1 Introduction

In the present paper we investigate the real ideals of compact operators for complex factors and give a description (up to isomorphisms) of real two-sided ideal of relatively compact operators of the complex W*-factors. A concept of relative weak (RW)\(_r\) convergence in a real Hilbert space is introduced. The classical Hilbert characterization of compactness of operators is extended to the compact operators in semifinite real W*-algebras.

2 Preliminaries

Let \(B(H)\) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a complex separable Hilbert space \(H\). A weakly closed *-subalgebra \(\mathfrak A \) containing the identity operator \(\mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I}\) in \(B(H)\) is called a W\(^*\)-algebra. A real *-subalgebra \(R\subset B(H)\) is called a real W\(^*\)-algebra if it is closed in the weak operator topology, \(\mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I}\in R\) and \(R\cap iR=\{0\}\). A real W\(^*\)-algebra \(R\) is called a real factor if its center \(Z(R)\) consists of the elements \(\{\lambda \mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I}, \lambda \in \mathbb{R }\}\), where \(\mathbb{R }\) is the field of all real numbers. We say that a real W\(^*\)-algebra \(R\) is of the type I\(_{fin}\), I\(_{\infty }\), II\(_1,\) II\(_{\infty },\) or III\(_{\lambda }\), \((0 \le \lambda \le 1)\) if the enveloping W\(^*\)-algebra \(\mathfrak{A }(R)\) has the corresponding type in the ordinary classification of W\(^*\)-algebras. A linear mapping \(\alpha \) of an algebra into itself with \(\alpha (x^*)=\alpha (x)^*\) is called an *-automorphism if \(\alpha (xy)=\alpha (x)\alpha (y)\); it is called an involutive *-antiautomorphism if \(\alpha (xy)=\alpha (y)\alpha (x)\) and \(\alpha ^2(x)=x\). If \(\alpha \) is an involutive *-antiautomorphism of a W\(^*\)-algebra \(M\), we denote by \((M,\alpha )\) the real W\(^*\)-algebra generated by \(\alpha \), i.e. \((M,\alpha )=\{x\in M: \ \alpha (x)=x^*\}\). Conversely, every real W*-algebra \(R\) is of the form \((M,\alpha )\), where \(M\) is the complex envelope of \(R\) and \(\alpha \) is an involutive *-antiautomorphism of \(M\) (see [1, 2, 5, 9]). Therefore we shall identify from now on the real von Neumann algebra \(R\) with the pair \((M,\alpha )\).

A trace on a (complex or real) W*-algebra \(N\) is a linear function \(\tau \) on the set \(N^+\) of positive elements of \(N\) with values in \([0,+\infty ]\), satisfying \(\tau (uxu^*)=\tau (x)\), for an arbitrary unitary \(u\) and for any \(x\) in \(N\).

The trace \(\tau \) is said to be finite, if \(\tau (\mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I})<+\infty \); semifinite, if given any \(x\in N^+\) there is a nonzero \(y\in N^+\), \(y\le x\) with \(\tau (y)<+\infty \).

3 Real and complex ideals of W*-algebras


Let \(M\) be a W*-algebra. A real subspace \(I\) of \(M\) is called a real ideal of \(M\) if \(I\cdot M \subset I_c\), where \(I_c\) is the smallest complex subspace of \(M\), containing \(I\).

It is easy to see that the subspace \(I_c\) is equal to \(I+iI\), therefore a real subspace \(I\) is a real ideal if and only if \(I\cdot M \subset I+iI\).

Since each complex subspace of \(M\) is a real subspace, any complex ideal is automatically a real ideal of \(M\). Let \(I\) be a real ideal of \(M\). If there exists a real W*-subalgebra \(R\) of \(M\) with \(R+iR=M\), such that \(I\subset R\), then \(I\) is called a pure real ideal of \(M\). In this case, it is obvious that we have \(I\cdot R\subset I\). Note that, the reverse is not true, i.e. from \(I\cdot R\subset I\) it does not follow \(I\subset R\). But a complex subspace \(J=I+iI\) always is a complex ideal of \(M\). On the other hand if \(I\subset R\) is a real subspace of \(M\) and \(I+iI\) is a complex ideal, then \(I\) is a pure real ideal, i.e. we obtain \(I\cdot R\subset I\).

Let, now \(I\) and \(Q\) be pure real ideals of \(M\). In general, the set \(I+iQ\) is not a (complex) subspace. More precisely the set \(I+iQ\) is a complex subspace if and only if \(I=Q\). Therefore we consider the smallest complex subspace \(J\) of \(M\), containing \(I\) and \(Q\). Obviously \(J\) is equal to \((I+Q)+i(I+Q)\). Thus, if \(I\) and \(Q\) are real ideals, then \(J=(I+Q)+i(I+Q)\) is a complex ideal.

4 Ideals of compact operators

Let \((M,\alpha )\) be a real factor and let \(\tau \) be an \(\alpha \)-invariant semifinite trace on \(M\). A subspace \(K\subset H\) is called \(\tau \)-finite (or finite relative to \(\tau \)), if \(\tau (P_K)<+\infty \), where \(P_K\) is the canonical projection of \(H\) on \(K\) with \(P_K\in M\).

Now, let \(K\) be a subset of \(H\). A subset \(K\) is called \(\tau \)-compact (or compact relative to \(\tau \)), if K is approximated in the norm \(\Vert \cdot \Vert _H\) by a bounded sequence of \(\tau \)-finite subspaces.

A real operator \(A\) on \(H\) (i.e. \(A\in (M,\alpha )\)) is called real compact relative to \(\tau \) if it is an operator mapping bounded sets into relatively compact sets. We denote by \(I\) (respectively, by \(J\)) the set of all relatively compact operators of \((M,\alpha )\) (respectively, of \(M\)). Let us recall the following result.


([3, 10, 11]) Let \(M\) be a semifinite factor and let \(\alpha \) be an involutive *-antiautomorphism of \(M\). Then \(I\) (respectively, \(J\)) is a unique (nonzero) uniformly closed two-sided ideal of \((M,\alpha )\) (respectively, of \(M\)), and \(I+iI=J\).

Now, let us recall [4] the notion of the crossed product of a W*-algebra \(M\) by a locally compact topological group \(G\) by its *-automorphism. Let \(\gamma : G\rightarrow Aut(M)\) be a group homomorphism such that the map \(g\rightarrow \gamma _g\) is strongly continuous. Let \(L_2(G,H)\) be the Hilbert space of all \(H\)-valued square integrable functions on \(G\). We consider a *-algebra \(N\subset B(L_2(G,H))\), generated by operators of the form: \(\pi _\gamma (a)\) and \(u(g)\), where \(a\in M\), \(g\in G\), and

$$\begin{aligned} \left(\pi _\gamma (a)\xi \right) = \gamma _h^{-1}(a)\xi (h), \quad \left(u(g)\xi \right)(h) = \xi (g^{-1}h), \end{aligned}$$

\(\xi =\xi (h)\in L_2(G,H), \ g,h\in G\). The algebra \(N\) is called the crossed product of \(M\) by \(G\), and denoted by \(W^*(M,G)\) or \(M\times _\gamma G\). Moreover, there exists a canonical embedding \(\pi \gamma : M \rightarrow \pi _\gamma (M)\subset N\). Each element \(x\in N\) has the form: \(x=\sum _{g\in G} \pi _\gamma (x(g))u(g)\), where \(x(\cdot )\) is an \(M\)-valued function on \(G\). If \(\theta \) is a *-automorphism of \(M\), then for the action \(\{\theta ^n\}\) of the group \(\mathbb{Z }\) on \(M\) we denote by \(W^*(\theta ,M)\) or \(M\times _\theta \mathbb{Z }\) the crossed product of \(M\) by \(\theta \). Similarly one can define the notion of crossed product for real W*-algebras (see [1, 1214]).

Let \(M\) be a factor of type III\(_\lambda \) (\(\lambda \not =1\)) and let \(\alpha \) be an involutive *-antiautomorphism of \(M\). Then by [12] (see also [1]), either

  • there exist a factor \(N\) of type II\(_\infty \) and an \(\alpha \)-invariant automorphism \(\theta \) of \(N\) such that \((M,\alpha )\) is isomorphic to the (real) crossed product \((N,\alpha )\times _\theta \mathbb{Z }\) or

  • there exist a factor \(N\) of type II\(_\infty \) and an antiautomorphism \(\sigma \) of \(N\) such that \((M,\alpha )\) is isomorphic to \(\bigl ((N\oplus N^{op})\times _\sigma \mathbb{Z }, \beta \bigr )\), where \(N^{op}\) is the opposite W*-algebra for \(N\) and \(\beta (x,y)=(y,x)\), for all \(x,y\in N\).

Let’s consider the first case. Let \((M,\alpha )\) be isomorphic to the (real) crossed product \((N,\alpha )\times _\theta \mathbb{Z }\). It is known that \((N,\alpha )\times _\theta \mathbb{Z } + i\cdot (N,\alpha )\times _\theta \mathbb{Z } = N\times _\theta \mathbb{Z }\) (see [1214]). Let \(E:M\rightarrow N\) be the unique \(\alpha \)-invariant faithful normal conditional expectation (see [15, 16]). Let us state an auxiliary lemma whose proof immediately follows from the linearity and \(\alpha \)-invariance of \(E\).


If \(S\) is an ideal in \((M,\alpha )\) and \(S_c=S+iS\), then

$$\begin{aligned} E^{-1}(S) + iE^{-1}(S) = E^{-1}(S_c), \quad E^{-1}(S)^+ \subset E^{-1}(S)^+ , \end{aligned}$$

where \(E^{-1}(A)=\{x: E(x)\in A\}\).

Recall that a cone \(K\subset A^+\) is called hereditary if \(x\in A^+\), \(y\in K\) and \(x\le y\) implies \(x\in K\); a subalgebra \(B\subset A\) is called hereditary if the cone \(B^+\) is hereditary. It is easy to see that any two-sided ideal is hereditary.


If the cone \(E^{-1}(S_c)^+\) is hereditary, then the cone \(E^{-1}(S)^+\) is also hereditary.


If \(x\!\in \! (M,\alpha )^+\!\subset \! M^+\), \(y\!\in \! E^{-1}(S)^+\!\subset \! E^{-1}(S_c)^+\) and \(x\!\le \! y\), then \(x\!\in \! E^{-1}(S_c)^+\), since \(E^{-1}(S_c)^+\) is hereditary. Therefore \(\alpha (x)\!=\!x^*\) implies \(x\!\in \! E^{-1}(S)^+\). \(\square \)


Let \(M\) be a semifinite factor. If \(S\subset (M,\alpha )\) is a two-sided ideal, then the linear span of \(E^{-1}(S)^+\) denoted as \(span(E^{-1}(S)^+)\) is a hereditary *-subalgebra of \((M,\alpha )\) and a two-sided module over \((M,\alpha )\). Moreover, if \(S\) is a norm-closed, then \(span(E^{-1}(S)^+)\) is also norm-closed.


By Lemma 1 and Proposition 3.3 [6] the cone \(E^{-1}(S_c)^+\) is hereditary and \(span(E^{-1}(S_c)^+)\) is a hereditary *-subalgebra of \(M\), where \(S_c=S+iS\). By Lemma 2 the cone \(E^{-1}(S)^+\) is also hereditary. Using the hereditarity of \(span(E^{-1}(S_c)^+)\) one can easily check the hereditarity of \(span(E^{-1}(S)^+)\).

If \(S\) is norm-closed, then \(S^+\) is also norm-closed. The continuity of \(E\) implies that \(E^{-1}(S)^+\) is closed. Therefore \(span(E^{-1}(S)^+)\) is also closed.

Let \(x\in E^{-1}(S)^+\) and \(y\in (M,\alpha )\). From \(x\in E^{-1}(S_c)^+\) and \(y\in M\), by Proposition 3.3 [6] we obtain that \(yx\in span(E^{-1}(S_c)^+)\), since \(span(E^{-1}(S_c)^+)\) is a two-sided module over \(M\). On the other hand \(yx\in (M,\alpha )\) and \(\{a\in span(E^{-1}(S_c)^+) : \ \alpha (a)=a^*\}=span(E^{-1}(S)^+)\). Hence \(yx\in span(E^{-1}(S)^+)\). Since the element \(x\) is arbitrary from \(E^{-1}(S)^+\) by linearity we obtain \(yx\in span(E^{-1}(S)^+)\) for any \(x\in span(E^{-1}(S)^+)\). Therefore \(span(E^{-1}(S)^+)\) is a left-sided module over \((M,\alpha )\). Similarly one can show, that it is a right-sided \((M,\alpha )\)-module. \(\square \)

Now, we put \(\mathcal{I}=span\{x\in (M,\alpha ): \ E(x)\in I\}\), where \(I\) is the unique (nonzero) uniformly closed two-sided ideal of the semifinite real factor \((N,\alpha )\) (see Theorem 1). By Proposition 1, \(\mathcal{I}\) is hereditary.

Lemma 3

The following is valid

$$\begin{aligned} \qquad \quad \mathcal{I }^+ = \{x\in (M,\alpha )^+ : x\le y, \quad {for\, some}\, y\in I^+\}. \end{aligned}$$


Let \(x\in \mathcal{I}^+\) and \(J=I+iI\), \(\mathcal{J}^+ = \{x\in M^+: x\le z\), for some \(z\in J^+\}\). Since \(x\in \mathcal{J}^+\) by Proposition 3.7 d) [6], \(x\le z\), for some \(z\in J^+\). Let \(z=y+it\), \(y,t\in (N,\alpha )\). Then \(y\ge 0\) (because \(z\ge 0\)) and \(z-x=(y-x)+it\ge 0\), hence \(y-x\ge 0\), i.e., \(x\le y\). Since \(I^+\subset J^+\), \(y\in I^+\).

Conversely, if \(x\in (M,\alpha )^+\) and \(x\le y\), for some \(y\in I^+\), then again by Proposition 3.7 d) [6] we have \(x\in \mathcal{J}^+\). From \(\alpha (x)=x^*\) we have \(x\in \mathcal{I}^+\). \(\square \)

From Lemma 3, in particular, it follows, that a projection from \((M,\alpha )\) is finite if and only if it majorized by some finite projection of \((N,\alpha )\).

Let I\(_1\) be the norm closure of \(\mathcal{I}\). If we apply Proposition 1, Lemma 3 and the scheme of the proofs of Propositions 4.1, 4.5 and Theorem 4.3 [6], then we can prove the following real analogue of Halpern-Kaftal’s theorem.


Let \(M\) be a factor of type III\(_\lambda \) (\(\lambda \not =1\)) and let \(\alpha \) be an involutive *-antiautomorphism of \(M\). If the real factor \((M,\alpha )\) is isomorphic to the (real) crossed product \((N,\alpha )\times _\theta \mathbb Z \), then I\(_1\) is a unique (up to an inner automorphism) smallest hereditary real C*-subalgebra of \((M,\alpha )\), containing the ideal \(I\), and it is a two-sided module over \((N,\alpha )\).

Let us consider the second case. Let \((M,\alpha )\) be isomorphic to \(\left((N\oplus N^{op})\times _\sigma \mathbb{Z }, \beta \right)\), where \(N\) is a II\(_\infty \)-factor, \(N^{op}\) is the opposite W*-algebra for \(N\) and \(\beta (x,y)=(y,x)\), for all \(x,y\in N\).

Recall that, a factor \(N\) is generated by the fixed point algebra of the one parameter group \(\{\sigma ^{\psi }_t: t\in \mathbb{R }\}\) of modular automorphisms, associated with some \(\alpha \)-invariant faithful normal semifinite weight \(\psi \). More precisely, the W*-subalgebra \(M_\psi = \{x\in M: \sigma ^\psi _t(x)=x, t\in \mathbb{R }\}\) contains a central projection \(p\) such that \(N\) is isomorphic to factor \(pM_\psi \). In this case the real W*-algebra \((M_\psi , \alpha )\) is isomorphic to \((N\oplus N^{op}, \beta )\) (for more details see [1, 1214]).

Let \(E:(M,\alpha )\rightarrow (N\oplus N^{op}, \beta )\) be a faithful normal conditional expectation (see [15, 16]) and let \(J\) be the unique (nonzero) uniformly closed two-sided ideal of the semifinite (complex) factor \(N\) (see Theorem 1). Similarly to the first case, we denote by I\(_2\) the norm closure of \(span\{x\in (M,\alpha ): \ E(x)\in (J\oplus J^{op}, \beta )\}\).

Applying the same reasonings, as in the first case, and the scheme of proofs of Propositions 4.1, 4.5 and Theorem 4.3 [6], we obtain one more real analogue of Halpern-Kaftal’s theorem.


Let \(M\) be a factor of type III\(_\lambda \) (\(\lambda \not =1\)) and let \(\alpha \) be an involutive *-antiautomorphism of \(M\). If the real factor \((M,\alpha )\) is isomorphic to \(\left((N\oplus N^{op})\times _\sigma \mathbb{Z }, \beta \right)\), then I\(_2\) is the unique (up to inner automorphism) smallest hereditary real C*-subalgebra of \((M,\alpha )\), containing the ideal \(I\) and is a two-sided module over \((N,\alpha )\). Here \(I\) is the unique (nonzero) uniformly closed two-sided ideal of semifinite real factor \((N,\alpha )\).

Thus, summarizing all above, in the injective case, we can describe all (nonzero) uniformly closed two-sided real ideals of semifinite and pure infinite complex factors. Recall that [1, 5], if \(M\) is an injective factor of type II, then there exists a unique conjugacy class of involutive *-antiautomorphisms in \(M\); therefore there exists a unique (up to isomorphisms) real subfactor of \(M\), generating \(M\). If \(M\) is an injective factor of type III\(_\lambda \) (\(0<\lambda <1\)), then in \(M\) there exist exactly two conjugacy classes of involutive *-antiautomorphism; therefore there exist two (up to isomorphisms) real subfactors of \(M\), generating \(M\). Hence we obtain the following result.


Let \(M\) be a factor. Then the following assertions are true:

  1. 1.

    If \(M\) is an injective factor of type II\(_1\) or type II\(_\infty \), then there exist (up to isomorphisms) two (nonzero) uniformly closed two-sided real ideals in \(M\). One of them is the complex ideal \(J\), the other is the pure real ideal \(I\).

  2. 2.

    If \(M\) is an injective factor of type III\(_\lambda \) (\(0<\lambda <1\)), then there exist (up to isomorphisms) three (nonzero) uniformly closed two-sided real ideals in \(M\). One of them is the complex ideal \(J\), the two others are the pure real ideals I\(_1\) and I\(_2\).

5 Relative weak convergence in semifinite real W*-algebras

In this section, we study the relative weak (RW) convergence in a real Hilbert space. We first recall that the elements of the two-sided closed ideal \(I\) generated by the projections which are finite relative to a real W*-algebra \((M,\alpha )\) are called compact operators of \((M,\alpha )\).

Let \(H_r\) be a real Hilbert space with \(H_r+iH_r=H\). A sequence \(\{\xi _n\}\subset H_r\) (or \(\subset H\)) is called weakly converging to \(\xi \), if for every projection \(P\) which is finite relative to \(B(H_r)\) (respectively, \(B(H)\)), \(P\xi _n\) converges strongly to \(P\xi \) (\(P\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow } P\xi \)). This suggests the following generalization:


Let \((M,\alpha )\) be a real W*-algebra in \(B(H_r)\subset B(H)=B(H_r)+iB(H_r)\). We say that a sequence \(\{\xi _n\}\in H_r\) converges to \(\xi \) weakly relative to \((M,\alpha )\) and briefly say (RW)\(_r\) converges or \(\xi _n \stackrel{(RW)_r}{\longrightarrow } \xi \), if

  1. 1.

    \(\Vert \xi _n\Vert \) is bounded;

  2. 2.

    for every projection \(P\in (M,\alpha )\) which is finite relative to \((M,\alpha )\), the sequence \(\{P\xi _n\}\) converges strongly to the element \(P\xi \), i.e. \(P\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow } P\xi \).

Note that a weakly convergent sequence is necessarily bounded, but following the Example 2 of [7], it is easy to construct an example, in which a unbounded sequence satisfies the second condition of Definition 1.


Let \(H\) and \(K\) be infinite-dimensional separable real Hilbert spaces with orthonormal bases \(\{\eta _n\}\), \(\{\gamma _n\}\) respectively. We put \(R=B(H)\otimes \mathbb{R }\mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I}_K\) and \(\xi _n=\sum _{i=n}^{2n}\eta _i\otimes \gamma _i\). Since \(\Vert \xi _n\Vert ^2=\sum _{i=n}^{2n}\Vert \eta _i\Vert ^2\Vert \gamma _i\Vert ^2=n\), it is an unbounded sequence. Let \(P\) be a finite protection of \(R\). Then there is a finite projection \(P_0\) in \(B(H)\) such that \(P=P_0\otimes \mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I}_K\). Without loss of generality we may assume that it is one-dimensional, i.e., that \(P_0=<\cdot , \xi > \xi \), for an element \(\xi \in H\) with \(\Vert \xi \Vert =1\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert P\xi _n\Vert ^2&= \left(\sum _{i=n}^{2n} P_0\eta _i\otimes \gamma _i, \sum _{j=n}^{2n} P_0\eta _j\otimes \gamma _j\right) \\&= \left(\sum _{i=n}^{2n} <\eta _i, \xi > \xi \otimes \gamma _i, \sum _{j=n}^{2n} <\eta _j, \xi > \xi \otimes \gamma _j\right)\\&= \sum _{i,j=n}^{2n} \left(<\eta _i, \xi > \xi , \ <\eta _j, \xi > \xi \right)_H \cdot (\gamma _i, \gamma _j)_K = \sum _{k=n}^{2n} |<\eta _k, \xi >|^2. \end{aligned}$$

Since the series \(\sum _{k=1}^\infty |<\eta _k, \xi >|^2\) converges, the sequence \(\sum _{k=n}^{2n} |<\eta _k, \xi >|^2\) converges to \(0\), when \(n\rightarrow \infty \). Hence \(\Vert P\xi _n\Vert \rightarrow 0\). Therefore \(P\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow } P\xi =0\), but the sequence \(\{\xi _n\}\) is unbounded. Moreover it is easy to show that the sequence \(\{\eta _n\otimes \gamma \}\) \((RW)_r\) converges to \(0\), but it does not converge strongly to \(0\), and the sequence \(\{\xi \otimes \gamma _n\}\) converges weakly to \(0\), but does not \((RW)_r\) converge to \(0\).

It is easy to see that the following assertions are true.


$$\begin{aligned} \xi _n \stackrel{RW}{\longrightarrow } \xi&\ \Longleftrightarrow&\ \xi _n \stackrel{(RW)_r}{\longrightarrow } \xi \end{aligned}$$

Here \(\xi _n \stackrel{RW}{\longrightarrow } \xi \) means that \(\Vert \xi _n\Vert \) is bounded and \(P\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow } P\xi \), for every projection \(P\in M\) (see [7, Definition 1]).


The proof of implication “\(\Rightarrow \)” is obvious. Let’s prove the implication “\(\Leftarrow \)”. Assume, that there is some projection \(p\in M\) with \(\Vert p\xi _n\Vert \not \rightarrow 0\). Since the projections \(p\) and \(\alpha (p)\) are equivalent we have \(\Vert \alpha (p)\xi _n\Vert \not \rightarrow 0\) (see [1]). It is easy to see that \(a=p+\alpha (p)\in (M,\alpha )\) and \(a\ge p\) (because \(\alpha (p)\ge 0\)), therefore \(\Vert a\xi _n\Vert \not \rightarrow 0\). Then exists a spectral projection \(e\in (M,\alpha )\) of an element \(a\) with \(\Vert e\xi _n\Vert \not \rightarrow 0\). It is a contradiction with the assumption. \(\square \)

The following theorem is a generalization of Hibert’s characterization of the compact operators.


(Theorem 7, [7]) An element \(A\) is compact in \(M\) iff it maps (RW) converging sequences into strongly converging ones.

We have the following real analogue of the above characterization.


An element \(A\) is compact in \((M,\alpha )\) iff it maps (RW)\(_r\) converging sequences into strongly converging ones.


Firstly, let us prove the sufficiency. Let \(I\) be the two-sided closed (pure real) ideal generated by the projections which are finite relative to a real W*-algebra \((M,\alpha )\) and put \(J=I+iI\). As it was noticed above \(J\) is the two-sided closed (complex) ideal, generated by the projections which are finite relative to a W*-algebra \(M\). If we put

$$\begin{aligned} I_1 = \{A\in (M,\alpha ): \ A\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\rightarrow } 0, \ \mathrm{for \ any \ sequence} \ \{\xi _n\}\subset H_r \ \mathrm{with} \ \xi _n \stackrel{(RW)_r}{\longrightarrow } 0\}, \end{aligned}$$

then by (1) for

$$\begin{aligned} J_1 = \{A\in M: \ A\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\rightarrow } 0, \ \mathrm{for \ any \ sequence} \ \{x_n\}\subset H \ \mathrm{with} \ \xi _n \stackrel{(RW)}{\longrightarrow } 0\}, \end{aligned}$$

we obtain \(I_1\subset J_1=J=I+iI\). Here the equality \(J_1=J\) is valid by Theorem 5. Since \(I_1\subset (M,\alpha )\), we obtain \(I_1\subset I\). Therefore \(A\in I\), i.e. \(A\) is compact relatively to \((M,\alpha )\)

Now we shall prove the necessity. It suffices to show that \(I\subset I_1\). Suppose that \(K\in I\) and \(\xi _n \stackrel{(RW)_r}{\longrightarrow } \xi \). Without loss of generality we can assume that \(\xi =\theta \). We repeat step by step the scheme of proof of Theorem 1.3 [8], to obtain the real analogue of the generalized Rellich condition for \(K\), i.e., for every \(\lambda >0\) there is a projection \(P\) of \((M,\alpha )\) such that \(\Vert KP\Vert \le \lambda \) and \(\mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I}- P\) is finite. From \(\xi _n \stackrel{(RW)_r}{\longrightarrow } 0\), by definition, we obtain \((\mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I}- P)\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow } 0\), and hence \(K(\mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I}- P)\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow } 0\). Since \(\Vert K-K(\mathbf{1}\!\!\mathrm{I}- P)\Vert =\Vert KP\Vert \le \lambda \) and \(\Vert \xi _n\Vert \) is bounded by definition, we have \(K\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow } 0\). Thus, we have shown that for any \(K\in I\) the condition \(\xi _n \stackrel{(RW)_r}{\longrightarrow } \xi \) implies \(K\xi _n \stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow } K\xi \). Hence \(K\in I_1\), and therefore \(I_1\subset I\). \(\square \)

Theorem 6 shows that Hibert’s characterization of the compact operators remains valid in semifinite real W*-algebras.