1 Introduction

Recommender systems have become ubiquitous in people’s lives, but there is increasing demand for recommendations that serve several people simultaneously. For instance, in domains such as online communities (Chen et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2010), music, movies or TV programs (O’connor et al. 2001; Masthoff 2004; Najafian and Tintarev 2018; Cao et al. 2018), and tourism (Cao et al. 2018; Najafian et al. 2020a), people often consume recommendations in groups rather than individually. Group recommender systems (GRSs) (Masthoff 2015; Masthoff and Delić 2022) are designed to provide recommendations that meet different group members’ preferences to support the group decision-making process. Several approaches have been proposed for performing this task, with most of them aiming to aggregate the individual group members’ preferences or recommendations (Senot et al. 2010). This aggregation is typically performed by applying social choice-based aggregation strategies, which combine the individual preferences of all group members following different approaches to predict an item that is suitable for everyone (Masthoff 2004, 2015; Najafian et al. 2020a).

Each group recommendation aggregation strategy has its trade-offs: Arrow’s theorem (Arrow 1950) states that the performance of an aggregation strategy depends on the evaluation context, meaning that it is unlikely for an aggregation strategy to outperform other strategies in all situations. However, previous user studies have demonstrated that some strategies perform better than others in different experimental conditions, in terms of perceived group satisfaction (Masthoff 2015). Other research has accordingly proposed to adaptively select the social choice-based aggregation strategy based on characteristics of the considered group; specifically, they applied strategies focused on avoiding misery, considering the average satisfaction, or maximizing happiness depending on the relationship strength between group members (Gartrell et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2019). However, the selection of the best strategy to apply to each specific group was based on intuitions or assumptions rather than determined by empirical findings with people. Another factor that was analyzed regarding the group decision-making performance and each group member’s satisfaction with the outcome is the intra-group diversity in terms of individual preferences. Delic et al. (2020) showed that a higher preference diversity generally has negative effects on these factors. However, determining which aggregation strategy performs better for a specific group is still an open problem that inspired the studies described in this paper.

If the aggregation strategy results in a recommendation that is not intuitive or not ideal for some group members, an explanation could help the group members to make a decision or reach consensus. Traditionally, explanations in recommender systems have been designed for single users and have achieved goals such as transparency, trust, and scrutability (Chen et al. 2013; Gedikli et al. 2014; Jannach et al. 2010; Tintarev and Masthoff 2022). However, explanations for groups need to meet additional goals besides explaining why certain items are recommended (Felfernig et al. 2018; Ntoutsi et al. 2012)—they need to help users agree on a joint decision and improve users’ perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction with the group’s decision (Felfernig et al. 2018; Najafian and Tintarev 2018; Tran et al. 2019). To the best of our knowledge, few studies have focused on generating and evaluating explanations based on social choice aggregation strategies aiming to increase fairness and consensus perception of users or their satisfaction (Tran et al. 2019). Crucially, though, they evaluated explanations and aggregation strategies in a coupled way, not distinguishing whether the participants’ evaluations referred to the explanation or the underlying aggregation strategy.

In this paper, we present two user studies investigating the performance of different social choice-based aggregation strategies in terms of users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction. Furthermore, we study the impact of the level of (dis-)agreement within the group on the performance of several social-choice aggregation strategies. We define this group configuration on the basis of the similarity between group members’ individual preferences. Finally, given that the social choice strategies are highly explainable, we also explore the added value of explanations. These explanations describe to the group the aggregation strategy used to produce the recommendation.

Our first experiment, Evaluating the effectiveness of explainable social choice-based aggregations (see Sect. 3; a version of which was previously published in Barile et al. (2021)) addresses the research question RQ1: “Do explainable social choice-based aggregation strategies increase users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, or satisfaction?”.

To answer this question, we conducted a preregistered, between-subjects user study with 399 participants, where each participant evaluates one aggregation strategy and one explanation type in terms of perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction regarding the group recommendations.Footnote 1 We experimented with five aggregation strategies (i.e., Additive Utilitarian; ADD, Approval Voting; APP, Least Misery; LMS, Majority; MAJ, and Most Pleasure; MPL) and three types of explanations and thus 15 conditions in total. In addition, we also tested for interaction effects between aggregation strategies and explanation types. Our results show differences between the social choice aggregation strategies for the studied group scenario in terms of users’ perceptions of fairness, consensus, and satisfaction. However, in contrast to earlier work (Tran et al. 2019), we found no added value in accompanying the aggregation strategies with social choice-based explanations.

We conducted a second user study to further investigate which factors influence the effectiveness of social choice-based aggregation strategies and their related explanations. This second experiment, The impact of scenario complexity (see Sect. 4), investigated the impact of scenario complexity in terms of the number of group members, the number of possible items, and the diversity of group members’ preferences. Specifically, we defined a set of group configurations based on the internal (dis-)agreement between group members to present complex scenarios to the evaluators: (i) uniform, which characterizes a group with high internal agreement between group members; (ii) divergent, a group with low internal agreement; (iii) coalitional, a group characterized by two disjoint subgroups with high internal agreement and low inter-subgroup agreement; and (iv) minority, a group with high internal agreement, except for one member who has a low agreement with all the other group’s members. This experiment addresses the research question RQ2: “Do explainable social choice-based aggregation strategies increase users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, or satisfaction, in complex group recommendation scenarios?”.

To answer this research question, we conducted a randomized controlled trial using a mixed design with two between-subject factors (6x2=12 groups) and one within-subject factor (4 conditions).Footnote 2 In this experiment, we focus on six aggregation strategies, namely Additive Utilitarian (ADD), Fairness (FAI), Approval Voting (APP), Least Misery (LMS), Majority (MAJ), and Most Pleasure (MPL) and two types of explanations. We found significant differences between social choice-based aggregation strategies in terms of users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction. Furthermore, our results show differences in the effectiveness of the social choice-based aggregation strategies depending on the specific configuration of the group for which the aggregation strategies are applied. A deeper investigation of the performances of the aggregation strategies in the specific group configuration revealed useful insights on which strategies perform better for each group configuration: the MPL strategy performs worst for minority groups but is one of the best strategies for uniform groups; the FAI strategy has good effectiveness for uniform and coalitional groups, while for divergent groups the ADD strategy obtains the best results. However, as in the first study, we found no added value in adding social choice-based explanations.

In sum, this paper makes the following contributions:

  • We conduct two preregistered user studies (N = 399 in the first study and N = 288 in the second study) to evaluate the effectiveness of social choice-based aggregation strategies and explanation types, and the impact of the group configuration, defined based on the internal (dis-)agreement among the group members.

  • We show significant differences among the aggregation strategies in terms of users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction, related to the provided group recommendations.

  • We found that the effectiveness of aggregation strategies depends on the configuration of the group on which the strategy is applied: (i) Most Pleasure (MPL) should be avoided for a minority group configuration, while it is the preferable strategy for a uniform group; (ii) the Fairness (FAI) strategy is preferred for uniform and coalitional groups; (iii) the Additive (ADD) strategy may be used in the situations in which the group configuration is not clearly identifiable.

2 Related work

In this section, we introduce the social choice-based aggregation strategies used to generate recommendations for groups in the two studies. Then, we describe the relevant literature on explanations for group recommender systems. We conclude the section by introducing the most recent lines of research in the Group Recommender state-of-the-art. Given relevant studies and findings, we also provide an overview of the gaps in the literature that we address in our studies.

2.1 Social choice-based aggregation strategies

There are two main approaches to generating group recommendations: (i) aggregated models that aggregate individual preferences (e.g., existing ratings) into a group model and then generate the group recommendations based on such a group model and (ii) aggregated predictions or strategies that aggregate individual item-ratings predictions and recommend items with the highest aggregated scores to the group (Felfernig et al. 2018). Several aggregation strategies inspired by Social Choice Theory (Kelly 2013) have been proposed to aggregate individuals’ information for group recommendations (Masthoff 2015). Masthoff (2004) present an overview of these social choice-based aggregation strategies. Six of the most utilized social choice-based aggregation strategies are:

  • Additive Utilitarian (ADD) is a consensus-based strategy that considers the preferences of all group members and recommends the item with the highest sum of all group members’ ratings (Senot et al. 2010).

  • Fairness (FAI) is a consensus-based strategy well-suited for repeated decisions, as it ranks items according to how individuals choose them in turn (Masthoff 2015).

  • Approval Voting (APP) is a majority-based strategy, focusing on the most popular items among group members, recommending the item with the highest number of ratings above a predefined threshold (Senot et al. 2010).

  • Least Misery (LMS) is a borderline strategy, considering only a subset of group members’ preferences and recommends the item which has the highest of all lowest ratings (Senot et al. 2010).

  • Majority (MAJ) is a borderline strategy that recommends the item with the highest number of all ratings representing the majority of item-specific ratings (Senot et al. 2010).

  • Most Pleasure (MPL) is a borderline strategy that recommends the item with the highest individual group member rating (Senot et al. 2010).

Masthoff and Delić (2022) presents several experiments performed to determine the best strategy in terms of perceived group satisfaction. The results, however, show that there is no “winning” strategy, as different strategies perform well in two different experimental settings. In the first study, the participants were asked to determine the best recommendation list for a group by inspecting group members’ preferences and explain the strategy they adopted. In the second, participants were presented with recommendation lists provided by different aggregation strategies and asked to determine the best in terms of the group members’ satisfaction. The results of these experiments were contradictory, suggesting that the strategies can have different performances in different group recommendation settings. Based on these considerations, in our experiments, we aim to evaluate the differences between aggregation strategies in terms of fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction.

We note that the experiments in this paper are complimentary to both long-standing and more recent research on group recommender systems, as many approaches propose variations of the strategies described above. The most common approach incorporates personal and social factors influencing the group decision-making process into social choice-based aggregation strategies. More specifically, these approaches assign different weights to the user’s preferences, considering demographics (Ardissono et al. 2003), roles in the group (Berkovsky and Freyne 2010), user’s experience in the domain (Gartrell et al. 2010), centrality in the group social network (Rossi et al. 2015, 2016; Delic et al. 2018), or individuals’ personalities (Nguyen et al. 2019; Quijano-Sanchez et al. 2017; Rossi et al. 2018). Another body of work attempts to balance the satisfaction of group members in relation to a sequence of items rather than the satisfaction with an individual item. More precisely, they aim to learn aggregation strategies directly from group interactions (Cao et al. 2018; Vinh Tran et al. 2019; Sankar et al. 2020) instead of trying to ensure greater fairness (Kaya et al. 2020; Malecek and Peska 2021). These new exciting directions show strong predictive performance but also exhibit limitations in terms of explainability; we believe that the explanation methodologies introduced in this paper can provide a foundation on which these approaches can build to fill this gap.

2.2 Explaining to groups

Explanations can generally be seen as additional information that is associated with the recommendations to achieve several goals, such as increasing transparency (explaining how the recommendation system works), effectiveness (helping the user to make good decisions), and usability of the system, as well as user satisfaction (Tintarev and Masthoff 2022). Several studies in different domains have shown the benefits of using explanations for recommendations to increase users’ acceptance rate, satisfaction, and trust in the system (Sinha and Swearingen 2002). In group recommendations, explanations can achieve further goals: fairness (showing consideration for all group members’ preferences as much as possible); consensus (helping group members agree on the decision) (Felfernig et al. 2018); privacy-preservation (preserving group members’ confidential data, to avoid concerns about a possible loss of privacy by, e.g., disclosing the preference information of individual group members in the explanation) (Najafian et al. 2021a, 2020b, 2021b). However, most of the research on explanations for recommender systems focuses on single-user scenarios, while only a few studies investigate the problem of generating explanations for groups. Typically, such explanations are related to the underlying mechanism of the employed social choice-based aggregation strategy (Najafian and Tintarev 2018; Kapcak et al. 2018; Tran et al. 2019).

Natural language explanation styles based on the underlying social choice aggregation strategies were introduced in Najafian and Tintarev (2018), while Kapcak et al. (2018) extended this work using the wisdom of the crowd to improve the quality of the initially proposed explanations. Quijano-Sanchez et al. (2017) included the social factors of personality and tie strength between group members to generate tactful explanations (e.g., explanations that avoid damaging friendships). In a user study, Tran et al. (2019) evaluated explanations for six social choice-based aggregation strategies and found that explanations related to the ADD and MAJ strategies most increased fairness and consensus perceptions, as well as user satisfaction regarding the group recommendation. They also found that users’ perceived fairness or consensus correlated with their satisfaction. Although this paper presents valuable ways to generate explanations for the most used benchmark aggregation strategies in group recommender systems research, the joint evaluation of aggregation strategies and explanations raises questions regarding whether the effects attributed to the explanations might not, in fact, depend solely on the aggregation strategies themselves. On the contrary, in our work, we evaluate the effectiveness of explanations in isolation. Furthermore, a second aspect that has not been investigated in the literature is the level of detail that the explanation can achieve concerning the aggregation strategy used and whether this affects users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction. For this reason, we will also evaluate the effectiveness of a detailed version of the social choice-based explanations proposed in Tran et al. (2019). Finally, we also validate the correlation between user satisfaction and perceived fairness and consensus, c.f., Tran et al. (2019).

2.3 Complex group recommendation scenarios

Although the group recommender systems literature tends to focus on a specific strategy at a time, some comparative studies showed that different aggregation strategies perform better depending on some characteristics of the specific group the system is supporting (Masthoff and Delić 2022). In particular, Gartrell et al. (2010) and Zhang et al. (2019) propose two approaches in which the strength of the relationships between the group members is used to evaluate a social factor, and this is used to determine the aggregation strategy to use: MPL for groups characterized by strong relationships, AVG for groups with intermediate relationships, and LMS for groups with weak relationships. However, the motivation behind these choices is based on anecdotal observations on limited numbers of groups (Gartrell et al. 2010), and we are not aware of any studies validating these assumptions in the literature.

Another factor that was analyzed in relation to the performance of the group decision-making process and the satisfaction of each group member with the outcome is the intra-group diversity (in terms of individual preferences). Delic et al. (2020) defined several measures of internal similarity and evaluated the correlations of such metrics with group member satisfaction regarding the presented recommendations, using real groups data collected in the tourism domain. The results showed that, in general, a higher diversity has negative effects on these factors. The internal dissimilarity is also used by Gartrell et al. (2010), where a dissimilarity descriptor is used to correct the aggregated scores.

Based on these findings, we argue that the complexity of the considered group scenario has an impact on the performance of the aggregation strategies, informing the study on The impact of scenario complexity. We further hypothesize that the complexity of the recommendation scenario increases the difficulty of evaluating the effectiveness of the group recommendations provided for a specific complex group. In such conditions, the users may benefit from the use of social choice-based explanations. To properly evaluate complex group recommendation scenarios, we consider different settings. In contrast to previous work (c.f., Delic et al. (2020)), we consider the composition of the group rather than averaging the dissimilarity between all the pairs of group members and hypothesize that different complex group configurations lead to different performances for the considered recommendation strategies.

Our literature overview highlights the need for more empirical analysis of social choice-based aggregation strategies. Furthermore, there is a clear need for measuring how factors such as scenario complexity and group configuration influence the performance of the aggregation strategies.

3 The effectiveness of social choice strategies

In this first study, Evaluating the effectiveness of social choice strategies, we evaluated the effectiveness of social choice-based explanations for group recommendations in terms of perceived fairness, consensus, and satisfaction. In particular, we decided to use a slightly different methodology than the one proposed in the literature. In Tran et al. (2019), the recommendation was presented together with the explanations, and the user was asked to evaluate how the provided explanation helped increase their fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction with the recommendation. In our user study, we aimed to conceptually replicate and further investigate the findings of Tran et al. (2019) by decoupling the explanation and the recommendation. More specifically, we added a control condition without explanation, and we asked our participants to evaluate the provided recommendation. This choice was motivated by the following consideration: if the explanation is actually helpful in increasing the fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction related to the recommendation, users’ evaluations should be more favorable in the scenarios where recommendations are provided together with an explanation. Conversely, the recommendation provided in the control scenario, i.e., without explanation, should receive lower evaluations. To guide our first study, we decomposed RQ1 (performance of different explainable aggregation strategies) into four sub-questions:


Are there differences between social choice-based aggregation strategies in group recommendation settings regarding users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, or satisfaction?


Do explanations that are based on the group recommendation aggregation strategy at hand increase users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, or satisfaction?


Does the effectiveness of explanations (w.r.t. users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, or satisfaction) vary depending on the aggregation strategies at hand?


Are users’ levels of perceived fairness or perceived consensus related to their satisfaction concerning the group recommendations?

3.1 Hypotheses

In this section, we formalize the hypotheses related to the research questions RQ1.1–4 that we investigate in our experiment. First, based on the findings from Masthoff and Gatt (2006); Masthoff and Delić (2022), we hypothesize that we have different performances in terms of fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction for the aggregation strategies considered. More specifically, we formalize the following hypotheses related to RQ1.1Footnote 3:

  • H1.1a: There is a difference between social choice-based aggregation strategies in group recommendation settings regarding users’ fairness perception.

  • H1.1b: There is a difference between social choice-based aggregation strategies in group recommendation settings regarding users’ consensus perception.

  • H1.1c: There is a difference between social choice-based aggregation strategies in group recommendation settings regarding user satisfaction.

Furthermore, we hypothesize to have a positive impact from the presence of explanations, in line with the findings presented in Tran et al. (2019). Hence, we formulate a second set of hypotheses related to RQ1.2:

  • H1.2a: Explanations based on the aggregation strategy at hand increase users’ fairness perception concerning group recommendations.

  • H1.2b: Explanations based on the aggregation strategy at hand increase users’ consensus perception concerning group recommendations.

  • H1.2c: Explanations based on the aggregation strategy at hand increase users’ satisfaction concerning group recommendations.

We also hypothesize that the effectiveness of the explanations is moderated by the underlying aggregation strategy for all the three variables we are measuring, which translates into the following hypotheses related to RQ1.3:

  • H1.3a: The effect of aggregation strategy-based explanations on users’ fairness perception concerning group recommendations is moderated by the type of aggregation strategy at hand.

  • H1.3b: The effect of aggregation strategy-based explanations on users’ consensus perception concerning group recommendations is moderated by the type of aggregation strategy at hand.

  • H1.3c: The effect of aggregation strategy-based explanations on user satisfaction concerning group recommendations is moderated by the type of aggregation strategy at hand.

Finally, we hypothesize to confirm the finding from Tran et al. (2019) regarding the correlation between users’ perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction. Hence, we formulate the following hypotheses related to RQ1.4:

  • H1.4a: Users’ perceived fairness is positively related to user satisfaction concerning group recommendations.

  • H1.4b: Users’ perceived consensus is positively related to user satisfaction concerning group recommendations.

3.2 Method

We conducted an online between-subjects user study to test the aforementioned hypotheses,Footnote 4 Users were presented with a scenario that reflected one of five different social choice-based aggregation strategies for group recommender systems and included either no explanation or one of two different explanation types.

3.2.1 Materials

Our study considered five aggregation strategies and two explanation types.

3.2.2 Aggregation strategies

We considered five social choice-based aggregation strategies for group recommender systems in our first study. More specifically, we evaluated the following aggregation strategies (see Sect. 2.1 for more details): ADD, APP,Footnote 5 LMS, MAJ, and MPL. These strategies aggregate the preferences of a group of users to obtain a recommendation for the group as a whole Senot et al. (2010). All these strategies were also evaluated in prior work by Tran et al. (2019). However, in contrast to Tran et al. (2019), we do not consider FAI because the explanation types proposed in our study cannot be generated for this strategy in the considered scenario, as it needs more interactions with the system.

3.2.3 Explanations

In our user study, each recommendation is paired with one of the following explanation types:

  • No explanation: the aggregation strategy is applied without explanation.

  • Basic explanation: illustrates the aggregation strategy with a short sentence. We adopted them from Tran et al. (2019), where they are referred to as Type 1 explanations.

  • Detailed explanation: extends basic explanations by providing details about the specific reason why a given item has been recommended.

Table 1 illustrates the specific explanation types for each aggregation strategy.

Table 1 Generic formulations for each aggregation strategy of the explanations used in this study

3.2.4 Procedure

After participants agreed to an informed consent, they were introduced to the study and asked for their gender and age. Then, they saw the scenario from Tran et al. (2019):

“Assume, there is a group of four friends (Alex, Anna, Sam, and Leo). Every month, a group decision is made by these friends to decide on a restaurant to have dinner together. To select a restaurant for the dinner next month, the group again has to take the same decision. In this decision, each group member explicitly rated three restaurants (Rest A, Rest B, and Rest C) using a 5-star rating scale (1: the worst, 5: the best). The ratings given by group members are shown in the table below:”

Table 2 Ratings of group members for the restaurants (1: the worst, 5: the best) from Tran et al. (2019)

Participants subsequently saw Table 2 and were presented with a recommendation generated with one of the five considered aggregation strategies. The recommendation was presented either with or without an explanation, depending on the explanation type they had been randomly assigned to (i.e., one of the fifteen possible conditions; determined by the combination of the five considered aggregation strategies and the three explanation types; see Table 1). Finally, we asked them to evaluate the perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction (see Sect. 3.2.3) from the point of view of an “external evaluator” (i.e., not a member of the group for which the recommendation was generated). To ensure high quality of the collected results, we included one attention check in which the participant is instructed to select a specific option. Finally, participants could provide a textual explanation for their answers. Before we ran it, the study had been reviewed and approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at TU Delft.Footnote 6

3.2.5 Variables

This section introduces the independent, dependent, and descriptive variables measured in the user study.

3.2.6 Independent variables

The independent variables defined the conditions presented to the participants, in terms of aggregation strategy and explanation type.

  • Aggregation strategy (categorical, between-subjects). Each participant was exposed to a scenario that reflected one of the five aggregation strategies (i.e., ADD, APP, LMS, MAJ, or MPL; see Sect. 3.2.1).

  • Explanation type (categorical, between-subjects). Each participant saw either no explanation, a basic explanation, or a detailed explanation (see Sect. 3.2.1).

3.2.7 Dependent variables

Inspired by Tran et al. (2019), we asked the participants to evaluate the provided scenario in terms of perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction. For this, we asked the participants to respond to a statement for each variable on a seven-point Likert scale ranging from “strongly agree” (scored as \(-3\)) to “strongly disagree” (scored as 3). The statements are adapted from Tran et al. (2019) such that the participant is asked to evaluate the provided recommendation (and not the explanation). Below, we list the statements:

  • Perceived fairness (ordinal): “The group recommendation is fair to all group members”;

  • Perceived Consensus (ordinal): “The group members will agree on the group recommendation”;

  • Satisfaction (ordinal): “The group members will be satisfied with regard to the group recommendation”.

3.2.8 Descriptive variables

In addition to the independent and dependent variables that we used for hypothesis testing, we collected data on two demographic variables:

  • Age (categorical), participants could select one of the options 18–25, 26–35, 36–45, 46–55, >55;

  • Gender (categorical). Participants could select one of the options female, male, or other.

There was also a “prefer not to say” option for both variables.

3.2.9 Sample size determination

Before data collection, we computed the required sample size for our study in a power analysis for a between-subjects ANOVA (Fixed effects, special, main effects, and interactions; see Sect. 3.2.6) using G*Power (Faul et al. 2007). Here, we specified the default effect size f = 0.25, a significance threshold \(\alpha = \frac{0.05}{11} \approx 0.005\) (due to testing multiple hypotheses; see Sect. 3.2.6), a power of \((1-\beta ) = 0.8\), and that we test \(5 \times 3 = 15\) groups (i.e., 5 different aggregation strategies for 3 different explanation scenarios). We performed this computation for each hypothesis using their respective degrees of freedom. This resulted in a total required sample size of at least 378 participants.

3.2.10 Participants

We recruited 400 participants from the online participant pool Prolific,Footnote 7 all of whom were proficient English speakers above 18 years of age. To maintain high-quality answers, we selected only participants who had an approval rate of at least 90% and participated in at least ten prior studies. Each participant was allowed to participate in our study only once and received £0.63 as a reward for participation. We excluded one participant who did not pass the attention check from the data analysis. The resulting sample of 399 participants was composed of 61% (244) female, 38% (153) male, and 1% (2) other participants. They represented a diverse range of age groups: 28% (110) were between 18 and 25, 29% (115) between 26 and 35, 17% (68) between 36 and 45, 14% (55) between 46 and 55, and 13% (51) were above 55 years of age. Additional information on the dataset demographic distributions are available in Appendix A. We randomly distributed participants over the 15 conditions (i.e., exposing them to one out of five aggregation strategies and one out of three explanation types).

3.2.11 Statistical analysis

For each of the three dependent variables in our study (i.e., fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction), we conducted a two-way ANOVA using aggregation strategy and explanation type as between-subjects factors. These three ANOVAs were used to test nine hypotheses (i.e., H1.1aH1.3c). Specifically, each of them tested main effects of aggregation strategy (H1.1aH1.1c) and explanation type (H1.2aH1.2c), as well as the interaction between these two variables in affecting the dependent variables (H1.3aH1.3c). We chose this type of analysis despite the anticipation that our data may not be normally distributed (i.e., violating an ANOVA assumption) because ANOVAs are usually robust to Likert-type ordinal data (Norman 2010). We additionally performed two Spearman correlation analyses to test hypotheses H1.4a and H1.4b. We thus tested 11 different hypotheses. Applying a Bonferroni correction (Napierala 2012), we lowered the significance threshold to \(\alpha = \frac{0.05}{11} = 0.0046\). Since we found significant main effects related to our first six hypotheses (H1.1aH1.2c; see Sect. 3.3), we conducted Tukey post hoc analyses to investigate specific differences between the aggregation strategies and explanation types. The p-values from these post hoc analyses were adjusted to correct for multiple testing (i.e., written as \(p_{\text {adj}}\)).

3.3 Results

The results of the statistical analyses illustrated in Sect. 3.2.6 are reported in Table 3. First, we report some descriptive statistics about the collected data. Then, we highlight the results related to the research questions RQ1.1–4.

3.3.1 Descriptive statistics

Fig. 1
figure 1

Participants’ mean fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction across explanation types on scales from \(-3\) (“strongly disagree”) to 3 (“strongly agree”; see Sect. 4.2.3). Colors indicate aggregation strategies: Additive Utilitarian (ADD), Approval Voting (APP), Least Misery (LMS), Majority (MAJ), Most Pleasure (MPL). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean

Participants’ distribution over the 15 different conditions (i.e., all possible combinations between the five aggregation strategies and the three explanation types) was balanced: each condition was shown to 6–7% of participants. On average, participants spent 2.9 (sd = 2.2; no notable difference between conditions) minutes on the task. Qualitative feedback from participants suggested that the scenario and the task were understandable. Participants had a slight overall tendency to perceive fairness, consensus, and satisfaction across scenarios, as 51%, 51%, and 56% overall at least somewhat agreed with these three items, respectively. Figure 1 shows participants’ mean fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction across explanation types and split by aggregation strategies.

Table 3 Results of three two-way ANOVAs for the dependent variables (DVs) fairness perception (left), consensus perception (center), and satisfaction (right)

RQ1.1: differences between social choice-based aggregation strategies regarding the recommendation effectiveness. We found significant differences between the five aggregation strategies concerning all three dependent variables fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction (H1.1aH1.1c; \(F = [36.19, 38.89, 49.57]\), all \(p<0.001\); see Table 3). So, overall, participants expressed different levels regarding these three variables based on which aggregation strategy they were exposed to. Tukey pairwise post hoc analyses revealed that Most Pleasure (MPL) led to lower levels on all three variables compared to all other aggregation strategies (all \(p_{\text {adj}}<0.001\)). The only other significant differences we found between aggregation strategies were that Approval Voting (APP) (\(p_{\text {adj}} = 0.004\)) and Majority (MAJ) (\(p_{\text {adj}} = 0.005\)) each led to lower fairness perception compared to Least Misery (LMS). In sum, participants—irrespective of which explanation type they saw—viewed MPL as significantly less fair, consensual, and satisfying compared to other strategies and judged MAJ and APP as less fair compared to LMS.

RQ1.2: differences between explanation types (i.e., no explanation, basic explanation, or detailed explanation). We found no significant differences between the three explanation types regarding all three dependent variables (H1.2aH1.2c; \(F = [0.35, 0.14, 0.15]\), \(p = [0.71, 0.87, 0.86]\); see Table 3). So, our results show no difference between explanation types concerning our three dependent variables.

RQ1.3: interactions between aggregation strategies and explanation types regarding explanation effectiveness. There were no significant interaction effects between aggregation strategies and explanation types (H1.3aH1.3c; \(F = [0.68, 0.75, 1.25]\), \(p = [0.71, 0.65, 0.27]\); see Table 3). The effect of explanation types on participants’ fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction thus did not significantly differ based on which aggregation strategy was applied.

RQ1.4: associations between explanation effectiveness measures. In line with the findings of Tran et al. (2019), Spearman correlation analyses revealed significant positive relationships between fairness perception and satisfaction (\(\rho = 0.71\), \(p<0.001\)), as well as between consensus perception and satisfaction (\(\rho = 0.76\), \(p<0.001\)). This means that, as participants’ fairness and consensus perception increased, satisfaction also increased.

3.4 Discussion

In this section, we look closer at the user study results and their implications. We discuss the difference between aggregation strategies and explanation levels, and the correlation between fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction.

3.4.1 Differences between aggregation strategies

As shown in Sect. 3.3, we found differences between the aggregation strategies in terms of perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction. The Most Pleasure (MLP) strategy obtained the lowest scores, regardless of the type of explanation.

Furthermore, participants perceived the Majority (MAJ) and Approval Voting (APP) strategies as less fair than Least Misery (LMS). These results are in contrast to the findings of Tran et al. (2019), where the same scenario was used. There, the Majority (MAJ) and Additive (ADD) strategies scored better than the Least Misery (LMS) strategy. An explanation of this difference could be the different design of our experiment: we implemented a between-subject design to guarantee the independence between the conditions; on the contrary, in Tran et al. (2019), each user evaluated six strategies and was exposed to different explanation types. Although the strategies were presented in a randomized order to reduce biases, it is possible that the user used an explanation type seen first as a reference point to compare with in the following evaluations, which introduced noise in their evaluations. Furthermore, to evaluate the effect of the aggregation strategy separately from the explanation, we asked participants to evaluate the recommendation. In contrast, Tran et al. (2019) asked the participants to evaluate the explanation. Hence, the evaluation of the explanation was influenced by the evaluation of the aggregation strategy.

3.4.2 The role of explanations

The results presented showed no significant difference between the different types of explanations. Furthermore, we found no interaction effects between the explanations and the aggregations regarding the measured dependent variables (perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction). However, these results are not enough to claim that the explanations are not useful for group recommender systems. First, it must be considered that the used scenario was particularly simple to evaluate. More complex scenarios might involve a more balanced situation between subgroups with different preferences or a greater number of options to choose from: such factors might complicate the assessment; in such cases, an explanation of the approach used might have an impact. Moreover, the strategies presented here represent baselines for group recommenders. Therefore, it is necessary to formalize the explanations for these strategies, as they serve as a reference against which more articulated strategies can be compared.

3.4.3 The link between fairness, consensus, and satisfaction

The correlation between fairness perception (or consensus perception) and satisfaction, already reported in Tran et al. (2019), and also shown in our results, confirms the close connection between these concepts. A solution perceived as less fair is also perceived as less satisfactory, and a less satisfactory solution is unlikely to be accepted by the group. This confirms that these aspects, sometimes considered secondary, are crucial and that a group recommendation system must consider them both in the generation of recommendations and in their evaluation.

3.4.4 The impact of the considered scenario

One important limitation of this study concerns the used scenario (see Table 2 in Sect. 3.2.2). In particular, we here considered a group with only four people and three items, where three group members mostly agree on the items’ evaluations, while only one user has quite different preferences. A more realistic scenario, with more options and different ratios between the group members’ agreements and disagreements, could lead to different results and, in general, to different effectiveness for the presented explanations. We addressed this specific limitation in the second user study (see Sect. 4).

4 Complex recommendation scenarios

In our first study on evaluating the effectiveness of social choice strategies, we found differences between different social choice-based aggregation strategies. However, as we can see from Table 2, the case we studied was reasonably simple (four group members and three candidate restaurants), and it is not clear whether these results generalize to more complex recommendation scenarios. In particular, previous work (Masthoff and Gatt 2006; Delic et al. 2020; Gartrell et al. 2010) suggests that there is a benefit to adapting the aggregation strategy to the group composition, but this has not yet been systematically evaluated. Intuitively, finding a good solution in a group with diverging preferences can be more difficult. This, in turn, can impact the added value of the (aggregated) recommendations and the corresponding explanations. Thus, to investigate the role of group composition, we investigate the effectiveness of aggregation strategies and explanations in a slightly more complex scenario (with five group members and ten items).

Furthermore, we defined a scenario in which the system has been used three times in the past. Hence, the provided recommendation is the fourth choice of the considered aggregation strategy. This also allowed us to consider and properly evaluate the Fairness (FAI) strategy, which was excluded from our previous study (see Sect. 4.2.1).

In this study, we investigate RQ2 (influence of more complex scenarios), which is divided into four sub-questions:


Are there differences between the social choice-based aggregation strategies (w.r.t. users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, or satisfaction) in complex group recommendation scenarios?


Do social choice-based explanations increase users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, or satisfaction in complex group recommendation scenarios?


Are there differences between different group configurations in terms of users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, or satisfaction?


Does the effectiveness of social choice-based explanations (w.r.t. users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, or satisfaction) vary depending on the underlying aggregation strategies and/or on the group configuration?

4.1 Hypotheses

In this section, we formalize the hypotheses related to RQ2.1–4. First, based on the evidence from the literature (Delic et al. 2020; Masthoff and Gatt 2006), we hypothesize that there are differences between the aggregation strategies in terms of fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction when evaluated in complex recommendation scenarios. Hence, we formulate the following hypotheses related to RQ2.1:

  • H2.1a: There is a difference between social choice-based aggregation strategies regarding users’ fairness perception in complex group recommendation scenarios.

  • H2.1b: There is a difference between social choice-based aggregation strategies regarding users’ consensus perception in complex group recommendation scenarios.

  • H2.1c: There is a difference between social choice-based aggregation strategies regarding users’ satisfaction in complex group recommendation scenarios.

Furthermore, we hypothesize that the complexity of the scenario triggers the user’s need for explanations, resulting in increased effectiveness of social choice-based explanations. Hence, we formulate the following hypotheses related to RQ2.2:

  • H2.2a: Social choice-based explanations increase users’ fairness perception in complex group recommendation scenarios.

  • H2.2b: Social choice-based explanations increase users’ consensus perception in complex group recommendation scenarios

  • H2.2c: Social choice-based explanations increase users’ satisfaction in complex group recommendation scenarios.

We also hypothesize that we observe different effectiveness values according to the specific group configuration of the group for which the recommendation is provided. More specifically, we formulate the following hypotheses related to RQ2.3:

  • H2.3a: There is a difference between group configurations regarding users’ fairness perception concerning group recommendations.

  • H2.3b: There is a difference between group configurations regarding users’ consensus perception concerning group recommendations.

  • H2.3c: There is a difference between group configurations regarding user satisfaction concerning group recommendations.

Finally, regarding RQ2.4, we hypothesize that the effectiveness of social choice-based explanations is moderated by the considered aggregation strategy and the specific group configuration:

  • H2.4a: The effect of social choice-based explanations on users’ fairness perception concerning group recommendations is moderated by the underlying social choice aggregation strategy.

  • H2.4b: The effect of social choice-based explanations on users’ consensus perception concerning group recommendations is moderated by the underlying social choice aggregation strategy.

  • H2.4c: The effect of social choice-based explanations on user satisfaction concerning group recommendations is moderated by the underlying social choice aggregation strategy.

  • H2.4d: The effect of social choice-based explanations on users’ fairness perception concerning group recommendations is moderated by the characteristics of the group to which the recommendation is provided.

  • H2.4e: The effect of social choice-based explanations on users’ consensus perception concerning group recommendations is moderated by the characteristics of the group to which the recommendation is provided.

  • H2.4f: The effect of social choice-based explanations on user satisfaction concerning group recommendations is moderated by the characteristics of the group to which the recommendation is provided.

4.2 Method

To evaluate the effectiveness of social choice-based aggregation strategies and their explanations for complex group scenarios, we introduced four group configurations, defined based on the internal similarity between group members’ evaluations of the possible options. These group configurations are introduced in Sect. 4.2.1, together with the considered aggregation strategies and explanation types. Then, we present the method of the user study,Footnote 8

4.2.1 Materials

This section introduces the group configurations, aggregation strategies, and explanation types used in this second user study.

4.2.2 Group configurations

As mentioned before, inspired by existing literature (Delic et al. 2020), we argue that the complexity of the group configuration, in terms of internal similarity between the group members’ evaluations, has an impact on the effectiveness of the recommendations and the corresponding explanations. First, we decided to increase the complexity of the scenario by using a higher number of items and group members: we decided to use five group members and ten items. We introduced four group configurations:

  • Uniform: characterized by a low internal diversity between group members’ preferences.

  • Divergent: characterized by a high internal diversity between group members’ preferences.

  • Coalitional: characterized by two disjoint subgroups having low inter-group diversity and high intra-group diversity.

  • Minority: characterized by a subgroup with N-1 users with low internal diversity, where all the N-1 users have a high diversity with the remaining user.

Figure 2 illustrates the group configurations for groups of five people. For more details on the group configurations and the generation of the relative scenarios, the interested reader can refer to Appendix B.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Graphical representations of the considered group configurations. The nodes represent the group members. Black solid edges represent pairs with high similarity, whereas grey dashed edges represent pairs with low similarity

4.2.3 Aggregation strategies

In this second study, we focus on six aggregation strategies for group recommender systems: ADD, APP (considering a threshold equal to 3 as previously), LMS, MAJ, MPL, and FAI. The FAI strategy was included since, in this experiment, the scenario considered multiple past interactions with the system; hence, the strategy can be properly explained and evaluated. However, more details about these strategies can be found in Sect. 2.1.

4.2.4 Explanations

Based on the results of our first experiment, in which we did not find significant differences between the basic and the detailed explanations, we removed the detailed explanation and we only compare the Basic explanation with the control condition No explanation. For more details, refer to the description provided in Table 4.

Table 4 Generic formulations for each aggregation strategy of the explanations used in this study. Let \(G = \{u_1,\ldots , u_n\}\) be a group of users, and \(I = \{i_1,\ldots , i_m\}\) be a set of items

4.2.5 Procedure

In this second experiment, we applied a mixed-subject design: each participant was presented with one of twelve possible between-subject conditions (determined by the combination of the six considered aggregation strategies and the two explanation types), and in each such condition, the participant evaluates all the four group configuration scenarios. To reduce the learning effect, the configuration scenarios are shown in random order.

After participants had agreed to an informed consent, we asked them for their gender and age. Then, we introduced them to the study:

“In the next steps, you will be presented with four scenarios related to four different groups of people. For each of them, a software system will produce recommendations on the basis of the preferences of the group members. Please read carefully the description of each scenario, and then answer the following questions.”

We asked participants to evaluate four different scenarios, one for each group configuration. Each participant was randomly assigned to one aggregation strategy and one explanation type.

For their given aggregation strategy and explanation type, participants were presented with four scenarios, which represent all four possible group configurations (see Sect. 4.2.3). To help participants discriminate among the different scenarios, each scenario was preceded by the text “Scenario {1, 2, 3, 4} of 4”. Each scenario was then introduced by a text inspired from Tran et al. (2019) and Barile et al. (2021):

“Assume that there is a group of friends. Every month, a group decision is made by these friends to decide on a restaurant to have dinner together. To select a restaurant for the dinner next month, the group again has to take the same decision. In this decision, each group member explicitly rated ten possible restaurants using a 5-star rating scale (1: the worst, 5: the best). The ratings given by group members are shown in the table below.”

After that, a table with the friends’ preferences for the possible choices of the considered scenario is shown. The specific table depends on the group configuration currently under evaluation.

Participants then saw a group recommendation with or without explanation, depending on which aggregation strategy and explanation type they had been assigned to (see Table 1). The recommendation was introduced by the following statement:

“The group decided to avoid going in the same restaurant too often; hence, after a restaurant has been selected, it cannot be chosen again for the next 4 dinners. The last 3 restaurants visited are: X, Y and Z.”

where X, Y, and Z are replaced with the first three choices obtained with the considered aggregation strategy (again, for the description of each specific scenario, refer to Appendix B.

The recommended restaurant was the fourth choice of the aggregation strategy. According to the type of explanation associated with the specific condition, the recommendation is presented without explanations or with the corresponding social choice-based explanation. The recommendation is introduced by the following statement:

“Using the provided ratings, the system made a suggestion for the group on the basis of the preferences of the all the group members.”

Table 5 Uniform group configuration

For clarity, we provide an example based on the uniform group configuration. We consider the Additive (ADD) strategy and the condition with the basic explanation. Table 5 provides the group members’ preferences considered for this scenario.

When we apply the ADD strategy to this group, we obtain the following recommendation list (the complete ranking of the available options according to the considered strategy): \(Rest_2\), \(Rest_6\), \(Rest_5\), \(Rest_8\), \(Rest_4\), \(Rest_1\), \(Rest_7\), \(Rest_3\), \(Rest_{10}\), \(Rest_9\). Hence, the table is followed by the following messages:

figure a

We then measured perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction. We also included an attention check where we specifically instructed participants on what option to select over seven possibilities. The attention check is used to filter out some participants from the analysis. Participants further had the option to explain their answers in an open text field, introduced by the statement “If you want, you can provide an explanation for your answers in the text below.”.

This procedure was repeated for all four group configurations (shown in a randomized order). Finally, participants had the possibility to provide general feedback on the experiment in an open text field, introduced by the statement “If you have any further comments or feedback, please provide them in the text below.”.

At the end, a short debriefing message was shown to participants, with a brief explanation of the objectives of the experiment.

Note that, before we ran it, the experiment was approved by the Ethics Review Committee Inner City Faculties at Maastricht University.Footnote 9

4.2.6 Variables

This section introduces the independent, dependent, and descriptive variables of this user study.

4.2.7 Independent variables

  • Group configuration (categorical, within-subjects). Each participant was exposed to all four group configurations, namely uniform, divergent, coalitional, and minority (see Sect. 4.2.1), in randomized order (i.e., to reduce learning effects).

  • Aggregation strategy (categorical, between-subjects). Each participant was exposed to scenarios reflecting one of the six aggregation strategies (i.e., APP, MAJ, ADD, LMS, MPL, or FAI; see Sect. 4.2.1)).

  • Explanation type (categorical, between-subjects). Each participant saw either no explanation or basic explanations (see Sect. 4.2.1).

4.2.8 Dependent variables

As in our first study (see Sect. 3.2), we measured each of our three dependent variables by asking participants to rate a statement on a seven-point Likert scale ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”.

  • Perceived fairness (ordinal): “The group recommendation is fair to all group members.”

  • Consensus (ordinal): “The group members will agree on the group recommendation.”

  • Satisfaction (ordinal): “The group members will be satisfied with regard to the group recommendation.”

4.2.9 Descriptive variables

In addition to the independent and dependent variables that we use for hypothesis testing, we collected data on two different descriptive variables to enable a demographic description of our sample. Participants were able to select a “prefer not to say” option for these variables.

  • Age (categorical). Participants could select one of the options 18–25, 26–35, 36–45, 46–55, >55.

  • Gender (categorical). Participants could select one of the options female, male, or other.

4.2.10 Sample size determination

As we did for the first user study, we computed the required sample size for our experiment before we performed the data collection. We performed a power analysis for a factorial mixed ANOVA (see Sect. 4.2.6) using the software G*Power (Faul et al. 2007). Here, we specified the default effect size f = 0.25, a significance threshold \(\alpha = \frac{0.05}{15} = 0.003\) (due to testing multiple hypotheses), a power of \((1-\beta ) = 0.8\), and that we test \(6 \times 2 = 12\) groups (i.e., 6 different aggregation strategies for 2 different explanation scenarios), and 4 repeated measures for each group (the 4 group configurations). This results in a sample size of 288 participants (24 participants for each of the twelve groups).

4.2.11 Participants

We recruited 388 participants from the online participant pool Prolific,Footnote 10 all of whom were proficient English speakers above 18 years of age. Each participant was allowed to participate in our study only once and received £0.70 as a reward for participation. We excluded from our analysis participants who did not pass all four attention checks in our experiment (57 participants). Furthermore, we excluded participants who completed the questionnaire in a time which was considered too fast: based on a series of beta tests of the questionnaire performed before running the real study in which the participants spent between three and seven minutes. Thus, we decided to use the threshold of three minutes for filtering out participants contributions. Hence, we removed 43 participants and considered the remaining 288 participants in our analysis.

The resulting sample was composed of 45.4% (131) female, 51.7% (149) male, 2% (6) other participants, while 2 participants did not specify their gender. Regarding the age groups, 40.6% (117) were between 18 and 25, 32.2% (93) between 26 and 35, 12.1% (35) between 36 and 45, 9% (26) between 46 and 55, and 4.5% (13) were above 55 years of age, while 1 participant preferred to not specify the age group. Additional information on the dataset demographic distributions are available in Appendix A. We randomly distributed participants over the 12 between-subject conditions (i.e., exposing them to 1 out of 6 aggregation strategies and 1 out of 2 explanation types).

4.2.12 Statistical analysis

For each of the three dependent variables in our study (i.e., fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction), we conducted a factorial mixed ANOVA using the aggregation strategy, and explanation type as between-subjects factors, and the group configuration as a within-subjects factor. These three factorial mixed ANOVAs were used to test a total of 15 hypotheses (i.e., H2.1aH2.4f). Specifically, each of them tested for main effects of aggregation strategy (H2.1aH2.1c), explanation type (H2.2aH2.2c), group configuration (H2.3aH2.3c), as well as the interaction between these three variables in affecting the dependent variables (H2.4aH2.4f).

Because we tested 15 different hypotheses, we did not handle the typical significance threshold of 0.05. Applying a Bonferroni correction (Napierala 2012), we lowered the significance threshold to \(\alpha = \frac{0.05}{15} = 0.003\) (rounded to three digits after the decimal point).

Since we found significant main effects related to six sets of hypotheses (H2.1aH2.1c and H2.3aH2.3c), we conducted post hoc analyses to investigate specific differences between the analyzed groups. More specifically, we conducted Tukey post hoc analyses to investigate specific differences between aggregation strategies and group configurations.

4.3 Results

Table 6 shows the results of the statistical analyses outlined in Sect. 4.2.6. Below, we report some descriptive statistics about the collected data and describe the results related to the research questions RQ2.1–4.

4.3.1 Descriptive statistics

For each of the 12 between-subjects conditions (i.e., the combinations of the six aggregation strategies and the two explanation types), we collected evaluations from 24 participants. On average, participants spent 450 s on the task (the median value is 359 s). We recall here that we removed all participants who finished the task in less than three minutes. Overall, 60% of the participants somewhat agreed with the fairness statement, 62% agreed with the consensus statement, and 59% agreed with the satisfaction statement. These percentages are higher than in the previous study (see Sect. 3.3).

RQ2.1: differences between social choice-based aggregation strategies regarding recommendation effectiveness in complex group recommendation scenarios. We found significant differences between the six aggregation strategies concerning all three dependent variables, namely fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction (H2.1aH2.1c; \(F = [6.363, 8.385, 8.746]\), all \(p<0.001\); see Table 6). Hence, in general, participants expressed different agreement levels for the three variables based on which aggregation strategy they were exposed to.

We conducted a Tukey pairwise post hoc analysis to investigate specific differences between the aggregation strategies. We found significant differences for all the dependent variables. Regarding the fairness perception, the Approval Voting (APP) was evaluated as less fair than the Majority (MAJ), Additive (ADD), and Fairness (FAI) strategies (all \(p_{\text {adj}}<0.005\)). Furthermore, the Most Pleasure (MPL) was found to be less fair than ADD and FAI (all \(p_{\text {adj}}<0.005\)). Finally, the Least Misery (LMS) was found to be less fair than the FAI strategy. The same differences were also found for the consensus perception, for which, in addition, we found that LMS was evaluated as worse than ADD (\(p_{\text {adj}}<0.005\)). Finally, regarding satisfaction, all the pairwise differences highlighted for the fairness perception and consensus perception were confirmed, together with an additional significant difference: MPL was considered to be less satisfying than MAJ (\(p_{\text {adj}}<0.005\)). As we can see, these results are not in line with the results of the previous study. We will discuss these differences in Sect. 5.

RQ2.2: impact of the presence of an explanation in complex group recommendation scenarios. We found no significant differences between the two explanation conditions (i.e., the condition with a basic explanation and the control condition without explanations) regarding all three dependent variables (H2.2aH2.2c; \(F = [0.272, 0.000, 0.218]\), \(p = [0.603, 1.000, 0.640]\); see Table 3). So, in line with the results of our previous study, our results contain no evidence of an impact of the explanations concerning our three dependent variables, regardless of the increased complexity of the analyzed scenarios.

Table 6 Results of three mixed ANOVAs for the dependent variables (DVs) fairness perception (left), consensus perception (center), and satisfaction (right). Per effect, we report the F-statistic and p-value

RQ2.3: differences between the group configurations regarding recommendation effectiveness in complex group recommendation scenarios. We found significant differences between the four group configurations for all the three dependent variables fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction (H2.3aH2.3c; \(F = [67.179, 62.888, 67.418]\), all \(p<0.001\); see Table 6). In general, participants expressed different levels regarding the three variables based on the group configuration they were exposed to. The Tukey pairwise post hoc analysis showed that for all the three dependent variables, the recommendations provided for the divergent configuration received significantly lower evaluations than the ones provided for the coalitional and the uniform configurations (all \(p_{\text {adj}}<0.001\)). Similarly, the recommendations provided for the minority configuration received significantly lower evaluations than the ones provided for the coalitional and the uniform configurations (all \(p_{\text {adj}}<0.001\)).

RQ2.4: interactions between aggregation strategies, group configurations, and explanation types regarding recommendations effectiveness. There were no significant 3-way interaction effects between the six aggregation strategies, the four group configurations, and the explanations (H2.4aH2.4f; \(F = [0.540, 1.307, 1.115]\), \(p = [0.918, 0.190, 0.337]\); see Table 6). We also found no interaction effects between the six aggregation strategies and the explanations types (H2.4aH2.4c; \(F = [0.926, 1.156, 0.809]\), \(p = [0.465, 0.331, 0.544]\); see Table 6), or between the four group configurations and the explanations types (H2.4dH2.4f; \(F = [4.283, 0.408, 0.859]\), \(p = [0.005, 0.747, 0.462]\); see Table 6). However, we found significant interaction effects between aggregation strategies and explanation types for all the measured dependent variables (\(F = [20.109, 20.478, 24.640]\), all \(p<0.001\); see Table 6). Hence, we found no impact of the explanations on the users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction. However, the significant interaction effects between aggregation strategies and group configurations suggest different performances for each aggregation strategy according to each specific group configuration. To investigate specific differences between the aggregation strategies for each group configuration, we conducted a Tukey pairwise post hoc analysis, grouping the observations by group configuration. We found several significant differences, which are reported in Table 7.

Table 7 Significant differences between social choice-based aggregation strategies for each group configuration
Fig. 3
figure 3

Distribution of user’s evaluations for fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction, on scales from \(-3\) (“strongly disagree”) to 3 (“strongly agree”; see Sect. 4.2.3), for each group configuration and aggregation strategy

4.4 Discussion

In the second study on Complex recommendation scenarios, we studied the differences in effects between aggregation strategies when applied to larger groups and more candidate items. In the following section, we discuss the implications of the results of this second study, focusing on the differences between the defined group configurations and the interaction with different aggregation strategies.

4.4.1 The differences between aggregation strategies

As in Evaluating the effectiveness of social choice strategies (c.f., Sect. 3), the results presented in Sect. 4.3 showed significant differences between the aggregation strategies in terms of perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction.

Regarding fairness perception, the post hoc Tukey analysis showed that MPL obtained lower scores than the FAI and ADD strategies. Furthermore, APP obtained lower scores than the MAJ, FAI, and ADD strategies, and LMS is evaluated worse than FAI. The same occurred for consensus perception, for which, additionally, LMS obtained lower scores than ADD, and for satisfaction, for which MPL was also evaluated lower than MAJ. As we can see, some of these differences are partially coherent with the results of our first study Evaluating the effectiveness of social choice strategies, where MPL was perceived as the worst strategy regarding all the considered dependent variables. Other differences are not in line with the previous findings, as we cannot confirm that MPL performs significantly worse than LMS, APP, and MAJ. Furthermore, additional differences were found regarding the APP and LMS strategies. One plausible reason for this difference is the interaction with the considered group configuration on the effectiveness of the aggregation strategies. As we show in Sect. 4.4.3, some aggregation strategies perform better when applied to some group configurations and worse for others; these differences are not captured when comparing the strategies in general.

4.4.2 The differences between group configuration

In Sect. 4.3, we found significant differences between the group configurations regarding perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction. For all the considered variables, the effectiveness of the strategies for the Minority and Divergent configurations is lower than for the Coalitional and Uniform configurations. No significant differences were found between the Divergent and Minority configurations and between the Uniform and Coalitional configurations. This result is intuitive in the sense that both the Minority and Divergent configurations present relatively difficult scenarios, in which it is harder to determine a recommendation that can satisfy all of the group members. On the contrary, in the Coalitional and Uniform configurations, it is easier for the recommender to select an item that satisfies most of the group members, without disregarding the preferences of some group members.

4.4.3 The impact of the group configuration on the effectiveness of the aggregation strategies

The significant interaction effects between aggregation strategies and group configurations shown in Sect. 4.3 suggest that the performances of the aggregation strategies may be affected by the specific configuration of the group to which the aggregation strategy is applied. To explore these differences, we performed grouped Tukey pairwise comparisons, which are reported in Table 7. We also visually compare the differences between the aggregation strategies in Fig. 3 and observe that the results vary according to the specific group configuration.

For the Minority configuration, we can see significantly lower performances for the Most Pleasure (MPL) strategy compared to the other aggregation strategies. This is in line with the results we found in our first study, Evaluating the effectiveness of social choice strategies, where MPL performed the worst. To further investigate the relationship between the findings in the two studies, we take a closer look at the scenario used for the first experiment (see Table 2 in Sect. 3.2.2). Indeed, the scenario can be considered a minority group configuration: we have three group members with a general agreement, while the group member Alex may be considered in a minority position. These results suggest that for a group characterized by a Minority configuration, the MPL strategy should be avoided. It also seems like the Additive (ADD) strategy is the overall best-performing strategy for this configuration, as it ensures good performances in terms of satisfaction and consensus perception. However, this is not confirmed by significant differences between ADD and the other strategies.

If we focus on the Divergent group, the only remarkable observation is that the ADD strategy again performs the best. In particular, ADD is significantly better than LMS in terms of fairness perception, better than MAJ, APP, and LMS in terms of consensus perception, and better than all the other strategies when considering satisfaction. For this configuration, ADD performs well on all three dependent variables. Jointly, the results for the Minority and Divergent groups suggest that the ADD strategy could be the better aggregation strategy to implement when the group was presented with a “hard” configuration, with very different individual preferences, or a user in a minority position which tends to be unhappy with most of the items selected for the other group members. This is an exciting area for future work.

The best strategy to use seems to be different for the remaining group configurations. For both the Coalitional and Uniform configurations, we can notice good performances for all strategies (in Fig. 3, we can notice that the average values are mostly above zero, which was the “neutral” option in the Likert-scale used for the questionnaire). However, for the Coalitional configuration, FAI and MAJ result in higher performances for all the considered dependent variables, and after these, LMS also obtains better evaluations than APP, MPL, and ADD. This result, however, is not surprising since applying the strategy multiple times (as in our scenario) could allow satisfying one or the other coalition roughly in a balanced way. On the contrary, for the Uniform group configuration, we have the best evaluations when applying the FAI and MPL strategies. This can be motivated by the fact that when the group has similar preferences, it is natural to assume that the most satisfying item for one of the group members is also good for all the others. To summarize, the fairness-based strategy appears to be a good default when users have more similar preferences. In addition, the MPL strategy seems a good choice for the Uniform configuration, in contrast to the more “difficult” group compositions.

4.4.4 The ineffectiveness of social choice-based explanations

Similar to our first study, we find no significant effects of explanations on fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction. Furthermore, we found no interaction effects between explanations, aggregation strategies, and group configurations. This seems to suggest that even when the scenario to evaluate is more complex, the participants experienced little to no benefit from the presence of the explanations, in terms of perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction, regarding the provided recommendations.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The differences in time (seconds) to complete each session. This was computed across 4 group configurations. Comparison of the different aggregation strategies (MAJ, APP, ADD, FAI, LMS, MPL) and compared with and without explanations

We also analyzed the time the participants spent on the task to check whether there were other indications of an impact of the presence of the explanation. Figure 4 reports the duration in seconds of the experiment, grouped by aggregation strategy and explanation type.Footnote 11

In sum, explanations appear to decrease the duration notably for MAJ and slightly for ADD, but increase the duration for other aggregation strategies such as APP and LMS. We note that requiring more time is not necessarily negative. Suppose an aggregation strategy is counter-intuitive to a user’s initial representation of the group recommendations. In that case, explanations can be useful in improving the understandability of the system, which can improve user confidence and trust in the system. Therefore, it becomes crucial to evaluate these aspects in future studies and make specific measurements for different group configurations.

5 General discussion

In this section, we compare the results in Evaluating the effectiveness of social choice strategies (c.f., Sect. 3) with Complex recommendation scenarios (c.f., Sect. 4), as well as with the results of the user study from Tran et al. (2019). We look at the differences between social choice-based aggregation strategies regarding users’ perceived fairness, perceived consensus, and satisfaction. Table 8 summarizes the results of these studies graphically.

In the following section, we first critically discuss the effectiveness of different social-based aggregation strategies for a single scenario, in light of the findings of all three studies. We then discuss the importance of the group configuration in more detail. We conclude the discussion with an analysis of why no significant results were found for the benefit of explaining these strategies.

5.1 The effectiveness of social choice-based aggregation strategies

Table 8 Summary of the results of the three studies: the original study by Tran et al. (2019), the first replication (c.f., Sect. 3), and the second study in a more complex scenario (c.f., Sect. 4)

In Table 8, we observe that there are significant differences between aggregation strategies in all three experiments. However, the findings are not consistent among the three studies. In the study conducted by Tran et al. (2019), Least Misery (LMS) was consistently performing worse than Additive (ADD), Approval Voting (APP), and Majority (MAJ). In contrast, in our first study, Evaluating the effectiveness of social choice strategies, LMS was found to perform the best in terms of the same variables. We also found Most Pleasure (MPL) to be the worst strategy in terms of all the measured dependent variables. As mentioned in Sect. 3.4.1, the differences with the results in Tran et al. (2019) might be explained by differences in the methodology: in their study, the aggregation strategies were used as a within-subject factor. While we can only speculate on the nature of the effect, we could expect that learning effects or indirect comparison in those studies could have somehow resulted in LMS being the less preferred aggregation strategy (e.g., learning that there are strategies that result in happier group members compared to this strategy). This also indicates that further research is required to study what would happen in a system where different aggregation strategies are consecutively applied.

We then compare the results of Tran et al. (2019) with our second study, Complex Recommendation Scenarios. Here, we found that both MPL and LMS were outperformed by other strategies such as Fairness (FAI),Footnote 12 Additive (ADD), and Majority (MAJ).

In other words, when comparing our two studies, we see that while LMS performed best in the first study, it performed much worse when considering different group configurations in the second study. Specifically, in Sect. 4.4.3, we saw that the effectiveness of each aggregation strategy depends on the group configuration on which the strategy is applied. We also observed that the scenario considered in Evaluating the effectiveness of social choice strategies was effectively a minority group configuration. Considering this, the results we obtained for the minority configuration in Complex recommendation scenarios seem coherent with the first study’s results, as ADD, APP, FAI, LMS, and MAJ all obtain better performances. In sum, our results suggest carefully considering the effects of the recommendation scenario when designing a group recommendation user study, as this may influence the results.

5.2 The importance of the group configuration

As we illustrated in Sect. 2, previous work has proposed adapting the aggregation strategy to the characteristics of the specific group (Gartrell et al. 2010). However, those approaches define the group based on the strength of the social relationship between the group members. Furthermore, the association between the aggregation strategy and the specific group is typically based on anecdotal observations from a limited number of groups. Our work not only suggests that an important factor to characterize a group is the internal (dis-)agreement, but also provides clear definitions of four group configurations that can be used to categorize real groups, and indications on which aggregation strategies are better for each specific group configuration.

In Sect. 4.4.3, we described the impact of the group configuration on the effectiveness of the aggregation strategies in Complex Recommendation Scenarios, and we summarized the results in Table 7. From these findings, we draw the following guidelines. The Most Pleasure (MPL) strategy performs poorly and should be avoided for a minority group configuration. In contrast, MPL is the preferable option for a uniform group. Furthermore, the Fairness (FAI) strategy may be used for uniform and coalitional groups.Footnote 13 Finally, the Additive (ADD) strategy may be used in situations where the group configuration is not clearly identifiable, as it is among the best for the more critical configurations (divergent and minority). ADD also obtains good results for the uniform configuration. However, since the knowledge of the individual preferences (or individual predictions/recommendations) is necessary to apply any aggregation strategy, it is, in principle, possible to determine the group configuration for any group recommendation scenario.

These findings also have implications for generating explanations. If the aggregation strategy used is adapted to the group configuration, it is also reasonable to use this information in the explanation. For instance, for the Most Pleasure (MPL) strategy and a uniform group, an explanation could be:

“Considering that the group members have similar preferences, the system recommended the item \(i_k\) as it achieves the highest of all individual group members’ ratings”.

Graphical representations of the group, as illustrated in Fig. 2, could also be used to accompany the explanations.

5.3 Limitations and their impact on the effectiveness of social choice-based explanations

Both our studies showed no benefits in using social choice-based explanations for group recommendations. However, further investigations are necessary before concluding that such explanations have no use. Here, we discuss some of the main limitations of our approach, which may have determined this result.

One limitation of our work regards how we present the items to the participants. To avoid influencing participants’ decisions, we did not provide real restaurant names as recommendations. This helped us control for the potential bias that could have been added while showing a real restaurant name. Such normalization, however, could potentially influence the assessments of the study participants compared to a customized recommendation. This may affect the effectiveness of explanations, as the restaurants’ anonymization directly impacts the provided explanation, making the interaction with the system less realistic.

Another limitation of our study is that all recommendations are in the restaurant domain. Different recommendation domains could be perceived differently in terms of fairness, consensus, and satisfaction. In particular, the investment related to the domain considered has shown to have an impact on the evaluation of the recommendations (Tintarev and Masthoff 2008); the restaurant domain is generally perceived as a medium-low investment compared to other domains suitable for group recommendations, such as tourism. In such a domain, the user’s perception of the risk of not making the best decision is lower, negatively impacting the user’s need for explanations. It is possible that in a high-investment domain, such as the tourism domain, the explanations may be more effective.

Another important factor to consider is that recommendations and explanations are not evaluated by group members. As previously mentioned, in line with the evaluation approach in Tran et al. (2019), and also to other studies in the literature (Masthoff and Gatt 2006; Masthoff and Delić 2022), our study participants were asked to evaluate the recommendations as external evaluators. This means that study participants were not members of the group. We hypothesize that their evaluations in relation to the explanations could be different when part of the group, especially when the system is providing a recommendation that is not the best for the user. Deciding for an evaluator that is part of the group would entail controlling more cases, such as when the evaluator is in the majority preference, minority preference, or a tie preference.

Furthermore, we should consider that we do not measure nor capture the reasoning process of the study participants regarding recommendations. In the condition with no explanations, we provide a mere description of the recommendation. However, we do not capture how study participants reflect on the recommendation or to what extent they understand it. Prior literature, however, provides several directions for measuring recommendation understandability, which could be investigated in future work (Knijnenburg et al. 2011; Gedikli et al. 2014; Wang and Yin 2021). In Sect. 4.4.4, we did see that explanations decreased the duration for some strategies (Majority) and increased the duration for others (Approval Voting and Least Misery). Still, the reason for the differences in duration is not known, i.e., it is unclear whether the increased processing time was due to correcting participant expectations or unnecessary complexity. There were no user comments to indicate either, however.

6 Conclusion and next steps

Social choice aggregation strategies have been proposed as an explainable way to make recommendations to groups. However, few studies have empirically and systematically evaluated how the distribution of preferences in a group influences which strategy is most effective.

To this end, we present two user studies investigating the effectiveness of these strategies in terms of users’ fairness perception, consensus perception, and satisfaction. We investigate the impact of the level of (dis-)agreement within the group on the performance of the social-choice aggregation strategies. We call this the “group configuration” and define it based on the similarity between group members’ individual preferences. Furthermore, given that the social choice strategies are highly explainable, we also explore the added value of explanations. These are presented as sentences explaining the aggregation strategy used to produce the recommendation to the group as a whole.

We find significant differences in the effectiveness of the social choice-based aggregation strategies in both studies. Furthermore, the most effective strategy appears to depend on the specific group configuration. In particular, the Most Pleasure (MPL) strategy should be avoided for a minority group configuration, while it is the preferable option for a uniform group. Furthermore, the Fairness (FAI) strategy may be used for uniform and coalitional groups. Finally, the Additive (ADD) strategy may be used when the group configuration is not clearly identifiable. To our surprise, we did not find much added value in accompanying the aggregation strategies with social choice-based explanations (in neither of the two studies). We did, however, see that explanations decreased the duration for some strategies (Majority) and increased the duration for others (Approval Voting and Least Misery).

Our findings emphasize the importance of considering the group configuration when selecting and analyzing the benefit of different aggregation strategies. This is a substantial step in understanding when aggregation strategies benefit group decision-making. In our next steps, we plan to study the dynamics of group decision-making, including supporting discussions among group members (c.f. our work using a chatbot in Najafian et al. (2021b)). It improves the ecological validity of people chatting together about potential recommendations while allowing us to control the flow of information by suggesting gradual revealing of information to users. Finally, we plan to validate our findings in more complex user studies involving real groups. Several works in the literature (Delic et al. 2018; Herzog and Wörndl 2019; Rossi et al. 2015) presented user studies involving real groups, which are observed during the decision-making process, and asked to evaluate recommendations provided by group recommender systems. A similar approach will be used to test if an adaptive recommender system, which decides the best strategy to use according to the detected group configuration, leads to better performance than a fixed aggregation strategy.