Erratum to: Water Resour Manage

DOI 10.1007/s11269-015-1144-2

1. The running page title should be “residential landscape irrigation in Los Angeles”.

2. The line (subheading) that says “2.5.1 Simple NDVI Threshold” should be deleted.

3. Section 3.1. The 3rd line says “WY2005-2007” but there should be a SPACE after “WY”.

4. Section 3.4, the very first line of text that follows after Fig 4… The word “and” should be inserted right before “71.1 mm month-1”.

5. The following is a higher resolution of Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 1

a Irrigation rate of SFR parcels within each CR b water conservation ratio of estimated OWU to modeled vegetation water demand for all SFR parcels within each CR across the City of Los Angeles