1 Introduction

Emotion is a state of mind in which a person finds himself as an effect of a positive, negative, or neutral event. It is a psychological state common to all people, often unconscious, conditioned by individual aspects such as mood, health, disposition, temperament [9]. Recognizing an emotion means having information about what a person has seen, suffered, or heard.

Observing an emotion is helpful in many fields such as marketing, security, medicine, human-computer interaction (HCI), and automotive. It is possible to extract information of a person’s emotional state, such as stress in case of dangerous situations [34]; or is possible to find out if a person is behaving suspiciously from the way they walk [18]. In digital marketing through text, emotion detection, and sentiment analysis allow us to measure the degree of satisfaction of a product on brand tweets [3]. In medicine, through the analysis of the electrocardiogram (ECG), it is possible to identify and evaluate human emotions [19]. Also, in HCI field, emotion analysis is a field in full development, thus helping the machine to address a task in light of the emotion of the user [40].

For a long time, studies have mainly focused on seven basic emotions: anger, contempt, disgust, fear, sadness, happy, surprise, such as Ekman in [14], and subsequently was also introduced neutral. Indications of these can be found in facial expressions, which is the subject of this study. Within the wide field of face biometrics, expressions are one of the issues known to deform the face structure, complicating the recognition of a subject by increasing the intra-class variation. Therefore, it is common practice to extract facial muscular movements in order to develop an expression independent face classifier, [44]. Muscles change the shape of the principal components of the face, as for the lips and eyes (high intra-class variations). Different people have different faces, but they can have the same expression (low inter-class variations), how discussed by Ekman [15]. In [11] it was studied how people look at a face in a neutral emotional state and if the way is recognizable.

In light of this, it has become a very flourishing field of computer vision in the recognition of the expressions and emotions that transpire from a face [45]. Emotions analysis experiments were carried out on some reference datasets by re-adapting a geometric technique, the Web-Shaped Model (WSM) designed for pose estimation [6]. In work mentioned above, the coding of the input face is compared with the models of the poses to determine which pose the face belongs to. The encoding is obtained by applying a spider web model on the face centred on the nose tip; this model adapts to any shape and size of the input face.

Main contributions of this work are as follows:

  • we propose an approach which does not need any image preprocessing phase and neither a training phase for computing the facial expression;

  • the model is invariant to the dimension of the face and outputs the same feature vector independently from the size of the face;

  • The model only needs 0.118 seconds to compute the feature vector and in this time is comprised also the time needed for the detection of the landmarks, which is an activity computed by an off-the-shelf tool that we have used for research purposes;

  • even though no training phase is actually needed, the results on CK+ dataset are comparable with those at the state of the art.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 analyzes and discusses the related methods for emotion recognition based on the use of geometric models or facial landmarks. Section 3 the WSM approach is presented. In Section 4 the experiments are shown, and the results are discussed. Section 5 concludes the paper.

2 Related works

Recognizing emotions from an expression means knowing how to annotate and discriminate face-related features, which generally refer to geometric or aesthetic aspects of the face itself [12]. Efficient Facial Expression Recognition (FER) methods are based on the search of a model which satisfies the fundamental requirements related to the expression: maximizing inter-class variability while minimizing intra-class variability.

Table 1 Comparison between related works

The model must meet the following criteria: similar expressions from various subjects are highly similar, while distinct expressions from the same subject are very distinguishable. Table 1 shows a brief comparison between the considered related works, along with the reference. The typical FER procedure passes through three primary stages: face detection, feature extraction, and classification. The following types of criteria for the generation of expression models can be considered, in general: (i) texture; (ii) geometry; or (iii) mixed.

  1. i

    texture is obtained by analyzing the face in its entirety;

  2. ii

    geometric models are applied by considering the landmark points on the face and the geometric distance between them. Moreover, the landmark points can be joined in shape, considering a particular region of the face (i.e., the triangle formed by the tip of the nose and the corners of the mouth);

  3. iii

    mixed models are formed by computing texture information in particular regions of the face.

In most approaches, facial images are preprocessed to generate a new, more synthetic, and meaningful texture: the so-called template [49]. Hence, the new texture is given as input to a feature extractor and then is examined by a classifier. About the texture model, some classifiers have proved to be very effective in FER, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), or Random Forest (RF) [7, 8, 23, 37]. The actual state of the art approaches the emotion recognition topic from three different perspectives:

  1. 1.

    emotion recognition from speech [20], EEG [46] and other sources [41];

  2. 2.

    emotion recognition from multiple sources [5, 33];

  3. 3.

    emotion recognition from facial expression [26, 27, 51];

Within the third point, expression classification has been faced from different points of view: many approaches have dealt with facial feature extraction by applying local models which have proven their efficiency in the past like Local Binary Pattern (LBP) [42], Gabor wavelets [7], Principal Component’s analysis (PCA) [1, 22], Local Directional Number pattern (LDN) [39], Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) [13] and Haarclassifier in [48]. Some of these methods use the resulting new texture and leave the total interpretation of the data to the classifier. Others stack the features of salient areas or points in a vector to classify it, as experimented with the Gabor wavelets [29], and the LDN in [39]. On the one hand, these extractors consider all intrinsic characteristics of an image in its entirety; on the other hand, they do not consider any semantic reasoning about the area the features are extracted from. In the work reported by Minaee and Abdolrashidi [30] the areas helpful for FER have been identified. They explain that every emotion involves a different face area using a subtractive and iterative experimentation technique and a Deep Neural Network (DNN).

Among the geometric methods, we divide them into two categories: Graph Neural Networks-based (GNN-based) and Landmark-based. There are several articles in which facial landmarks have been used as geometric traits and fed to a classifier for performance emotion recognition (Landmark-based) [4]. In [32] the authors used facial landmarks as vertices of a direct graph, which represents the input for a Directed Graph Neural Network (GNN-based). The work in [38] analyzes facial landmarks to recognize both facial expression and affective speech; this study was tested on the SAVER dataset in which expression recognition is faced by analyzing local features changing through consecutive frames.

In the study of emotion recognition in computer vision, the face is first detected, and then the most suitable facial features are extracted. These features are generally referred to as geometric features or aesthetic features and are used to encode emotion [12].

Most recent approaches focused on developing Deep Neural Network architectures, in charge of extracting relevant features according to the data given in the training phase; these approaches have shown the highest recognition rates. In order to balance the dataset and enlarge the number of samples, GAN-based data augmentation approaches have been considered. In [36] the authors have explored several data augmentation techniques in the FER field, showing that choosing an efficient data augmentation approach can improve the experimental results up to 30%.

Most recent approaches for expression recognition are mainly based on the designing and development of more and more complex neural networks architectures. In [50], the authors have proposed DeRL (De-Expression Residue Learning), in which the model generates, for every image in input, the corresponding face with a neutral expression. The informative content of the expression is saved in the intermediate layers of the network; this expression is used for classifying the expression, given a dataset labelled with seven main expressions.

Many approaches also have focused on training attention mechanisms, which focus on the regions of a face that give the most significant support for recognizing an expression. This approach has been used in [28] in which the authors use LBP for local region feature extraction and passing the vector to a CNN. A more complex case is shown in [17], in which a Deeply Supervised Attention Network (DSAN) is developed, consisting of blocks that memorize the local appearance and textures of facial regions.

Since an expression can also be seen as a temporal sequence of frames that compose the expression development on a face, some approaches have been designed to analyze the temporal sequence itself. In [21], as an example, a Deep Joint Spatiotemporal Network (DJSTN) is developed, which exploits the 3D convolution to involve the temporal component of an expression in the extraction of features.

Deep approaches can obtain very high results from one side. However, the computational burden of the training phase is quite high, and the setting of the hyperparameters may be long and cumbersome.

This consideration led to developing a geometric approach to creating a feature template that summarizes a facial expression. In this work, a well-known model is applied for detecting facial landmarks on the face and based on these, regions are created, and the related characteristics are extracted. The work followed these rationales and was inspired by a technique already tested for head pose estimation involving the Web Shape Model (WSM) [6], described in the next section. This technique considers the location of the facial landmarks relating to an expression, concerning a subdivision into sectors in the shape of a web positioned on the face and centred on the nose.

3 Web-shaped model

The WSM method previously mentioned is a new technique as a feature extractor of face pose estimation. It uses a geometric pattern like a shape of a spider web drawn on a face. This model is fixed and identifies the areas of the face where facial landmarks are present. Previously, the WSM was used for head pose estimation; in that case, the authors experimented with it to recognize emotion from a face to check if different individuals have similar expressions when they feel the same emotion.

The Web-shaped model (WSM) method presented was created for the head pose estimation. WSM method is described in Fig. 1:

  • input face;

  • landmark detection on the face in input, using the Kazemi-Sullivan algorithm [25] ;

  • drawing of a virtual spider web on the identified face which will create the encoding of the face.

  • associate each spider-web encoding with an emotion.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The phases of encoding using WSM: face input, extraction of the 68 face landmarks, design of the spider-web and output of the resulting encoding

Facial landmarks are points represented by coordinates (x, y) on the image of a face. The 68 facial landmarks, Fig. 1 b), precisely indicate the position of the eyes, nose, mouth, jaw, and eyebrows. The spider-web is built on the face in input, Fig. 1 a); it is so-called because the shape resembles a spider’s web. The spider-web is formed by concentric circles and rays (slices), Fig. 1 c), built with the centre on the tip of the nose (represented by landmark 33). The outermost circle of the spider-web has a long radius from the tip of the nose to the farthest landmark, which, depending on the pose of the face, can be the eyebrow, chin, jaw or other. This peculiarity allows the model to be invariant to the dimension of the face, given the fact that if we apply a scaling factor (greater or lower than 1), the model does not change and as a consequence the feature vector in output remains the same as well. Different configurations of spider-web were used in the following experiments, changing the number of concentric circles and slices. Finally, the spider-web creates sectors, each of which contains the number of landmarks in it; the array with the number of landmarks for each sector represents the spider-web encoding, Fig. 1 d).

Each spider-web encoding is associated with an emotion. Once the spider-web encoding has been obtained from an input image, it is compared with the encodings present in the database; an emotion is associated with it based on the classification algorithm used.

4 Experimental section

4.1 Dataset: CK+

They use the definition of primary emotion by Ekman and Friesen [14] who separated emotion into eight classes, Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Eight examples of facial expressions from the CK+ dataset

4.2 Dataset: KDEF

The Karolinska Directed Emotional FacesFootnote 1 (KDEF)[10] is a dataset of 4900 pictures of human facial expressions. The dataset contains 70 individuals displaying 7 different emotional expressions 5 different head pose, Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Seven examples of facial expressions from the KDEF dataset

4.3 Mixed dataset and data augmentation

The frontal images of the datasets CK+ and KDEF were merged to increase the number of samples and evaluate a set of heterogeneous data. Since the method is of geometric type, the heterogeneous samples have been placed in the common seven classes: anger, neutrality, fear, disgust, happiness, sadness and surprise. The elements of each class of images were further doubled by applying horizontal flipping; vertically, it would make little sense; so the dataset has increased data. The horizontal flip operation ensures class preservation; the emotion does not change but change the web encoding: points are placed in different sectors. Comparing the Figs. 4a) and b) it is possible to see a case, specially in the eye and eyebrow region.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Flipped images from CK+ dataset. a) the original, b) the flipped, c) coding vector of the original, d) coding vector of the flipped

4.4 Different model configurations

Different configurations of the spider-web have been created. In the case of [6], the best configuration is the spider-web 4x3 that is 4 concentric circles and 14 sectors, 12 slices in total; this configuration was found to be the best in the case of head pose classification, but it is not necessarily the same in the case of emotion detection. Similarly, the experiments are done for different web configurations by changing the number of rays and equidistant concentric circles. For a complete picture, experiments were carried out by varying all combinations of concentric circles (from 3 to 8) and of slices per quadrant (from 3 to 16).

4.5 Experimental setting

The experiments has been executed by using the K-nearest neighbors classifier upon a LOOCV (Leave One Out Cross Validation); the choice of the classifier has been made on an empirical basis. For both KNN and LOOCV the used implementation has been the one defined within the scikit-learn python library [35]. The used datasets have been divided into as many folds as the total number of samples. The accuracy of each experiment is defined by the (1), where i is the ith experiment. The classifier has been trained on all data except one which has been used for testing; this was done as many times as the number of samples in the dataset. So, all images were used as tests, and the final accuracy is the average of the accuracies of the experiments performed, (2), where N is the number of experiments.

$$ Accuracy_{i}=\frac{|Correctly recognized expression samples_{i}|}{|expression samples_{i}|} $$
$$ Accuracy=\frac{{\sum}_{i=1}^{N} {Accuracy_{i}}}{N} $$

The best spider-web configurations are calculated in 5x14 for CK+(8cls), 4x15 for CK+(7cls), and 7x12 for CK+ ∪ KDEF, Fig. 10 .

Table 2 Number of samples for each class of each dataset

Given the strong imbalance of the datasets (CK+, specially), these were balanced by several augmentation strategies, as stated in Section 4.3: for CK+, KDEF and CK+ ∪ KDEF 108, 272 and 413 new samples have been generated respectively. The popularity of the datasets are shown in Table 2. As stated above, the data were divided into training and test sets using the Leave One Out Cross Validation technique.

4.6 Results discussion

All the samples were used in both the testing and training phases. Compared to a random split 70% train and 30% test set, this type of subdivision allows to repeat the experiments and always get the same result. Therefore, we can state the the experiments are fully reproducible. Figures 5678 and 9 show the average accuracy obtained for each of the experiments; the color is used to indicate which experiments better results have been obtained: the lighter the color the higher the accuracy. The experiments on the CK+ dataset has been carried out by considering in turn the all 8 classes (anger, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sadness, contempt and surprise,), 7 classes (all except neutral) or 6 classes (all except neutral and contempt ); the choice has been done in order to obtain a fair comparison against the state of the art existing papers. As shown in Fig. 5 the configuration 5x14 has obtained 91.5% of accuracy in the classification of all 8 emotions of the CK+ dataset, the image of this web configuration is represented in Fig. 10 (top-left).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Accuracies for CK+ dataset (8 classes). X axes = circles. Y axes = slices for quadrant

Fig. 6
figure 6

Accuracies for CK+ dataset (7 classes). X axes = circles. Y axes = slices for quadrant

Fig. 7
figure 7

Accuracies for CK+ dataset (6 classes). X axes = circles. Y axes = slices for quadrant

Fig. 8
figure 8

Accuracies for KDEF dataset. X axes = circles. Y axes = slices for quadrant

Fig. 9
figure 9

Accuracies for CK+ ∪ KDEF dataset. X axes = circles. Y axes = slices for quadrant

Fig. 10
figure 10

The WSM configurations with the highest accuracy: 5x14 (top-left), 8x15 (top-center), 8x14 (top-right), 8x12 (bottom-left), 7x12 (bottom-right)

In Fig. 6 is shown that the configuration 8x15 obtains 96% accuracy in the classification of 7 emotion classes of the CK+ dataset, the image of this web configuration is represented in the Fig. 10 (top-centre).

In contrast, the configuration 8x14 obtains 98% accuracy in the classification of 6 emotions of the CK+ dataset, as can be seen in Fig. 7, the image of this web configuration is represented in the Fig. 10 (top-right).

For the KDEF dataset, the best configuration consists of 8x12 and achieves 67.6% accuracy, Fig. 8; the image of this web configuration is represented in the Fig 10 (bottom-left).

For the union of the CK+ and KDEF datasets, the configuration 7x12 obtains the accuracy of 75%, Fig. 9, the image of this web configuration is represented in the Fig. 10 (bottom-right).

Table 3 shows in detail the accuracy obtained for each expression class; the trend is similar even for different datasets; “sadness” is always the emotion classified with the lowest accuracy; “happy” is always the emotion classified with the highest accuracy. Furthermore, the average accuracy is higher for the CK+ dataset, which correctly classifies 6 and 7 classes. In both cases, the neutral class is highly prone to be misclassified, given the fact that the tool tents to place the singular sample into a well specific class rather than classifying it as neutral.

Table 4 shows the comparative results for the CK+ dataset, which is currently the most widely used in the state of the art. One of the main advantage of the proposed approach is the capability of working with different numbers of classes and still obtaining high accuracies (above 90%) perfectly comparable to the state of the art methods. Unfortunately for KDEF dataset, whose results are shown in Table 5, does not allow to obtain good results, mainly due a twofold reason: firstly, the number of samples is quite low with respect to the one in CK+. Secondly, the images in KDEF consist of simulated expressions and thus, in many cases, these are extremely emphasized. As a consequence, the results in Table 3, related to the last column, have been strongly affected by the bad results obtained in KDEF.

Table 3 Detailed results of emotion recognition accuracy
Table 4 Accuracy comparison of CK+ and existing methods in percentage
Table 5 Accuracy comparison of KDEF and existing methods

The average time on 5000 images is 0.112 seconds for image, of which: 0.102 seconds for landmark detection (for 640x490 resolution images) and 0.015 seconds for the construction of the spider web. The time taken by the Kazemi-Sullivan algorithm for landmark detectors depends on the size of the image. The hardware involved in the computation of the processing time is the following: Apple MacBook Pro with 2.9GHz IntelCore I9. No GPU has been used.

5 Conclusions and limitations

This research analyzed a method for recognizing emotions on a face based on a geometric approach that analyzes landmark points through a virtual spider web on the face. Emotion coding is classified using a K-nearest neighbour classifier on the CK+ and KDEF datasets. Different configurations were used for the web-shaped structure to find the optimal one for our purposes. The method used does not need training because it studies the position of the facial reference points on the web, and this structure adapts to any size of the face or kind of face image. Despite the lack of training, this method brings competitive results with the state of the art. Furthermore, a large margin for improvement in the future could be brought about by the use of data augmentation techniques and the use of a different landmark detector. The approach, even if very simple in its structure and definition, still allows to obtain very good results comparable with the state of the art. On the basis of the conducted experiments, the results show that without a heavy training phase, the results are highly comparable with the state of the art specially when the CK+ dataset is used. The approach has been proposed in the past by this laboratory for head pose estimation issues, still behaving quite well. This means that with a single pass over a head sample, both head pose and facial expression may be classified. There are several limitations which showed up in this research specially as regards two factors: (i) the neutral expression is hardly recognizable since the approach itself prefers classifying a single sample within one of the classes which show a well defined expression. Geometrically speaking, this happens because the cluster related to the neutral expression tents to have some outliers in the training phase which deform the cluster topology, thus intersecting with other clusters; (ii) The KDEF shows results which are definitely different from those obtained with CK+ and this is mainly due to the lower popularity of the dataset.