
Recent advances in new technologies have improved and facilitated the exchange of information and knowledge through digital communication. New digital business models and user-generated content (UGC) allow users to interact with others freely and openly in digital environments (Clara et al., 2022; Preston et al., 2009). In this context, globalization and the changing technological and social sector have altered conventional thinking about tourism (Saura et al., 2021). Overall, the behavior of society when undertaking a trip has been a key factor in improving travelers’ access to tourism products and services, thus facilitating a possible long-stay destination (Thornburgh & Samuel, 2022; Cohen et al., 2015).

Considering these trends, many researchers have argued for the need to establish a new term that would bring together migration and tourism. One of the relevant initiatives was the introduction of the term “lifestyle migration” that refers to people’s relocation to places that offer a better quality of life (Jover & Díaz-Parra, 2022; Benson & O’Reilly, 2009).

As argued by Mancinelli (2020), residential mobility scholars are aware of this process of decision and search for a new destination that offers people an increase in their quality of life. Using digital communication, companies can reach their target audience to present them the characteristics of a specific territory, as well as introduce products and services that can increase customers’ perceptions of quality in mobility (Aliffianto & Andrianto, 2022; Maizaud, 2022).

In this paradigm, business communication can play a fundamental role in the decision-making process about the change of residence. Overall, as indicated by Wood and King (2001) and Cohen et al. (2015), the advancement of new technologies and the inclusion of new forms of digital communication based on innovation can promote national and international residential mobility. In this ecosystem of change, public and private entities and entrepreneurs take advantage of digital opportunities to develop communication strategies so that to attract a greater number of people to enjoy personalized products and offers (Maizaud, 2022; Castilla-Polo et al., 2022).

However, previous research on communication strategies used in digital environments, as well as different techniques used by entrepreneurs, companies, or destination management offices to attract long-stay tourists remains scarce. To bridge this gap in the literature, the main aim of this study is to identify major digital communication strategies developed to date in relation to the attraction of long-stay tourists based on a SLR.

The research question (RQ1) addressed in this study is: What are the most used digital communication strategies to attract long-stay tourists? The specific objectives of this study are as follows:

  • To identify theoretical perspectives for the definition and identification of digital communication strategies to attract long-stay tourists;

  • To explore new forms of digital communication adapted to online platforms;

  • To create development indicators of the main digital communication techniques to attract long-stay tourists;

  • To provide future guidelines to promote the adoption of digital communication strategies in the field of long-stay tourism by entrepreneurs, companies, or public entities.

To answer the research question and achieve the objectives outlined above, we follow Stieglitz et al. (2018) and Saura (2022) and develop a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). In the next section, we provide the theoretical framework for the concept of lifestyle migration, analyze how the decision process is compared to the search for a new destination to go to, and discuss the importance of digital communication strategies in the global migration paradigm. We then present the methodology used in the present study. This is followed by the results where different communication techniques identified are classified, categorized, and defined. The paper concludes with a discussion of theoretical and practical implications of our findings and conclusions.

Theoretical framework

Lifestyle migration: development and motivations

As argued by Huete (2009), there is no scholarly consensus on the distinctions between the terms “tourism” and “migration”. Accordingly, to differentiate these two concepts, there is a need to elaborate relevant statistical and legislative criteria. According to the definition proposed by the World Tourism Organization (the UNWTO), the concept of tourism should be understood as “social, cultural and economic phenomenon that involves the displacement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal reasons, professional reasons, or business. These people are called travelers (who can be either tourists or excursionists; residents or non-residents), and tourism encompasses their activities, some of which involve tourism expenditure”.

Along with the terms “tourism” and “migration”, new terms have also been introduced, such as the concept of “residential tourism” that blends “tourist” and “resident” (Hannam et al., 2014; Sheller & Urry, 2004). Likewise, addressing the relationship between the temporal aspect and the form of physical mobility, Hall (2005) coined the term “tourism mobility”. Factors such as motivations of mobility, including consumption or production, underlie the trend of coinage of new terms in this area. Therefore, as argued by Cohen et al. (2015), different authors encounter this problem and decide to coin different terms according to the characteristics of each case.

One of the most frequently used concepts is that of “lifestyle migration” which is a broad term used to refer to migratory changes underpinned by multiple reasons. Several other terms, such as “residential migration” or “quality of life migration”, are also used to refer to such migratory changes (Huete & Mantecón, 2010; Cohen et al., 2015). The concept of lifestyle migration does not refer to a specific social group, but rather includes entrepreneurs, the active population, or retirees, among others (Huete et al., 2013). Further detail on this concept was aptly articulated by Benson and O’Reilly (2016) who wrote that: “[t]he use of the concept of lifestyle here is intended to indicate how the apparent ‘free choice’ to pursue a particular way of living through migration identified these migrations as central to identity-making projects, the migrants themselves distinct in their structural positioning as people who can approach migration as a form of consumption in contrast to the production orientation attributed to most other migration flows” (p. 24).

Decision process on changing Residence

The choice to leave for a new destination launches a process of reflection where uncertainty and doubt have a significant influence on decision making (Müller, 2004). This reflection includes thinking not only about the destination that is selected takes center stage, but also the way in which it is chosen (Cohen et al., 2015). Since changing the place of residence is a relevant choice that is rarely made spontaneously, information and factors that encourage mobility acquire crucial importance in the decision process (Müller, 2004; Taylor, 2012).

As noted by Hayes (2012), geographic mobility continues to be the responsibility of some fundamental rights that directly differentiate migrants based on the objectives with which they start on their trip. Therefore, the decision process related to migratory movements is related to various factors of attraction such as the climate, family or social relationships, labor terms, economic factors, as well as infrastructure or facilities and services, among many others (Huete, 2009).

In recent years, the processes of globalization, the emergence of new technologies, as well as innovation and changing societies, have caused a change in the social paradigm, linked to a new perspective of analysis in terms of geographic mobility and decision making (Cohen et al., 2015).

In this ecosystem, as highlighted by Müller (2021), real estate agents, who are in charge of highlighting the opportunities of the destination in terms of service provision, play a fundamental role in transmitting information to the target audience. Accordingly, real estate agents’ contributions, their marketing strategies, and brand identity become fundamental elements that influence their clients’ decisions (Janta & Lugosi, 2022).

In the present-day connected digital ecosystem, the UGC in social networks has promoted instant and global sharing of information, thus causing a greater reach of the destination in social, communication, and offer terms. Therefore, these channels are extensively used by entrepreneurs, companies, and public entities in digital marketing strategies to reach their target audience and influence their decision-making (Saura et al., 2021; Zhang & Su, 2020).

The importance of digital communication strategies in the migration paradigm

Representations of foreign countries through news, movies, entertainment, advertising and personal experiences are main sources that encourage people to consider migrating in the future (Hamel, 2009), causing them to imagine the act of moving to another place in their own minds (Wood & King, 2001).

At the same time, the media, directly or indirectly, offer stereotypical information about developed countries as centers of wealth, comfort, well-being, opportunity, and development. Conversely, underdeveloped countries are presented as affected by poverty, as well as social and economic instability (Hargreaves & Mahdjoub, 2006).

According to Leurs and Smets (2018), today we line in the time of the transformation of migration into a digitized process. Persistent digital divides have had a dramatic impact on migratory dynamics and caused a drastic and accelerated change for those migrants who travel in search of a better quality of life. At the same time, the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has led to the development of new digital channels that enhance and complement more conventional media. Overall, the impacts generated through social networks, forums or blogs make the final decision to migrate to the chosen destination an easier option to take (Mancinelli, 2020; Sirkeci & Yucesahin, 2020).

In general, as argued by Morales et al. (2014), the growth in the use of new technologies has led to an increase in the economic investment of public and private entities and entrepreneurs. This has driven the development of digital communication strategies that, through interactions and engagement, generate impulses in their target audience (Karegar et al., 2020).

In this digital ecosystem, companies should create digital communication strategies that meet short-, medium-, and long-term goals. The creation and development of digital marketing strategies becomes a fundamental strategy for entrepreneurs, private companies, and public entities to achieve specific objectives in relation to the promotion and communication of a new destination (Wang et al., 2020).

Central digital marketing strategies to attract customers looking for a new life destination include the creation of organic content, interactions with the community on social networks, paid campaigns on digital media with the use of mobile applications, geomarketing activities, or the use of geolocation techniques and programmatic advertising (Boas, 2019).

Accordingly, there is currently an increase in the demand for professionals in this field, such as professional community managers, digital marketing specialists, or graphic designers (Saura et al., 2022). All these professionals can effectively promote images in digital media, create a community, or generate sales opportunities to complement more conventional strategies.


In the present study, an SLR was developed following the methodological process presented by Wang et al. (2020), Stieglitz et al. (2018), and Saura (2022). An SLR implies a thorough review of the emerging theoretical and practical problems identified in the scientific literature (Kraus et al., 2020). This approach aims to improve understanding of a specific problem related to a specific topic or area. Consequently, an SLR encourages the identification of gaps in the literature and suggests other ways of covering problems and developing future research lines (Bem, 1995; Ribeiro-Navarrete et al., 2021).

In the first phase, following the structure proposed by Stieglitz et al. (2018) and Saura (2022), we identified the theoretical concepts related to the distinction between tourism and migration. In the second phase, the most relevant studies for the research were identified, and the results were prioritized and grouped according to the proposed objectives (Terjesen et al., 2009). Next, in the third phase, the search for potential articles was performed in the Web Of Science and Scopus databases. In this same phase, the main contributions were analyzed based on their titles, abstracts, and keywords. Figure 1 shows the three stages.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Terms used in the literature survey search

Source: The authors.

Once the potential articles were identified through titles, abstracts, and keywords, following Moher et al. (2009) and Stieglitz et al. (2018), articles that did not contain relevant terms or did not belong to the appropriate categories were excluded (Palmatier et al., 2017). Figure 2 represents the PRISMA diagram following the investigations carried out by Van den Bosch and Sang (2017) and Saura et al. (2021). This diagram explains, step by step, the stages through which the methodology was carried out to extract articles potentially suitable for the development and justification of our research objectives.

Fig. 2
figure 2

PRISMA Diagram Analysis

Source: The authors.

In the first step of the SLR, a total of 294 studies were obtained. These papers were analyzed individually based on their titles, abstracts and keywords in search of terms and keywords that were not relevant for our objectives. In this filtering process, a total of 106 articles were eliminated (Saura et al., 2022). The remaining 188 articles were analyzed in depth in relation to the complete methodological process developed in search of elements that indicated their suitability for the study. This resulted in choosing 90 articles. After the analysis of the objectives and hypotheses of the research and the relationship to the themes developed with the present study, a total of 16 articles were included in the final sample. Further detail on these 16 articles is provided in Table 1.

Table 1 Outcomes identified as relevant to the study


With rapid advances in technology, digital communication strategies have evolved over the last several (Wood & King, 2001). In the present study, we identified multiple actions, digital communication strategies or marketing techniques that an entity can use to increase sales objectives or brand reach.

Specifically, based on the results, we identified a total of 20 digital communication strategies that can be divided into the following three categories: (i) social media relationship, (ii) digital marketing; and (iii) augmented and virtual reality. The categories have been chosen on the basis of the results obtained. Once the results were extracted, a generic term was sought to group them, thus improving the understanding of the research. This classification into the three categories is necessary to identify the typologies of communication actions related to social networks, digital marketing strategies, and the use of virtual technology in different digital communication actions.

Furthermore, the results related to the first category, the social media relationship, were as follows: instant messaging (IM); migrant communities in social networks; podcast; social media engagement; tools video calls; video channels; video conferencing and vlogging. In the second category, digital marketing, the actions included blogs; chatbots; content marketing; display advertising; email marketing, influencer marketing; programmatic advertising; SMS marketing; social media marketing, and subscription business. Finally, the third category, augmented reality and virtual reality, was grouped as an individual category. Next, the obtained results were analyzed.

Social networks relationship

The daily use of social networks and multiple communities created by family, friends, or acquaintances encourage people to exchange information that becomes, on different occasions, a fundamental factor in making decisions (Ferreira & Sousa, 2022). In this category, the results extracted from the SLR were related to the social network relationship. Table 2 shows the results that concerned digital communication strategies because they facilitate, in terms of accessibility, the exchange of information through a social network or a digital platform.

Table 2 Digital Communication Strategies in Social Networking Relationship

Digital marketing

Digital communication strategies are intrinsically related to marketing actions carried out by digital marketing specialists. However, different they might be, digital marketing actions influence a specific target audience so that to generate interest in a service or product (Aliffianto & Andrianto, 2022). In this category, there are different results extracted from the SLR related to digital marketing. Table 3 shows the digital marketing strategies used by entrepreneurs, companies, or public entities to reach their target audiences.

Table 3 Digital Marketing Strategies

Virtual and augmented reality

Since the use and interest in both augmented reality and virtual reality is increasing in the active population, entrepreneurs, private companies, or public entities take advantage of their potential to generate a greater visual impact on the target audience (Yung & Khoo-Lattimore, 2019). This category shows the results obtained in the SLR. Table 4 shows both strategies.

Table 4 Augmented and Virtual Reality Strategies


Cohen et al. (2015) highlighted the complexity of seeking a new way of life with improved quality, health, or well-being. This search is not an easy task and entails a complex process of selection, research, and analysis of new destinations that would meet long-stay tourists’ expectations. In this context, in the present study, we investigated strategies that can improve tourists’ decision-making processes.

Overall, as noted by Benson and O’Reilly (2016), there are several particular needs that make people look for a better quality of life. For instance, social knowledge obtained through experiences or, family or social persuasion, and advertising through digital communication actions all influence and complement decision making. In the factors indicated, the digital strategies identified in this study can directly or indirectly influence the habits of future long-stay tourists (Janta & Lugosi, 2022).

As argued Müller (2021), through marketing strategies, private companies, entrepreneurs, and public entities carry out their communication actions to achieve a greater communicative reach aimed at a their specific target audience. In this context, it becomes imperative that more traditional communication techniques get complemented with digital communication tools and technologies focused on achieving a greater impact on technological devices and, therefore, enhance the digital potential in terms of marketing and brand identity (Janta & Lugosi, 2022).

Accordingly, the first digital category identified in our results—that of the social network relationship is configured—is one of the most important parts in relation to constant social communication. In the first place, and in agreement with Nedelcu (2017), Instant Messaging (IM) is a fundamental piece for the communication of content by way of notifications about new developments or news.

Similarly, migrant communities in social networks have become a fundamental element to maintain relations with a social environment or even communicate experiences about destinations, inform about travel opportunities, and so forth. In this connection, Zhang and Su (2020) already indicated the importance of studying user communities in social networks with regard to the choice of tourist destinations.

Of note, the implementation of podcasts is configured as communication and information channels that facilitate both accessibility and entertainment. These considerations are consistent with Andrew (2012). Simultaneously, in relation to social media engagement, Cohen et al. (2015) highlighted the importance of developing strategies that generate content on social networks to increase engagement with the target audience.

In addition, we found that there are different alternatives, such as tools for video calls as serve communication techniques to facilitate communication from different locations. As argued by Tang and Zolnikov (2021), the influence of this type of technology can hardly be overestimated. Similarly, video channels are an opportunity to visually share all kinds of advice, information, places, and so on as discussed and justified by Hannonen (2020), these channels facilitate the way of sharing experiences and experiences anywhere in the world. Likewise, as concerns video conferencing and videoblogs, these strategies allow to share daily actions live or to communicate with other people from anywhere. As argued by Dekker (2015), both alternatives make it possible to achieve a greater live visual interaction to speed up professional or entertainment environments.

Furthermore, as concerns digital marketing, we found different digital communication actions and marketing strategies. As argued by Hannonen (2020) and Dekker et al. (2015), the content generated by blogs is a source of relevant information that can facilitate long-term tourists’ choice of destination. Regarding social opinions, our results are consistent with van den Berg et al. (2015) who argued that influencers on social networks about a brand or company can provide a great impact on their followers and thus facilitate decision-making for long-stay tourists.

In this context, not only public figures, but also the work that a company does in social environments can create valuable content and effectively interact with consumers. This conclusion is in line with Nedelcu’s (2017) comment on the importance of external communication of a company with its target audience. In addition, it is possible to achieve even greater loyalty among consumers through subscription business actions that introduce specific offers to an audience (Patzold, 2020).

On the other hand, strategies related to advertising investment in digital environments, such as programmatic advertising strategies or display advertising on websites, are considered to be crucial to increase users’ memory about a brand when selecting the destination (Dekker et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2019). Similarly, as also noted by Dukic and Katic (2005) and Nedelcu (2017), email marketing and SMS marketing strategies are important to communicate and notify the target audience about new developments, news, services, shipments, and so forth.

Finally, as concerns virtual reality and augmented reality, Bell (2011) highlighted their importance in terms of generating a greater interest and repercussion among users that are achieved through the creation of sensations offered by these technologies.

Figure 3 provides an overview of the results. The larger hexagons refer to the categories established to classify the research results, while the smaller ones are linked to their corresponding categories in a random order.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Overview of Results

Source: The authors.


In this study, we provided an overview of the state of the art in the theoretical and empirical literature on Digital Communication and Lifestyle Migration. Ongoing improvements in technology and social development imply a change of paradigms and thinking in communication practices by a company, an entrepreneur, or a public entity. This evolution means that traditional actions to impact or persuade a target audience are no longer sufficient and that they have to evolve towards the implementation of new digital marketing techniques and management of social environments.

Since the process of making the decision to change one’s lifestyle is long and complex, the implementation of some digital communication strategies identified in the present study can help to propose new ways in the marketing plans of an entity. In our results, we identified a total of 20 digital communication actions that can be divided into the following three categories: (1) social media relationship; (2) digital marketing, and (3) augmented and virtual Reality. The results obtained in our systematic literature review allowed us to answer our research question (RQ1—What are the most used digital communication strategies to attract long-stay tourists?) in terms of identifying digital communication strategies linked to generating interest to tourists who want to stay a long time in a new destination.

The results divided into the commented categories are as follows: (i) social media relationship: instant messaging (IM); migrant communities in social networks; podcast; social media engagement; tools video calls; video channels; video conferencing and vlogging; (ii) digital marketing: blogs; chatbots; content marketing; display advertising; email marketing; influencer marketing; programmatic advertising; SMS marketing; social media marketing, subscription business; (iii) augmented reality and virtual reality.

Theoretical implications

The different strategies discussed in this study will help future studies to understand, categorize and investigate the relationship between digital communication and Lifestyle Migration in a different way. With further advances in the technology, the results of this study (Fig. 3) can be updated and complemented with new quantitative research initiatives that will seek to establish causal and empirical relationships. In further research, it would also be meaningful to address 12 research questions formulated in Table 5 that can be used to better understand additional extensions and problems associated with those addressed in the present study.

Table 5 Future Research Questions

Practical implications

The digital communication strategies used by entrepreneurs, companies, or public entities are carried out through a previous analysis or a company marketing plan. Accordingly, the results of the present study will help future entrepreneurs, private companies, or public entities to better understand the different digital strategies to implement to improve their communication plans. From an applied perspective, the obtained results can be useful for communication companies, digital marketing agencies, communication departments of traditional companies, or public entities, as well as for entrepreneurs and individuals who want to apply new communication techniques to achieve their marketing purposes. This will initiate a shift from traditional communication actions characterized by smaller scope and efficiency towards a more extensive use of digital communication strategies outlined in the present study.


The limitations of the present study are linked to the number of academic databases that were included in our analysis. Also, the difficulty of linking digital communication strategies by means of methodology can be highlighted when there have been no previous studies that directly relate the concepts of Lifestyle Migration and Digital Communication. Furthermore, the searches were performed only in English, so publications in languages other than English were omitted from our analysis. However, the articles removed from methodology have not been for linguistic reasons, but for not been related to the research objectives. Finally, the present study is a starting point for the study of digital lifestyle migration and digital communication.