Correction to: Precision Agriculture (2023) 24:161–186

The original version of the article unfortunately contained a mistake in the Acknowledgement part. It has been corrected in this correction. The correct version of text is given below

Acknowledgements “This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through projects “LEAnMeat - Lifecycle-based Environmental Assessment and impact reduction of Meat production with a novel multievel tool” (PTDC/EAM-AMB/30809/2017) and “GrassData - Development of algorithms for identification, monitoring, compliance checks and quantification of carbon sequestration in pastures” (DSAIPA/ DS/0074/2019), projects UIDB/04129/2020, UIDP/50022/2020 and UIDB/05183/2020, and by grants SFRH/BD/115407/2016 (T. Morais) and CEECIND/00365/2018 (R. Teixeira). The work was also supported by FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through project UID/EEA/50009/2019 and by Programa de desenvolvimento rural (PDR2020) through “Viabilização de pastagens semeadas biodiversas através da otimização da fer- tilização fosfatada” (PDR2020-101-030690) and “GO SOLO: Avaliação da dinâmica da matéria orgânica em solos de pastagens semeadas biodiversas através do desenvolvimento de um método de monitorização expedito e a baixo custo” (PDR2020-101-031243).”