1 Introduction

Data and information (higher level) represent an important function in project management and other management activities [1]. The use of data and information is strategic throughout the entire life cycle of the project and is also related to the basic functions of management, i.e. planning, organizing, leading, deciding and controlling [2]. One of the main benefits and reasons for using information in project management is the support and basis for decision-making, as one of the main functions and tasks of management [3, 4]. The current trend in the form of the concept of Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IoT), robotization and the drive for automation and digitalization in all industries, the question of a sophisticated approach when working with information is an important topic also in the management of construction projects [5,6,7]. With the increasing amount of information, which is often related to the scale of the project, the justification of information management and the setting of processes related to the effective use and work with information also increases [8,9,10]. Modern approaches in project management are often based on setting up a complex information system, of which information technologies are a part and an element in this system [2, 8].

Information modeling of buildings represents a complex activity and work with a large amount of information, between which links and relationships are defined [11,12,13]. This system should include not only specific information technologies (software and hardware solutions), but also other elements of the system such as people, processes, including an implementation plan [1]. Information modeling of buildings within the framework of complexity works with a wide repertoire of information of various types. Structured data and information are one of the basic steps for working with information. Information technologies represent a tool for sophisticated work with data and information [14, 15].

Effective information management should be based on strategic planning and achieving measurable results [3]. The implementation of information technology should also include setting up a process for evaluating and quantifying its benefits. One aspect of the evaluation is the quantification of performance indicators. The performance of construction projects can be measured based on key performance indicators (KPI) [16,17,18,19].

Within the principles of the circular economy and the circular economy, there is increasing pressure on indicators also aimed at the sustainable side of construction projects [20,21,22]. This means that as part of the focus on achieving several regulations regarding waste management, recycling, but also saving materials and the like, there is a targeted management of projects with the intention of achieving these goals as well.

2 State of the art

The building information modeling (BIM) with the help of information technologies can be perceived in several dimensions. A narrower view focuses on BIM as an information system and largely perceives it as a software tool [18, 23, 24]. Panteli, et al., defined BIM as a digital presentation of building structures, including many data that can be processed during the design, construction, and operation of the building [25]. BIM technologies represent a tool that largely works with a large amount of data and supports parametric modeling [7]. The result is fast data processing, their visualization, and simulations, which can provide important information in the planning and management of construction projects [6, 17]. Results A study of several countries in Europe (including Croatia among the participating countries) points to a more intensive use of BIM technology, especially for more investment-intensive projects [26].

Legislative requirements for the construction sector envisage introducing BIM for new investment projects [27]. Here the assumption is that the BIM model can function as a repository of information about buildings also from the point of view of sustainability and circular economy. Above all, from the point of view of the perception of material costs and therefore lower consumption of materials, the rate of use of recycled materials and also the perception of waste management costs. This information can facilitate decision-making and construction management of construction projects with the aim of achieving a higher degree of sustainability.

Information modeling of buildings brings several benefits, but also obstacles in its implementation and subsequent use. To a large extent, BIM is still perceived as a software tool that works primarily with geometric data. This supports views on the perception of BIM as a narrow view. However, BIM technology as a key technology even in digitization should be perceived more comprehensively [28]. This broader dimension and view perceive building information modeling not only as a tool capable of working with geometric data, but also perceives BIM as multidimensional dimensions including economic data. As we talk about economic data, it is clearly necessary to mention the cost parameter, which represents an important indicator of performance [29,30,31].

A broader perception of data and information in building information modeling also points to the fact that BIM is not just software, or several interconnected software and applications, but includes all elements of the system as it is widely perceived as an information system. The definition of BIM technology within information systems points to a close relationship and a subset. Considering the basic functions of information systems, BIM can be considered as an information system that is perceived more significantly for the management of construction projects. If we talk about the complexity of the information system, we should not forget the processes. From the managerial point of view of law, not only the use of software, but the perception of BIM complexity begins with the implementation plan, building execution plan and the setting of real metrics, based on which it is possible to approach working with data procedurally and to evaluate the success of the implementation [32, 33].

The perception of the complexity of building information modeling is also shown in Fig. 1. The complexity of information modeling of buildings is based not only on the use of software or information devices. They are just a tool for working with data. The perception of this issue is much more complex. As already mentioned, it is also about human resources, which are an important element of this information system. Equally important are the set processes based on the BIM execution plan and, finally, performance measurement and project improvement based on the use and work with information and data [18, 34, 35].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Complexity of Building Information Modeling and its elements (Own processing)

Based on the mentioned information from relevant studies and sources, a model for information modeling of buildings and work with data can be established, including the evaluation of impacts on key performance indicators. Based on this model, effective work with data in building information modeling includes data collection, data processing, data selection, data sharing, decision-making process, and the last phase of key performance indicators measurement (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Model for the building information modeling and work with data, including evaluation of impacts on key performance indicators (Own processing)

The data collection phase includes the collection of graphic data as well as non-graphical data about the building. As part of the collection, it is important to perceive the data about the building comprehensively, that is, the economic parameters of the building should be part of the data. Likewise, in the framework of sustainability, it is important to include data related to material quantification, real consumption and other options for recycling and waste management within the circular economy philosophy.

Data processing and data selection are based on the knowledge base and knowledge concept of BIM, where these data should be logically connected and structured to a large extent. The speed of data processing and the simulation of various scenarios is an advantage of information modeling of buildings even in the planning phase, which should save material costs, effectively manage the construction project, and thus comply with the principles of economic sustainability and circular economy.

Due to the large number of participants in the construction project, it is important to share data in real time and in different places. Requirements for the information system are placed on the timeliness and availability of this information in real time.

The goal of information modeling of buildings is to provide the necessary information about the construction project also for the needs of decision-making and management of construction processes, which can lead to cost savings, lower material consumption, effectively managed human resources and increasing the quality of the construction project.

The last step, from the point of view of effective management and implementation of information systems, should lead to the evaluation of the benefits and the impact on the key performance indicators of the construction project. Considering the pressure and trend of a sustainable approach in the construction industry, it is also necessary to pay attention to circular economy performance indicators, where the perception of sustainability and the concept of circular economy is focused on reducing the consumption of materials, increasing the rate of recyclability and use of these materials, but also economic sustainability and this primarily saves costs, not only for the implementation of the construction project, but also for its operation. This leads to the assumption, based on several studies that argue about it, or this hypothesis has already been stated. Despite good ideas, great efforts, and high investments, many projects do not end with success [36]. Much of the traditional construction management literature recog-nizes the importance of cost and time overruns [37]. As project success or failure should be reflected with respect to the whole project life cycle by considering all the process groups in the project [38].

Based on this model, the available literature gave rise to the general idea that BIM has an impact on increasing the performance of construction projects within the framework of circular economy principles.

The key performance indicators are in accordance with the concept of the circular economy, and from the point of view of monitoring the impacts of information modeling of buildings, they also represent indicators of economic sustainability. Several authors have already addressed this issue, but a comprehensive study is still missing, which also represents a research gap.

For a better understanding of the research issue, several research questions were determined based on the analysis of previous studies and research gaps:

  • Does building information modeling have an impact on the amount of material consumed?

  • Does building information modeling affect material costs?

  • What is the relationship between material costs and their direct consumption?

  • Does information modeling of buildings affect the rate of use of recycled materials? What are the costs of recycling and using recycled materials?

  • Does the information modeling of buildings affect the costs of waste management, or the amount of produced waste?

Research should answer these questions.

3 Methodology

3.1 Problem statement and research hypotheses

The building information modelling brings several challenges, but also expected benefits and improvement of selected processes. The basic hypothesis derived from several studies and sources is oriented towards the impact on performance indicators in accordance with the concept of circular economy and economic sustainability. The increase in key performance indicators represents a series of indicators that reflect on the effective management of resources and the setting of processes in the management of construction projects. The concept of economic sustainability within the circular economy represents the efficient use of resources. This represents a pressure for reduced material consumption, a higher ratio of the use of recycled materials, cost reduction, efficient management of human resources and reduction of the amount of waste. Within the concept of the circular economy and thus economic sustainability, the research was narrowed down to indicators that should be related to this agenda. This means, first, economic parameters in the form of costs, namely material costs. There is an assumption that reducing the consumption of costs also reduces the material costs of the construction project. Another research interest was to determine the rate of use of recycled materials and thus cost savings compared to the costs of securing new material. Finally, was the rate of waste production and the costs related to the disposal of construction waste:

  • Material consumption vs direct material costs;

  • Rate of use of recycled materials vs cost savings compared to new ones;

  • Waste management costs vs waste production.

These key performance indicators are consistent with the concept of the circular economy and from the point of view of monitoring the impacts of building information modeling, they also represent indicators of economic sustainability. The research question is aimed at monitoring the impact of these selected performance indicators due to the use of building information modeling. The research questions were subsequently formulated as follows:

  1. 1.

    Does building information modeling impacts on the amount of material consumed?

  2. 2.

    Does building information modeling affect material costs?

  3. 3.

    What is the relationship between material costs and their direct consumption?

  4. 4.

    Does building information modeling affect the rate of use of recycled materials? What are the costs of recycling and using recycled materials?

  5. 5.

    Does building information modeling affect the costs of waste management, or the amount of produced waste?

Based on the research questions, hypotheses related to economic sustainability within the concept of the circular economy were established, namely on the cost indicators related to the circular economy in the following areas:

  • Building information modeling has an impact on the direct material costs of construction projects.

  • Building information modeling has an impact on the costs of recycled material.

  • Building information modeling has an impact on waste management costs.

Hypotheses were also tested in these areas:

  • H10: Building information modeling has an impact on the direct material costs of construction projects

  • H1: Building information modeling has no effect on the direct material costs of construction projects

  • H20: Building information modeling has an impact on the cost of recycled material.

  • H2: Building information modeling does not affect the cost of recycled material.

  • H30: Building information modeling has an impact on the cost of recycled material.

  • H3: Building information modeling has no effect on waste management costs.

Within the framework of the building information modeling approach and complexity, the last phase is based on measuring efficiency and performance and monitoring the relationship to the implementation of new technology. This step is the subject of research, and its effects can be seen on the basis of structural hypotheses in the research.

The goal of the research was to quantify the impacts of building information modeling on selected performance indicators within the concept of circular economy. The aim of the research was to analyze the impact of using BIM on selected performance indicators.

3.2 Data collection and data processing

Data collection was ensured through an online questionnaire. The selection of respondents included a representation of construction companies that implement and plan construction projects. Their representation was proportionally divided as they are proportionally indicated by the statistical office in the given countries, so that the research results are relevant.

The structured questionnaire was divided into three parts. The first part contained basic information about the research sample and basic characteristics of the respondents. The second group of questions included questions focused on the level of use of building information modeling. The third group of questions ascertains selected key performance indicators within the circular economy philosophy. They were compiled based on a theoretical point of view and experts from practice.

The respondents answered the research questions based on the Likert scale (1 – low level of use or low level of impact on the investigated indicator and 5 – high level of use or high level of impact).

Subsequently, the data were evaluated by Cronbach’s alpha, i.e., the list of questions, to verify the appropriateness and relevance of all research questions.

The established hypotheses were based on the relationships between groups of data. To evaluate them, it was necessary to find out the dependencies between the variables. For the purposes of data evaluation based on the distribution of the research sample, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used. The correlation is strong if the correlation coefficient reaches a value as close as possible to 1 or in the case of a negative correlation to – 1. In general, any correlation in the interval from 0,8 to 1 and – 0,8 to – 1 can be considered strong and this relationship dependent.

3.3 Research sample

The research was carried out in three construction markets, which are similar in size. The focus was on the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe. Since the originally intended research was to be carried out in Slovakia, this country and the construction market is relatively small. Therefore, the aim was to compare the results from other construction markets of EU member countries, which have a similar ethnic and cultural composition, are similar in terms of population and land area. Also based on this, demand for construction products is expected, and construction projects around residences and commercial buildings may be similar in size.

Slovakia, Croatia, and Slovenia were chosen among these selected countries also based on cooperation. Construction companies were approached to approach and provide data from real construction projects in which they participate and have relevant all the data needed for the research problem. All the main participants in the construction project, such as suppliers, sub-contractors, designers, investors, are represented among the survey participants.

Details of the research sample can be seen in Figs. 3 and 4, where this research sample is described based on the representation of the countries that implemented the data and based on construction production and the focus of the construction project.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Research sample according to the countries where the project was implemented (Own processing)

Fig. 4
figure 4

Research sample according to construction production and the focus of the construction project (Own processing)

Most of the projects that were implemented in research were implemented in Croatia. And up to 53.77% of construction projects. Construction projects implemented in Slovakia accounted for almost 28%. Construction projects in Slovenia were least represented in the research. As already mentioned, the research sample consisted of construction projects implemented in Croatia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. In total, it was a research sample including 199 respondents.

As for the representation of project types, construction of residential buildings had the largest representation, roughly 42%. Next, there was construction of non-residential buildings, almost 24%. Civil engineering projects were also significantly represented in the research, especially road infrastructure and tunnels and bridges.

4 Results and discussion

The average rate of use of building information modeling in the monitored projects is at the level of 2,69, which represents the average use of this technology. Based on the descriptive statistics (Table 1), it can be concluded that the average impact on the monitored performance indicators oscillates around the value of 2 to 3. Here it is necessary to say that these evaluations are individual for each project, which directly quantified the impact on the selected performance indicator. Likewise, other basic statistical parameters are described in more detail in the following table.

Table 1 Descriptive statistic of research sample and results

From the point of view of the main goal of the research, namely the analysis of the impact of building information modeling on selected key performance indicators in the context of the circular economy, the results in Table 2 are important and waste management costs. These views are part of the performance indicators in the context of the circular economy. The results pointed to mutual relations and dependencies between the use of building information modeling and the impacts on selected components of costs, as an indicator of economic sustainability. At the same time, dependencies between cost parameters and other indicators of performance and circular economy were monitored.

Table 2 Results of Person's correlation coefficient analyses

Based on the results of Pearson’s correlation analysis, it can be said that there is a strong correlation between the use of BIM and material costs. Research here has confirmed a strong positive dependence. Likewise, within the cost parameters, the analysis showed a strong relationship between the use of BIM and the cost of recycling material. Within the other performance indicators, a strong correlation between the use of BIM and material consumption was confirmed. There were also strong dependencies between the consumption of materials, both traditional and recycled, and the use of BIM (Table 3).

Table 3 Evaluation of hypotheses

Based on the research results, negative hypotheses 1 and 2 were rejected, therefore it can be said that Building information modeling has an impact on the direct material costs of construction projects and Building information modeling has an impact on the cost of recycled material.

A trend was demonstrated for all the investigated dependencies, but the statistical significance cannot be rejected, or hypotheses can be accepted.

This research has the potential for further direction, which could lead to a comprehensive processing of BIM results and recommendations for selected construction projects. The future direction should be to propose a model of the impact of BIM on key BIM performance indicators. The research was also carried out in three countries. It is highly desirable to transfer it to other countries and to carry out research within other EU countries and thus map the situation in the EU.

5 Conclusion

Building information modeling and working with information supports digitization in the construction industry. Effective management and use of information can lead to improved project performance, which can be measured through key performance indicators. In the circular economy, the emphasis is placed on the sustainability of projects and thus the effort to use alternative materials, recycle, and minimize waste. From an economic point of view, it is important to manage projects in terms of economic sustainability. The influence of digital technologies and information systems should lead to efficiency.

The perception of benefits from building information modeling is appropriate to measure through key performance indicators of construction project. As part of compliance with the circular economy, several indicators were determined based on a thorough analysis of resources and discussions with experts, which were designated as circular economy key performance indicators. The research worked with the assumption that the active use of building information modeling in a wider context can have a positive effect on the performance of construction projects connected within the principles of the circular economy. Above all, the cost parameters associated with materials and their consumption, but also the dependencies between them, was the assumption that this is the way to measure these indicators and the benefits of BIM and information systems.

The research results indicated a strong relationship between the use of BIM and information in construction project management and material costs and recycling costs. Also, in addition to fulfilling the prerequisites for accepting the hypotheses, several dependencies were analyzed and statistically confirmed, especially between information cloud modeling of buildings and material consumption.

From these data, it can be concluded that BIM has a positive impact on selected key performance indicators in accordance with the circular economy approach. Research carried out in three countries pointed to the impact on selected indicators. In terms of construction projects, Slovakia, Croatia as well as Slovenia represent an environment where there is room for improving the use of BIM, but on the other hand research projects have shown a positive impact. This research is part of the extensive research carried out in these countries precisely on the impact of building information modeling. Their impact on other key performance indicators are the subject of data processing and evaluation, within which the goal is to propose a model of impacts on key performance indicators, which represents future research.

The research confirmed the importance of solving the given problem and confirmed some statements based on which the hypotheses were established. Building information modeling has an impact on the direct material costs of construction projects and Building information modeling has an impact on the cost of recycled material.