Correction to: Plant Soil

The authors wish to report an error in the original version of the paper. In Figure 5, the AM and ECM photos were put in the opposite place. Figure 5 has now been corrected. No other aspects of the results presented in the publication were affected. The caption of the figure stays unchanged.

Fig. 5
figure 1

A diagram of how AM and ECM plants affecting rhizosphere soil nutrient economies. Ectomycorrhizal associations may invest more C in the production of N-acquisition enzymes to adapt to lower N availability and greater N acquisition capacity (relative to AM plants) in the rhizospheres (a). Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations may increase rhizosphere soil P availability (relative to bulk soils) by allocating more C to produce P-acquisition enzymes that mineralizing organic P, and by secreting acidic compounds that liberate P from calcium compounds. The size of the arrows indicated the strength of the fluxes. Red arrow, C allocation; Orange arrow, effects on N availability; Blue arrow, effects on P availability; ↑, nutrient content increased in the rhizosphere soil relative to bulk soil; ↓, nutrient content decreased in the rhizosphere soil relative to bulk soil; --, nutrient content in the rhizosphere soil was similar to that in the bulk soil

Also, in Table S1 of the supplementary materials, Xylosma racemosum which was in the last row of the Table S1, was assigned to wrong Mycorrhizal type. It should be AM. The correct supplementary material is presented in this correction article.

The original article has been corrected.