 2 to 3 weeks, energy advisors paid visits to the dwellings. These energy advisors were previously trained by the EEP and tried to convince the inhabitants to install (among other efficient devices for saving electricity) the water flow restrictors and the water-saving showerheads. At the beginning of 2019, 22,390 flow restrictors were installed in faucets and 8813 showerheads were either replaced by efficient ones or were equipped with a flow restrictor. Detailed information is available for a sample of 6005 dwellings (representing more than 40% of all participating dwellings): faucet flow restrictors were installed in 77% of the dwellings (4637/6005) and showerheads in 58% (3502/6005). Figure 1 shows the distribution of number of devices installed per dwellings.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Distribution (histogram) of the installed number of efficient showerheads (left) and flow restrictors in faucets (right) in dwellings (n=6005) in Geneva, 2010–2018 (totals add up to 100%).

As displayed in Table 1, the most common cases (besides no replacement at all) are one showerhead with either two faucets (bathroom and kitchen) or one showerhead with three faucets (bathroom, toilet, and kitchen). In dwellings where more showerheads were replaced, also a larger number of faucets were equipped with flow restrictors.

Table 1 Number of faucets equipped by flow restrictors versus efficient showerheads per dwelling (n=6005).

As shown in Table 2, there is also a correlation between the number of showerheads installed and the size of the household. One showerhead was mostly installed in apartments with one or two occupants, while two showerheads were primarily installed in apartments with three or four occupants.

Table 2 Number of showerheads intervened and number of habitants per dwellings for a sample of dwellings (n=5765).

The share of flow restrictors installed in bathroom faucets and kitchen faucets is unknown for the whole sample. For a small sample of dwellings (n=1534), we obtained the share of installed restrictors among kitchen faucets (36%) and bathroom (or toilet) faucets (64%).


We propose a combination of methods to determine the energy and CO2 savings, i.e., a deemed energy savings method (an ex-ante method that we will refer to as DES method) and three complementary ex-post methods for the purpose of calibration of the ex-ante method and validation of the energy savings. The three proposed ex-post methods are the annual billing analysis (ABA method); the summer months billing analysis (SMBA method); and the analysis based on dedicated measurements (DM method).

Ex-ante method—deemed energy savings method (DES method)

Some former DHW saving programs, like in Ohio (USA) and in the Mid-Atlantic (USA), calculate the energy savings based on a complex algorithm involving flow rate, number of people, showerheads per home, water temperature, and DHW efficiency (Mass Save, 2012). While this information increases the precision of the savings estimates, it is very demanding to compile the values pertaining to all these variables for every single participating dwelling. Other programs, like in Massachusetts (USA), use a simpler approach based solely on the number and type (shower or faucet) of devices installed (National Grid, 2011). The number of flow restrictors and/or efficient showerheads installed is readily available from the programs addressing water and energy usage with these devices and the savings can be then calculated straightforward.

As in the Massachusetts program, we aim to determine the energy savings per type of installed device by means of ex-ante methods (or so-called deemed energy savings methods). However, we differentiate between faucets installed in the kitchen as opposed to the bathroom or toilet.

The variables allowing to determine the heat savings are the annual water consumption, the flow rates (before and after the installation of the flow restrictors), the share of water consumption for the different usages of DHW, and the temperatures of cold and hot water. We conducted both a literature review to determine typical ranges found in dwellings and random measurements to corroborate the chosen values for three different types of fixtures: showerheads, bathroom (or toilet) faucets, and kitchen faucets (see Appendix 4). The energy savings (useful energy) per installed flow restrictor and per inhabitant are calculated as follows.

$${e}_{\mathrm{P}\_\mathrm{Fix}}=\underbrace{\left(\underbrace{{V}_{\mathrm{total}}*{P}_{\mathrm{\%Fix}}}_{{V}_{Fix}}*\frac{{T}_{\mathrm{Fix}}-{T}_{\mathrm{c}}}{{T}_{\mathrm{h}}-{T}_{\mathrm{c}}}\right)}_{{V}_{F\mathrm{ix}\_\mathrm{Prod}}}*\underbrace{\left(\frac{{D}_{{\mathrm{Fix}}_{\mathrm{before}}}-{D}_{{\mathrm{Fix}}_{\mathrm{after}}}}{{D}_{{\mathrm{Fix}}_{\mathrm{before}}}}\right)}_{\mathrm{Flow rate reduction}}*\frac{C\mathrm{p}}{3600}*{10}^{-3}*\left({T}_{\mathrm{h}}-{T}_{\mathrm{c}}\right)*365]$$



Annual useful energy savings per person obtained by the reduction of DHW flow rate through the fixture Fix (kWh/person/year)


Suffix indicating one of the three fixtures: showerhead, bathroom faucet, or kitchen faucet


Average initial daily water consumption (liters/person/day)


Share of water used per fixture Fix (%)


Average daily amount of water consumed through the fixture Fix (liters/person/day)


Average daily DHW produced by the central heating system to be consumed through the fixture Fix (liters/person/day)


Average temperature of (warm) water in fixture Fix (°C)


Annual average temperature of the cold water (°C)


Temperature of DHW distributed to the building (°C)


Average water flow rate through the regular showerhead or faucet (before the intervention) (liters/minutes)


Average water flow rate through the reduced flow showerhead or faucet (after the intervention) (liters/minutes)


Specific heat capacity of water (4.2 kJ/kg/°C)

Omission of the value for \({D}_{\mathrm{after}}\) in Eq. (1) (i.e., no reduction at all) allows to determine the useful energy usage before the intervention.

In Eq. (1), the term \(\left({T}_{\mathrm{h}}-{T}_{\mathrm{c}}\right)\) appears in the numerator and denominator to account for the difference between the volume of (warm) water at the level of the fixtures (showerhead or faucet) and the volume of produced DHW (passing through the storage tank). Since the hot water leaving the showerhead and faucet is the result of mixing hot and cold water, the volume of this mixed hot water is larger than the amount of hot water leaving the central heating system (DHW storage tank connected to boiler) (see Figure 14).

The following equation is then used to estimate the final energy savings in the central heating system:

$${E}_{\mathrm{d}}={e}_{\mathrm{P}\_\mathrm{Fix}}*{N}_{\mathrm{h}}*\frac{1}{\eta }{*F}_{\mathrm{P}}*{F}_{\mathrm{s}}$$



Energy savings (final energy) obtained through flow reduction (kWh/year)


Annual useful energy savings per person obtained through the reduction of water flow at the fixture Fix (kWh/person/year), from Eq. 1


Total number of inhabitants living in the participating dwellings


Efficiency of the central heating system (boiler) (see Appendix 2 “Heat production—boiler efficiency” and Appendix 4 “Efficiency of the central heating system”)


Persistence factor (considers that only part of dwellings keeps the efficient showerheads and flow restrictors while others decide to remove them)


Factor representing behavioral change (e.g., if the program incentivizes savings by changed behavior like shorter showers or taking showers instead of baths)

The final energy savings are estimated by multiplying the number of installed restrictors by the volume of savings per type of fixture (bathroom faucet, kitchen faucet or showerhead) equipped with the water-saving devices. In our case study, the number of installed restrictors by type of fixture is known for each campaign. It is important to note that the calculated volume of savings per installed device is unlikely to yield an accurate estimate for a given single fixture and neither for a dwelling nor a building. Instead, it represents the statistical mean. To validate the DES method, the results obtained are compared to the savings found with the ex-post methods described in “Ex-post methods” section. The DES method can also be used to estimate the potential of energy savings at a regional level (e.g., a country) provided the variables used are adapted to the local conditions.

Ex-post methods

Ex-post methods for the estimation of savings are typically based on the measurement of the energy consumption as well as explanatory variables (e.g., number of inhabitants or weather conditions). Since it is time-consuming to install measurement equipment, it is advisable to use data that is readily available. We will use two methods based on data from utility invoices and weather statistics (e.g., meter readings, dates, ambient temperatures) and one method that generally requires installing additional meters and frequent readings to obtain complementary information. The three ex-post methods are:

  • Annual billing analysis (ABA method)

  • Summer months billing analysis (SMBA method)

  • Analysis with dedicated measurements (DM method)

Annual billing analysis (ABA method)

Utility meters for fuel consumption are read at regular intervals (monthly or yearly) for billing purposes. In our sample, fuel consumption on an annual basisFootnote 2 is available for several buildings. The savings (final energy) are estimated basically as the difference in consumption during a given year prior to the intervention (the baseline) and a given year after the intervention. However, there is a challenge related to the use of annual fuel consumption data of the central heating system for quantifying the energy savings associated with DHW production: As a simple approach, we could assume that the difference in fuel consumption before and after the campaign corresponds to the energy savings. This is correct if the fuel consumption for space heating does not vary from 1 year to another (central heating systems provide both DHW and space heating, with the latter dominating the former). However, energy use for space heating is strongly correlated with weather. In general, it is not straightforward to apply a correction for weather conditions because the exact share of the heat dedicated to space heating is unknown. To overcome this difficulty, we chose years or periods (one before and the other after the campaign) with very similar weather conditions based on the heating degree days (HDDs).

The ABA method is subject to uncertainty as a consequence of technical interventions (e.g., optimization of the heating and distribution system, improvement of the building envelope). To increase the accuracy of our estimates, we choose 2 years which are as close as possible to each other, and we aim for conditions where the DHW savings are relatively high compared to the total heat consumption. This can occur under the following circumstances: (i) high savings of DHW (due to a high share of fixtures newly equipped with flow restrictors); (ii) low share of space heating due to the high-energy performance of the building envelope (in new, well-insulated buildings, the share of energy use for hot water amounts to around 50% (Pomianowski et al., 2020); and (iii) mild winters resulting in a low energy use for space heating (selection of years with low HDD).

Summer months billing analysis (SMBA method)

For some buildings, bills containing monthly energy consumption are available. The advantage of monthly data is that during summer months, the thermal consumption in a residential building is exclusively related to DHW needs. The months of the year to be chosen depend on the weather conditions of the location where the study is carried out. It should also be considered that DHW consumption during summer is lower than in winter for the following reasons: (i) the temperature of cold water entering the building is lower in winter, (ii) thermal losses are higher in winter than in summer, and (iii) the occupancy of residential buildings is lower during summer vacations. We can consequently expect the energy savings to be lower during summer, calling for a correction factor when establishing annual energy savings. The annual final energy savings are hence calculated as the difference in energy consumption before and after the intervention during the summer months, corrected with a seasonal factor.

As is the case for the ABA method, the SMBA method is also subject to some uncertainty as a consequence of technical interventions (e.g., improving insulation of the DHW storage and distribution pipes). However, the improvement of the building envelope can be assumed to not affect the precision of the savings obtained with this method. The analysis of cases with high savings of DHW can help to improve the precision of the SMBA method.

Analysis with dedicated measurements (DM method)

While the two previous methods focus on the final energy savings, the DM method can distinguish the impact of the savings at different levels (production and distribution) of the DHW supply chain. Our DM method relies on measurement of the energy consumption in the boiler room (central heating system) where the DHW is produced and stocked for later use. The energy consumption (and consequently the energy savings) is measured at two levels (see Appendix 2): at the production level (produced heat) and at the distribution level (distributed heat). An additional purpose of this method is to establish the thermal losses associated with DHW storage, including the connection pipes between production and distribution. These losses are in first instance not affected by flow restrictors. The proposed method makes use of dedicated measurements of thermal energy consumption (at the two levels) in regular intervals (twice per month) during a period of at least 2 years. Since interventions on the system (e.g., optimization of the heating and distribution system) are usually recorded in a booklet kept in the boiler room, they can be taken into consideration, which is an advantage compared to the two previously described ex-post methods.

Given that the annual energy consumption at the production level (produced heat) includes not only DHW but also space heating, the energy savings are estimated using the SMBA method. The difference between the energy consumption at the production (produced heat) and distribution (distributed heat) is attributed to the thermal losses. We can expect thermal losses to be slightly smaller in summer than during winter due to the difference in ambient temperature in the boiler room. If the ambient temperature varies considerably, this should be considered.

Ex-ante deemed energy savings (DES method)—analysis and results

Table 3 presents a summary of the variables and the values used for the estimation of the energy savings with the DES method. As described in the ”Ex-ante method—deemed energy savings method (DES method)” in the “Methodology” section, the values given here were obtained through a literature review and some measurements during the campaigns of our case study. A more detailed description about how these values were chosen is given in Appendix 4.

Table 3 Summary of the variables (and intermediate results) with the values used to estimate the energy savings with the ex-ante deemed savings method (DES method). Based on a total tap water consumption of 142 liters/person-day.

If we insert the values reported in Table 3 into Eqs. (1) and (2) given in the “Ex-ante method—deemed energy savings method (DES method)” in the “Methodology section,” we obtain the results given in Table 4.

Table 4 Annual produced heat and final energy savings (in kWh/y) per type of fixture

A study carried out by the Energy Saving Trust (EST 2008) and Chmielewska (Chmielewska et al. 2017) found that there is a clear correlation between DHW consumption of a household and the number of inhabitants. We can consequently expect that there is also a correlation between energy savings and the number of inhabitants. Figure 2 shows this relationship for a group of 5765 dwellings in our study.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Correlation between the final energy savings per dwelling estimated with the DES method (in kilowatt hours/year) and the number of dwelling members (n = 6005)

If we apply the final energy savings obtained with the DES method (Table 4) for each one of the 6005 dwellings for which we have detailed information about the interventions by type of fixture, we obtain the distribution shown in Figure 3. The intervals chosen in Figure 3 are designed to reflect the discrete nature of savings in this study. Given the ex-ante method employed, there is a fixed value of saving per fixture, and the number of fixtures per dwelling follows a discrete distribution. The specific intervals capture this unique characteristic, providing a precise representation of the savings distribution across different dwellings. The first bar in Figure 3 represents the non-participants. The prominent bar at 500 kWh/year can be explained by the frequent combination of flow restrictors in one showerhead and two faucets. The bar at 650 kWh/year represents the combination of flow restrictors in one showerhead and three faucets.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Distribution of final energy savings per dwelling (in kilowatt hours per year) for the sample (n = 6005)

If we apply the final energy savings given by the DES method (Table 4) to the total of 25 campaigns, the mean final energy savings per participating dwelling is 301 kWh/year.

Ex-post methods—analysis and results

In this section, we apply the three proposed ex-post methods, namely, the ABA method (annual billing analysis), the SMBA method (the summer months billing analysis), and the DM method (analysis with dedicated measurements). As described in the “Ex-post methods” in the “Methodology” section, we first select the campaigns from which we draw the data for the ex-post analysis.

Our total database contains 25 campaigns (see Appendix 3 for the details). Based on the criteria mentioned in the “Ex-post methods” in the “Methodology” section, we first select a group of seven campaigns. The first six are characterized by a high implementation rate of flow restrictors, and the seventh corresponds to the last campaign in our database where we had the opportunity to take additional measurements for the DM method. Table 5 shows, for the seven pre-selected campaigns, the average final energy index for the period 2011–2018 (in kilowatt hours/square meter/year), the number of buildings and dwellings (targeted and participants) involved, and the number of fixtures installed/replaced.

Table 5 Key data for the seven campaigns. Average energy index (final energy) of the buildings, number of buildings, number of targeted/participating dwellings, and number of intervened faucets/showerheads

Annual billing analysis (ABA method)

Selection of campaigns

As mentioned in the “Annual billing analysis (ABA method)” in the “Methodology” section, campaigns in buildings with low-energy performance are not convenient for the annual billing method. In the method used in this section, as explained in the “Annual billing analysis (ABA method)” section, we specifically aim for conditions where the domestic hot water (DHW) savings are relatively high compared to the total heat consumption. We have chosen, as a general guideline, for the DHW energy consumption to be higher than one-third of the total energy consumption. This amount aligns with the regulations set by the Canton of Geneva,Footnote 3 where a threshold of 450 MJ/m2/an (125 kWh/m2/an) is established for energy expenditure (IDC), and buildings exceeding this threshold must undergo specific energy assessments and improvements. The ABA method is then applied to four campaigns (two in 2015 and two in 2016; see Table 5).

Selection of comparison years—weather variation analysis

The selection of the most suitable couple of years (before and after the intervention) is crucial for the accuracy of the savings estimation with the ABA method. Based on the explanation given in the “Annual billing analysis (ABA method)” in the “Methodology” section and in Appendix 5, we choose the following pairs of years, i.e.

  • 2011 and 2018 (since HDD are somewhat higher in 2011 than in 2018, the calculated energy savings can be expected to be somewhat higher than the actual savings)

  • 2012 and 2017 (since HDD are somewhat lower in 2012 than in 2017, the results for energy savings can be expected to be somewhat lower than the actual savings)

The actual savings will therefore be bounded by the results for the two couple of years described here above.

Energy savings—ABA method

Figure 4 shows the evolution of the annual final energy consumption (for space heating and DHW) for the four selected campaigns. The variation from one year to the next, mainly due to weather differences, is on average close to 9% (as shown in Appendix 6, Figure 21).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Annual final energy (space heating and DHW) consumption from 2011 to 2018 (without any climate correction) for the four selected campaigns

Table 6 shows in the first two rows the main results of the ABA method (for the two couple of years selected for the comparison) and (in the third row) a comparison with the DES method for the chosen sample.

Table 6 Results for the annual billing analysis (ABA method)—baseline final energy consumption for space heating and DHW in the initial year (2011 and 2012), final energy savings (between 2011–2018 and 2012–2017, respectively), the reduction (in %), and the final energy savings per dwelling (in kWh/y). The savings obtained with the DES method are given in the last row

As expected, the annual final energy savings per dwelling estimated by the DES method (398 kWh) are bounded by the two values found with the ABA method (393 kWh and 517 kWh). The reduction compared to the baseline (the total final energy consumption for space heat and DHW in initial year) is relatively small (between 2.9 and 3.7%). The reduction is smaller than the annual variations that are on average close to 9%. This confirms the necessity of selecting years with similar weather conditions to reduce the inaccuracy of the savings calculated (ex-post) with the ABA method. As we will see in the “Summer months billing analysis (SMBA method)” section, choosing the energy consumption only for DHW (the summer months method) improves the accuracy.

Summer months billing analysis (SMBA method)

For the SMBA method, we select months without space heating needs (see “Summer months billing analysis (SMBA method)” in the “Methodology” section). Based on the analysis presented in Appendix 6 for our case study, the months of July and August are chosen for the estimation of the savings. We analyzed the monthly energy consumption during the two selected summer months for 16 central heating systems comprised in the seven pre-selected campaigns. While they do not cover the totality of the heat consumption for all the buildings included in the campaigns, the sample size is significant (1270 targeted dwellings). Figure 5 shows the final energy consumption for the two summer months from 2013 to 2019. As commented in the “Summer months billing analysis (SMBA method)” in the “Methodology” section and in Appendix 6, the ambient temperature has an impact on the energy consumption and the low value observed for the summer 2015 is due to a severe heat wave that occurred in early July 2015 (see Figure 6).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Annual (from 2013 to 2019) final energy consumption (in megawatt hours) during summer months (July and August) to produce the DHW (1270 dwellings)

Fig. 6
figure 6

Average monthly ambient temperature (in °C) from 2013 to 2019 in the summer months of July and August. The month of July 2015 is characterized by a severe heat wave

Since the first campaign was carried out in October 2014 and the last one in February 2019, we chose 2013 and 2014 as the baseline (situation before the improvements) and 2019 to represent the situation after improvements. Since the ambient temperatures in 2013 are closer to those of 2019 (compared to the 2014 temperatures), the results obtained with these years should be more accurate.

Table 7 shows the main results of the SMBA method for the two chosen baselines (2013 and 2014) and a comparison with the DES method (last row). The annual savings are calculated by scaling, thereby considering that the final energy demand for DHW represents 10.6% of the annual consumption (see Appendix 6). The final energy savings compared to the baseline (DHW production before the intervention) amounts to around 10%. As expected, given the fact that we only measure the energy used for DHW, the reduction is higher than the one found with the ABA method (“Energy savings—ABA method” section). Also, the reduction is higher than the annual variations that are close to 6%. The results of the DES method are closest to the SMBA results obtained for 2013 as baseline year which is reassuring.

Table 7 Results for the summer months billing analysis (SMBA method)—baseline of final energy consumption for DHW for 2013 and 2014, savings (reduction in final energy consumption between the baseline and the energy consumption in 2018), the reduction (in %), and the savings per participating dwellings. A comparison with the DES method is shown in the last row

The final energy savings per dwelling obtained here with the DES method (349 kWh/y) are slightly different than those calculated in the “Energy savings—ABA method” section (397 kWh/y) because the number of interventions per dwelling also differs for the two samples.

Analysis with dedicated measurements (DM method)

Due to its technical complexity compared with the previous methods, the DM method was implemented only for the last campaign where three centralized heating systems serve a group of 27 buildings with 617 dwellings out of which 538 (87%) participated in the program. The analysis focuses on one of the three central heating systems where a heat meter measured the produced heat. This energy production and the volume of DHW consumption were recorded twice per month by the personnel in charge of the heating system. This information was available for a period of approximately 4 years. In addition, we installed loggers to measure the temperatures of cold and hot water. To determine the heat content of the DHW distributed to the building, the volume of DHW consumption and the water temperatures (cold and hot) were used.

Figure 7 shows the profiles for useful energy (produced heat in blue) and the heat content of the DHW distributed to the buildings (distributed heat in orange). The shape of these two load profiles is very similar during the summer months but the produced heat is higher than the distributed heat. The (almost constant) difference between the two profiles during summer is attributed to the thermal losses of the storage, pipes, and valves.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Load profiles of the produced heat (for space heating and hot water, in blue) and distributed heat leaving the hot water storage tank (in orange) for one of the three heating systems of the 7th campaign (2015−2019)

As described in the “Analysis with dedicated measurements (DM method)” in the “Methodology” section, the savings at the levels of DHW production (produced heat) and DHW distribution (distributed heat) are measured during the summer periods. If we consider the savings as the difference between 2019 and 2018 (the campaign was carried out at the beginning of 2019), they equal 218 kWh/day at the production level and 240 kWh/day at the distribution level; i.e., the daily savings at these two levels are almost the same. However, the daily thermal losses measured during summer are very significant (724 kWh/day in 2018 and 746 kWh/day in 2019) and do not change significantly after the intervention. These results are summarized in Table 8.

Table 8 Results for the dedicated measurements (DM method)—daily energy demand, savings, and losses.

The relative savings at the distribution level (12.8 %) are higher than at the production level (8.4 %). The main reasons for the difference are thermal losses related to hot water distribution in central heating systems and usages that are not affected by flow restrictors. It should be noted that the savings at the production level (8.4 %) are smaller than the savings found with the SMBA method (8.8 to 12.4%) because the replacement rate in this campaign is also smaller.

The thermal losses in our case study are between 28% (724/2600) and 31% (746/2382) relatively to the produced heat. Assuming a production efficiency of 90%, these thermal losses would represent 25 to 28% relatively to the final energy.


We proposed an ex-ante method (DES) to estimate the final energy savings for DHW. The parameter values (temperatures, water volumes, flow rates, etc.) had mostly been taken from the literature. As a first validation, these values had been contrasted with measurements made with small samples of our case study that are detailed in Appendix 4. In addition, we compare in Figure 8 the results of our DES method with the ex-ante estimation of the following three programsFootnote 4: the Massachusetts EEP (Mass Save, 2020), the New Hampshire EEP (NHSaves, 2020), and the Vermont EEP (Efficiency Vermont, 2018). These programs base their calculations on default savings per type of fixture. For showerheads, the savings of these programs range from 127 to 270 kWh/year per showerhead, with our estimate of 191 kWh/year lying within this range. Concerning the faucets, the savings of the three programs range from 46 to 84 kWh/year per faucet (they do not distinguish between toilet and kitchen faucets). If we apply the share found in a small sample of faucet interventions from our study (36% for kitchen faucets and 64% for toilet faucets), our DES estimation is equivalent to 105 kWh/y per faucet, which is somewhat above the estimates of the three US programs.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison of DHW final energy savings obtained with the DES method with those used by three other programs

Upon comparing our findings with the French standard outlined in BAT-EQ-133, we observe significant parallels. The BAT-EQ-133 benchmarks estimate that “Classe Z” showerheads achieve annual savings of 200 kWh/year, whereas “Classe ZZ or Watersense” variants save around 333.33 kWh/year. This is in close agreement with our showerhead savings of 191 kWh/year. Moreover, for aerators, BAT-EQ-133 data projects savings of 57 kWh/year for non-regulated and 105 kWh/year for auto-regulated types, aligning well with our faucet estimations. Such congruence underscores the robustness of our ex-ante method when benchmarked against established standards (BAT-EQ-133, 2023)Footnote 5.

The two ex-post methods (ABA and SMBA) complement the validation of the ex-ante DES method. We calculate the ex-ante savings per dwelling, denominated as DES (ABA) and DES (SMBA), respectively. Figure 9 summarizes the results obtained. In both cases, the DES method gives savings that are close to the lower range. The DES results are hence be considered to be rather conservative.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparison of DHW final energy savings calculated with the two ex-post methods (ABA, SMBA) with the ex-ante method (deemed energy savings, DES)

In the “Ex-post methods” in the “Methodology” section, we detail how the samples for the first two ex-post methods, ABA and SMBA, were selected. These samples were chosen based on campaigns where a high rate of fixtures was replaced or installed, potentially leading to relatively high energy savings (DES (ABA) = 398 kWh/year and DES (SMBA) = 349 kWh/year). While this selection process might suggest a bias towards overestimating the savings, a comparison with other ex-ante savings methods (such as Mass Save, NHSave, and Efficiency Vermont) indicates that any such bias is likely minimal.

The thermal losses for storage and distribution of DHW are considerable as shown with the DM method. In our case study, they are between 25 and 28% (relative to the final energy). Montero (Montero et al., 2022a, 2022b) found that these thermal losses are close to 25%, while a local standard (SIA 385/2 2015) assumes them to amount to 30%. These losses should be reduced by other types of EEMs, like better insulation of the storage tank, pipes, and valves. As explained in Appendix 2 and confirmed by our measurements, flow restrictors do not have any effect on the thermal losses.

DHW represents the second largest usage of energy in the residential sector and the associated energy saving potential is significant. This contrasts with the slow pace of improvement made in this area. While energy labels already exist for faucets and showerheads, there is no policy in place banning inefficient fixtures (see Appendix 4 “Flow rates labels and obligations”), as it is the case for other devices (e.g., light bulbs).

As Figure 9 indicates, the DES method yields realistic yet conservative estimates. We therefore choose this method to estimate the CO2 emissions that can be avoided with flow restrictors. For the two most widely used fossil fuels, natural gas and fuel oil, the emission factors (based on final energy) are 203 kg CO2 per MWh and 265 kg CO2 per MWh, respectively (OFEV, 2022). If the savings per participating dwelling are close to 301 kWh/year (see results of the deemed approach for all 25 campaigns in the “Ex-ante deemed energy savings (DES method)—analysis and results” section), this represents an annual reduction of 61 and 80 kg of CO2 per participating dwelling and year for natural gas and fuel oil, respectively.


Domestic hot water production is the second most important energy use in the European residential sector, accounting for 14% of the sector’s total final energy consumption. A pivotal measure is the incorporation of flow restrictors, which are lauded for their low upfront cost, ease of installation, and seamless integration into energy efficiency programs. Such a measure could also impact non-residential buildings. This paper studied flow restrictors, offering four methods to gauge energy savings via both ex-ante and ex-post analyses. It explores three ex-post methodologies (ABA, SMBA, and DM) alongside a deemed energy savings (DES) method, an ex-ante approach, employing the latter to project savings across all campaigns in our dataset. The ex-ante method can also be adapted to other regions provided that local data is used.

The installation of flow restrictors in faucets and efficient showerheads represents an attractive potential for energy savings. According to our case study (see Figure 9 in the “Conclusions” section), final energy savings amount to close to 300 kWh/year per dwelling (for a baseline close to 3400 kWh/year per dwelling), corresponding to around 10% of the final energy used for DHW. These savings represent a reduction of 60 to 80 kg of CO2 per dwelling and year (for natural gas and heating oil respectively). Considering the typical characteristics of Swiss dwellings, which have an average heated surface area of approximately 99 m2 and 2.2 inhabitants (refer to Appendix 4.5), the energy savings translate to about 3 kWh/year/m2 of heated surface area and 137 kWh/year per person (calculated as 301 kWh/year/99 m2 and as 301 kWh/year/2.2 inhabitants). Thermal losses of the storage and distribution system are significant (>25% of the final energy for DHW production), representing more than 850 kWh/y per dwelling. This issue needs to be addressed by improving thermal insulation of the storage and the distribution system. Table 9 summarizes our results (baseline consumption, thermal losses, and consumption after the installation of flow restrictors by the program).

Table 9 Summary of results

To accelerate the energy transition, energy efficiency policies should also address DHW. One option is to conduct energy efficiency programs including water flow restrictors in their portfolio. Another relatively simple measure would be to ban showerheads and faucets with a flow rate beyond a given threshold, by analogy to the EU’s successful ban on incandescent bulbs under the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC), which reduced significantly the energy consumption for lighting in households (Schoenmacker et al., 2022). In view of the potential savings (10% of final energy demand for DHW supply), we strongly recommend such a ban on inefficient fixtures. Finally, following the 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive, the EU saw a rise from six to 15 energy efficiency obligation schemes (EEOS), as member states were urged to adopt these to meet energy-saving objectives(Fawcett et al., 2019). The significance of EEOS is further highlighted in a 2020 European Commission report, revealing that EEOS is the most crucial policy measure regarding cumulative energy savings, delivering more than one-third (35.59%) of all cumulative energy savings during the period from 2014 to 2017 (Blumberga et al., 2021). The role of utilities is paramount in this context as they can play a critical role in promoting energy-saving measures within the framework of EEOs (e.g., the installation of flow restrictors for domestic hot water systems). White certificates could be used as a mechanism to prove and quantify the energy savings achieved by the obligated parties.

Saving water also conserves energy in water distribution and treatment (Spang et al., 2020). Given the growing scarcity of water, its conservation is as imperative as saving energy. Furthermore, offering consumers clear feedback, through detailed billing or by showcasing the cost difference between efficient and inefficient showerheads, can help to mobilize the potential savings.