Correction to: Oral Radiology (2022) 38:278–287

In the original publication of the article, in Methods section of Abstract, the sentence that reads as “Each patient’s tumor stiffness was semi-quantified according to the ratio of cancer to tongue muscle strain measured using ultrasound strain elastography (the strain ratio).” should read as “Each patient’s tumor stiffness was semi-quantified according to the ratio of normal tongue muscle to the tumor strain measured using ultrasound strain elastography (the strain ratio).”

In Results section of Abstract, the sentence that reads as “Log (strain ratio) by ultrasound strain elastography was positively correlated with %CFC (rs = 0.379, P = 0.024).” should read as “Log (strain ratio) by ultrasound strain elastography was positively correlated with %CFC (rs = 0.379, P = 0.002).”

In conclusion section of Abstract, the sentence that reads as “The strain ratio of the cancer to the strain of the tongue muscle measured through ultrasound strain elastography positively correlates with the collagen fiber content of the tumor area.” should read as “The strain ratio of normal tongue muscle to the strain of the tumor measured through ultrasound strain elastography positively correlates with the collagen fiber content of the tumor area.”

Under the heading “Materials and methods”, in the Ethical approval section, the sentence that reads as “The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at our institution (No. 722).” should read as “The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at our institution (No. 772).”

Under the heading “Materials and methods”, in the “Evaluation of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue using intra-oral ultrasound imaging” section the sentence that reads as “The strain ratio: the ROI strain value of the cancer (%)/the ROI strain value of the healthy tongue muscle (%).” should read as “The strain ratio: the ROI strain value of normal tongue muscle (%)/the ROI strain value of the tumor (%).”

In Fig. 1d caption the sentence that reads as “Ultrasound image plane using B-mode. ROI strain values for the tumor (yellow circles) and normal tongue muscle (red circles) In elastography quantification, the ROI strain value of a tumor is expressed as strain ratio. Strain ratio = the ROI strain value for the tumor (yellow circles)/the ROI strain value for normal tongue muscle (red circled regions).” should read as “Ultrasound image plane using B-mode. ROI strain values for the tumor (yellow circles) and normal tongue muscle (red circles) In elastography quantification, the ROI strain value of a tumor is expressed as strain ratio. Strain ratio = the ROI strain value for normal tongue muscle (red circled regions)/the ROI strain value for the tumor (yellow circles).”

Under the heading “Results”, in the “Strain ratio by ultrasound strain elastography and cut-of values” section, the sentence that reads as “We expressed the SR as the ROI strain value (%) of cancer relative to the ROI strain value (%) of the tongue muscle.” should read as “We expressed the SR as the ROI strain value (%) of normal tongue muscle relative to the ROI strain value (%) of the tumor.”

Under the heading “Results”, in the “Correlation of each factor” section, the sentence that reads as “There was a positive correlation between % CFC and log (SR) (rs = 0.379, P = 0.024).” should read as “There was a positive correlation between % CFC and log (SR) (rs = 0.379, P = 0.002).”

In the original publication of the article, the Table 2 was published incorrectly, the correct Table 2 is given in this Correction.

Table 2 A. Correlation coefficients and their P values in histopathological factors. B. Partial correlation coefficients and their P values in histopathological factors