1 Introduction

Over the past years innovative online choice platforms have been developed to facilitate the consumer’s purchasing decisions. For example, a consumer interested in purchasing a high-performance sports car can visit the Ferrari’s web-site and use the car configurator, which allows the consumer to design his ideal car by shaping its characteristics, such as colour, seat type and, wheel cap.Footnote 1 Another example is given by web-sites that through dedicated web-search engines allow the consumer to shortlist the set of available products by specifying the characteristics that the desired product should possess. Rightmove.co.uk, for instance, is a British website specialized in flat renting and gives the consumer the opportunity to shortlist on the basis of attributes, such as location, number of bedrooms, and rental price.Footnote 2

Such choice platforms induce the consumer to follow certain choice procedures. In the Ferrari’s car configurator case, the consumer is asked to construct his most preferred product by combining a set of available attributes. In the Rightmove.co.uk’s case, on the other hand, the consumer has to shortlist the set of available products by specifying what properties his most desirable product should satisfy. In general the nature of the choice procedure utilized by a decision-maker might have an effect on the outcome of the decision and, as a result, on the welfare of the decision-maker himself. So far the psychological and economic literature on multi-attribute individual decision-making has focused its attention on examining what choice procedure better describes the subjects’ behaviour.Footnote 3 In contrast, motivated by the continuing expansion of online choice platforms, we investigate whether inducing subjects to use holistic vs. characteristic-based search (CBS) procedures makes them better off.

Holistic procedures are procedures according to which the decision-maker examines the attributes within alternatives. Utility maximisation is an example of a holistic procedure, as a rational decision-maker first examines the attributes within an alternative (e.g. the prizes and the corresponding probabilities of a lottery), ‘attaches’ a utility value to it (e.g. expected utility), and then examines the next alternative. Another example of a holistic procedure is the satisficing heuristic (Simon 1955). CBS procedures, on the other hand, are procedures according to which the decision-maker examines the attributes across alternatives (Payne et al. 1993). The lexicographic and elimination-by-aspects (Tversky 1972) procedures are CBS examples. A decision-maker following a CBS procedure focuses his attention on one dimension (or various dimensions) only and discards all alternatives that are dominated on that dimension or do not meet a certain pre-determined threshold. Unlike traditional supermarkets, online choice platforms, such as the ones described above, typically induce procedures that encompass CBS elements.Footnote 4

Our research question is relevant for both psychologists and economists for various reasons. First, understanding whether inducing individuals to use different cognitive-comparative processes of the alternative’s characteristics has an effect on the quality of their decision is a key problem. Second, it is interesting to examine whether or not subjects perform better by using a class of heuristics (i.e., CBS) that are generally inconsistent with the application of the utility maximisation procedure. Third, given the growing interest within economic theory about rational and boundedly rational choice procedures, our experiment ‘searches for facts’ within the domain of multi-attribute decision problems.Footnote 5

In this paper we propose a between-subject design in which subjects are asked to perform the same choice task by inducing them to use different procedures. Our experiment consists of an innovative visual choice task, whereby subjects are shown a target alternative—an abstract figure—and asked to select or construct the alternative that most closely looks like the target. The baseline treatment induces a holistic procedure by asking subjects to select the figure that most closely looks like the target among those available. In contrast, two other treatments, which we call build and destroy, induce—in different ways—subjects to use characteristic-based search (CBS) procedures by asking them to construct the figure the most closely looks like the target figure by combining the blocs available. Across all treatments we vary both the time pressure level—interpretable as the search cost—and the complexity of the choice task.

It is worth emphasizing that in this experiment we fully control subjects’ preferences, which we induce via monetary incentives. This is not because we rule out the possibility that inducing individuals to use certain choice procedures does not have an effect on their preferences. On the contrary, we believe that the preference-formation issue is relevant within the broader context of our research question. However, we think that our methodology is appropriate for at least two reasons. First, given that our aim is to understand whether inducing choice procedures has an effect on individuals’ welfare, we need to know their preferences to be able to make welfare judgments. Inducing preferences via monetary incentives is a standard technique in experimental economics to achieve this goal (Smith 1976; Camerer and Hogarth 1999). Second, since our study is—to the best of our knowledge—the first to investigate the effects of inducing individuals to use certain choice procedures, it is natural to start with an experimental design over which we have as much control as possible to be able to isolate the different effects.Footnote 6 The natural following step of this research, which we are already working on, is to extend the current experimental design with the objective of examining whether (and possibly how) preferences are affected by the inducement to use certain choice procedures.

The results of our experiment are threefold. First, inducing subjects to certain choice procedures has an effect on their welfare. Specifically, subjects’ performance is distinctly better in the build and destroy treatments than in the baseline treatment, indicating that inducing subjects to use CBS heuristics (as opposed to holistic ones) increases their welfare. To the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first one to show that CBS procedures may be welfare increasing. If we interpret subjects’ behaviour as being the implementation of some payoff-maximizing objective function subject to cognitive constraints, then our results suggest that inducing subjects to use CBS procedures relaxes their cognitive constraints and, as a result, improves their performance. We also detect a slight difference in performance between build and destroy in favour of the destroy treatment. We attribute such difference to the fact that, by the nature of the treatments themselves, it takes more time to construct an alternative in the build than in the destroy treatment. As a result, especially at relatively high time pressure levels, subjects tend to do better in the destroy treatment.

Second, by looking at disaggregated data by complexity, we find that the divergence in performance between baseline and build/destroy is maximised at intermediate complexity levels. That is, at simple problems the assignment to the treatment does not affect subjects’ performance. As complexity increases the performance in the baseline treatment worsens at a higher rate than in the build/destroy treatment leading to the maximum degree of divergence at intermediate complexity levels. At relatively high complexity levels the performance across treatments tends to converge. This second finding suggests that the ‘ecological rationality’ of CBS heuristics holds within a certain range of complexity. At very simple and very complex problems subjects’ performance is not affected by the nature of the heuristic induced. On the contrary, at moderately complex problems inducing CBS procedures, as opposed to holistic ones, pays off.

Third, we compare random choice (which we construct by running simulations) and with subjects’ choice and find that subjects behaviour is distinctly different from random in both the build and destroy treatment. On the contrary, in the baseline treatment we find that subjects’ choice is different from random choice at relatively simple problems only. At relatively high complexity levels, we cannot rule random choice out. This result is consistent with the other findings.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the theoretical framework behind the experiment; Sect. 3 discusses the experimental design; Sect. 4 illustrates the results of the simulations; Sect. 5 presents the results of the experiment; Sect. 6 discusses the related literature and concludes. The supplementary material contains additional figures (including examples of screenshots), a detailed comparison of build and destroy treatments, and the instructions.

2 The theoretical framework

Our experiment can be described in terms of the choice-with-frames model proposed by Salant and Rubinstein (2008) that formalises and generalises the concept of framing effects (Tversky and Kahneman 1981). Let X denote a grand set of multi-attribute alternatives and \(\mathcal {S}\) a collection of non-empty subsets of X. Denote by \(\mathcal {R}\) a set of preference relations over X. Finally, denote by \(\mathcal {F}\) the set of ‘frames’—additional information other than the feasible set of alternatives that is irrelevant to a rational decision-maker, but might affect choices.Footnote 7 In the current setting we interpret a frame as an induced choice procedure, which can be either CBS or holistic. Hence, we let \(\mathcal {F}=\{\text{ CBS } ,\text{ holistic }\}\). For any \(\succ \in \mathcal {R}\), \(S \in \mathcal {S}\), and \(f \in \mathcal {F}\), we define \(c_{\succ }(S,f):\mathcal {S} \rightarrow X\) with \(c_{\succ }(S,f) \in S\) as the experimental subject’s chosen alternative from the choice problem S under the induced preference \(\succ \) and the induced choice procedure f.

Our experimental design can be thought of as the triple \(\langle \mathcal {S},\mathcal {R},\mathcal {F} \rangle \) in the sense that we have full control over the set of choice problems, the preferences, which we induced via monetary incentives, and the induced choice procedure. Our main hypothesis is summarized in Eq. 1:

$$\begin{aligned} c_{\succ }(S,CBS) \mathop {\succ }\limits ^{?} c_{\succ }(S,\text{ holistic }) \end{aligned}$$

That is, we are interested in understanding whether—ceteris paribus—inducing subjects to use CBS vs. holistic procedures has an effect on their welfare, measured in terms of how high in the preference ranking the chosen alternative is.

3 Experimental design

3.1 The task

In all treatments of this experiment subjects are shown a target alternative—an abstract figure—and are financially incentivized to choose or construct the figure that most closely looks like the target. All figures in this experiment are grids of various dimensions, whose cells are coloured either red or beige (see Fig. 1). Our decision to use abstract figures as alternatives is motivated by the fact that we wanted to abstract as much as possible from the context to collect generalizable results. Abstract figures of the kind considered here nicely serve this purpose, also because they can be partitioned into building blocks, which can naturally be interpreted as attributes or characteristics of the figures themselves. Throughout the paper we refer to each cell comprising a figure as pixel and to a set of one or more adjacent pixels as block.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Examples of figures of various complexity

In the baseline treatment, figures are given and subjects have to choose one among those available. In order to select a figure, subjects have to click on the figure they intend to select before the time expires and, as they do so, the selected figure appears enlarged next to the target.Footnote 8 The baseline treatment is meant to induce a holistic procedure, as alternatives are given and subjects are induced to make pairwise comparisons between the target and the selected alternative by inspecting all pixels of the selected alternative before exploring the next figure.

In the build and destroy treatments, on the other hand, figures are not given, but have to be constructed according to certain procedures. In the build treatment, subjects are shown several blocks and a figure partitioned into blank spots—which throughout the paper we refer to as slots—of the same dimensions as the blocks. Subjects are asked to construct a figure by placing the blocks in the slots within the time limit.Footnote 9 In order to insert a block into a slot, subjects have to first click on the block and then on the slot. Any block can be allocated to any slot (even to multiple slots) and can be replaced by any other block according to the procedure just described before the time expires.

In the destroy treatment, on the contrary, a figure partitioned into red blocks is presented to subjects, who have to change the colour (from red to beige) of the blocks.Footnote 10 In order to change the colour of a block, subjects have to click on the block they intend to change the colour to. The colour of a block can be repeatedly changed by replicating the above procedure before the time expires. For any given target, the blocks in the build and destroy treatment are different, but designed in such a way that the problems in the build and destroy treatments are exactly the same. We will come back to this in the next subsection. Both the build and the destroy treatments are meant to induce CBS procedures, as subjects are asked to construct what they think is their most preferred alternative by sequentially shaping its characteristics one by one.

The reason for which—besides the build treatment—we have introduced the destroy treatment is threefold. First, we wanted a second procedure other than the build treatment that induces a CBS heuristic. Second, constructive procedures, such as the build treatment, are not the only ones to induce CBS procedures. CBS procedures can be induced also via ‘destructive procedures’, such as the destroy treatment. Having both constructive and destructive procedures completes the analysis of CBS procedures and, as a result, increases the robustness of our results. Third, we wanted to check whether constructing a figure from scratch vs. decomposing an existing figure has an effect on subjects’ performance.

In all treatments once that subjects think they have selected (or constructed) the best alternative, they have to confirm their choice by clicking on the confirm button within the time limit. Subjects can replace the selected (or constructed) alternative as many times as they want before the time expires. If they select (or construct) an alternative without confirming within the time limit, the selected (or constructed) alternative (when the time expires) is considered to be their final choice. If at a choice problem subjects do not select (or construct) any alternative, their payoff is automatically set to be equal to zero as far as that choice problem is concerned.

In all treatments we count a mistake whenever a pixel of the selected (or constructed) figure is different from the corresponding pixel of the target figure. Let \(d_{\max }(c,t)\) (resp., \(d_{\min }(c,t)\)) denote the maximum (resp., minimum) number of mistakes a subject can commit at choice problem c in treatment t. Let \(d_{i}(c,t)\) denote the actual number of mistakes committed by subject i at choice problem c in treatment t. Subject i’s payoff \(\pi _{i}(c,t)\) (in euros) at choice problem c in treatment t is defined as follows \(\pi _{i}(c,t)=3+17 \cdot I_{i}(c,t)\), where \(I_{i}(c,t) \equiv \frac{d_{\max }(c,t)-d_{i}(c,t)}{d_{\max }(c,t)-d_{\min }(c,t)}\) is the performance index. Hence, subjects earn a show-up fee of €3 plus a (linear) performance-based payment that lies in the interval [0, 17], which is inversely related with the number of mistakes a subject commits. Monetary payments are rounded to the closest euro cent.

3.2 Design of the choice problems

We varied the level of both time pressure, which can be interpreted as the search costs, and complexity. In particular, we set four different levels of time pressure—60, 80, 100, and 120 s—and six different levels of complexity, which we called Simple-Fine (SF), Simple-Coarse (SC), Medium-Fine (MF), Medium-Coarse (MC), Difficult-Fine (DF), and Difficult-Coarse (DC). In this experiment we measure complexity in terms of the fineness (i.e., number of pixels) of the figures that subjects have to work with (see Table 1). This definition of complexity is supported by the psychology literature, according to which visual complexity is related with a multiplicity of visual dimensions, such as ‘quantity of objects’, ‘symmetry’, and ‘variety of colours’ (Oliva et al. 2004). Figure 1 shows an example of a target alternative for each complexity level.

Table 1 Specification of the complexity levels

The second column of Table 1 reports the number of pixels that every figure of each complexity level is made of, which we arbitrarily decided.Footnote 11 The third column reports the number of alternatives available in the baseline treatment to choose from. The fourth column reports the number of distinct alternatives that can be constructed in the build and destroy treatment. Note that the ‘size’ of the choice problem grows exponentially with complexity in the build and destroy treatments. This has to do with the intrinsic nature of these two treatments, which we will explain below. Note that, on the contrary, the number of alternatives that we made available in the baseline treatment is equal to 16 regardless of the complexity level. Ideally, the size of each choice problem should be the same across all treatments. However, this was not possible, as it was unfeasible to present subjects with hundreds of thousands of figures to choose from in the baseline treatment. We addressed this issue by showing subjects 16 alternatives only in the baseline treatment that were extracted (without replacement) at random out of the set of alternatives that could potentially be constructed in the build and destroy treatments.

Table 2 provides details regarding the characteristics of the build (first three columns) and destroy treatments (fourth and fifth column): number of blocks per figure, number of slots per figure (for the build treatment only), and number of pixels per block. Recall that in the build treatment, subjects have to insert the blocks into the slots available. The number of alternatives that can be created is, therefore, given by the number of slots to the power of the number of slots. On the other hand, in the destroy treatments subjects are asked to change to colour of the blocks (either red or beige). Hence, the number of alternatives that can be generated in the destroy treatment is equal to two to the power of the number of blocks. By looking at Table 2, it can be seen that the size of the choice problems at each complexity level is the same across the build and destroy treatments. In section 2 of the supplementary material we graphically show that the sets of alternatives that can be created in these two treatments actually coincide.

Table 2 Comparison build vs. destroy

In this experiment all target figures were constructed in the following way: Denote by x the number of pixels that form an alternative. We first created a squared-shaped figure made of x empty pixels. We then randomly extracted without replacement \(\frac{x}{2}\) pixels of that figure and coloured them red. We finally coloured the remaining pixels beige. We created one target alternatives for every combination of time pressure and complexity level. So overall we created 24 (4 time pressure times 6 complexity levels) plus an additional 6 (on for each complexity level for the practice rounds) target alternatives. For every combination of time pressure and complexity level, subjects faced exactly the same target alternative across the three treatments.

3.3 Implementation

A total of 58 experimental subjects were randomly recruited from a university database of undergraduates. Subjects were taken to the lab and shown the instructions.Footnote 12 Subsequently an experimenter read them loudly. Subjects were then asked to solve six practice rounds (one for each complexity level). At a later stage they were asked to solve six series (one for each complexity level) of 4 choice problems (one for each time-pressure level) that were valid for the calculation of their performance-based payment. The order of the series and the choice problems within each series were randomized as well as the order in which alternatives and blocks appeared on the screenshots.Footnote 13 After every round and at the end of each series feedback was given in terms of the actual number of mistakes relative to the minimum and maximum number of mistakes.Footnote 14 One choice problem out of 24 was selected at random for calculating the actual payoff. After the experiment subjects completed an anonymous questionnaire on demographics. We followed standard experimental procedures.

The design of the experiment is between-subject. Twenty subjects were assigned to the baseline treatment, twenty to the build, and eighteen to the destroy treatment. The experiment took place on the 4th of November 2014 (baseline and build) and on the 21st of April 2015 (destroy) at the Cognitive and Experimental Economics Laboratory (CEEL) of the University of Trento. The software used in the experiment was designed by the authors of the paper and the CEEL manager Mr Marco Tecilla.

4 Simulations

In order to implement the payoff function defined above, we needed to know the maximum \(d_{\max }(c,t)\) and the minimum \(d_{\min }(c,t)\) number of mistakes a subject can potentially commit at every choice problem c in each treatment t. While the calculation of these numbers is straightforward for the baseline treatment (the size of the choice problem is 16 regardless of complexity), figuring out \(d_{\max }(\cdot )\) and \(d_{\min }(\cdot )\) is not obvious as far as the build and destroy treatments are concerned, because hundreds of thousands of distinct alternatives can be constructed at relatively high complexity levels (see Table 1).

We addressed this issue by simulating random choice in the build treatment.Footnote 15 That is, we designed a software in which a ‘subject’ repeatedly draws at random (with replacement) a block from the sets of blocks available and inserts it into a slot, until a figure is completed. The resulting figure was considered to be the subject’s final choice. We then calculated the number of mistakes associated with it. We iterated this procedure 500, 000 times for every target alternative that we used in this experiment. The results of the simulations are shown in Table 3, reporting the estimates of \(d_{\max }(\cdot )\), \(d_{\min }(\cdot )\), and the average number of mistakes.Footnote 16

Table 3 Results of the simulations: estimates of \(d^{c}_{\max }\), \(d^{c}_{\min }\), and average number of mistakes

Note that choices are non-trivial for most complexity levels. The perfect fit between target and constructed alternative can be reached only at the SF complexity level, which is meant to be a rationality check. As complexity increases, the minimum and maximum number of mistakes a subject can commit increases. At the highest complexity level, the best fit involves about 240 differences in pixels between target and constructed alternative.Footnote 17

By plotting the distribution of mistakes of subjects choosing random, we found that it looks very similar to a normal distribution.Footnote 18 That is, the distribution is symmetric around the average number of mistakes and the mean, the median, and the mode coincide. This observation is important, because it reveals that a subject choosing at random would get most of the times a performance index equal to 0.5. This result follows from the fact that the distribution of the figures constructed by using the above method is multinomial (recall that a block is drawn at random with replacement from a set of two or more blocks and inserted into an empty slot until a figure is completed). Since the number of mistakes is calculated by comparing every pixel of the constructed figures with the corresponding pixel of the target figure, then, as the sample size increases, the distribution of the number of mistakes converges towards a normal distribution. We will use again the results of the simulations in a section below to compare subjects’ behaviour with random choice.

5 Results

In this section we measure subjects’ performance by using the performance index \(I_{i}(c,t)\) that determines the performance-based payment, which we previously introduced. Recall that this index is linear, lies in the interval [0, 1], and is inversely related with the number of mistakes a subject commits.

5.1 Between-subject analysis

Pooled results are shown in Fig. 2. The treatment in which subjects performed the best is the destroy, followed by the build and the baseline. However, while the difference in performance between baseline and build (and destroy) is relatively substantial, the difference between build and destroy is smaller.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Average performance—pooled data

We checked whether the difference in performance across treatments is statistically significant by performing a Mann–Whitney and a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.Footnote 19 For every subject i, we averaged the performance index across complexity levels and across time-pressure levels and then compared the averages across treatments. The results—summarised in Table 4—suggest that the difference in performance between all treatments is significant at the 1\(\%\) level.

Table 4 Difference in average performance (pooled data)—baseline (\(n=20\)) vs. build (\(n=20\)) vs. destroy (\(n=18\))

By disaggregating by complexity, one can see that the difference in performance is maximised for intermediate levels of complexity (see Fig. 3). In particular, when the choice problem is very simple, the allocation to the treatment does not affect subject’s performance. As complexity increases, subject’s performance progressively deteriorates in all treatments. However, the extent to which it worsens differs across treatments. Performance in the baseline gets worse relatively soon, followed by that of the build treatment. The performance in the destroy treatment is the last one to deteriorate. As complexity increases to the highest levels, subject’s performance across treatments tends to converge.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Average performance by complexity

We performed a Mann–Whitney and a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to check whether the difference in the distribution of the performance index across treatments is statistically significant (see Tables 5, 6, and 7). For every subject i and treatment t, we averaged the performance index across time-pressure levels for each complexity level and then compared the averages across treatments. By comparing the baseline and the build treatment, we found that the difference is significant at 1\(\%\) level for the complexity levels SC, MF, and MC and insignificant at the other complexity levels. We detected a similar pattern when we compared baseline and destroy. On the contrary, the difference between build and destroy is significant (at the 1\(\%\)) only for the complexity level DF.

Table 5 Difference in average performance by complexity—baseline (\(n=20\)) vs. build (\(n=20\))
Table 6 Difference in average performance by complexity—baseline (\(n=20\)) vs. destroy (\(n=18\))
Table 7 Difference in average performance by complexity—build (\(n=20\)) vs. destroy (\(n=18\))

Figure 4 shows subjects’ performance disaggregated by time pressure. Subjects did better in the destroy than in the build treatment for every level of time pressure. Average performance in the build treatment is similar to that of the baseline for high time-pressure levels. As time pressure is relaxed, average performance in the baseline treatment increases and converges towards that of the destroy treatment. Interestingly, performance in the baseline treatment decreases by relaxing time pressure from 100 to 120 s. There are two possible explanations. First, subjects got bored and started to play randomly. We will explicitly analyse random choice in the next subsection. Second, whenever subjects have relatively little time (or, equivalently, the search cost is high), then they look for a local optimum and, as soon as they discover one, they stop searching. On the other hand, when subjects realize that they have relatively more time, they keep searching, despite having possibly identified a local optimum, because their goal is to identify the global optimum. However, by doing so they end up selecting a worse alternative.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Average performance by time pressure

Table 8 Difference in average performance by time pressure—baseline \((n=20)\) vs. build (\(n=20\))

In order to perform Mann–Whitney and Kolmogorov–Smirnov, we averaged—for every subject and treatment—the performance index across complexity levels for each time-pressure level and then compared the averages across treatments. The tests suggest that the difference in the distribution of the performance index between baseline and build is statistically significant at 1% level for 80, 100, and 120 s time-pressure levels. On the other hand, the divergence in performance between baseline and destroy is significant for all time-pressure levels. By comparing the build and the destroy treatments, the difference is statistically significant only for a time pressure of 60 s. At the other time-pressure levels, the difference is either insignificant or significant at higher levels. See Tables 8, 9, and 10 for the details.Footnote 20

Table 9 Difference in average performance by time pressure—baseline \((n=20)\) vs. destroy (\(n=18\))
Table 10 Difference in average performance by time pressure—build (\(n=20\)) vs. destroy (\(n=18\))

We also looked at whether demographics have an effect on subjects’ performance. We could not find any systematic difference in behaviour across demographic groups both within and across treatments.

5.2 Random choice

In order to investigate whether subjects’ choice is different from random choice, we first generated random choice data. In the baseline treatment this task was straightforward, as subjects chose among 16 alternatives only. Hence, we assigned a \(\frac{1}{16}\) probability to every option at each choice problem. In the build and destroy treatments, we used the results of the simulations that we discussed in Sect. 4.

Table 11 Subject vs. random choice: baseline treatment (\(n=20\))

Once that random choice was generated, we identified the maximum and minimum number of mistakes a subject could commit and the median number of mistakes for each choice problem. We then calculated the performance index associated with the median choice. Finally, we tested whether the difference in the performance index associated with the median random choice is statistically different from the performance index associated with the subjects’ median choice by using the binomial and the Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Detailed results are reported in Tables 11, 12, and 13.

Table 12 Subject vs. random choice: build treatment (\(n=20\))
Table 13 Subject vs. random choice: destroy treatment (\(n=18\))

In the baseline treatment subjects distinctly chose different from random at relatively simple problems. We indeed find that the difference between subjects’ and random median choice is statistically significant at 5% (or below). At relatively harder problems, we do not detect any statistically significant difference. On the contrary, in the build and destroy treatments the difference between subjects’ and random median choice is statistically significant at almost all choice problems regardless of complexity.

Interestingly, we record that in the build treatment subjects’ choice is not statistically different from random at difficult problems (DF and DC) with very high time pressure (60 s). Recall that at the DF and DC complexity levels subjects have to fill in 16 slots to make a figure, which is a time-consuming task. By looking at the data, we found that at very hard problems under high time pressure many subjects did not complete a figure within the time limit. Hence, the reason for which we observe such pattern is that, as specified in the instructions, a performance-based payoff equal to zero is assigned if subjects fail to select (or construct) a figure within the time limit. As expected, we do not detect such pattern in the build treatment.

6 Related literature and conclusion

Our paper is interdisciplinary and related with the multi-attribute individual decision-making literature in both psychology and economics. Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky pioneerd a fruitful tradition in psychology on multi-attribute individual decision-making by establishing the so-called ‘heuristic-and-biases’ research agenda (Gilovich et al. 2002). Given that humans are irrational, its goal is to investigate the heuristics that individuals use to make decisions and discover potential biases in their behaviour. As an example, a framing effect refers to the phenomenon whereby individuals change their decision whenever the same choice problem is presented in different ways (Tversky and Kahneman 1981). Unlike the heuristic-and-biases tradition that mainly focuses on decisions under uncertainty, Payne et al. (1993) uses verbal protocols and mouselab to test adaptivity in multi-attribute decision-making under certainty. They find that people adapt the choice procedure to the choice environment and are willing to save cognitive effort. In particular, subjects tend to use holistic procedures when more weight is put on the goal of maximizing accuracy with respect to the goal of minimizing cognitive effort. On the other hand, under time pressure decision-makers seem to use CBS heuristics. The ‘fast-and-frugal’ research tradition further develops the work of Payne et al. (1993) by—unlike the heuristic-and-biases approach -investigating the conditions under which a certain class of heuristics better describes subjects’ behaviour (Gigerenzer et al. 1999; Gigerenzer and Selten 2001).Footnote 21 For example, Rieskamp and Hoffrage (2008) use the mouselab technique to investigate how inference strategies are affected by the amount of time pressure. They find that under relatively high (resp., low) time pressure, subjects tend to use CBS (resp., holistic) heuristics, such as the lexicographic procedure. More recently, the fast-and-frugal approach has increased its attention to real-world applications (Gigerenzer et al. 2011; Gigerenzer 2015).

The appearance of CBS procedures in economics goes back at least to Rubinstein (1988) that implicitly proposes a CBS model to explain the Allais paradox by assuming that the decision-maker assesses prizes and probabilities separately when choosing among lotteries. A first important experimental-economics contribution to this literature is Gabaix et al. (2006) that uses mouselab test individual’s information acquisition patterns in an N-good game. That is, subjects are presented with an \(N \cdot M\) matrix of numbers. Each row is interpreted as an alternative and each column as an attribute. Subjects have to choose the row that maximises the algebraic sum of the numbers arranged on the row. Gabaix et al. (2006) find that the directed cognition model—according to which subjects perform the next search operation as if it was the last one—predicts the aggregate information acquisition patterns that subjects follow.Footnote 22 Unlike Gabaix et al. (2006), Reutskaja et al. (2011) use the more sophisticated eye-tracking technique to investigate consumers’ search and choice attitudes on snack items under very high time pressure. They find that subjects’ behaviour is consistent with a hybrid of the standard and the satisficing model of search.Footnote 23 The closest study to our work is Arieli et al. (2011) that also uses eye-tracking to test whether subjects use holistic or CBS procedures while choosing binary lotteries. Arieli et al. (2011) find that whenever the computation of the expected value is difficult, subject’s eye movements are consistent with the use of CBS heuristics. On the contrary, when computations are easier, subjects’ behaviour is consistent with a hybrid of a CBS and holistic procedure.

Unlike our work, the above branches of literature investigate whether a certain heuristic (or class of heuristics) describes subjects’ behaviour. On the contrary, motivated by the proliferation of online choice platforms, we examine whether inducing subjects to use certain heuristics has an effect on their choice behaviour by proposing an innovative experiment. We are the first to show that CBS procedures may be welfare increasing. In particular, our results suggest that at intermediate levels of complexity inducing subjects to use CBS procedures (as opposed to holistic ones) makes them better off. On the contrary, at very simple and very complex problems the induced heuristic does not affect the subjects’ performance. Finally, we show that when subjects are encouraged to use a holistic procedure, we cannot rule out the hypothesis that their choice behaviour is equivalent to that generated by random choice at relatively complex problems.

Our results provide support the growing theoretical economic literature that assumes individuals to use CBS choice procedures, such as shortlisting (Manzini and Mariotti 2007; Apesteguia and Ballester 2013).Footnote 24 More broadly, our results support Herbert Simon (Simon 1955, 1956)’s intuition that the choice environment plays a crucial role in determining which heuristic decision-makers use to make decisions. We hypothesise that the reason for which CBS heuristics are more efficient than holistic ones is two-fold. On the one hand, CBS procedures encompass a more natural cognitive process than holistic ones. On the other hand, unlike holistic procedures, CBS procedures decompose difficult problems into simpler ones and, as a result, allow decision-makers to achieve better results at relatively harder problems. In order to test this conjecture we intend to run a follow-up experiment in which—after experimenting—subjects are asked to choose both the choice platform (either holistic or CBS) and the complexity level, where incentives are such that to harder problems correspond a higher monetary reward, ceteris paribus. We expect subjects preferring ‘CBS choice platforms’ to choose relatively high complexity levels.Footnote 25

We view this paper as a first step to investigate the broad research question that we propose. Our experimental design is flexible and can naturally be extended in multiple intriguing directions. First, we provide evidence that as time pressure is relaxed, performance improves. Moreover, we show that at very complex problems whether subjects are induced to use holistic or CBS procedures does not have a significant effect on their performance. A first robustness check would be to verify what happens if (i) there is no time limit and (ii) incentives are increased at complex problems.

Second, we measured complexity of a figure with the number of pixels it is made of, which is consistent with the psychology literature (Oliva et al. 2004). We are aware that there are alternative measures of complexity that we could have used. For example, we have looked at the computer science literature and found a metric for complexity—called Kolmogorov complexity—based on algorithmic information theory. It turns out that a visual form can be represented by a string of symbols (Donderi 2006). In our experiment figures can be seen as matrices of zeros and ones and can, therefore, be described as strings. Informally, the Kolmogorov complexity of a string is defined as the length of the shortest program needed to reproduce the string itself (Li and Vitányi 1997). For example, the 20-digit string 10101010101010101010 is Kolmogorov-simpler than the 20-digit string 11010000111010111111, as while the shortest way of describing the former is to write it as a 10-time repetition of the binary string 10, the shortest way of describing the latter is to fully rewrite it, as there are no patterns in it. An interesting extension to the current experimental design would be to generate target figures of different Kolmogorov complexity and verify whether our results are robust to the modification.

Third, in this experiment we used abstract figures as objects of choice because we wanted a frame that was as neutral as possible in order to collect generalizable results. In a follow-up experiment, instead of abstract figures, we could use lotteries (Arieli et al. 2011), algebraic sums (Payne et al. 1993; Gabaix et al. 2006; Caplin et al. 2011) or real goods (Reutskaja et al. 2011) as objects of choice and compare the results with other studies.

Fourth, a feature of the current experiment is that no tradeoffs between attributes are generated in the build (and destroy) treatment. That is, it is not the case that by constructing a figure with certain characteristics (i.e., allocating a certain bloc in a certain slot) subjects are restricted in shaping the other characteristics. Instead, subjects have to identify ‘their most preferred attribute value’ for each attribute independently of any other attribute. In the real world, on the contrary, there are examples of both conflicting and non-conflicting attributes. An example of the former is given by the fact that if an individual—searching for a flat through a web-search engine—increases (resp., decreases) the number of desired bedrooms, then the rent of the shortlisted flats necessarily increases (resp., decreases), other things being equal. As an example of the latter, the fact that one chooses a red colour for the Ferrari through the car configurator does not restrict at all the choice of the wheel cap. One way of investigating whether our results are robust to the heterogeneity in the presence/absence of tradeoffs between attributes is to use real goods as alternatives.

Fifth, in this experiment we examined the effects of encouraging subjects to use certain classes of heuristics by inducing preferences, because we wanted to start from a scenario over which we have full control. This has given us a first insight into how choices are affected by inducing individuals to use certain choice procedures, given preferences. The natural following step is to investigate whether inducing subjects to use certain heuristics has an effect on preferences as well. We plan to investigate these issues in a series of follow-up experiments.