Correction to: GeroScience

The original version of this article unfortunately contained an error in Figure 2.

Figure 2a captured incorrectly from this article; the figure should have appeared as shown below.

Incorrect Figure 2

figure a

Correct Figure 2

Fig. 2
figure 2

The NPB age-predicting clock in wild female baboons. A Predicted ages from the random forest NPB clock, plotted against known chronological age. The dashed line represents the 1:1 relationship between predicted and chronological age; the red line shows the fit of a linear model relating these two variables. Age predictions were compressed relative to the 1:1 line. B Relative NPB age for the 25 female baboons who had the most years of data in our data set (16–23 age predictions per female; see Fig. S1 for numbers of years of data per female). Relative NPB age is calculated as the residuals of a linear model regressing predicted against the female’s chronological age. The repeatability of relative NPB age was 20.6%