Erratum to: J. Coat. Technol. Res. (2009) 6(1):47–65 DOI 10.1007/s11998-008-9115-7

The results reported in Table 5: Results of stress–strain analysis were not calculated correctly. The correct values for Table 5 are given.

Table 5 Results of stress–strain analysis

In addition, the text on the previous page, column 1, needs modification. It was “However, a significant decrease in the area under the curve and strain at break is observed. The sample becomes less flexible. Going from 0% to 1% crosslinker for the low T g latex shows hardly any difference in Young’s modulus. However from 1% to 5% of crosslinker Young’s modulus values go from approximately 20 to 38 MPa.”

It should be modified to “However, the area under the curve goes through a maximum at 1% and then levels out to a lower value at 5%, while a decrease in the strain at break is observed. The sample becomes less flexible. Going from 0% to 1% crosslinker for the low Tg latex shows an increase in Young’s modulus from 9 to 20 MPa. However, from 1% to 5% of crosslinker Young’s modulus values go from approximately 20 to 45 MPa.”