Correction to: Pramana – J. Phys. (2023) 97:138

In this article the affiliation details for Anand Pal were incorrectly given as

‘Department of Physics, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Bengaluru 560 064, India'

but should have been

‘Department of Physics, Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India’

In the sentence beginning ‘The phase diagram of the pyrochlore…' the formula (Eu2Ir2O7) is redundant.

In the §3.2, line 1 in this article, pace should be ‘space'.

In the §3.2, Equation in this article “\(\Gamma_{\text{Optical}}=A_{1g}+E_{g}+2T_{1g}+4T_{2g}+3A_{2u}+3Eu+7T_{1u}+4T_{2u}\)” should have read “\(\Gamma_{\text{Optical}}=A_{1g}+E_{g}+2T_{1g}+4T_{2g}+3A_{2u}+3E_u+7T_{1u}+4T_{2u}.\)

In this article the caption to figure 2 last line was inadvertently incorrect, as

The A vertical dashed line drawn near ∼9.5 GPa marks P*.

the figure caption should have appeared as shown below:

A vertical dashed line drawn near ~9.5 GPa marks P*.