1 Introduction

Guinée and Heijungs (1995) clarified “natural resources” as minerals and materials found in the earth, ocean, or atmosphere, and biota that have not been industrially processed. As gifts from nature, they are closely linked to human well-being and are extensively used by humans to support life and meet various needs. The sustainable use of resources has been an important part of achieving sustainable development.

Among natural resources, abiotic resources are under more significant pressure in the sustainability crisis than biotic resources. Abiotic resources refer to fossil and mineral resources (Guinée and Heijungs 1995), which can only be accessible through extraction from the earth’s crust (Kesler 2007). As products of past biological processes or physical/chemical processes (Guinée and Heijungs 1995), they are usually formed over a long period of time and hence are regarded as non-renewable.

For the sustainable use of abiotic resources, humans can only be selective in their use, i.e., to choose abiotic resources that have less impact on future generations caused by present use. Accurately assessing the impacts of abiotic resource use is a prerequisite for selective resource use. There are four method categories to assess the impacts of abiotic resource use: the “future effort methods,” which assesses the impacts of resource use in terms of the ease of resource extraction but ignores the changes of extraction technology and extraction costs; the “supply risk methods,” which considers the impacts of geopolitics, economics, and resource efficiency on the supply of resources, but resources are not considered part of the environment that should be preserved; the “thermodynamic accounting methods” defines the exergy expression of a resource in terms of exergy required to form it, or the energy required to extract it, or the relative exergy state of the resource, but it is difficult to relate this to physical resource demand and use; and the “depletion methods,” which considers the amount of resources extracted relative to the total stock of resources as an impact factor on resource use, is the most acceptable of the four method categories (Sonderegger et al. 2020). Hence, the life cycle environmental assessment (LCA) methodology included the impact category of “abiotic resource depletion” (Van Oers and Guinée 2016). It addresses only the environmental pillar of the sustainability assessment and is based only on depletion issues (Van Oers and Guinée 2016).

The impact of capital goods on “abiotic resource depletion” is the most significant among all environmental impact categories, and therefore, abiotic resource depletion studies are essential for the manufacture of capital goods. With the current process of energy and digital transformation, the manufacture of electronic devices and of batteries contributes a lot to the extraction of abiotic resources (Nansai et al. 2015). The production of capital goods (metals) used in micro hydropower plant (MHP) construction projects accounts for 79–98% of abiotic resource depletion (Ueda et al. 2019). And for the construction of cross-laminated timber systems, the production of capital goods (including indium, cadmium, copper, nickel, and silver) accounted for 18% of abiotic resource depletion (Corradini et al. 2019). These contrast with the only 3% of global warming impact contributed by capital goods production (Brogaard et al. 2013).

As a region where mineral raw materials are scarce, the European Union has given much attention to the issue of abiotic resource depletion. The Joint Research Centre (JCR) researches into how to assess the impact of abiotic resource consumption over the life cycle. Other international organizations, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), are continuously working on this issue.

Up to now, abiotic resource depletion potential method (ADP) is one of the most widely used method, for instance, by the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) (EPD International 2017). As recommended by the UNEP-SETAC working group, ADP is recognized as the most appropriate existing method for quantifying the relative contribution of product systems to mineral resource depletion. As an indicator to assess the mid-point impact of abiotic resource depletion, ADP has similar function to GWP, the mid-point indicator for assessing climate change. In the final normalization, ADP reflects the influence of abiotic resource use to the environment.

Nevertheless, ADP is not a perfect method, and it has been heavily debated over the years. The overall objective of this paper is to develop a comprehensive and objective methodology for evaluating the impact of resource use on future generations that can be used at different stages of the life cycle. Four issues this paper solved are listed as follows:

The theory of ADP is chosen in a narrow sense, which only consider the accessibility of mineral resource from mineral ore in the earth’s crust and ignores the reserves of abiotic resources in the economy (Van Oers and Guinée 2016) and the possibility of recycling. The method also shows limitations in terms of alignment with broader EU policy goals, as it is not in line with circular economy.

Other challenges are due to the fact that the net production of metals is considered the approximation to the extraction of mineral resources, which means it fails to consider the losses in the further processing of abiotic resources (Sonderegger et al. 2020). Nevertheless, concentrate production efficiencies are not always the same for different abiotic resources (Sonderegger et al. 2020).

Furthermore, with the recent discussions on the dissipation of produced resources in the technosphere, an increasing number of authors recognized that it is the dissipation rather than the depletion of resources that affects the accessibility of resources for future generations (Berger et al. 2020; Sonderegger et al. 2020). Extracting elements from nature to the technosphere does not necessarily mean they are lost to future generations if they can be reused, recycled, or recovered because elements cannot be transformed other than through nuclear fission or decay (Frischknecht 2016; Vadenbo et al. 2014).

Finally, as one of the methods to assess the resource use impact in LCA, ADP cannot show where the losses occur. Since only the extraction and recycling phases in ADP are considered to impact future generations, there is no awareness of the dissipation of resources generated by other phases, such as the use phase. As a result, ADP cannot support relevant stakeholder decision-making.

Although EDP is an enhanced method based on ADP, it still has some limitations. EDP assumes that the extracted resources will ultimately be dissipated completely into the environment over a very long-term horizon (van Oers et al. 2020b). Thus, the dissipated amount in the very long term is approximately equal to the primary extracted amount, so that the EDP results do not differ from the ADP results in value (van Oers et al. 2020b). This assumption is too idealistic and has such a long-term horizon that it does not provide a proper assessment of realistic short-term dissipation problems.

This paper aims to develop a new assessment method for resource use impacts based on the ADP that provides an objective and reasonable indication of how the future accessibility of resources will be affected. This new assessment method is expected to help stakeholders make decisions to retain material security in the context of sustainable development. Since ADP is a mid-point impact assessment indicator which only focus on the abiotic resource depletion, endpoint impacts are not the focus of this study.

1.1 Theoretical background

Based on the same depletion concept, which demonstrates the reduction of stocks, many methods were proposed based on different theoretical foundations for assessing resource depletion in LCA, besides ADP method.

Schneider et al. (2011) derive the anthropogenic stock extended abiotic depletion potential (AADP) based on stocks in the economy and in the environment, since it is widely agreed that depletion does not occur if the resource is still available after extraction into the economic stock. The definition of the problem was changed to a decrease in resource availability in the environment and the economy for AADP method (Van Oers and Guinée 2016).

Lately, van Oers et al. (2020a) updated the reserve data and production rate data used to calculate ADP that were recorded and published in 2002 by USGS and revisited the calculation procedure for ADP to address the time dependence of the production rate data. As results, a time series of ADPs on the basis of moving average of production and cumulative production can be calculated. If the aim is to reflect trends, the most appropriate choice is to use a 5-year average production ADP, as shown in Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), where \(m\) indicates the number of years used in the calculation.

$$\overline{{P }_{i,t}}=\frac{{P}_{i,t}+{P}_{i,t-1}+\dots +{P}_{i,t-m+1}}{m}=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{k=t-m+1}^{t}{P}_{i,k}$$
$$\overline{{\mathrm{ADP} }_{i,t}}=\frac{\overline{{P }_{i,t}}{R}_{\mathrm{ref}}^{2}}{{R}_{i}^{2}\overline{{P }_{\mathrm{ref},t}}}$$

If the aim is to reflect how problematic is the cumulative use of primary natural resources by society, then a cumulative ADP over a period of time for which production data are available is the most appropriate, according to Eq. (3) and Eq. (4).

$$\widetilde{{P}_{i,t}}={P}_{i,t}+{P}_{i,t-1}+\dots =\sum_{k=1}^{t}{P}_{i,k}$$

Notably, a new concept of abiotic resource dissipation has been proposed and widely considered in recent years. With continuous discussion and research on the problem of abiotic resource use, more authors argue that extracting elements from the environment to the technosphere does not necessarily mean they are lost to future generations if they can be reused, recycled, or recovered. Elements cannot be transformed other than through nuclear fission or decay (Frischknecht 2016; Vadenbo et al. 2014). As a result, the concept of dissipation of resources emerged, which is defined as material flows to sinks or stocks and becomes inaccessible to future users due to various constraints that prevent the potential functions of resources from being utilized (Zimmermann 2017).

As the view that resource dissipations cause resource inaccessibility became accepted, a new method, environmental dissipation potential (EDP), was proposed by van Oers et al. (2020b) to assess the impact of resource dissipation to the environment. Different from ADP, EDP defines the problem as a decrease in the accessibility of abiotic natural resources. Based on the assumption that extracted resources will eventually dissipate completely into the environment over very long-term scales, the characterization model equation for EDPs for the very long-term time horizon is shown in Eq. (5), and Eq. (6) shows the equation of environmental dissipation (ED).

$${\mathrm{EDP}}_{2020,\mathrm{VLT},i}=\frac{\nicefrac{{E}_{2020,\mathrm{VLT},i}}{{R}_{\mathrm{UR},i}^{2}}}{\nicefrac{{E}_{2020,\mathrm{VLT},\mathrm{ref}}}{{R}_{\mathrm{UR},\mathrm{ref}}^{2}}}=\frac{\nicefrac{{M}_{2020,i}}{{R}_{\mathrm{UR},i}^{2}}}{\nicefrac{{M}_{2020,\mathrm{ref}}}{{R}_{\mathrm{UR},\mathrm{ref}}^{2}}}\propto {\mathrm{ADP}}_{i,2020}$$
$${\mathrm{ED}}_{2020,\mathrm{VLT}}=\sum_{i}{\mathrm{EDP}}_{2020,i}\times {e}_{i}$$

where Mt,i is the global amount of primary resource i consumed by all products in year t, equaling the world annual extraction of resource i (kg/year); Et,VTL,i is the cumulative global emissions of resource i over very long-term time horizon (kg); and ei is the amount of resource i emitted by a product system (kg/FU).

Further research was conducted on assessing the impact assessment of resource dissipation. Helbig et al. (2020) contended that dissipative losses of metals exist in any process of the global metal cycle, from primary production to waste management, with different receiving media (i.e., tailings and sludges, the environment, landfills, or other material streams), and are diluted so as to make a recovery technically or economically infeasible. They developed dynamic and static material flow analysis (MFA) models for different metals by analyzing each metal’s global cycle and uniform yield parameters.

However, the dissipated resources do not mean to be permanently inaccessible since the dissipated elements are considered potentially accessible in the future, with the development of technology and the availability of economic conditions. Dewulf et al. (2021) mentioned that the destination of dissipation determines the inaccessibility duration of dissipated resources. Based on literature studies and interviews with experts in various fields, they make estimates for the inaccessibility duration of inaccessible stock due to four compromising behaviors (Table 1). These four compromising behaviors are the main causes of long-term dissipation (Dewulf et al. 2021).

Table 1 Estimates of the duration of inaccessibility of raw materials in various stocks (Dewulf et al. 2021)

2 Methodology

To address the four issues mentioned in Sect. 1, a new impact assessment method, abiotic resource expected dissipation potential (AEDP), has been proposed. The new method substitutes the original extraction of resources by the dissipation of resources as the cause of influence on the future use of resources for future generations. The use of resources in the environment, primary and secondary production, is the role of resources. And the decrease in the accessibility of primary and/or secondary elements in a global scope over the mid-to-long term (> 65 years) due to the dissipation of the resource is considered to be the definition of the problem.

The system model of the new method includes both the environment and the technosphere as resource reservoirs. Resource extraction is only considered a process of resource transfer from the environment to the technosphere. In the technosphere, dissipation of the resource occurs in various life cycle stages. Dissipation of resources is defined as material flows that reach four endpoints: tailings, landfills, the environment, and other material flow. The degree of inaccessibility of these four dissipative flows varies depending on how long it takes to recover them.

The quantification of resource dissipation is achieved by simplifying the resource dissipation curve. In other words, it is assumed that the amount of resources dissipated per year is constant. Under this assumption, the average annual dissipation rate of 1 kg of resources can be easily derived. The quantification of the annual global dissipation rate of each resource is accomplished by using the average annual dissipation rate of the different resources and the cumulative extraction. The reserves of a resource include both the environmental reserves of the resource and the accumulated anthropogenic stocks that have not yet been dissipated.

The new method is divided into four impact categories according to the different endpoints of dissipative flows. Different inaccessibility duration is used to measure the extent to which the resource is inaccessible. The weighting factors for the different impact categories are based on their different inaccessibility durations, which affect the significance of each category in calculating the final impact score for resource use. The dissipative flows that occur at each life cycle stage are the elementary flows in the new method, and they are the LCI data that need to be input.

2.1 Role of resources and goal and scope

Due to the current lack of a common view of resource use and a global consensus on potential issues related to resource use, a project called “Sustainable Management of Primary Raw Materials through a better approach in Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment” (SUPRIM) was initiated. As demonstrated by the SUPRIM project report, stakeholders have some consensus regarding the “role of resources,” i.e., that abiotic resources are valued by humans because of their use in the environment, primary and secondary production, and the “goal and scope,” i.e., the accessibility of resources is more consistent with the goals humans face than the availability, with global geographical scope (Schulze et al. 2020). Hence, this new characterization model defines the role of abiotic resources as their use in the environment, in primary and secondary production, on a global geographical scope, with the goal of resource accessibility.

Regarding the choice of resource type, whether it is limited to elements only (e.g., antimony) or aggregates (e.g., sand) or includes both elements and aggregates, the currently operational resource types are limited to elements. Identification of aggregate equivalents based on composition is considered non-feasible due to the complex geological characteristics of the deposit and the material in use (van Oers et al. 2020a).

Four flows are considered the main cause of resource dissipation in the new method: flows to tailings, flows to landfills, dissipative flows to the environment, and flows enter into other materials. Tailings, as waste from primary production, still contain some resources due to technical limits. According to some reports, mining actions on tailings are meaningful. For example, the contribution of tailings to copper production is estimated at 2% of global production (Graedel et al. 2004). Landfills have been popularly considered a resource reserve. However, some studies have shown that the net present value of recovering resources from landfills is negative (Winterstetter et al. 2016), which does not make economic significance. However, based on the possibility of future technological improvements, such as more efficient energy technologies or reduced aftercare costs, landfill mining is still considered commercially viable and justified as a resource reserve. Non-functional recovery, in which flows enter into other materials, occurs in the end-of-life recycling of resources incorporated as impurity elements in the associated bulk material streams. It is difficult to recycle such an impurity element because its concentration is far too small. Dissipative flows to the environment refer to emissions that occur at any stage. The destination of such a dissipative flow is open and cannot be determined, as it is impossible to track where the dissipated resource is entering. Generally, these two dissipative flows are challenging to recover due to their extremely low concentration.

The choice of temporal scope for the new method in this paper depends on the inaccessibility duration of the dissipated flows considered. As a result, the temporal scope of the new method was chosen to be the mid-to-long-term, that is, the time beyond 65 years (> 65 years), which is the same as the inaccessibility duration of dispersed stock in the environment, landfills, tailings, and dispersed stock in the technosphere (Dewulf et al. 2021).

2.2 Problem definition

Based on the above definitions of “role of resources” and “goal and scope,” the method defines the problem caused by current resource use for future generations as a decrease in the accessibility of primary and/or secondary elements in a global scope over the mid-to-long-term (> 25 years) due to the dissipation of the resource.

In cases where the extracted resources are dissipated, additional resources need to be extracted from the environment or anthropogenic stock to meet the demand. Thus, resource dissipation is the underlying reason for the depletion of total stock (i.e., the sum of natural reserves and anthropogenic stock). In this context, dissipated resources include flows into tailings, the environment, other material flows, and landfills. Dissipated resources cannot be used further and are challenging to recycle and return to use, so future generations will not be able to take advantage of the functions they may have in the technosphere.

In the context of hibernating stocks, which are obsoleted and are not recovered as well. However, the point of when hibernating stocks are recovered is uncertain, since hibernating materials are only recovered when they obstruct new activity (Daigo et al. 2015). Hibernating resources may all be at the critical point between being recovered and staying where they are. In addition, the inaccessibility duration of hibernating resources is considered to be very short, ranging from 0 to 5 years (Dewulf et al. 2021). As a result, hibernating stocks are not considered the leading cause of the problem of reduced resource accessibility.

2.3 System model

The system model for this method is shown in Fig. 1, which is consistent with the definition of the role, goal, and scope of resources identified in the previous section. The model establishes a boundary of resource stocks in the environment and technosphere and flows of resources between the stock in the environment and the technosphere. Accessible resources consist of resource reserves in the environment and anthropogenic stocks in the technosphere. Extraction is the flow from the environment to the technosphere, while emission is the flow from the technosphere to the environment. In addition to emissions, there are three other types of dissipative flows within the technosphere (tailings, landfills, and other material flows) that end up in inaccessible stocks. Within the technosphere, there is hibernating resource flows, which are recovered in the short term.

Fig. 1
figure 1

System model of the new LCIA method (adapted from van Oers et al. 2020b)

Accessible resources consist of resource reserves in the environment and anthropogenic stocks in the technosphere. The reserves in the environment enter the technosphere through the extraction by humans. This process does not result in a loss of resource accessibility because the resources are only transferred locationally in the process. The extraction is only the pathway for humans to obtain natural resources from the environment, so the rate of resource extraction does not influence the accessibility of resources, which is why the ADP method has been questioned.

The extracted resource must then undergo a smelting and refining process, during which a large number of tailings are created. Due to the low concentration of functional elements included in tailings, many actions have been reprocessing the tailings over the last 100 years. Then, the refined resources are fed into product manufacturing and subsequently used. At the end of life, the products flow into landfills. In each stage of a product’s entire life cycle, dissipation of resources to the environment and other material flows can occur. Resources flowing into tailings, landfills, and other material streams travel from the technospheric accessible stocks into the technospheric inaccessible stocks. Resources dissipated to the environment flow from the technospheric accessible stocks into the inaccessible environmental stocks. Within the technospheric accessible stocks, there are also resource flows marked as hibernating resources, which are not considered dissipative streams and circulated within the technosphere due to their relatively short inaccessible duration and the uncertainty of functional loss. Since they represent potential recycling but do not necessarily enter the recycling process, the arrows denoting the hibernating resource flows are indicated by dashed lines.

2.4 Parameters of model

The characterization factors (CFs) of an element will reflect the relative severity of the inaccessibility of that element and the reference element (Eq. (7)). Consequently, inaccessibility is quantified for each element, although it is a relative measure.


The equation for inaccessibility in the new method takes the ratio form of the original ADP, i.e., the ratio of dissipation to total reserve, and the reserve is squared, as shown in Eq. (8). Although the squared total reserve in the original ADP equation has been criticized as a less objective choice, the square is the lowest power that satisfies the requirement of invariance in the change from kilograms to cubic meters.


where \({D}_{i}\) is the dissipation rate of resource i in kg/year and \({R}_{i}\) is the total reserve of resource i in kg.

Due to the different degrees of inaccessibility caused and cause-effect mechanisms, the impact of different dissipative flows varies. Therefore, in this assessment method, four different impact categories can be distinguished to assess the impact of abiotic resource use:

  1. (i)

    Resource dissipation due to human activities: tailings

  2. (ii)

    Resource dissipation due to human activities: landfills

  3. (iii)

    Resource dissipation due to emissions: environmental emissions

  4. (iv)

    Resource dissipation due to entry into other material streams: downcycling

As the problem of aggregating different impact categories in this method is very similar to the aggregation of different energy resources in CED, the weighting approach proposed by Frischknecht et al. (2015) is adopted here. The above four impact categories result in different resource inaccessibility based on the previous elaboration. As the inaccessibility duration is used to measure the degree of resource inaccessibility, the weighting factors for the different impact categories take their different inaccessibility durations as criteria to influence the importance of each category in calculating the final impact score for resource use. The weighting factors can be calculated with Eq. (9).

$${w}_{\mathrm{df}}=\frac{{I}_{\mathrm{df}}}{{I}_{\mathrm{tailings}}+{I}_{\mathrm{landfills}}+{I}_{\mathrm{environment}}+{I}_{\mathrm{other material flow}}}$$

where \({w}_{\mathrm{df}}\) is the weighting factors of different dissipative flows, \(I\) is the inaccessibility duration of the different dissipative flow entering tailings in year, \(\mathrm{df}\) is the dissipative flows which is calculated.

2.4.1 Global annual dissipation rate

The model for the annual dissipation rate of resources is based on the theory of dissipation patterns, which were mapped by Helbig et al. (2020) through working with material flow analyses and developed by Charpentier et al. (2021), which is shown in Fig. 2. All dissipative flows in different life cycle stages, including primary production, manufacturing, recycling, use, and waste management, were considered. Dissipation pattern implies the mass of the metal that is still in service per kilogram extracted along the time series. The reduction of mass in service from year t to year t + 1 can be considered the annual dissipation rate (d) of this kilogram of resource in that year with the unit of kg/kg·year.

Fig. 2
figure 2

An arbitrary dissipation pattern for metal i in Charpentier et al. (2021)

However, due to the arbitrary nature of the dissipation pattern, d of 1-kg resource i varies from year to year and is under the influence of many factors. In order to facilitate the calculation, an assumption is made in this paper that d of 1-kg resource i remains constant from the extraction to the complete dissipation. Thus, the original dissipation pattern is simplified to a linear function of time as in Fig. 3, and the slope of this linear function (di) is the annual dissipation rate of resource i (Eq. (10)).


where \({f}_{i}(x)\) is the mass of resource i in service per kg extracted, \({d}_{i}\) is the average annual dissipation rate of 1-kg extracted resource i, and \(x\) is the time in year.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Simplified dissipation pattern of resource i

The entire model of Helbig et al. (2020) has a time horizon of 1000 years, and the total expected service time (STTOT) is the integral of the dissipation curve over 1000 years with the unit of kg·year/kg (i.e., the yellow area under the curve). Dissipation duration (τ) is the time from extraction to complete dissipation of 1 kg of the resource. The average annual dissipation rate can be calculated according to Eq. (11).

$${d}_{i}={\mathrm{slope}}_{i}=\frac{1}{{\tau }_{i}}=\frac{1}{2{\cdot \mathrm{ST}}_{\mathrm{TOT},i}}$$

where \({\tau }_{i}\) is the dissipation duration of resource i in years and \({\mathrm{ST}}_{\mathrm{TOT},i}\) is the total expected service time of resource i in kg·years/kg.

As a result of the above derivation, the portion of the undissipated or the dissipated and global annual dissipation rate of extracted resources i in any year can be calculated. When considering the global annual dissipation rate (D), it is essential to note that the global dissipation of resource i is the sum of the annual dissipation of all the extracted resources that remain in the technosphere. Therefore, by collecting extraction rates for each year within the last τ years, D can be calculated with Eq. (12).

$${D}_{i}=\sum\limits_{t=T+1-{\tau }_{i}}^{t=T}{E}_{i,t}\cdot {d}_{i}$$

where \({D}_{i}\) is the global annual dissipation rate of resource i, \(T\) is the year of measurement, \(t\) is the year of extraction, \({E}_{i,t}\) is the net extraction rate of resource i in the year t, and \({d}_{i}\) is the annual dissipation rate of 1-kg extracted resource i in kg/kg·year.

2.4.2 Net extraction rate including losses in primary production

The net primary production rate (Pi) is corrected by remaining content in tailings and slag, resulting in the net extraction rate (Ei). The net extraction rate is calculated with Eq. (13).


where \({C}_{\mathrm{tailings}+\mathrm{slag}, i}\) is the remaining content in tailings and slag of resource i in % of total ore.

2.4.3 Total reserves

The ultimate reserve, consistent with the ADP model, is chosen as natural reserves in this method, because the size of the other two reserves depends on various economic and technical conditions not directly related to the depletion of resources (Van Oers and Guinée 2016). In addition, it is the only natural reserve data that is currently available. Although natural reserve is never recoverable due to technical limits, the CFs derived from the characterization model are only a relative value of the abundance of the element on Earth.

Anthropogenic stocks only appear in the new model to complement the ultimate reserve for a better estimation of the total resource stock. As a result, the total reserve (Ri) is the sum of the anthropogenic stock and the ultimate reserve, as shown in Eq. (14).

$${R}_{i}={R}_{\mathrm{UR},i}+{R}_{A, i}$$

where \({R}_{\mathrm{UR},i}\) is the ultimate reserve of resource i and \({R}_{A,i}\) is the anthropogenic stock of resource i.

In this model, the anthropogenic stock is considered the sum of extracted resource that has not been dissipated yet. According to the linear function of dissipation, the undissipated fraction of 1-kg extracted resource i can be obtained by calculating the time difference between the year of assessment and that of extraction, as shown in Eq. (15). The undissipated portion of resources extracted in different years varies due to the time they remained in the technosphere. And the anthropogenic stock of resource i can be calculated as the sum of the undissipated fraction of all extracted resources per year, as shown in Eq. (16).

$${r}_{A,i,t}=1-{d}_{i}\cdot \left(T+1-t\right)$$
$${R}_{A,i,T}=\sum\limits_{t=T+1-{\tau }_{i}}^{t=T}{E}_{i,t}\cdot {r}_{A,i,t}=\sum\limits_{t=T+1-{\tau }_{i}}^{t=T}{E}_{i,t}\cdot [1-{d}_{i}\cdot \left(T+1-t\right)]$$

where \({r}_{A,i,t}\) is the undissipated fraction of 1-kg resource i extracted in year t in kg undissipated/kg extracted i and \({R}_{A,i,T}\) is the anthropogenic stock of resource i measured in the year T.

2.4.4 Abiotic resource expected dissipation potential (AEDP)

In the final model, the parameters mentioned above are integrated. The inaccessibility, which involves the losses in primary production, the anthropogenic stocks, and dissipation, can be calculated with Eq. (17).

$${\mathrm{Inaccessibility}}_{i}=\frac{{D}_{i}}{{R}_{i}^{2}}=\frac{\sum_{t=T+1-{\tau }_{i}}^{t=T}{E}_{i,t}\cdot {d}_{i}}{{{\{R}_{\mathrm{UR},i}+\sum_{t=T+1-{\tau }_{i}}^{t=T}{E}_{i,t}\cdot [1-{d}_{i}\cdot \left(T+1-t\right)]\}}^{2}}$$

However, due to the lack of data, the AEDP of antimony (Sb) could not be calculated, and therefore, a new reference substance was needed. The choice of the reference substance is random, which is the same as ADP method, since the potential indicates the relative inaccessibility of an element. In this method, silver (Ag), first in alphabetical order, is chosen as the reference substance of the new model. The final result of the new characterization factor, AEDP, is calculated with Eq. (18).

$$=\nicefrac{\frac{\sum_{t=T+1-{\tau }_{i}}^{t=T}{E}_{i,t}\cdot {d}_{i}}{{{\{R}_{\mathrm{UR},i}+\sum_{t=T+1-{\tau }_{i}}^{t=T}{E}_{i,t}\cdot [1-{d}_{i}\cdot \left(T+1-t\right)]\}}^{2}}}{\frac{\sum_{t=T+1-{\tau }_{\mathrm{ref}}}^{t=T}{E}_{\mathrm{ref},t}\cdot {d}_{\mathrm{ref}}}{{{\{R}_{\mathrm{UR},\mathrm{ref}}+\sum_{t=T+1-{\tau }_{\mathrm{ref}}}^{t=T}{E}_{\mathrm{ref},t}\cdot [1-{d}_{\mathrm{ref}}\cdot \left(T+1-t\right)]\}}^{2}}}$$

where \({\mathrm{AEDP}}_{i}\) is the abiotic resource expected dissipation potential. And the reference resource is silver.

2.4.5 Data for CF

The data to be input in order to calculate the AEDP for the different elements and the data sources chosen in this method are sourced or elaborated as follows. The exact data for STTOT,i are obtained from the calculation of the dissipation curve plotted by Helbig et al. (2020), which was released by Charpentier et al. (2021). The data of Ctailing+slag,i is derived from material flow analysis works of other authors (Graedel et al. 2004, 2005; Johnson et al. 2005, 2006; Mao et al. 2008; Reck et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2007). The RUR,i data used in this method come from the 2015 ultimate reserve results for various elements published by van Oers et al. (2020a), which are derived from the continental crustal content data of resource i published by Rudnick and Gao (2014).

Due to limited literature studies, Ctailing+slag,i is available for only eight metals: silver, lead, copper, zinc, chromium, nickel, iron, and aluminum. As a result, the AEDP calculations were conducted only for these eight metals using collected data as listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Input data required for AEDP calculation

Finally, Pi,t is the world’s annual primary production for the previous year. The world primary production published in the annual report by USGS (2018) and BGS (2020) was applied in this method. The annual primary production considered is from 1900 to 2015 (see Appendix). However, early-year world primary production for some metals is unavailable due to data limitations and are hence set to zero.

2.4.6 Data collection in line with method

In this method, the elementary flows are the four dissipative flows: the dissipative flow to the tailings, the dissipative flow to the landfill, the dissipative flow discharged into the environment, and the dissipative flow to other material flows. As mentioned earlier, these four dissipative flows belong to different impact categories, so they have to be weighted by their respective weighting factors to obtain their contribution to their impact categories. The final abiotic resource expected dissipation (AED) is the sum of the four impact categories, as shown in Eq. (19) and Eq. (20).

$${\mathrm{AED}}_{\mathrm{df}}={w}_{\mathrm{df}}\times \sum_{i}{\mathrm{AEDP}}_{i}\times {\mathrm{DF}}_{i,\mathrm{df}}$$

where \(\mathrm{AED}\) is the abiotic resource expected dissipation in kg silver equivalents and \({\mathrm{DF}}_{i,\mathrm{df}}\) is the dissipative flow of resource i in a particular dissipative flow category in kg/FU.

3 Result

3.1 Calculation of the weighting factors for different impact categories

The weighting factors (wdf) for the impact categories are derived by Eq. (9). The best estimates obtained in Dewulf et al. (2021) study were adopted to calculate the inaccessibility duration of the dissipative flows required in the calculation. The best estimates of the inaccessibility duration for different impact categories adopted in the calculations and the derived results of the weighting factors (wdf) are given in Table 3.

Table 3 Best estimates of inaccessibility duration and results of weight factors

3.2 Calculation of AEDP

Based on the input data in Table 2, the AEDP for the eight metals can be calculated. The calculation process for AEDP follows the description in Sect. 2. The intermediate parameters in the calculation are listed in Table 4, as well as the final results of AEDP. The year of assessment here is determined as the termination year of the primary production data, i.e., 2015. Due to the limitations of primary production data, for metals with very long dissipation durations (iron, aluminum), unavailable data can only be counted as zero in the calculation.

Table 4 The intermediate parameters of the eight metals and their AEDP

For the space constraints, the calculations of primary production, the net extraction rates, and each year’s contribution to the global annual dissipation rate for these eight metals can be seen in Appendix.

4 Analysis and discussion

4.1 Analysis of the results

Both the AEDP for the eight elements and their ADP2015 derived from the conventional ADP characterization model with updated data (van Oers et al. 2020a, b) are shown in Table 5 for further analysis. Due to data limitations, the AEDP for antimony (Sb) is temporarily unavailable, and therefore, silver (Ag) is used as the reference substance for the AEDP. And the ADP of each element are normalized based on the ADP of Ag, that is, dividing the ADP of each element by the ADP of Ag. Since the result of the ADP is the relative depletion potential of resource i and the reference substance Sb, the ratio of ADPi to the ADPAg indicates the relative depletion potential of resource i and Ag. The normalized ADPs are expressed in kg Ag/kg.

Table 5 Relative difference between AEDP and normalized ADP2015 and contribution of metals to the AD and AED

4.1.1 Direct comparison between AEDP and normalized ADP2015

Based on the results of AEDP, normalized ADP2015 presented in Table 5, Fig. 4 shows the direct comparison of AEDP and normalized ADP2015 through a graphic that will most visually represent the numerical differences in the CFs resulting from the two characterization models. The relative difference in CFs under the two characterization models for each element was calculated and used for comparison. The equation for calculating the relative difference between AEDP and normalized ADP2015 is shown in Eq. (21).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Comparison between AEDP and normalized ADP2015


The relative differences calculated for the elements are shown and ranked in Table 5. The relative differences between the AEDP and the normalized ADP2015 for these eight elements range from − 95 to 48%.

As shown in Fig. 4, the AEDP is smaller than the ADP for most elements. The analysis of ranked relative differences of the CFs reveals that in most cases, the higher the average annual dissipation rate, the more significant the relative difference between AEDP and normalized ADP2015 for the elements. Although the differences between the new CF (AEDP) for each element and their normalized ADP2015 are relatively small and not significant, the slight differences are not meaningless. For instance, the normalized ADP2015 for nickel (Ni) and chromium (Cr) are the same, but there is a gap that exists between them in AEDP. This contributes to the higher dissipation rate of chromium (Cr), particularly the high remelting losses incurred during the recovery process. Hence, in the AEDP, which focuses on dissipation, natural reserves, and anthropogenic stocks, lead (Pb) shows a more significant impact, while in the ADP, which focuses on extraction and natural reserves, copper (Cu) is considered more significant.

From the calculated values for the eight metals considered, AEDP has a lower impact on emission levels compared to ADP. This is attributed to the fact that the AEDP reduces the impact of resources that are extracted but can be used in the long term. For capital goods that can be used over a long time period, the impacts assessed by the AEDP will be lower than those of the ADP.

4.1.2 Impact of the new characterization model

In the new characterization model, resource dissipation replaces the original resource extraction, having an impact on resource accessibility. To further analyze the impact of the new characterization model on the characterization factors of resources, the relative difference between the AEDP of each element and normalized ADP2015 was compared. The ratios of AEDP to normalized ADP2015 for each element are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Normalized ADP2015 compared to AEDP (normalized to chromium)

For the determination of the relative differences between these ratios, the ratio of AEDP to normalized ADP2015 needs to be compared to a specified element. Chromium (Cr) was chosen as the reference substance for comparison as its ratio is the median value of these eight elements, which helps to display the comparison results clearly. Eventually, the impact of the new model on CFs was quantified according to Eq. (22). The results of the impact quantification are also shown in Table 6.

$$\mathrm{Impact on }{\mathrm{CF}}_{i}=\frac{\nicefrac{{\mathrm{AEDP}}_{\mathrm{Cr}}}{\mathrm{Normalized }{\mathrm{ADP}}_{2015,\mathrm{ Cr }}}- \nicefrac{{\mathrm{AEDP}}_{i}}{N\mathrm{ormalized }{\mathrm{ADP}}_{2015, i}}}{\nicefrac{{\mathrm{AEDP}}_{\mathrm{Cr}}}{\mathrm{Normalized }{\mathrm{ADP}}_{2015,\mathrm{ Cr}}}}$$

According to the results in Table 6, Fig. 5 shows more intuitively the extent of new model’s impact on the CFs of the various elements. Based on the results of the impact quantification, the relative difference in the impact of the new characterization model on the CFs, using Cr as the reference, is between − 94 and + 75%, which demonstrates that the impact of the new characterization model on different elements is significant. Thus, the resource dissipation considered in the new characterization model is significant but diluted in the expression of the characterization factors, such that the impact of resource dissipation is not noticeable.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Impact of the new model on CFs, compared to chromium (Cr)

4.2 Power of total reserves

The controversy regarding the total reserve’s power choice in the ADP has not been resolved. The conclusion proposed by Guinée and Heijungs (1995) is that the power of reserves must be one greater than the de-accumulation. Therefore, only powers higher than 2 are reasonable. The AEDPs using the squared, cubed, and quadratic total reserves are listed in Table 7.

Table 7 AEDP with different power of total reserve

The AEDPs with different powers of total reserve from Table 7 are plotted in the bar chart, Fig. 6 for a more visual comparison. By comparing the different AEDPs in Fig. 6, it can be observed that the power of the total reserves does not significantly affect the ranking and relative size of the AEDPs of elements. The relationship between AEDPs with different powers of total reserve is shown in Eq. (23). The ratio between the AEDPs with cubed total reserve and the AEDPs of squared total reserve of resource i is determined by the ratio of the total reserve of the reference substance to that of resource i.

Fig. 6
figure 6

AEDP with different power of total reserve

$${\mathrm{AEDP}}_{{R}^{4}}={\mathrm{AEDP}}_{{R}^{3}}\cdot \frac{{R}_{\mathrm{Ag}}}{{\mathrm{R}}_{i}}=\mathrm{AEDP}\cdot {\left(\frac{{R}_{\mathrm{Ag}}}{{R}_{i}}\right)}^{2}$$

Natural reserve is dominant in the total reserve, while anthropogenic stock has a negligible impact on the total reserves. Therefore, the higher the power of the total reserve, the more the AEDP is influenced by resource’s natural reserve. Evidence of this phenomenon can also be found in Fig. 6.

4.3 Sensitivity analysis

As the choice of natural resource reserves is still a controversial issue. This study uses “ultimately extractable reserve,” “resources,” and “economic reserve” for sensitivity analysis. The data for the “economic reserve” of the eight elements in this study are collected from the Mineral Commodity Summaries released by the USGS (2016). The data for “resource” do not have a uniform source and are obtained from Deutsches Kupferinstitut (2011), Frondel et al. (2006a, b), and Hill and Sehnke (2006). The data for the ultimately extractable reserves are taken from the data for option 1 published by Schneider et al. (2015), which was calculated based on the assumption of UNEP (2011) that 0.01% of the total amount in the crust at a depth of 3 km would eventually be available. Ultimately extractable reserve data for silver (Ag) are not directly available. However, they can be derived from the composition of the upper continental crust published by Rudnick and Gao (2003), following the calculations mentioned by Schneider et al. (2015).

Since the natural reserves have significant influence on the CFs, a variation of ± 10% was considered in sensitivity analysis, so that uncertainties of reserve data are included. The economic reserve, resource, and ultimately extractable reserve data for the eight elements concerned in this study and CFs calculated from the different reserve data with ± 10% variations are listed in Table 8. For comparison purposes, the different reserve data in Table 8 are compared in the bar chart in Fig. 7. The CFs in Table 8 with different reserve data are compared in the bar chart in Fig. 8. The AEDPs based on the “ultimately extractable reserve” are almost proportional to the baseline AEDP. In addition, there is no influence on the AEDP ranking of the elements. The reason for this is that the calculation of the “ultimately extractable reserve” is similar to that of the “ultimate reserve,” both of which are related to the concentration of elements in the upper crust.

Table 8 Economic reserve, resource, and ultimately mineable reserve data and different AEDPs for the eight elements
Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison of different reserve data

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison of AEDPs with different natural reserve data (including ± 10% variation)

Nevertheless, there are significant differences between the AEDP based on “economic reserves” and “resources” and the baseline AEDP. These two reserves are influenced by the resource price of the metal and the cost of extraction. Thus, they are much lower than the amount of “ultimately extractable reserves.” Nickel (Ni) and aluminum (Al) are notably affected by economic factors, with a significant difference between their “economic reserves” or “resources” and their “ultimate reserves.” Possible reasons for this are that aluminum (Al) is more energy-intensive in production than iron, and nickel (Ni) cannot be economically extracted at low mineral concentration. In some cases, the extractable reserves of a resource may be abundant, but lower market prices compromise its economically extractable reserves. Moreover, demand often influences market prices, making the issue more complicated and harder to assess. Regarding the inclusion of economic factors, as mentioned by van Oers et al. (2002), there is no optimal choice of data for the characterization factor, and the choice of data depends only on the definition of the abiotic depletion problem. However, as mentioned in the previous section, in this paper, the goal is resource accessibility. The role of resources is their use in the environment, primary and secondary production, rather than their economic value. Hence, economic factors should be excluded.

4.4 Limitations of the new method

While the method achieves the stated objectives, it also has a variety of limitations and shortcomings. In summary, the limitations of the method are mainly related to the data, the theory, and the results.

In the data aspect, the main limitations of the method are the small range of final operable elements and the influence on the accuracy of the results due to missing data. Not only data on residual tailings content and data used to calculate resource dissipation rates are missing but also recorded years for world primary production. It does not influence the resources with high dissipation rates. However, for those with low dissipation rates, such as iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al), it reduces the accuracy of the final results. As resources with low dissipation rates usually require more years of production data, the missing data are represented by zeros.

In the theoretical aspect, the limitation of this method is the assumptions made in the characterization model. In the characterization model, the annual dissipation of an arbitrary resource is assumed to be constant to overcome the arbitrariness of the dissipation curve. However, this is not the case—the dissipation curves for resources record dissipation occurring in several continuous processes.

In the aspect of results, there are changes in the characterization factors obtained by the new method compared to the original ADP method, but they are not significant. As the new method retains the emphasis on reserves in the characterization model, and as the reserve data is usually of considerable magnitude, the new characterization factor of the resource is dominated by the reserves.

5 Conclusion and outlook

In this study, a new impact assessment method, abiotic resource expected dissipation potential (AEDP), is proposed, which substitutes the original extraction of resources with the dissipation of resources as the cause of influence on the use of resources for future generations. The use of resources in the environment, primary and secondary production, is the role of resources. And the decrease in the accessibility of primary and/or secondary elements in a global scope over the mid-to-long term (> 25 years) due to the dissipation of the resource is considered to be the definition of the problem. The characterization factor derived from the new method is a comprehensive reflection of the natural reserves, the dissipation rate, and the extraction rate. Thus, it has a multi-dimensional meaning. AEDP focuses on dissipation, natural reserves, and anthropogenic stocks, while ADP focuses on extraction and natural reserves.

The Critical Raw Material (CRM) policy is primarily aimed at ensuring that the EU has access to a sustainable supply of CRMs, reducing dependence on imports of CRMs. A substance with a higher AEDP means that its dissipation rate is relatively greater relative to the global stock. The high dissipation rate is difficult to compensate for with existing recycling technologies. Therefore, relevant regulations should be introduced to reduce the use of substances with high AEDP and use alternative substances.

For the new method, further work is required to improve its operability. The calculation of tailing participation content and dissipation curves for more resources will be one of the priorities for future work. It can be realized by developing more MFA models for different metals, including other rare earth minerals such as niobium (Ni) and lithium (Li). Only if more data becomes available will the method be comparable to the original ADP method in terms of operability. Regardless of whether this method is adopted, such work is necessary as it provides a profile of resource dissipation and a correction of extraction volumes.

Besides, AEDP method assumes that the dissipation rate is constant for an element, so that the calculation can be simplified. However, the real dissipation pattern is a curve. Thus, dissipation rate changes over time, and differential equations should be used to derive the exact dynamic dissipation of an element.

The additional environmental impact caused by resource extraction is another focus for future work. This impact cannot be classified under any other impact category, as it is an impact caused by current resource use. Future attempts could be made to propose a separate characterization model for assessing the environmental impact caused by extraction and complement the impact of existing resource dissipation.

Moreover, the estimation of the natural reserves of resources is a work to be improved for assessing the impact of resource use. Due to the inaccuracy and unavailability of existing natural resource estimates, more research on the portion of the resource that can never be extracted is suggested. Thus, a relatively accurate estimate of extractable natural resources can be derived.

Finally, as the results of this method show the over-weighting of reserves, it is recommended that mitigation of reserve weights be attempted in future work. One option that could be tried is to use a power of one for reserves in the calculation. Currently, the unit of cubic meters is never used for abiotic resources, so the requirement for a variation-free transformation between cubic meters and kilograms can be ignored at this point.

The Supplementary Information (Pdf) provides the complete dataset of the annual contribution to the global annual dissipation rate.