1 Introduction

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on developing computational intelligence algorithms that mimic biological structures. These techniques have proven capable of not only matching but sometimes surpassing current state-of-the-art methods. Researchers have made significant progress in discerning the structural connectivity of diverse systems and organisms at various resolutions [7, 25, 27]. The C.elegans nematode tap-withdrawal circuit [37] stands out as an exemplar of this progress, faithfully replicating worm reflexes [10] and showing promise for tasks such as navigation [8], locomotion [16], and motor control [31]. Repurposing the tap-withdrawal circuit into Neural Circuit Policies (NCPs) [21] has yielded outstanding performance in high-stakes decision-making tasks, including autonomous flight control [33], autonomous vehicles [20, 28], and classification tasks [11, 32]. The utilization of NCPs facilitates the integration of interpretability and explainability into the decision-making process, crucial for practical applications. Furthermore, it bestows adaptability and robustness upon the neural agent, enabling effective operation in unpredictable and dynamic environments. Reinforcement learning (RL) plays a crucial role in AI research by facilitating the creation of precise neural agents proficient in high-stakes decision-making tasks. RL has demonstrated significant success in tackling complex challenges across various domains, including robotics, finance, healthcare, and management. The combination of RL and deep neural networks also known as Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has proven highly successful in tackling complex environments, marking notable progress in video games such as Atari [24], StarCraft [34], Go [30], Dota [3], and Gran Turismo [38]. In the context of robotics, the success of DRL relies on researcher’s ability to adeptly control complex systems. Given that numerous robotic applications necessitate close human interaction and compliance with imprecisely specified human norms, it becomes paramount for these systems to be developed with a high degree of accuracy and sensitivity to human behavior. The Doom precisely presents the challenges required for the development of effective agents in complex systems, demanding precise control of an agent within a highly dynamic environment and specific parameters. Moreover, the game provides a remarkably realistic simulation, making it well-suited for experimenting with AI algorithms. The complex environment of Doom offer an ideal testing ground to hone agents’capabilities in navigating complex, dynamic scenarios, further advancing the RL field. To succeed in the Doom, the agent must excel in three skills: target identification, target chasing tactics, and protagonist movement control (navigation). For the agent to effectively pursue its target, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of the target and the track on which it is being pursued. This understanding provides the fundamental basis for the agent to acquire the necessary skills. Several research studies have been conducted to address the challenges presented by the Doom [1, 18, 29, 41]. Among these, the most notable is the VizDoom Competition [39], where various trained neural agents compete against each other. Few of these neural agents are F1, trained using the Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) [9], Arnold trained using the Deep Q-Network (DQN), and TUHO trained using the Dueling DQN [35]. The performance of these neural agents heavily relies on the neural network that resides within them [6] that directly maps visual perception inputs to protagonist actions (end-to-end approach) [22]. These neural agents perform well in offline testing, but their performance decreases drastically in noisy and sub-optimal scenarios, raising safety and security issues. To tackle this issue, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have been proposed. These work in a sequential manner and handle temporal features for decision-making but suffer from vanishing gradients [2]. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks [40] have been developed to address these gradient problems, ensuring a constant flow of information and the removal of non-linearity to create long-term relationships [15]. However, this might prove problematic, especially in our case where the availability of short-term causality can generate erroneous agents. Moreover, LSTM has many interlinked gates and states that slow the training process, thereby increasing the overall training time. The Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) [5] is a simplified version of LSTM which has fewer gates and states, but it also suffers from the vanishing gradients problem. The goal of this research is to design a deep learning architecture that address these safety issues. We proposed an end-to-end architecture that combines worm-brain inspired Neural Circuit Policies (NCPs) with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The CNN extract spatial information from the environment and pass it to the NCPs to handle temporal features for decision-making and action (see Fig. 1). The NCPs employ a four-layer hierarchy architecture that processes the extracted information obtained through sensory-neurons (\(N_s\)) in inter-neurons (\(N_i\)), and command-neurons (\(N_c\)) before selecting actions through motor-neurons (\(N_m\)). The connections between layers of NCPs are sparse, meaning not all neurons are fully-connected, and the connections between motor-neurons and command-neurons are highly recurrent. The sparse connectivity between NCPs layers play important role as each neuron is only linked to only select group of neurons in the subsequent layer, it simplifies the process of comprehending the function of individual neuron and their contribution to output [21]. The foundational block of NCPs is a continuous-time recurrent neural network called Liquid Time Constants (LTC) [12, 13] (briefly overviewed in Sect. 2). In the basic scenario, We found that a configuration of only 20 control-neurons, consisting of 12 inter-neurons and 8 command-neurons, not only matches but sometimes even outperforms competition. The design instructions of hierarchal architecture of NCPs can be found in author’s previous work [28]. The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 1 provides a concise review of related work and identifies areas requiring improvement. In Sect. 2, we comprehensively outline all the constituent building blocks of our proposed architecture. Section 3 elaborates on the methodology employed for implementing the architecture. Section 4 presents a thorough evaluation of our network, encompassing considerations such as network size, performance metrics, noise test results, and explanability. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper, offering insights into potential future updates.

Fig. 1
figure 1

End-to-End neural network architecture

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we overviewed the building blocks of our designed architecture. We first introduced the Liquid Time Constant (LTC) neural network which is the foundational block of NCPs architecture that is discussed afterwards. Lastly we briefly described the RL algorithm.

2.1 Liquid Time Constant (LTC)

The Liquid Time Constant (LTC) belongs to the family of CT-RNN models, illustrating a dynamic system characterized by varying time constants linked to its hidden state. The model employs a fused solver, a specialized numerical differential solver to compute its output. Instead of defining a system’s dynamics through implicit nonlinearities and utilizing linear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) for derivative construction, the LTC model adopts first-order linear dynamical systems interconnected with nonlinear gates [12].

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{dx(t)}{dt} = f(I(t), x(t), \theta , t)\left( A - x(t)\left( \frac{1}{\tau } + 1\right) \right) \end{aligned}$$

Here the neural network is denoted by \(f(\cdot )\), the time constant by \(\tau \), the hidden layer by \(x(t)\), the input by \(I(t)\), and the parameters by \(A\) and \(\theta \). Beyond computing the derivative of the hidden state, the neural network also acts as an input-dependent variable time constant. This unique property enables specific components of the hidden state to interact with the system’s dynamics based on a given input at a particular time [12].

$$\begin{aligned} \tau _{sys} = \frac{\tau }{1+\tau f(x(t),I(t),t, \theta ) } \end{aligned}$$

2.2 Neural Circuit Policies (NCPs)

Neural Circuit Policies (NCPs) represent an approach to construct interpretable neural control agents through modifications to the tap-withdrawal neural circuit identified in the worm C. elegans [27]. In this circuit, the majority of neurons exhibit electronic dynamics, characterized by the passive flow of electric charges, resulting in graded potentials rather than the typical spiking activity. NCPs consists of sensory neurons (denoted as \(N_s\)), responsible for perceiving and responding to external inputs. It also encompasses decision-making motor neurons (\(N_m\)), as well as interneurons (\(N_i\)) and command neurons (\(N_c\)) for internal processing. Each sensory neuron \(N_s\) consists of two neurons (\(S_p\) and \(S_n\)) and a system variable (\(x\)). The activation of \(S_p\) or \(S_n\) depends on the sign of \(x\), with \(S_p\) becoming active for positive \(x\) and \(S_n\) for negative \(x\). This mapping of \(x\) to a membrane potential range of \([-70\, \text {mV}, -20\, \text {mV}]\) aligns with the biophysics of nerve cells, having a resting potential of approximately \(-70\, \text {mV}\) and an active potential of around \(-20\, \text {mV}\). Similarly, each motor neuron comprises two neurons (\(M_p\) and \(M_n\)) and a controllable variable (\(y\)), with \(M_p\) and \(M_n\) mapping to \([-70\, \text {mV}, -20\, \text {mV}]\) [21]. Equation 3 defines the modeled dynamics of hidden or output neurons, denoted as \(x_i(t)\) in an LTC RNN functioning as a membrane integrator which is building block of NCPs [13, 27].

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{dx_i}{dt} = \frac{1}{C_{m_i}} \left( G_{\text {leak}_i} (x_{\text {leak}_i} - x_i(t)) + \sum _{j=1}^n I_{\text {in}}^{(ij)}\right) \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(C_m\) represents membrane capacitance, \(x_{leak_i}\) is the leaked potential of neuron i, I signifies external stimulus current, and \(G_{leak_i}\) stands for the leak conductance of neurons i. The electrical synapse between two nodes (ij) is expressed using Ohm’s law:

$$\begin{aligned} I_{ij} = w_{ij} (x_j(t)-x_i(t)) \end{aligned}$$

For chemical synapses transmitting from j to i, a sigmoidal nonlinearity (\(\alpha _{ij}, \beta _{ij}\)) models the relationship as a function of membrane state, with a maximum weight of \(w_i\). Further details and derivation can be found in [13].

$$\begin{aligned} I_{s_{ij}} = \frac{w_{ij}}{1+\beta _{ij}(x_j + \alpha _{ij})} \cdot (E_{ij} - x_j(t)) \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(E_{ij}\) represents the state of the neuron from i to j, indicating whether it excites or inhibits succeeding neurons. By substituting Eq. 5 into Eq. 3 and rearranging, we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \frac{dx_i}{dt} = \frac{1}{\tau } \biggl (&(x_{\text {leak}_i} - x_i(t)) + \frac{w_{ij}}{1+\beta _{ij}(x_j + \alpha _{ij})} \cdot (E_{ij} - x_j(t)) \biggr ) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

This equation is responsible for noise resilent behavior of NCPs yielding \(\tau _{sys}\)

$$\begin{aligned} \tau _{\text {sys}} = \frac{\tau _i \cdot C_{m_i} (1+\beta _{ij}(x_j + \alpha _{ij}))}{C_{m_i} + \tau _i w_{ij} \cdot x_i(t) + \tau _i w_{ij} \cdot \beta _{ij}(x_j + \alpha _{ij})} \end{aligned}$$

2.3 Reinforcement Learning

In RL, the interaction between the agent and the environment is preferably modeled as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) [26]. At each discrete time step, the agent receives a state \(\tilde{s}_t\) from the set \(\tilde{S}\), and in response, it sends an action \(\tilde{a}_t\) from the set \(\tilde{A}\) to the environment. Subsequently, a state transition occurs with a probability distribution \(\tilde{P}\), leading to a new state \(\tilde{s}_{t+1}\) and the agent receives a reward \(\tilde{R}\). This entire sequential process is characterized by the tuple \(\{\tilde{S}, \tilde{A}, \tilde{P}, \tilde{R}, \tilde{\gamma }\}\), where \(\tilde{\gamma }\) is the discount factor ranging from 0 to 1. The discount factor represents the agent’s inclination toward immediate rewards over long-term rewards. The agent selects an action by sampling from a policy \(\tilde{\pi }: \tilde{S} \rightarrow P(\tilde{A})\). This policy serves as a strategic guide for the agent’s decision-making process. Throughout the RL process, the policy is adjusted to encourage the selection of advantageous actions and discourage undesirable ones. The overarching objective of this learning process is to achieve an optimal policy, denoted as \(\tilde{\pi }^*\), that maximizes the cumulative discounted reward over time.

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{\pi }^* = \arg \max _{\tilde{\pi }} \mathbb {E}_{\tilde{\pi }} \left[ \sum _{t} \tilde{r}_t \cdot \tilde{\gamma }^t \right] \end{aligned}$$

2.3.1 Deep Q-learning

Q-learning is an off-policy, model-free algorithm [36] that is employed to estimate the anticipated long-term reward for taking an action in a particular state, as represented by Q-values. The Q-values are acquired iteratively by updating the current estimate in the Q-table. Like in our case, environments with a large number of unique states maintaining a separate estimation to approximate all Q-values is infeasible. As a solution, the Q-table is replaced with a neural network that is parameterized by weights and biases collectively denoted as \(\tilde{\theta }\). The Q-values are estimated by forward passing observations to this neural network, and instead of updating individual Q-values, updates are made to the network’s parameters to minimize the Q-values.

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{Q}(\tilde{s}, \tilde{a} | \tilde{\theta }) = \tilde{Q}(\tilde{s}, \tilde{a} | \tilde{\theta }) + \alpha \left( \tilde{r} + \gamma \max _{\tilde{a}'} \tilde{Q}(\tilde{s}', \tilde{a}' | \tilde{\theta }) - \tilde{Q}(\tilde{s}, \tilde{a} | \tilde{\theta }) \right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\tilde{Q}(\tilde{s}', \tilde{a}' | \tilde{\theta })\) is the target network Q-values. Deep Q-learning (DQL) employs three techniques to restore learning stability. Firstly, experiences are stored in a replay memory and uniformly sampled during training. This technique is known as the experience replay buffer (ERB). Secondly, a target network is used to provide Q-value updates to the main network. The target network’s parameters are updated at a slower rate, typically using a moving average of the main model’s parameters. Lastly, an adaptive learning method such as Adam [19] or SGD [23] is used to maintain a per-parameter learning rate that adjusts according to the history of gradient updates to that parameter.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Vizdoom as markov decision process (MDP)

3 Methods

In this section, we briefly outline the methodology used to implement our architecture. We start by explaining the basics of RL, describing the Doom environment as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and its key components. After that, we discuss the internal structure of the pre-processing stage. Following this, we move on to the system setup and, finally, provide details on our implementation.

3.1 Doom as Markov Decision Process

In 1993, id Software released Doom, a popular game that sold nearly 3.5 million physical copies and 1.15 million shareware copies. The game features a protagonist and variety of different opponent to chase and kill them. To explore the game’s potential and advance RL research, researchers programmed the game into an AI research platform called VizDoom [17]. This platform features various scenarios and modes including sync, async, single, and multiplayer, and the basic scenario was chosen for this research. Figure 2 shows the Vizdoom environment as MDP system.

3.1.1 State (S)

The VizDoom states comprises of 3x240x320 RGB raw pixels and a reset signal after every 300 steps to facilitate learning. To handle the state constraints we wrapped it into a OpenAI gym environment [4].

3.1.2 Action Space (A)

The basic scenario in VizDoom involves an action space that corresponds to the identity matrix (\(I_D\)) of dimensions (3x3). The first row of the matrix pertains to the action of moving left, the second row corresponds to the action of moving right, and the last row relates to the action of shooting. In order to select the appropriate action, we configured agent to predict discrete values from 0 to 2.

\(\tilde{A} = I_D = \begin{bmatrix} 1 &{} 0 &{} 0 \\ 0 &{} 1 &{} 0 \\ 0 &{} 0 &{} 1 \\ \end{bmatrix}\)

3.1.3 Reward (R)

The reward allocation mechanism in the original VizDoom environment is complex and challenging to comprehend. The reward value fluctuates from -400 to 95 depending upon the number of steps performed. During the initial stages of training, the substantial negative reward hinders the learning capability of the model. To overcome this issue, we adopted a success-oriented approach for the reward. We designed the reward such that if the agent is successful in pursuing the target, it will receive a reward of 1, otherwise it will receive a reward of 0.

\(\tilde{R} = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1,&{} \text {if chased}\\ 0, &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. }\)

3.1.4 Policy

In machine learning, convergence denotes a state where further training fails to enhance performance. However, in RL, the exploration of the environment and the random sampling of experience can cause the policy to continue to vary even after convergence. This results in policies that differ slightly in their ability to execute the desired skills. Given that the basic scenario comprises three discrete actions (\(\tilde{a_t}\)), we opted for the Boltzmann exploration policy, which is specifically designed for discrete action spaces. This policy assumes that each possible action is associated with certain Q-values and leverages a s function and a temperature schedule (\(\tau \)) to transform these values into a distribution over actions.

$$\begin{aligned} p_x(\tilde{A}) = \frac{exp(\frac{Q(s_t,a_t)}{\tau })}{\sum _{b\in \tilde{A}} \frac{Q(s_t,b_t)}{\tau }} \end{aligned}$$

3.2 Pre-process

In order to reduce the computational overhead associated with processing game states, we implemented a pre-processor, which includes converting the observed state to gray-scale, resizing it to a lower dimension (85x85 in our implementation), and subsequently normalizing the batch. The internal architecture of pre-processor is illustrated in Fig. 3

Fig. 3
figure 3

Internal architecture of pre-processor

Fig. 4
figure 4

Framework of ROS2 in our implementation

3.3 System Setup

We employed the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) framework for the implementation and evaluation of our algorithm. The utilization of ROS2 offers numerous advantages, streamlining the development and integration of complex systems by providing a common interface and communication standards. The framework (illustrated in Fig. 4) comprises three distinct nodes: states, agent, and visualization, each briefly outlined below.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Internal architecture of state node

3.3.1 State Node

This node incorporates crucial simulation files to convey the state of VizDoom. It publishes the state and reward topics and subscribes to the action topic. The internal architecture of the state node is depicted in Fig. 5.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Internal architecture of AI node

3.3.2 AI Node

This node encompasses the algorithm and preprocessor, subscribing to the state topic. Upon receiving states, they undergo preprocessing before being fed into the RL agent. The AI node publishes an action node containing the actions predicted by our designed agent. The internal architecture of AI node is illustrated in Fig. 6.

3.3.3 Visualization Node

Specifically designed to monitor the agent’s performance, this node dynamically illustrates the success-rate and average steps taken in real-time.

Table 1 Neural network layer parameters

3.4 Implementation

The proposed architecture comprises a sequence of convolutional neural layers followed by an LTC network that includes NCPs wiring. More precisely, our implemented architecture consists of two convolutional layers with 10 and 20 filters, respectively. The complete parameters for neural network layers are provided in Table 1. We implemented the architecture using Python 3.10 and Tensorflow in the ROS2 Humble framework. The hardware consists of an Intel Xeon e5 2650v3 CPU with 16GB of RAM. We employed the RNN-based Deep Q-network, also known as the Deep Recurrent Q-network (DRQN) algorithm [14], to train our agent. This algorithm involves teaching a policy that selects actions based on states received from the environment, estimating the future rewards for each possible action. DRQN trains the agent synchronously, sampling data from an experience replay buffer (ERB) while simultaneously pursuing the target using the most recent policy and continuously filling it with new experiences in an online training configuration. Table 2 provides all the hyper-parameters for our implemented algorithm. Similar to other physical and virtual sports, the game at hand requires the presence of human referees. These officials promptly assess chase occurrences and determine the outcome of each chase. A certain degree of inadvertent shots, considered tolerable, is typical. The agent’s input includes a signal stipulating that the player must pursue the target within a margin of 300 steps; failure to do so results in a loss.

Table 2 Hypermaters for DRQN
Algorithm 1
figure a

Training DRQN Algorithm in ROS2

Fig. 7
figure 7

presents the training statistics of our agent. a shows the average episodic reward that agent is able to achieve during training time. b shows the episodic loss. c shows the mean absolute error (mae) of each step. d shows the average episodic Q-values during training process

4 Evaluation

In this section, we conduct an evaluation of our architecture. Initially, we compare the sizes of the respective networks. Subsequently, we assess the performance of each network by deploying the neural agent in a live environment. Following this, we test the robustness by introducing noise to the environment. Finally, we provide a brief overview of the explainability aspect.

4.1 Network comparison

The hyper-parameters of convolutional heads are designed so that the first layer extracts important features from environment and passes them to the second layer, which identifies the target and localization. For a fair comparison with NCPs, we use the same convolutional heads and combine them with different state-of-the-art recurrent networks, i.e. Simple Recurrent Neural Network (SimpleRNN), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). The hyperparameters of each model are designed to attain the optimal policy and undergo training for 1.5 million steps. The comparison of network sizes is presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Network size comparison

4.2 Performance Test

To assess the performance of each architecture, we devised five tests, each comprising 30 random episodes. We found that all models successfully addressed the challenges achieving an average of 90\(\%\) success-rate. However, our agent exhibited the highest consistency in performance and requiring fewer steps to achieve its objectives in each test. The results are depicted in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

presents the summary of tests. a shows the average steps taken by each model in tests. b shows the success rate of each model

4.3 Noise Test

To assess the robustness of the architecture, we introduced Gaussian noise \(f(x | \mu , \sigma )\) to the states of Vizdoom within the state node, using mean(\(\mu \)) of 0 and a standard deviation(\(\sigma \)) of 50. We found that our designed architecture exhibited the highest resilience to noise, requiring fewer average steps per test while achieving the highest success rate. The GRU model ranked second, followed by the LSTM model in third place. The SimpleRNN model experienced the most significant decline in performance, making it the most susceptible to noise. The results are depicted in Fig. 9.

$$\begin{aligned} f(x | \mu , \sigma ) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi }\sigma } e^{-\frac{(x-\mu )^2}{2\sigma ^2}} \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 9
figure 9

presents the summary of noise tests. a shows the average steps taken by each model in tests. b shows the success rate of each model

4.4 Explainability

Explainability in AI refers to the ability to make the decision-making process more understandable and interpretable to humans. NCPs output is designed to have biological plausibility, meaning that the output of each neuron will have a certain range of voltages [21]. The activity of neurons refers to the output voltages of each neuron at a particular instant, which describes the activation of neurons at that moment [28]. To measure the output voltages of neurons in NCPs, we utilized three sample images for inferring and verifying the relevant voltages. The neural network undergoes three key steps during this process: target identification, navigation towards the target, and execution (see Fig. 10). To determine the activated neurons at a particular instance, we selected three test cases: Left (indicating the agent should navigate left), Middle (suggesting the target is aligned with the agent), and Right (indicating the agent needs to navigate right). The summarized results are presented in Table 4, with specific neuron activation is highlighted in bold.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Inference test on sample

Table 4 Summary of output voltage of NCPs neurons

5 Conclusion

In this research, we developed a hybrid deep learning architecture that integrates Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) with Neural Circuit Policies (NCPs), inspired by the structure of worm brains. The CNN extracts important spatial information from the environment and passes them to the NCPs, which handle temporal features for high-stakes decisions. This combined architecture was incorporated into a state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithm and applied to the complex environment of VizDoom, characterized by realistic and intricate physics. Our experimental results indicate that the NCPs architecture, consisting of only 20 control neurons (comprising 12 inter-neurons and 8 command neurons), not only matches but outperforms others, demonstrating robustness and noise resilience. We highlight the potential of the NCPs architecture to compete with cutting-edge algorithms and emphasize its ability to produce interpretable and expressive neural agents, which is crucial for real-world applications such as robotics where the environment is consistently changing. Future Work: While our results exhibit promise, there exist areas for improvement within our architecture. The implemented reward mechanism is a simplified version. A more precise reward mechanism with penalties has the potential to significantly enhance the capabilities of our neural network. Additionally, our current scope is constrained by hardware limitations, and our focus has been primarily on a basic game scenario. To fully exploit the proposed methodology, future research endeavors should encompass diverse scenarios, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding and application of proposed architecture.