Correction to: Reading and Writing

In the original publication of this article, in the subsection, “Changes in perceived teacher behaviour and intrinsic reading motivation”, there were couple of errors in two sentences.

In the paragraph beginning, “Correlations between variables in the study are…”, the sentence “The initial level of intrinsic reading motivation correlated negatively with the changes, indicating that students who enjoyed reading more at the first measurement occasion decreased less over time.” should have read “The initial level of intrinsic reading motivation correlated negatively with the changes, indicating that students who enjoyed reading more at the first measurement occasion decreased more over time.”

In the paragraph beginning, “Student perceptions of autonomy support, support…”, the sentence “The negative correlations between the changes and the initial levels of autonomy support, support for relatedness, and competence indicated that the higher the initial level of all three, the smaller the decline.” should have read “The negative correlations between the changes and the initial levels of autonomy support, support for relatedness, and competence indicated that the higher the initial level of all three, the larger the decline.”

The original article has been corrected.