Correction to: Japanese Journal of Radiology (2019) 37:220–229

In the original publication, in Abstract, the second sentence of “Results” should read as:

Whereas in FWDCs, a significantly larger volume and lower density of fluid in the paranasal sinuses (P = 0.0195 and P = 0.0104, respectively), lower density of fluid in the central airways (P = 0.0077), lower stomach content density (P = 0.0216), lower density in the left atrium (P = 0.0029), and a difference of density between the atria (P = 0.0019) were observed.

In Table 3, in last line, the numbers of fresh water drowning and the P value were incorrect. The corrected Table 3 is given in this Correction.

Table 3 Comparison of CT findings between fresh water and salt water drowning cases (mean ± standard deviation, or number)

In Results section, under the heading “CT number of the right and left atria”, the third sentence should read as:

The difference in CT number between the bilateral atria (LA minus RA) was smaller in the FWDCs (0.9 ± 10.9 HU) than in the SWDCs (14.4 ± 10.8 HU, P = 0.0019).