Erratum to: Tree Genetics & Genomes (2009) 5:147–164

DOI 10.1007/s11295-008-0175-8

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The presentation of Table 1 was incorrect. The number 57 (in row 4, column 6) should be replaced by 579. This is the correct result for Height2 of the D x T family in France. The corrected table is given on the following page.

Table 1 Family means with standard error (SE), range of genotypic variation and heterosis for stemtraits related to plant growth at the end of the second growing season (height2, circum2, vol2, htcc2, deltaH and deltaC) for the D×N and D×T families in Cavallermaggiore (Italy) and Ardon (France)