1 Introduction

The limiting of the power resources of the wireless sensing-based networks restricts its applications and disturbs its stability, where the most of WSN applications requires long life of the networks. On the other side, the power efficiency of the wireless communications is related directly to the computational complexity of the system. It is considered the main utilizing challenge of the Channel coding and the powerful security tools in Low-power wireless networks such as the object oriented wireless networks, WSN and WBAN for example. The power complexity is defined as the required energy. This research paper investigates energy constraint of these wireless networks through proposed energy harvesting system based on Piezo electric transducers [1]. This research work aims to present efficient renewable energy source with different scenarios to maximize the power output. Also, different renewable energy sources are discussed [2,3,4,5]. This interested and vital research point attracted the several of researchers to propose and present different harvesting of energy systems [6,7,8,9,10,11,12].

Based on the wide spreading Low-Power Object Oriented Wireless Networks (LP-OOWN) in the various applications fields and their constraint resources, the scientific research in this point should focuses on three vital sections. First research section concerns proposing efficient power sources utilizing renewable energy prototypes with considering the suitable and applicable scenario with the different applications field. On the other meaning, the circumstances and environment of the application choose the suitable renewable energy, one good for forest fire detection applications using WSN and other applicable in volcano monitoring application [13].

The second research section focuses on designing and proposed power/area efficient logic and digital circuits using various logic styles. Improving the characteristics of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) circuits of OOWN can be achieved through employing efficient and suitable logic style [14,15,16]. The Gate Diffusion Input (GDI) and Fall Swing GDI logic styles have been used to implement low power and small ALU units [17, 18]. Power efficient and reduced delay error control techniques are designed using power efficient logic style [18]. Also, reduced area of convolutional encoding circuits have been proposed in [19].

In the third research point, the researchers focus on proposing low computational and power complexity data protection and data security techniques. These techniques should be low power, less memory and satisfy the error performance and security requirements of data transferring over LP-OOWN. Several research papers presented power efficient error control schemes for data protection over LP- wireless networks [20,21,22,23]. The power and memory resources limitations are considered in the various research papers which proposed the security tools for WSN and WMSN [24,25,26,27,28,29].

The Wireless personal Area Networks (WPANs) are the first version of the Low-power wireless networks. It includes different wireless technologies, Bluetooth (with its versions), Zigbee, Z-wave and Ultra Wide Band (UWB) networks. There two WPANs are most widely used the Bluetooth and Zigbee. The Bluetooth is created to extend the wireless LAN; it is considered the engine of wireless personal communications developing. Zigbee is WPAN networks, mostly used for implementing the WSN applications. It requires lower power than the Bluetooth, it suitable for control and industrial applications [24, 25].

The energy constraints of the WSN and WMSN with their proposed security techniques are considered in this research work. Also, in this research paper the power complexity is considered to propose efficient energy harvesting system based on Piezo-electric concepts. The audio/acoustic energy has been converted to the electrical energy using the suitable sensor which is the Piezo0-sensor, the audible source is employed as a audio or noise source is the disk jockey, and the piezoelectric transducer element without a need to use an external power supply. To maximize the converted power of acoustic energy harvesting, varied parameters are presented [26, 27].

This research paper belongs to the first point research, it presents efficient power source based on harvesting the electrical power from the vibrations and acoustic power [28]. The designed energy harvesting prototype produces sufficient power to operate the circuits of WSN. The proposed energy source is suitable and applicable for various WSN applications, such as forest fire detection, environmental monitoring, patients monitoring applications [29]. This proposed energy harvesting system based on piezoelectric sensors can be effective power source for any LP-WN applications which contain or produce mechanical vibration [30]. The proposed energy harvesting system is implemented by different scenarios based on the piezo-detector connection method, voltage/current multiplier stages and hybrid scenarios [32]. Many practical experiments have been executed to test and improve the produced power with the various presented scenarios. Results of proposed energy harvesting base on acoustic waves have been compared with related research works [33].

The depending on the application/location of the smart LP-WN sensor and its power requirements, the Energy Harvesting (EH) systems can generate sufficient power from the surround environment of the application for providing required operating power, charging batteries or backup power for the LP-WN applications [34]. The EH system can be chosen based on the applications and its environments. The presented EH based on acoustic using piezo-electric transducer can be suitable in the industrial applications which generate mechanical vibrations or powerful acoustic waves [35].

The rest of the paper is presented as follows:- in Sect. 2, wireless networks with complexity considerations are discussed. Energy harvesting systems overview has been introduced in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, the related works are introduced. The proposed Piezo-based energy harvesting system is presented in Sect. 5. In Sect. 6, the practical experiments of different proposed scenarios are introduced. The results and discussion are presented in Sect. 7. In Sect. 8, Results analysis and Comparisons. The conclusion of the research paper has been given in Sect. 9.

2 Wireless Networks with Complexity Considerations

In this section, description of different low-power wireless networks with the complexity considerations is presented. There are many terms are related to the systems complexity such as time complexity, power complexity and the computational complexity [36]. The power complexity of different wireless networks specially the low-power networks forms problem in its operation and performance. These networks have limited energy resources due to its specifications and applications, so the energy limitation leads to addition restriction for utilizing error control techniques and powerful security techniques over these wireless networks as discussed in [37].

Several research works have been discussed the performance and security of WSN and WMSN with the power consumption and complexity considerations [38, 39]. The computational complexity is considered in [16] as a main challenges in the mobile image communications. In this paper, authors analyzed the complexity due to the amount of transmitted data. The amount of the power consumption reducing is considered in [1]. The authors in this research paper proposed security algorithm for the compressed images encryption using the combined tools over the Wireless Multimedia Sensors Networks (WMSNs). There are different applications scenarios of the WMSN have been discussed in this work and its problems such as the big amount of processed data which requires high power consumption and the network computational. The merging process between the different techniques for power saving is a method for decreasing the power consumption such as the compression technique and encryption merging for providing the good power efficiency and secured data transmission over the WMSNs [41, 42].

The time and power complexity are two terms related to the Computational Complexity (CC) of the systems. Time Complexity (TC) is a scientific term in the computer science, it describes the amount of time taken to run or execute an algorithm. In the circuits and data processing, TC of LP-WN is the amount of time required to complete the data processing and success transferring to the destination. TC is calculated as the computational complexity by counting the operations which are performed by the system [43].

On the other hand, Power Complexity (PC) is the amount of the consumed/required power for performing an algorithm. For the LP-WN, the PC is the required power to execute the data processing and transmission stages. Therefore, the CC, TC and PC are faces of same coin. The calculating the complexity based on the nature of the system, the big O is denotes the complexity [44]. There are four different types of complexity, \({\varvec{O}}({\varvec{n}})\) linear time, \({\varvec{O}}({\varvec{n}}\boldsymbol{ }{\varvec{l}}{\varvec{o}}{\varvec{g}}\boldsymbol{ }{\varvec{n}})\) or \({\varvec{O}}({\varvec{l}}{\varvec{o}}{\varvec{g}}\boldsymbol{ }{\varvec{n}})\) linear-arithmetic time, \({\varvec{O}}({{\varvec{n}}}^{{\varvec{\varepsilon}}})\) polynomial time and \({\varvec{O}}({2}^{{\varvec{n}}})\) exponential time algorithms.

In the practical simulation experiments which are presented in this research paper, the presented Piezo- energy harvesting system is flexible system, that is cleared form the different proposed designed scenarios of this energy harvesting system. It is proposed and designed to provide the different Low-power wireless networks by the required energy and permanent power source. It also, aims to combat the energy challenges of the pre-determined purpose wireless networks such as Ad-Hoc networks and WSN [45]. In the future work, the relation between the nature of LP-WN application environment and the suitability/applicability of the various energy harvesting power will be considered. Also, extension of this presented design of acoustic energy harvesting system to cover and suitable the mechanical vibration in the various industrial applications.

3 The Proposed Energy Harvesting System Overview

The presented EH system in this research paper is built based on utilizing the piezo-electric transducer to extract the electrical energy from the acoustic waves or mechanical vibrations sources. There are different scenarios of the designed EH system to be applicable and produces a sufficient electrical power to operate LP-WN in the suitable applications. The piezo-electric term contains two words, Piezo is Greek word means pressure. So, the piezo-electric means the electrical power from the pressure. There also, the piezo-effect, it is generating electrical voltage by apply stress on the material, which is called piezo-electric material [45]. Figure 1 shows the main contents of the acoustic energy EH system for LP-WN applications.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Main contents of the proposed acoustic/vibration energy harvesting system block diagram of for the low-power wireless networks

In this section, different energy harvesting systems are presented in brief. It is known that the wind, solar, thermal, and etc. energies are the current sources of renewable energy. The most important features of these resources are free, clean energy resources, and by time don’t destroy unlike conventional resources like natural gas, coal, petroleum, etc. Hence the utilizing of renewable energy resources is a required goal instead of losing those resources. [34, 35].

The scientific description of piezoelectric effects is getting on an electrical voltage output by applying pressure on the piezoelectric material that is called the direct piezoelectric effect, the generated output from the material is depending on the applied mechanical stress through it, and electric charges appear on the surface of the crystals as an automatic reaction. The electric field affects on some materials, if it has been applied on the piezoelectric-material, material deformation occurs this is called the reverse piezoelectric effect; therefore the change of crystal’s dimensions is an expected reaction [36, 37]. Figure 2 shows the adaptive design of EH system for LP-WN.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Block diagram of the Adaptive Piezo-array based acoustic/vibration energy harvesting system with respect to the application of LP-WN

In [43], the vibrations of the mechanical systems has been converted to the electrical energy using the Piezo-sensors array. The Piezo-sensors array method gives better results and increased the harvested electric power. In the presented scenario, each one of the transducers connected to rectifier and capacitor and connected parallel to maximize the output of the electrical current, this proposed harvesting system provided 21.4 mW with the frequency 150 Hz and 11 kΩ resistance load.

4 The Piezo-based Array Energy Harvesting System

This presented research paper aims to utilize the piezo-electric transducers to convert acoustic energy into electrical power. Also, the presented EH system uses the enhancing circuits to improve the generated energy and increase the proposed EH system efficiency. In addition to focus the randomly distributed acoustic energy waves. At present, there is a shortage of conventional energy sources, in the same context; all modern devices are electrical loads which require an electrical source to feed them to perform the desired function. s shown in Fig. 2, the adaptive Piezo-sensor based energy harvesting system has been shown, this system can provide the electrical power according to the requirements, it contains the series and parallel sensors arrays [44].

The extraction of electrical energy from the acoustic energy requires the availability of three basic elements, which is the acoustic energy (noise) to be employed positively in the form of electric energy, followed by the transducer which is responsible for the conversion of acoustic energy in its physical form to electrical form, and finally the electrical circuit which extracts the electrical energy from transducers and then working on the configuration of the appropriate form of use either by charging this energy in batteries or to feed light electrical loads directly [45].

5 Research Motivation

In this section, motivation of this research work is presented. There are two main motivation points. Fist, spreading the different wireless networks applications and its power constraints. The energy challenge of the WSN for example leads to limits its applications and makes its implementation more difficulty. Second fact, from the previous related research works in the field of acoustic energy harvesting confirmed that the generated power by acoustic and noise is still weak and very low due to the novelty of the subject and the special nature of propagation of the acoustic energy waves, as well as technical problems in electronic circuits used in the acoustic energy harvesting [48].

These goals are investigated by utilizing of new and renewable energy resources as cleared in the presented scenarios. Also, the presented work presents method for utilizing wasted acoustic energy to generate permanent power resource and employing the free and clean energy, unlike conventional energy resources. For evaluating and measuring the performance of the presented scenarios of the proposed acoustic energy harvesting piezo-based technique, the produced electrical current, electrical voltage, and the power are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed scenarios compared to different scenarios and compared to the previous related work [49,50,51,52,53,54].

5.1 Analysis of the Considered Parameters

In this section, the important parameters which must be considered in the energy harvesting system design. These parameters control the effectiveness and the efficiency of the system, such as the type of Piezo-sensor, the related circuits for enhancing the electrical power (voltage and current), the noise (audio/acoustic) source properties, method of transducers connecting and etc., the mounting methods of the piezoelectric transducer, Table 1 shows the main and sub-parameters [55].

Table 1 List of some important parameters of the Energy harvesting based on the Piezo array

6 Practical Experiments Description

In this section, the experimental works are presented. There are two main groups of experiments every group contains different proposed scenarios. The first group is just preparation and setting step to determine the main affected parameters as cleared in the following [56, 57].

6.1 Experiments of the parameters Preparation

The first group of practical experimental parameters preparation have been discussed as shown in the following.

6.1.1 Piezoelectric transducer selection

The first step in the implementation preparation of the presented scenarios is the piezo transducer choice. This step aims to determine the suitable piezoelectric transducer in this research, the selection of the transducer is based on specific criteria such as physical & electrical characteristics of piezoelectric transducers which are available through Datasheets. The most important characteristics are the piezoelectric material type, the piezoelectric resonant frequency, the piezoelectric resonant impedance, the piezoelectric internal capacitance and piezoelectric dimensions. So, the circular piezoelectric transducer model is (7bb/41/2), Which has been utilized in the different practical experiments of  the proposed energy harvesting system scenarios. Due to characteristics of the utilized Piezo sensor, its performance is stable and it is suitable and applicable where, its size is small [58]. From the piezoelectric transducer technical specifications, it is noted that the resonance frequency of the piezoelectric transducer is 2.2 kHz ± 0.3 kHz; hence the required range to operate the transducer is 1.9 kHz up to 2.5 kHz. This frequency is considered in the Very Low Frequency (VLF) band. Based on the specifications of the piezo-electric transducer and the nature of of the energy harvesting based on the acoustic signals is suitable for the outdoor applications of the WSN and WMSN networks [59].

6.1.2 Piezoelectric Transducer Preparation

The used piezoelectric transducer has two terminals, those terminals soldered by a pure solder and low power soldering iron (20 watts) to avoid damaging of transducers and at the same time getting a good solder point as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The used piezo-electric transducer and used audio source DJ

The source of the audio signals as a noise source is the disk jockey, due to the wide range of the its frequency band, it is considered as a good chosen as a noise/audio source for electrical power harvesting system from the audio signals. Therefore the DJ model number of TG 5000 is used for this purpose, its RMS power is 9 W, the impedance of the device is 8Ω, the frequency range is between 40 Hz up to 18 kHz. the used DJ is shown in Fig. 3b.

6.1.3 Acoustic Waves Collecting and Concentrating Tubes

For enhancing the effects of acoustic waves on the piezo-electric transducer, the generated acoustic waves should be collected or concentrated to be more effective and optimizing the extracted electrical energy. Concentration and collecting the sound waves produced by DJ are performed for increasing the applied pressure level of sound waves on piezoelectric transducers. Cylindrical tubes with different lengths of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 cm are used. The diameter of the tubes is 14 cm. The tubes are opened from one end and the other is closed by a sheet of plastic as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The concentrating collecting tubes for enhancing the extracted power, a The closed end of the tube is covered by a sheet of plastic, c Acoustic focusing tubes with lengths of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 cm

6.1.4 Piezoelectric Transducer Mounting

All transducers in this stage are mounted through their terminals on the surface of the closed ends, therefore all of them can move freely, and Plastic screws are used to fix the cylindrical tubes on DJ as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Variety mounting method of piezoelectric transducers on the acoustic focusing tube

6.1.5 Connection Methods

In this section, methods of piezo-electric transducers connection are discussed. The several connection methods are tested with different connections for piezoelectric transducers to evaluate the effective and superior method for maximum the extracted and converted power. Serial connection

The first connection method is the serial connection. In this method, ten piezoelectric transducers are mounted via their terminals on the slim diaphragm of the acoustic focusing tube. These transducers are connected in series then followed by a voltage multiplier circuit as shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The voltage multiplier works as a signal conditioning circuit to rectify the AC voltage which produced by piezoelectric transducers and to multiply the output voltage of piezoelectric transducers up to four times. The voltage multiplier consists of four capacitors and four germanium diodes for power save. There are also, the parallel and hybrid connections [60].

Fig. 6
figure 6

Schematic diagram of ten piezo-electric transducers are connected in series and parallel connections with the simple circuit for output enhancing, a piezo- electric series connection, b Piezo-electric parallel connection

Fig. 7
figure 7

Schematic diagram of ten piezo-electric transducers are connected in hybrid connections with the simple circuit for output enhancing

6.1.6 Acoustic Intensity

In this step, the acoustic energy output from DJ is applied on piezoelectric transducers using different connection methods with different sound intensity levels of 81 dB, 85 dB, and 87 dB and different distances from the noise source through lengths of acoustic collecting tubes. Hence, the following experiments contain different scenarios everyone has different parameters, such as:- Scenarios I, different piezo transducers connection with constant sound intensity level, constant distance and constant collecting tubes length. Scenarios II, different sound intensity with constant connection method, constant distance and constant tube length. Scenarios III, different tubes lengths with constant intensity, the same connection method and constant distance. Scenario IV, all parameters are constant and tested with variable distance [61,62,63,64].

6.2 The Main Experiments of the Acoustic Energy Harvesting Scenarios

This stage is a development of the previous stage for enhancement the converted power, therefore the optimum conditions and values of the parameters at the last stage are utilized at the current stage. Different proposed and tested piezoelectric mounting states are shown in Fig. 8; according to the measuring of the sound intensity, the mounting states did not give high variation in the sound intensity, it was between the 82 and 87 dB [65].

Fig. 8
figure 8

Methods of piezo-electric mounting

The different states of piezoelectric mounting are implemented and tested to specify the most suitable mounting state increasing the extracted electrical energy.

6.2.1 Piezoelectric Transducers Connection Methods

In this section, the two methods of the Piezo-array connection have been presented. There are four Piezo0sensors have been used to form series or parallel array. Each one of these arrays is followed by the voltage multiplier for rising the output voltage of the sensors array as given in Fig. 9. The sensors have been mounted on diaphragm of the audio source using the plastic tubes for concentrating and collecting the audio waves as given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Schematic diagram of two connection methods of piezo-electric array with the output enhancing circuit, a Series piezo-electric array connection, b Parallel piezo-electric array connection

6.2.2 Enhanced Technique for Output Maximizing

In the following, the second presented scenarios for enhancing the output of the energy harvesting through parallel multi-stages of the Piezo-sensors. As shown in Fig. 10, each stage output is processed separately by the separate voltage multiplier. The output electrical current equals IOutT = IOut1 + IOut2 + IOut3 + IOut4 [55].

Fig. 10
figure 10

The block diagram of the proposed technique

Within the two proposed connection methods of piezoelectric transducers, the different load resistors in the range of 2.2 kΩ up to 1 kΩ are tested to determine the load value which is appropriate to investigate the impedance matching. Also, in the enhancing process, the two mounting manner of piezoelectric transducers via their bodies and via their terminals on concentrating plastic tube are used and tested and evaluated through its power output. In the next section, the experimental results of the preparation experiments are discussed. Also, the enhanced energy harvesting system experiments results are discussed [67].

7 Experiment Results and Discussion

In this section, results of two different practically experiments have been presented. Also, the section discusses the results compared to the related research work. The experiments results details of the energy harvesting Piezo-based system by piezoelectric transducers are described in the following parts with different parameters preparation for the different implementing scenarios. These experiments are performed to measure the performance and evaluate the proposed design of the acoustic energy harvesting.

7.1 The Practical Experiments of the Enhanced Scenario Results

In this section, the results of the second section of the different scenario of the presented energy harvesting Piezo-based scheme have been presented. There are several practically experiments are performed to evaluate the reliability of the proposed system as cleared in the following discussion. The extracted electrical, voltage, current and power from the different presented scenarios of the proposed acoustic Energy Harvesting (EH) system. The voltage output (VOut) and output current (IOut) and extracted power (POut) are measured to be as a metrics for evaluating the applicability and efficiency the proposed EH. Also, these utilized metrics evaluate the suitability of these scenarios of proposed EH system as energy source of LP-WN. The different practical experiments consider the extracted voltage, current and power with the load resistance (RL) No. of stages of the PZT variations [62,63,64].

While Table 2 summarizes the Piezo-sensors array which are mounted on diaphragm of the audio source results utilizing the concentrating plastic tube. The testing is performed in case of audio intensity and the frequency are values of 85 dB, and 2.1 kHz, respectively. The extracted electrical power is 1.225mW, 1.089mW, 1.682mWand 5.891mW variation with the load resistance 10 kΩ, 10 kΩ, and 2.2 kΩ, respectively for the different scenarios.

Table 2 The Results of electrical output {power, voltage and current output} with respect to the different stages and the parameters of the enhancing circuit

As shown in the results, the mounting place of the Piezo-sensors is effective and enhances the extracted power, also, the sensors array with the adaptively concept and variations between the series and parallel connections provides flexibility in the electrical output range. In the four stages scenario connecting with body mounting state as an optimum condition, it provides 5.891mW with load resistance = 2.2 kΩ, the voltage of the extracted electrical signal (VOut) equals 3.6 V. With increasing the load resistance, the voltage increases such as, the voltage = 6.4 V with the load resistance 55 kΩ.

The results of the practical experiments have been presented in Table 2. For evaluating the performance of the various energy harvesting system utilizing acoustic energy with respect to the parameters of the presented scenarios of the presented harvesting energy, Figs. 11 and 12 give the variation of extracted voltage, current and power with the load resistance (RL) changing. These figures show the effects of the No. of stages of the PZT and enhancing circuit on the extracted power [64].

Fig. 11
figure 11

The output voltage and current vs. the RL variation with respect to the difference stages, a)- VOut with RL variation, b)- IOut with RL variation within the various stages

Fig. 12
figure 12

The extracted power (POut) vs. RL variation with respect to the difference stages

Figures 11 and 12 show the output voltage, current and converted power results with different Piezo-sensors stages for the terminals mounting method. Figures 12 shows of results of the extracted electrical energy for the different mounting scenarios of the Piezo-sensors array [55].

As shown in Figs. 11 and 12, the mounting place of the piezo-sensors is effective and enhances the extracted power. Also, the sensors array with the adaptively concept and variations between the series and parallel connections provides flexibility in the electrical output range. In the four stages scenario connecting with body mounting state as an optimum condition, it provides 5.891mW with load resistance (RL) = 2.2kΩ, the voltage of the extracted electrical signal (Vo) equals { VOut = 3.6 V. With increasing the load resistance, the voltage increases such as, the VOut = 6.4 V with the load resistance (RL = 55kΩ) [67] (Table 3).

Table 3 The highest output of harvested electrical power the various proposed scenarios with respect multi-stages

Finally, in this research work, low-power wireless networks constraints are discussed. It presented efficient energy source for this type of wireless networks especially the object oriented “Ad-Hoc, WSN, WBAN and WMSN based on acoustic signals [68]. In this presented work, studying how to concentrate the acoustic energy waves by different scenarios as shown in the practical experiments section has been presented. The performance of the proposed system is improved in the second section of the practical experiments is given. The extracted power from the acoustic is maximized as shown in the results section [70].

8 Results Analysis and Comparisons

This section is devoted to clear the efficiency and applicability of the presented scenarios for the various applications of LP-WN, such as the WSNs in the environmental monitoring and outdoor applications in general. Also, the proposed scenarios can be effective for the Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks (WS/ANs), it is called also, the interactive WSNs. This section briefs the best results of our research work with respect to the recent related published research works. Table 4 tabulates the results of the related works compared to the results of the various presented scenarios in our research work [71].

Table 4 The proposed energy harvesting systems based on piezoelectric transducers and the past related work comparison

Table 4 shows the results of the proposed EH design for electrical power harvesting from the acoustic waves compared with the related works. As presented in this research paper, the proposed design of EH system is modified by two tools, mechanically by acoustic concentrating tubes and electrically by enhancing circuits. The proposed EH system is effective more than the previous EH systems based on piezo-electric transducers. Also, the practical experiments reveal its applicability and suitability for various LP-WN applications [82]. In the future work, we will working to improve the extracted electrical power, merging the proposed EH system within real application of WSN. Also, third future research point will study the mechanical vibration on the extracted electrical power compared to the acoustic waves.

9 Conclusions

The energy challenge is considered the main constraint of different wireless applications. The harvesting renewable energy systems can solve this problem and provide permanent and sufficient power of WSN and different WPANs technologies. There is another problem in this issue, the power limitations restrict the security and error control techniques utilizing for these networks. In this paper, efficient acoustic energy harvesting piezo-based system is presented with different implementing scenarios. Different parameters are studied to optimize the extracted power from the presented system. Piezoelectric transducers array with different connection methods are considered. The concentrating tubes scenarios are presented to concentrate the surround audio signal and maximize its effects on the piezo-transducers surface. The different experiments ate carried for evaluating the proposed different scenarios. The experiments reveal the superiority of the presented piezo based system over the previous related work. Finally, the problem of energy resource of the different wireless networks specially the object oriented wireless networks such as the Ad-hoc, WMSN, and WBAN networks.