1 Introduction

Recently, the global focus has intensified on energy conservation and the mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions. To advance the development of environmentally sustainable machinery, it is imperative to minimize friction and wear on sliding surfaces. In the realm of automobiles, Holmberg et al. disclosed that friction losses in engines and transmissions constitute approximately 16.5% of input energy [1]. Especially, at a higher contact pressure situation and a lower sliding speed condition, lubrication regime transfers to a boundary lubrication regime, which causes a higher friction and wear. To address the challenges posed by the boundary lubrication regime, the application of DLC (diamond-like carbon) coatings on sliding components has emerged as a viable solution. DLC coatings possess an amorphous structure consisting of sp2 and sp3 bonding of carbon atoms. Consequently, these coatings exhibit exceptional tribological properties, including low friction, high hardness, and superior wear resistance, both in dry conditions [2,3,4,5] and in the presence of lubricants [6,7,8,9,10].

Beyond the inherent frictional characteristics of DLC coatings, their interaction with lubricant additives assumes a pivotal role in enhancing tribological performance [11, 12]. One common lubricant additive for friction reduction is MoDTC (molybdenum dithiocarbamate). MoDTC undergoes chemical reactions, forming a thin layer of products known as tribofilm on the sliding surface. This tribofilm possesses sheet-like MoS2, which functions as a solid lubricant, thereby reducing friction [13,14,15].

The tribological characteristics of DLC coatings with MoDTC-added lubricant have been analyzed by various researchers [16,17,18]. Miyake et al. reported that the doping Ti into DLC coatings enhances the friction reduction effect of MoDTC, resulting in a decreased friction coefficient of 0.03 [19]. Additionally, de Barros'Bouchet et al. assessed the tribological properties of a-C, a-C:H, and Ti-C:H coatings in lubricants containing MoDTC and ZDDP (zinc dialkyldithiophosphate) [20]. The a-C:H coating, in particular, produced a MoS2-rich tribofilm, exhibiting lower friction. Nakashima et al. successfully reduced silica scale adhesion from geothermal steam using DLC coatings [21, 22]. Their research emphasized the importance of reducing defects in graphite structure to suppress silica adhesion, as defects were found to be active and possessed higher adhesion energy. From these prior studies, it is considered that the carbon structure and doped materials play a significant role in the effectiveness of lubricant additives. However, the specific coating properties that enhance the friction reduction effect of MoDTC remain unclear.

This study aims to investigate the influence of the carbon structure in DLC coatings on the formation of MoDTC-derived tribofilm and its resulting friction characteristics. To achieve this objective, DLC coatings with different carbon structures were employed: ta-C (tetrahedral amorphous carbon) coatings [23,24,25] and GNC (graphene nanocrystallites) coatings [26,27,28]. Additionally, tantalum has been identified as an effective dopant material in DLC coatings to prevent oxidation in atmospheric conditions [29, 30]. Building on previous research, tantalum was considered a potential dopant with an impact on the reaction of MoDTC and the carbon structure of DLC coatings. Consequently, tantalum-doped ta-C and GNC coatings were deposited and evaluated for their friction properties in MoDTC-added lubricant. Tribofilm characteristics fluctuate during friction, influencing the friction coefficient [31,32,33,34,35]. Therefore, in situ analysis of the tribofilm is deemed effective. In this study, in situ reflectance spectroscopy was employed to measure tribofilm thickness and estimate its composition based on optical properties. In situ reflectance spectroscopy has proven effective in elucidating the friction mechanism of nm-scaled transformed layers of DLC coatings [36,37,38,39,40], the oil film structure of two-phase lubricants [41], the adsorption of ester in boundary lubrication regimes [42], and MoDTC-derived tribofilm [43]. By combining in situ observations of tribofilm characteristics with coating properties, the factors in DLC coatings that influence the friction reduction of MoDTC was identified.

2 Experiment

2.1 Preparation of ta-C and ta-C:Ta Coatings

ta-C and Tantalum-doped ta-C (ta-C:Ta) coatings were deposited using the FCVA (filtered cathode vacuum arc) method, as illustrated in Fig. 1. A SUJ2 (AISI52100) steel disk was used as the substrate for ta-C coating, while a Si wafer was used for ta-C:Ta coatings. Prior to deposition, the substrate underwent a 20-min pre-sputtering process with Ar ions to remove surface contaminants. In the deposition process, carbon ions were generated through arc discharge from a graphite target (with a purity of 99.99%). The discharge current for ta-C deposition was 50 A, while for ta-C:Ta deposition, it was 80 A. The generated carbon ions were accelerated by a bias voltage of \(- 100\) V applied to the substrate. The substrate was placed on a rotation table, rotating at 10 rpm for ta-C deposition and 4 rpm for ta-C:Ta deposition. The FCVA system also featured a magnetron sputtering source used to introduce tantalum into the ta-C coating by sputtering a tantalum target (with a purity of 99.99%) using argon ions. The amount of doped tantalum was adjusted by varying the discharge current. Table 1 presents the properties of the ta-C and ta-C:Ta coatings. In this paper, the ta-C and ta-C:Ta coatings are referred to as ta-C, ta-C:Ta0.024, and ta-C:Ta0.103, based on their tantalum-to-carbon ratios measured by XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) using the PHI Quantera III instrument from ULVAC-PHI Inc., Japan.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematics of FCVA deposition system for ta-C and ta-C:Ta coatings

Table 1 Properties of ta-C and ta-C:Ta coatings

2.2 Preparation of GNC and GNC:Ta Coatings

Pure and tantalum-doped graphene nanocrystalline carbon (GNC) films were deposited on p-type < 100 > silicon substrates using a multifunctional ECR (electron cyclotron resonance) plasma sputtering system, as schematically shown in Fig. 2 [27]. This system combines ECR plasma sputtering and magnetron sputtering to achieve its unique hybrid sputtering function. The ECR plasma sputtering method was employed to deposit the GNC film with low-energy electron irradiation, while the magnetron sputtering allowed for independent control of the doping parameters during film deposition. The vacuum chamber maintained a background pressure of 8 × 10–5 Pa, with argon gas used to maintain a working pressure of 1 × 10–1 Pa. A mirror-confinement magnetic field was created using magnetic coils, and the ECR plasma was generated by introducing microwave (2.45 GHz, 500 W) through a quartz window. Before deposition, the silicon substrate underwent cleaning by argon ion sputtering for 3 min. Then, the ECR carbon target was sputtered by argon ions with a bias voltage of \(- 500\) V to provide carbon atoms for film growth. During film deposition, low-energy electron irradiation onto the film was achieved by applying a positive bias voltage of + 80 V to the substrate. The electron irradiation energy was approximately 80 eV, and the electron irradiation density was 66.2 mA/cm2. Magnetron target currents were set at 100 mA and 300 mA to achieve different tantalum doping concentrations. The deposition time was 30 min, and the film thickness was approximately 150 nm. The properties of the GNC and GNC:Ta coatings are indicated in Table 2, and they are referred as to GNC, GNC:Ta0.030 and GNC:Ta0.113 coatings based on their tantalum-to-carbon ratios measured by XPS.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Schematics of multifunctional ECR plasma sputtering system for GNC and GNC:Ta coatings

Table 2 Properties of GNC and GNC:Ta coatings

2.3 Pin-on-Disk Friction Tests with in situ Reflectance Spectroscopy

In this study, a pin-on-disk type friction tester, as depicted in Fig. 3, was utilized to evaluate the friction properties of each DLC coating in a lubricant containing MoDTC. The friction tester was equipped with reflectance spectroscopy (OPTM-H2, Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd.) to enable in situ analysis of the contact point, which was positioned above the contact area. A sapphire hemisphere (diameter of φ 8 mm) was used as the mating material for the DLC coatings due to its high transmittance of over 85% in the visible light range. The specific friction test conditions are detailed in Table 3. The measurement spot of the reflectance spectroscopy had a diameter of approximately φ 10 μm, which was smaller than the Hertzian contact diameter of approximately φ 40 μm under the given friction test conditions.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Schematics of the pin-on-disk friction tester with reflectance spectroscopy

Table 3 Friction test condition

The friction tests were conducted with a normal load of 0.3 N, a lubricant test temperature of 80 °C, and a sliding speed of 18.8 mm/s. The average Hertzian contact pressure, calculated based on the test conditions, ranged from 149 MPa (GNC pure) to 326 MPa (ta-C pure). Furthermore, the film thickness ratio for the friction tests was less than 0.29, indicating that all the tests were performed under boundary lubrication conditions.

2.4 Reflectance Fitting

The calculation of thickness and optical properties of the tribofilm was performed using the OPTM post-analysis software (Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd., Japan), relying on the in situ observed reflectance, denoted as R. The reflectance, R, was defined as Eq. (1):

$$R = \frac{{\text{Intensity of reflected light}}}{{\text{Intensity of incident light}}}$$

The optical model shown in Fig. 4 was utilized for the calculation. The substrate and atmosphere were represented by Si (Si wafer) and sapphire (sapphire hemisphere), respectively. The DLC coating was incorporated in the model, and its optical properties were fixed to as-deposited state. The tribofilm derived from MoDTC was designated as the analysis layer, with both thickness and optical properties set as variable values. Moreover, the roughness layer was considered in the optical model because each DLC coating had a different surface roughness. The roughness in the optical model was treated as a mixture state of two materials (with a ratio of 0.5 and 0.5) according to Eq. (2) [44].

Fig. 4
figure 4

Optical model of reflectance fitting for in situ analysis of the contact point

$$0.5\frac{{\varepsilon }_{{\text{DLC}}}-{\varepsilon }_{{\text{rl}}}}{{\varepsilon }_{{\text{DLC}}}+2{\varepsilon }_{{\text{rl}}}}+0.5\frac{{\varepsilon }_{{\text{tribofilm}}}-{\varepsilon }_{{\text{rl}}}}{{\varepsilon }_{{\text{tribofilm}}}+2{\varepsilon }_{{\text{rl}}}}=0$$

Here, ε represents the complex dielectric constant, which is calculated using the refractive index n and the extinction coefficient k with Eq. (3):

$$\varepsilon ={\varepsilon }_{1}-{\text{i}}{\varepsilon }_{2}=\left({n}^{2}-{k}^{2}\right)-{\text{i}}\left(2nk\right)$$

The reflectance of the optical model R01234 was calculated using Eqs. (410):

$${r}_{01234}=\frac{{r}_{01}+{r}_{1234}{\text{exp}}\left(-i2{\beta }_{1}\right)}{1+{r}_{01}{r}_{1234}{\text{exp}}\left(-i2{\beta }_{1}\right)}$$
$${r}_{1234}=\frac{{r}_{12}+{r}_{234}{\text{exp}}\left(-i2{\beta }_{2}\right)}{1+{r}_{12}{r}_{234}{\text{exp}}\left(-i2{\beta }_{2}\right)}$$
$${r}_{234}=\frac{{r}_{23}+{r}_{34}{\text{exp}}\left(-i2{\beta }_{3}\right)}{1+{r}_{23}{r}_{34}{\text{exp}}\left(-i2{\beta }_{3}\right)}$$
$$N_{m} = n_{m} - ik_{m} \;\left( {m = 0,1,2,3,4, N_{m} , n_{m} {\text{and }}k_{m} } \right)$$
$$r_{{ij}} = \frac{{N_{i} \cos \theta _{i} - N_{j} \cos \theta _{j} }}{{N_{i} \cos \theta _{i} + N_{j} \cos \theta _{j} }}\;\left( {i = 0,1,23,j = 1,2,3,4} \right)$$
$$\beta_{m} = \frac{{2\pi t_{m} N_{m} \cos \theta_{m} }}{\lambda }$$

here, rij represents the amplitude reflectivity between the interfaces of i and j, βm is the interference phase angle, Nm, nm, and km are the complex refractive index, the refractive index, and the extinction coefficient of each layer, respectively, and tm is the thickness of each layer. The suffixes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 indicate sapphire, the tribofilm derived from MoDTC, the roughness layer, the DLC coatings, and the Si substrate, respectively. The calculated reflectance R01234 (Eqs. (4)-(10)) was fitted to the in situ measured reflectance R (Eq. (1)) using the nonlinear least-squares method, resulting in the determination of the thickness t, the spectrum of refractive index n, and the extinction coefficient k of the tribofilm.

3 Material Characteristics of Each Coating and Its Friction Property

3.1 Characteristics of DLC Coatings Evaluated by Raman Spectroscopy X ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Kelvin Force Microscope

Raman spectroscopy was employed for the assessment of coating properties, utilizing a Raman spectroscopy equipment (RENISHAW, in Via Reflex) with a laser wavelength of 532 nm. The acquired Raman spectrum was subjected to deconvolution to isolate two characteristic DLC peaks: the G band, located between 1500 and 1600 cm−1, and the D band, located around 1350 cm−1, utilizing a Gaussian function. The acquired Raman spectra and its deconvolution were indicated in Fig. 5. The ta-C and ta-C:Ta coatings exhibited broad Raman spectra, while the GNC and GNC:Ta coatings displayed relatively sharp G and D peaks. The intensity ratio of the G and D peaks, represented as the ID/IG ratio, is depicted in Fig. 6. The ID/IG ratio of ta-C:Ta coatings increased from 0.19 to 1.00 with an increasing Ta/C ratio. In contrast, the ID/IG ratio of GNC:Ta coatings remained approximately 1.2 regardless of the Ta/C ratio. The G peak originates from the vibration of graphite, whereas the D peak originates from defects in the sp2 structure [45,46,47]. Consequently, it is inferred that specimens with higher ID/IG ratios, such as GNC:Ta coatings and ta-C:Ta0.103 coating, encompass a larger number of graphite defects.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Raman spectrum of ta-C:Ta and GNC:Ta coatings and its peak deconvolution

Fig. 6
figure 6

Relation of Ta/C ratio and ID/IG ratio for ta-C:Ta and GNC:Ta coatings

Moreover, the ratio of C–C sp2 bonding to C–C sp3 bonding in each coating was investigated using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) equipment. The C1s narrow peak (280 eV—295 eV) was acquired, and its background was determined using the Shirley method, as illustrated in Fig. 7 [48]. In the case of ta-C pure and GNC pure coatings, the C 1 s narrow peak underwent deconvolution into C–C sp2 (284.4 eV), C–C sp3 (285.4 eV), and C-O (287.6 eV) [49]. For Ta-doped DLC coatings, the consideration of C-Ta (283.6 eV) was added to the deconvolution, alongside C–C sp2, C–C sp3, and C–O [50]. The results of peak deconvolution are depicted in Fig. 8, and the calculated \({{\text{sp}}}^{2}/\left({{\text{sp}}}^{2}+{{\text{sp}}}^{3}\right)\) ratio from Fig. 8 is presented in Fig. 9. The ta-C pure coting exhibited the smallest \({{\text{sp}}}^{2}/\left({{\text{sp}}}^{2}+{{\text{sp}}}^{3}\right)\) ratio of 0.33, indicating a predominantly sp3-rich structure. In both ta-C:Ta and GNC:Ta coatings, the \({{\text{sp}}}^{2}/\left({{\text{sp}}}^{2}+{{\text{sp}}}^{3}\right)\) ratio increased with a higher Ta/C ratio. Consequently, the doped Ta contributed to the augmentation of sp2 bonding in the DLC coatings.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Representative measured C1s spectrum and its peak deconvolution (ta-C:Ta0.103)

Fig. 8
figure 8

Result of peak deconvolution of C1s narrow peak obtained from each DLC coating

Fig. 9
figure 9

sp2/(sp2 + sp3) ratio of each coating

Moreover, the work function of the DLC surface was assessed using the Kelvin method, employing the Kelvin Force Microscopy (KFM) mode of an atomic force microscope (SPA-400, Hitachi High-Tech). In KFM measurements, the contact potential difference (\(\Delta {\text{V}}\)) between the specimen (DLC coatings) and the probe (Rh-coated cantilever, Si-DF3-R) was measured. The work function of the DLC coatings was then computed from the measured \(\Delta {\text{V}}\) using Eq. (11) as follows:

$$\vartriangle V = \frac{{\phi_{{{\text{specimen}}}} - \phi_{{{\text{probe}}}} }}{e}$$

here, e represents the elementary charge, and \({\phi }_{{\text{specimen}}}\) and \({\phi }_{{\text{probe}}}\) denote the work function of the specimen and the probe, respectively. In this experiment, \({\phi }_{{\text{probe}}}\) was set as the work function of Rh, 4.98 eV [51]. The measured work functions of the six types of DLC coatings are illustrated in Fig. 10. The work function of the ta-C pure coating was 4.93 eV, a value consistent with the typical ta-C coating [52]. The work function of GNC coatings exhibited a decrease from 5.14 to 5.00 eV with an increasing Ta/C ratio. In the case of the ta-C:Ta coating, the work function of ta-C:Ta0.024 and ta-C:Ta0.103 coatings was 4.83 eV and 5.01 eV, respectively.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Work function of DLC coatings

3.2 Friction test Results of ta-C:Ta and GNC:Ta Coatings with MoDTC-Added Lubricant

The friction characteristics of DLC coatings in a MoDTC-added lubricant are depicted in Fig. 11. As illustrated in Fig. 11a, the ta-C:Ta0.113 coating exhibited the lowest friction coefficient among all DLC specimens, reaching around 0.07 by the conclusion of the friction test. Conversely, the ta-C:Ta0.024 coating displayed the highest friction among all DLC coatings. The friction characteristics of GNC coatings in a MoDTC-added lubricant are compared in Fig. 11b. All GNC coatings demonstrated similar friction coefficients, fluctuating around 0.10, irrespective of the Ta/C ratio (Ta concentration). The results of GNC:Ta coatings indicated that Ta concentration did not appear to have a significant impact on the friction reduction effect of MoDTC. As a crucial coating property, the relationship between the average friction coefficient (averaged over three friction tests for each DLC coating) and the ID/IG ratio is presented in Fig. 12. In Fig. 12, coatings with a higher ID/IG ratio (such as ta-C:Ta0.103 and all GNC:Ta coatings) tended to exhibit a lower friction, approximately 0.11, with the MoDTC-added lubricant, which was lower than the average friction coefficient with base oil. These results suggested that DLC coatings with a higher ID/IG ratio were effective in reducing friction in MoDTC-added lubricants. Considering the case of the ta-C pure coating, the average friction coefficient with the MoDTC-added lubricant was 0.124, which was comparable to GNC:Ta0.113 coatings. However, the average friction coefficient of ta-C coating with base oil was 0.114. Therefore, the friction reduction effect of MoDTC did not manifest in the friction test of the ta-C coating.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Friction characteristics with MoDTC-added lubricant a ta-C:Ta coatings, b GNC:Ta coatings

Fig. 12
figure 12

Relation between ID/IG ratio and friction coefficient with MoDTC-added lubricant

3.3 Raman Spectroscopy of the Tribofilm Formed on Each Coating

Raman spectroscopy is a useful technique to evaluate MoDTC-derived tribofilm due to the distinct peaks associated with MoS2. Notably, the major product of MoS2 exhibits two characteristic peaks, the A1g peak at 409 cm−1 and the E2g peak at 383 cm−1 [32, 53]. In this study, Raman analysis of the tribofilm formed on four specimens, namely ta-C pure, ta-C:Ta0.024, ta-C:Ta0.103, and GNC:Ta0.030, was conducted. The Raman spectra of these specimens are presented in Fig. 13. The A1g and E2g peaks were observed in the tribofilm on ta-C:Ta0.024, GNC:Ta0.030, and ta-C:Ta0.103 coatings, with particularly higher intensities in GNC:Ta0.030 and ta-C:Ta0.103 coatings. Conversely, the A1g and E2g peaks were scarcely observed in the tribofilm on ta-C pure coating, indicating a limited generation of MoS2. The intensities of the A1g and E2g peaks are correlated with the amount of MoS2 in the tribofilm. Therefore, the relationship between the intensity of the A1g peak and friction coefficient is illustrated in Fig. 14. Specimens with higher A1g peak intensity, such as GNC:Ta0.030 and ta-C:Ta0.103 coatings, tended to exhibit lower friction coefficients of around 0.10. Consequently, the friction reduction in GNC:Ta0.030 and ta-C:Ta0.103 coatings was attributed to the abundant generation of MoS2. Moreover, the tribofilm with a higher intensity of the MoS2-derived A1g peak was formed on specimens with a higher ID/IG ratio, such as GNC:Ta0.030 (ID/IG = 1.14) and ta-C:Ta0.103 (ID/IG = 1.02). This suggests that the characteristics of DLC coatings have an influence on the generation of low-shear MoS2 material.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Raman spectra of tribofilm formed on DLC coatings

Fig. 14
figure 14

Relation between intensity of A1g peak and friction coefficient

3.4 EDS Analysis of the Tribofilm

The tribofilm components were analyzed using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The EDS spectra of the tribofilm are compared in Fig. 15. For the tribofilms formed on ta-C:Ta0.024, GNC:Ta0.030, and ta-C:Ta0.103 coatings, the presence of C and O was confirmed. Distinct peaks of C(Kα) at 0.277 keV and O(Kα) at 0.525 keV were observed, along with convolutions of Ta (M) at 1.71 keV with Si (Kα) at 1.74 keV and Mo (Lα) at 2.29 keV with S (Kα) at 2.31 keV. Notably, the tribofilm on the GNC:Ta0.030 coating exhibited a stronger Mo (Lα) and S (Kα) peak compared to that on the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating. This observation suggested that the tribofilm on the GNC:Ta0.030 coating was thicker than that on the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating, leading to a higher total intensity of Mo and S in the former. Additionally, a distinct peak corresponding to Al (Kα) was identified in the tribofilm on the ta-C:Ta0.024 coating. Aluminum was presumed to originate from wear particles of the sapphire hemisphere (Al2O3). The ta-C:Ta0.024 coating, being a relatively hard material with a hardness of 12.3 GPa compared to 5.2 GPa for GNC:Ta0.030 and 9.5 GPa for ta-C:Ta0.103 coatings, resulted in the generation of wear particles from the mating sapphire, which were subsequently incorporated into the tribofilm.

Fig. 15
figure 15

EDS spectra of tribofilm

4 In situ Observation of the Tribofilm by Using a Reflectance Spectroscopy

4.1 Transition of Tribofilm Thickness

The thickness t and optical properties, including refractive index n and extinction coefficient k, of the tribofilm were calculated using the optical interference formula indicated in Eqs. (410). The analysis and consideration were applied to the tribofilm formed on ta-C:Ta0.024, ta-C:Ta0.103, GNC pure, GNC:Ta0.030, and GNC:Ta0.113 coatings at intervals of 60 cycles. The calculated tribofilm thickness is presented in Fig. 16. For the tribofilm on the GNC pure coating, the reflectance at 60 cycles fell below the minimum resolution of 0.01 for the equipment. Consequently, the analysis was conducted after 120 cycles for this case. The tribofilm on the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating consistently exhibited a thickness of around 6 nm, less than half of the thickness observed in the other tribofilms. The GNC:Ta0.113 coating, which had a Ta amount close to ta-C:Ta0.103, showed the largest thickness of around 25 nm. Thus, the Ta amount did not appear to be significant in determining the thickness of the tribofilm. The thickness of the tribofilm is determined by both its generation and removal. Based on in situ observed thickness, the tribofilm was maintained on the sliding surface from the initial to the end of the testing cycles. In Fig. 17, the relationship between tribofilm thickness and friction coefficient is depicted. The three types of GNC:Ta coatings exhibited similar friction characteristics, maintaining around 0.10. However, the tribofilm thickness on GNC:Ta0.113 was consistently over 25 nm, a value larger than the tribofilm on GNC pure and GNC:Ta0.030 coatings by 10 nm. Consequently, it is suggested that other characteristics of the tribofilm have a more significant effect on friction properties. Therefore, the effect of the tribofilm composition was considered in the next chapter.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Transition of the tribofilm thickness on each DLC coating

Fig. 17
figure 17

Relation between tribofilm thickness and friction coefficient

4.2 Estimation of Tribofilm Composition from Its Optical Properties

In addition to thickness, optical properties were calculated through the analysis of optical interference. As an illustrative example, Fig. 18 depicts the transition of refractive index n and extinction coefficient k of the tribofilm formed on the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating. The specimen exhibited a gradual reduction in friction as the test progressed in the MoDTC-added lubricant. In terms of optical properties, both refractive index and extinction coefficient increased with the progression of friction. This outcome suggests that in situ reflectance spectroscopy is effective for observing the evolution of the tribofilm and its tribological properties simultaneously. The optical properties of the tribofilm are presumed to be determined by its constituents, such as MoDTC-derived products and wear particles from the DLC coating. Therefore, the estimation of the tribofilm composition based on its optical properties using effective medium approximation (EMA) was conducted [44].

Fig. 18
figure 18

Transition of the optical properties of the tribofilm on the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating. a Refractive index spectrum, b Extinction coefficient spectrum

In the Effective Medium Approximation (EMA) method, the complex dielectric constant of the mixture (tribofilm, in this case) is determined by the complex dielectric constant and volume fraction of each component, as described in Eqs. (12) and (13)

$$\mathop \sum \limits_{i}^{n} f_{i} \frac{{\varepsilon_{i} - \varepsilon_{{{\text{tribofilm}}}} }}{{\varepsilon_{i} + 2\varepsilon_{{{\text{tribofilm}}}} }} = 0$$
$$\mathop \sum \limits_{i}^{n} f_{i} = 1$$

here, \({\varepsilon }_{tribofilm}\) represents the complex dielectric constant of the tribofilm, calculated using the refractive index and extinction coefficient from in situ reflectance spectroscopy. \({\varepsilon }_{i}\) represents the complex dielectric constant of each component, calculated using pre-measured refractive index and extinction coefficient values. The complex dielectric constant is determined using the refractive index n and extinction coefficient k as shown in Eq. (13).

$$\varepsilon_{i} = \left( {n_{i}^{2} - k_{i}^{2} } \right) - i\left( {2n_{i} k_{i} } \right)$$

For the tribofilm formed on ta-C:Ta0.103, GNC pure, GNC:Ta0.030, and GNC:Ta0.113 coatings, the tribofilm is assumed to consist of three components: MoS2, MoO3, and wear particles from DLC coatings. MoS2 and MoO3 are major products from MoDTC, and their optical properties were measured using pure specimens of MoS2 and MoO3. The optical properties of wear particles from DLC coatings utilized the as-deposited state values for each coating. Additionally, for the tribofilm on the ta-C:Ta0.024 coating, the existence of sapphire was considered, in addition to MoS2, MoO3, and DLC particles, due to the inclusion of wear particles from the mating sapphire, as described in Chapter 3.4. The transition of the volume fraction of the tribofilm estimated from optical properties is shown in Fig. 19. In Fig. 19a, the tribofilm on the ta-C:Ta0.024 coating contained approximately 34 vol.% of sapphire particles. Concerning MoDTC-derived products, the tribofilm contained an almost equal volume fraction of MoS2 and MoO3. For the tribofilm on the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating, which experienced a reduction in friction to 0.07, the volume fraction of MoS2 in the tribofilm increased from 40.6 to 50.2 vol.% with friction, while the volume fraction of MoO3 decreased from 32.5 to 15.9 vol.%. To assess the impact of MoDTC-derived products on friction characteristics, the \({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}/({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}+{{\text{MoO}}}_{3})\) ratio was calculated from the volume fraction, as shown in Fig. 19. The relationship between the \({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}/({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}+{{\text{MoO}}}_{3})\) ratio and friction coefficient is indicated in Fig. 20. The \({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}/({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}+{{\text{MoO}}}_{3})\) ratio of the tribofilm on the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating increased to 0.75, and the friction decreased to 0.07. Conversely, the \({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}/({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}+{{\text{MoO}}}_{3})\) ratio of the tribofilm on the ta-C:Ta0.024 coating was around 0.50, and the friction coefficient exceeded 0.12. The plots of the tribofilm formed on GNC:Ta coatings concentrated at a \({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}/({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}+{{\text{MoO}}}_{3})\) ratio of around 0.65 and a friction coefficient of around 0.10. The correlation coefficient R between the \({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}/({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}+{{\text{MoO}}}_{3})\) ratio and friction coefficient was \(R=-0.85\), indicating a strong correlation. Thus, it is considered that the friction coefficient is strongly influenced by the generation of low-shear material of MoS2 from MoDTC-derived materials, and the DLC coatings with a higher ID/IG ratio enhance the generation of MoS2.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Transition of the composition of the tribofilm formed on each DLC coating. a ta-C:Ta0.024, b ta-C:Ta0.103, c GNC pure, d GNC:Ta0.030, e GNC:Ta0.113

Fig. 20
figure 20

Relation between MoS2/(MoS2 + MoO3) ratio and friction coefficient

5 Discussion

5.1 Consideration of the Measured Work Function and ID/IG Ratio

The relationship between the ID/IG ratio and work function is illustrated in Fig. 21. Generally, DLC coatings with a higher ID/IG ratio exhibited a higher work function, with the exception of the ta-C pure coating. Akada et al. reported that the work function of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), characterized by a defect-free graphite structure, increased with damage caused by Ar plasma [54]. Hence, it is inferred that DLC coatings with a higher work function incorporate a significant amount of graphite structure defects, specifically graphite edges, which contribute to the increased intensity of the D peak in Raman analysis. Additionally, the ta-C pure coating had a smaller \({{\text{sp}}}^{2}/\left({{\text{sp}}}^{2}+{{\text{sp}}}^{3}\right)\) ratio of 0.33, indicating a sp3-rich amorphous structure. Consequently, the work function of the ta-C pure coating is believed to be influenced by factors other than graphite edges, such as dangling bonds.

Fig. 21
figure 21

Relation between work function and ID/IG ratio of each DLC coating

5.2 Consideration of Friction Reduction Effect of Tribofilm Formed on Each DLC Coating

Nakashima et al. reported the adhesion of silica to occur on graphite edges with higher work functions [22]. Furthermore, Murashima et al. found that ZnDTP-derived tribofilm was abundantly generated on DLC coatings with a higher sp2/sp3 ratio, including graphite edges [55]. These prior studies suggest that graphite defects play an active role and exert an influence on lubricant additives. Additionally, Murabayashi proposed the decomposition process of MoDTC on a DLC coating through molecular dynamics simulation [56]. According to their findings, MoDTC adheres to a DLC surface, donating electrons to the DLC, thereby enhancing MoDTC decomposition. Therefore, graphite edges are deemed significant as sites where MoDTC adheres and reacts with the DLC surface, elucidating why specimens with higher ID/IG ratios exhibit lower friction with MoDTC.

Moreover, the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating displayed the lowest friction coefficient of 0.07 and consistently maintained a tribofilm with a high concentration of MoS2 among all DLC specimens. In previous studies by Komori, it was observed that a hard and rough DLC coating promotes the formation of a MoS2-rich tribofilm due to higher contact pressure at asperities and increased frictional heat [57]. In our study, although the three types of GNC:Ta coatings exhibited a higher ID/IG ratio of around 1.2, their hardness ranged from 1.1 GPa (GNC pure) to 6.0 GPa (GNC:Ta0.113), which is softer than the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating with a hardness of 9.5 GPa. Consequently, the ta-C:Ta0.103 coating is considered to be in an optimal state, characterized by the inclusion of active graphite edge sites and sufficient hardness to promote the generation of MoS2, resulting in friction reduction.

6 Conclusion

In this study, an exploration was conducted to understand the influence of the carbon structure of DLC coatings on friction reduction in MoDTC-added lubricant. To achieve the set objective, ta-C coatings (characterized by an amorphous structure) and GNC coatings (containing nanocrystallites) were prepared using different deposition methods. Additionally, an investigation into the effect of metal doping on DLC coatings involved the creation of Ta-doped ta-C coatings with different Ta amounts (ta-C pure, ta-C:Ta0.024, and ta-C:Ta0.103 coatings) and Ta-doped GNC coatings with different Ta amounts (GNC pure, GNC:Ta0.030, and GNC:Ta0.113 coatings). The friction tests included in situ observations of the thickness and composition of the tribofilm using reflectance spectroscopy to assess the relationship between tribofilm characteristics and friction properties. The key findings are summarized as follows:

  1. 1.

    Three types of GNC:Ta coatings exhibited a higher ID/IG ratio of around 1.2, irrespective of the Ta amount. In contrast, the ID/IG ratio of ta-C:Ta coatings increased from 0.19 to 1.00 with an increase in Ta amount.

  2. 2.

    The friction coefficient of ta-C:Ta0.103 coatings decreased to a minimum value of 0.07 with friction progression in MoDTC-added lubricant. The friction coefficient of the GNC:Ta coatings fluctuated around 0.10. Conversely, the ta-C:Ta0.024 coatings exhibited a relatively higher friction coefficient of 0.17, suggesting a weaker contribution of MoDTC. Generally, friction coefficients decreased with higher ID/IG ratio coatings.

  3. 3.

    In the in situ analysis of the tribofilm, a strong correlation was observed between the \({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}/({{\text{MoS}}}_{2}+{{\text{MoO}}}_{3})\) ratio and friction coefficient, with a correlation coefficient of \(-0.85\). This indicated that the concentration of MoS2 in the tribofilm played a crucial role in determining the friction characteristics.

  4. 4.

    DLC coatings with higher ID/IG ratios exhibited larger work functions, implying the presence of a significant amount of graphite edges serving as active sites. Consequently, DLC coatings with higher ID/IG ratios were considered to enhance the generation of MoS2 from MoDTC, leading to improved friction reduction.