1 Correction to: Letters in Mathematical Physics (2021) 111:33 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11005-021-01376-3

The publication of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. In the last sentence before the Acknowledgements, Rd must be changed into R. Please see below the corrected sentence:

Since \((0\le )\sup _{t \le t'}(\psi _{c,m}(T)(t)-\psi _{c, 0}(T)(t))\rightarrow 0\) as \(m\downarrow 0\) \(\nu ^{\Psi _{c,0}}\)-a.s. for any \(t'\in [0,\infty )\) [14, Proposition 4.2], the following convergence can be shown without \(\mathrm {div}A \in L^{1}_\text {loc}(\mathbf {R}^d; \mathbf {R})\) by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem and the estimate (3.1) in Proposition 3.1:

[Theorem II] If \(A\in L^2_\text {loc}(\mathbf {R}^d; \mathbf {R}^d)\), then for a fixed \(c>0\), \(e^{-t\Psi _{c,m} (H_A)}\) converges to \(e^{-t\Psi _{c,0} (H_A)}\) in \(L^2(\mathbf {R}^d)\) as \(m \downarrow 0\), uniformly on every finite bounded interval in \(t\ge 0\).