1 Introduction

Automatic event extraction is a fundamental task of information extraction. Generally speaking, event detection (ED) aims at identifying event triggers which is a key step of event extraction. For example, from the sentence “\(It's\ been\ ten\ minutes\ since\ I\ got\ home, and\) \( George\ called\)”, systems should detect the event of “Movement : Transport" triggered by “\(got\ home\)", and the event of “\(Contact:Phone\ Write"\) triggered by “called".

Most of the ED methods before 2018 applied a word-wise classification paradigm, which has achieved significant progress (Lin et al., 2018). Afterward, with the rise of the new pre-trained model BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), the method of representation learning can obtain semantic information in a sentence more precisely, as it is known that word-wise ED models suffer from the trigger word ambiguity and semantic loss problems (Lin et al., 2018). For instance, we can’t directly detect the event of "bankrupt" in the sentence “\(Will\ the\ bankruptcy\ caused\ by\ the\ financial\) \( crisis\ affect\ Ali?\)". Although it has the trigger word “bankruptcy", it does not mean anything happened in a real financial situation . The pre-trained model can learn the language of this interrogative state through a fine-tuning mechanism, but it needs more data of this type.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Training data distribution of ACE2005 corpus under 33 categories. The number ranged from 2 to 1078 training data

Table 1 Data difference between training and test corpus. 0 stands for Negative class. 8 stands for the label ”Stop production due to accident”

Furthermore, we summarize the similarities and differences between training data and test data in real data in Table 1. As shown the first line in Table 1, the classifier can easily recognize the event type because of similar trigger words in both training and test corpus. In addition, the second line in Table 1 represents the data without similar trigger words but with special semantic between training and test corpus. As shown in the example, although they all have the trigger word “fire”, the data in TD is a negative sentence pattern, so it does not belong to \(Label\ 8\). The third line in Table 1 represents the test data with no repetition triggers but with similar semantics to the training corpus. “Typhon”in TD is the triggered word that has never appeared in TRD. To improve parts 2 and 3, most pre-trained-based methods for ED follow the supervised-learning paradigm, which requires lots of labeled data for training. However, annotating large amount of data accurately will incur high labor costs. At this time, the generation model becomes a suitable research method. VAE(Shao et al., 2020) and GAN (Liu et al., 2020) are committed to generating highly simulated data, but their training itself requires thousands of data to make losses converge. However, in the field of ED, the number of data for one class ranges from 2 to 1000 (As shown in Fig. 1). According to the statistics, there are 78.2% of trigger words in the benchmark ACE2005 that have a frequency of less than 5. Another generation methods focus on generating data by argument replacement and adjunct token rewriting (Yang et al., 2019). But this method does little help to improve recall, because repeated semantics training data weakens the generalization ability of the classification model. Therefore, generating semantic diversity is also a factor we need to consider. In addition, the fourth part in Table 1 represent the data that most models can hardly predict because neither similar trigger words nor similar semantic sentences appeared in training data. Embedding prior knowledge is a good method (Tong et al., 2020), but it still requires additional work of manual mapping and collection of new data sources. Specifically, to resolve these problems, this paper proposes a Domain Aware Few shot (DAFS) generative model which can generate diverse and effective labeled data using the few-shot resource. Firstly, we construct the domain to prepare for training data, and then we apply the long-distance attention component (Transformer-XL) to fully train the context dependence of words among different domains. Secondly, we use a joint algorithm to generate data that can ensure diversity and effectiveness in the classification model. Meanwhile, we develop a simple data filter process to remove duplication and guarantee sample balance by recognizing trigger words. Finally, we integrate DAFS and BERT into an active learning workflow to solve regarding one-shot learning issues.

We evaluate our model on the ACE2005 benchmark and real financial corpus. Our method surpasses the baselines of ACE2005 and achieves a high performance in a real financial corpus. Experiments show that our method is effective on multilingual corpora (English & Chinese) and alleviates the Zero-Shot, Few-Shot classification problems from a novel perspective. Our contributions can be summarized as:

  1. 1)

    We propose a novel Domain-Aware Few-Shot Generative Model which can learn from existing few shot labeled corpus to generate more annotation data.

  2. 2)

    We propose a domain-based joint algorithm in our DAFS to maintain the diversity and effectiveness of generated training data. And it is approved to be effective in experiments.

  3. 3)

    After integrating the active learning mechanism, DAFS can systematically alleviate the One-Shot, Few-Shot regarding issues in ED.

  4. 4)

    Experiments on benchmark ACE2005-Chinese (ACE2005-CH) show that our method improves the states of arts by 3.8 (4.6%), 9.3 (10.7%), 12.3 (14.7%) in Precision, Recall & F1-score respectively. On ACE2005-English (ACE2005-EN) corpus, our Recall increases by 6.7 (8.6%). Additionally, we get an increment of 7.0 (7.7%), 10.2 (11.4%), 9.5 (10.6%) on real financial data.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Sample of Domain construction on the left and training process of DAFS model on the right. DAFS not only guarantees the learning of the potential relationship of key features in a domain, but also generates more abundant annotated corpus by combining the transfer probability of words outside the domain. \(\{x_1,x_2,x_3\}\) stands for a sentence in a domain. \(x_1,x_3\) stands for \(B-Tags\), \(E-Tags\) and \(x_2\) stands for main content in a sentence. Sentence 1:\(\{x_1,x_2,x_3\}\), Sentence 2: \(\{x_4,x_5,x_6\}\) are in Domain1. Sentence 3:\(\{x_7,x_8,x_9\}\), Sentence4: \(\{x_{10},x_{11},x_{12}\}\) are in Domain2

2 Related work

2.1 Event detection

Traditional feature-based methods exploit both lexical and global features to detect events (Li et al., 2013). As neural networks become popular in NLP (Cao et al., 2018), data-driven methods use various superior DMCNN, DLRNN and PLMEE models (Duan et al., 2017; Nguyen & Grishman, 2018; Yang et al., 2019) for end-to-end event detection. FBMA (Mehta et al., 2019) attends to different aspects of text while constructing its representation. Recently, weakly-supervised methods (Huang et al., 2018; Zeng et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2018) have been proposed to generate more labeled data. Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2018) uses complementary information between domains to improve event detection.(Ferguson et al., 2018) relies on sophisticated pre-defined rules to bootstrap from the paralleling news streams. (Wang et al., 2019) limit the data range of adversarial learning to trigger words appearing in labeled data.(Cao et al., 2021) propose an Incremental Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for incremental social event detection. (Zheng et al., 2021) propose TaLeM: a novel taxonomy-aware learning model which can deal with the low-resources problem in ED. (Wang et al., 2020) propose a survey on Few-Shot Learning.

2.2 Event generation

As the neural network architecture encounters bottlenecks, more and more attention is paid to data-driven methods, and event generation is one of the main application areas. External resources such as Freebase, Frame-Net and WordNet are commonly employed to generate events and enrich the training data. Several previous event generation approaches (Chen et al., 2017; Zeng et al., 2017) are based on a strong assumption in distant supervision to label events in an unsupervised corpus. In fact, co-occurring entities could have none expected relationship. In addition, (Huang et al., 2016) incorporates abstract meaning representation and distribution semantics to extract events. While (Liu et al., 2017) manages to mine additional events from the frames in FrameNet. (Tong et al., 2020) leverages external open-domain trigger knowledge to reduce the inherent bias of frequent triggers in annotations. (Han et al., 2018) propose structure-aware probabilistic model incorporating a structure prior by mask mechanism which inspire us to use self-supervised information to support a Few-Shot generative model.

2.3 Pre-trained model

The Pre-trained model greatly improves the semantic generalization ability of classification model through transfer learning. (McCann et al., 2017) exploits language model pre-trained on supervised translation corpus in the target task. ELMO (Peters et al., 2019) gets context sensitive em- beddings by encoding characters with stacked bidirectional LSTM (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) and residual structure (He et al., 2016). GPT (Radford et al., 2018) improves the state of the art in 9 of 12 tasks. BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) breaks records of 11 NLP tasks and receives a lot of attention. GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) is on the basis of GPT, focusing on solving Zero-Shot problem expanding by the training corpus. XLNet (Yang et al., 2019) applies the transformer-xl mechanism and outperforms BERT on 20 tasks.

3 Methodology

In this section, we introduce DAFS to generate even and diverse data to improve ED. In general, our workflow mainly divides into three parts. Firstly, we introduce our process of domain-construction and architecture of the DAFS that is about how to use self-supervised information to train the generation model. Secondly, we illustrate our joint algorithm which can combine prior and domain transition probability to generate more diverse annotation data. Finally, we describe the whole workflow from data generation to data classification.

3.1 Domain construct

Definition 1 - Domain Domain is a semantic block that contains the event type, the event trigger and related event semantic sentences, which is integrated through preprocessing. Event definition focuses on the label and trigger-words, but domain is the concept of integrating all event-related information in a region. Formally, we can define as

$$\begin{aligned} { \{x, y ,z\} \in Z_{dn},\{x,y\} \in Z_{en}, Z_{en} \ne \emptyset ,Z_{dn}\ne \emptyset , Z_{en} \subset Z_w } \end{aligned}$$

where x, y, z denote event type, event trigger and domain context semantics. \(Z_{dn}\), \( Z_{en}\), \(Z_w\) stand for domain set, event set, corpus set respectively.

Definition 2 - Domain-aware Domain aware means that word considers the relevant information of the current domain in the process of transferring to the next word. Specifically, it can be divided into two phases: 1) During the training phrase, through the preprocessing of domain construct, the relationship between domain label and domain data can be strengthened, and the diversity and domain correlation can be balanced through the algorithm. 2) During the testing phase, by outputting labels, we can automatically generate data in related domains.

As we have 33 event types in the ACE-2005 corpus, we will automatically build 33 domains at initialization. Moreover, for our real financial data,we have 10 domains. Formally, we denote \(x_i\) as the word in each sentence then we have \(S_i=\{ x_1,x_2,\cdots ,x_i\}\). Meanwhile, for each labeled sentence, we have a set \(H_W=\left\{ \left( S_{i}, Y_{i}\right) \right\} _{i=1}^{W}\). W stands for the number of sentences for the whole training dataset and \(Y_{i}\) stands for the supervision label of the event. Then we assign data to different domains to which its label belongs, so that we can construct a domain-based corpus \( H_D=\{(S_{j},Y_{j})\}_{j=1}^D \). D stands for the number of sentences for a special domain. With the above supervision data, we can get the transition matrix of each word for specific domain \({\mathbb {M}}^{D}\) and the whole data \({\mathbb {M}}^{W}\) by calculating the word frequency. Based on the matrix \({\mathbb {M}}^{D}\), \({\mathbb {M}}^{W}\), we can get the transition probability of the top 10 tokens which are \(E_{d}=[{\mathbb {M}}^{D}_{i,top1},{\mathbb {M}}^{D}_{i,top2},\cdots ,{\mathbb {M}}^{D}_{i,top10}]\), \(E_{w}=[{\mathbb {M}}^{W}_{i,top1},{\mathbb {M}}^{W}_{i,top2},\cdots ,{\mathbb {M}}^{W}_{i,top10}]\). And i stands for the given word. Given a chain of words \(S_i\), our goal is to jointly calculate the generation probability G of the next word:

$$\begin{aligned} \max _{G} P\left( G \mid E_{d},E_{w},E_{m}\right) \end{aligned}$$

\(E_{m}\) represents the transition matrix of each word according to the context. As in Fig. 2(a), "Start-Position" and "End-Position" are two examples of domain building. And the preparation of \({\mathbb {M}}_D\) and \({\mathbb {M}}_W\) adjacency matrices is essential for the following chapters. \(E_{m}\) is obtained through the generation model in Sect. 3.2. \(E_w,E_d,E_m\) is embedded in the data and we can train and use it without additional labels. This is the self-supervised information mainly used in the DAFS.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The active learning workflow (AL) of our integration of DAFS and classifier to achieve incremental learning. For the event “Transport", DAFS generate valid samples as well as invalid ones, AL picks up the right ones through its prediction probability, if the generated samples do positive effects to classifier then we collect it up to a certain amount and use it to evolve DAFS

3.2 Event generation

In order to make the information flow across domains in either the forward or backward pass, we employ Transformer-XL (Dai et al., 2019) as our feature extractor. As in Transformer-XL, we define the length of each segment as L. Each segment contains several sentences, for the consecutive segments we have \(S_t = [x_{t1},\cdots ,x_{tL}]\) and \(S_{t+1} = [x_{tL+1},\cdots ,x_{t2L}]\) respectively. So the n-th hidden states of the t-th segment is expressed as \(h_t^n \in {\mathbb {R}}^{L \times d}\), where d is the hidden dimension. To obtain a longer dependency, we combine two consecutive segments and get

$$\begin{aligned} \widetilde{{\mathbf {h}}}_{t+1}^{n-1}=\left[ N_{BP}\left( {\mathbf {h}}_{t}^{n-1}\right) \circ {\mathbf {h}}_{t+1}^{n-1}\right] \end{aligned}$$

Then applied with the self attention mechanism, we can have n-th layer hidden state as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} { \begin{array}{c} {\mathbf {q}}_{t+1}^{n}, {\mathbf {k}}_{t+1}^{n}, {\mathbf {v}}_{t+1}^{n}= \\ {\mathbf {h}}_{t+1}^{n-1} {\mathbf {W}}_{q}^{\top }, \widetilde{{\mathbf {h}}}_{t+1}^{n-1} {\mathbf {W}}_{k}^{\top }, \widetilde{{\mathbf {h}}}_{t+1}^{n-1} {\mathbf {W}}_{v}^{\top }\\ \end{array}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {h}}_{t+1}^{n}=\textit{TL}\left( {\mathbf {q}}_{t+1}^{n}, {\mathbf {k}}_{t+1}^{n}, {\mathbf {v}}_{t+1}^{n}\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(N_{BP}\) represents the hidden state \( s_t \) no longer propagates backward and TL stands for transformer-layer. \({\mathbf {q}}_{t+1}^{n}, {\mathbf {k}}_{t+1}^{n}, {\mathbf {v}}_{t+1}^{n}\) represent the query, key, value from the training sentences at time \(t+1\). \( \widetilde{{\mathbf {h}}}_{t+1}^{n-1} \) stands for the extended context and \(W_*\) denotes model parameters. Furthermore, each domain contains several segments. As in Fig. 2b, the hidden state of each position, except itself, depends on the token of first \((L-1)\) position in the next layer. So the length of dependency will increase L-1 with each layer going down. Therefore, the longest dependency length is \(n(L-1)\), and n is the number of layers in the model. Context aware distance of dependency can be approximately \(O(N \times L)\), so the number of sentences in each domain of the training corpus should be more than \( N \times L/ N_a\), while \(N_a\) is the average length of each sentence. In particular, the characteristics of the initial and trigger words of each domain can be well learned, because they appear repeatedly in the domain as \(S_l = \{B-Tags,x_{n1}, \cdots ,x_{n_l}, E-Tags\}\), where “\(B-tags\)" and “\(E-Tags\)" are represented as the special domain label as visualized in Fig. 2a. For completeness, we adopt Masked LM task (Devlin et al., 2018) \(\textit{ Masked-Softmax}\) and relative positional encoding mechanism(Dai et al., 2019) \(\textit{Positionwise-Feed-Forward}\) to exploit surrounding words to learn the specific semantics of each character and the expression of transfer probability from context-based attention features \({\mathbf {A}}_{t}^{n}\). Then we get the final output \({\mathbf {h}}_{t}^{n}\) as:

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {a}}_{t}^{n}=\textit{ Masked-Softmax }\left( {\mathbf {A}}_{t}^{n}\right) {\mathbf {v}}_{t}^{n} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {o}}_{t}^{n}=\textit{ LayerNorm }\left( \textit{Linear}\left( {\mathbf {a}}_{t}^{n}\right) +{\mathbf {h}}_{t}^{n-1}\right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {h}}_{t}^{n}=\textit{Positionwise-Feed-Forward} \left( {\mathbf {o}}_{t}^{n}\right) \end{aligned}$$

As a result, the effective context can be transferred in and out of the domain, which makes the generated labeled semantics more diverse.

3.3 Domain-based joint algorithm

Although we employ a domain-aware generation model for considering context information, when it comes to predicting and generating new labeled data, we believe embedding prior knowledge is also an important factor. However, the extra annotation information will make our model appear to be meaningless in practice, because our original intention is to save the cost of human annotation. We turn to use the self-supervised information (From which we get \(E_m\), as described it in Sect. 3.1.) and take into account of diversity and effectiveness to generate labeled data. \({\mathbb {M}}_D\) and \({\mathbb {M}}_W\) mentioned in Sect. 3.1 are considered to be effective supervision information because they contain not only domain-specific knowledge, but also the possibility of global transition probability. Formally, for given the input \(S_i\), the generation model will generate the next word \(x_{i+1}\) which considers context information. However, as different domains are adjacent to each other, part of the generated data might undergo domain transfer, that is, other types of generated data appear in the current domain. To alleviate this problem, \({\mathbb {M}}_D\) is extremely important, because once the probability of words in a particular domain increases, it is possible to maintain the key features of the domain. Meanwhile, \({\mathbb {M}}_W\) gives us the possibility of more words appearing in the generated sentence, because there will be more choices for the next word in the global probability. All in all, to ensure the effectiveness and diversity of the generated data, the global information (that is, prior knowledge), the transfer information in the domain, and the context information must be considered comprehensively. Formally, a joint probability can be described as:

$$\begin{aligned} J(\theta ) = \alpha E_{m}+(1-\lambda )E_{d}+ \lambda E_{w} \end{aligned}$$

For \(E_{m}\), \(E_{d}\), \(E_{w}\), we have illustrated in Formula (1). \(E_{w}\), \(E_{d}\) has been calculated before training and we get \(E_{m}\) through generative model. Therefore, our lightweight generation model will not encounter the problem of loss convergence. \(\alpha \) is the only hyper parameter in this formula to adjust the smoothness of generated words. \(E_m\) uses a masking mechanism to make the predicted sentences more like the original distribution, but the sentences generated by \(E_m\) alone can generate a lot of repeated sentences like data sources. At this time, the larger \(\alpha \) makes the data more like source data, while the smaller \(\alpha \) makes the word pay more attention to domain information \(E_d\) and global information \(E_w\) in the process of transfer to the next word. It should be noted that the \(E_w\) information contains more possibilities for each word, because it is the global transfer matrix, which is the source of making generated sentence diversity. The higher weight of \(E_w\), the more choices for next word. To alleviate long tail issues, weight parameter \(\lambda \) is used to increase the transfer weight of the probability of words in small sample events and it’s inversely related to the proportion of domain in the total sentence.

$$\begin{aligned} { \lambda =\frac{e^{\mathbf {\phi _{d}}}}{\sum _{k=1}^{D} e^{\mathbf {\phi _{k} }}} } \end{aligned}$$

\(N_{domain} \) stands for labeled training data in a specific domain, while \(N_{total}\) stands for the total number of sentences.

$$\begin{aligned} { \phi = \sqrt{\frac{N_{domain}}{N_{total}}} } \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, we can see from formulas (8) and (9) that the smaller the proportion between the number of sentences in a domain and the number of all sentences, the larger weight of the domain transition probability \(E_d\) and the smaller weight of the global transition probability \(E_w\). With \(\lambda \), the weight of the key word for Few-Shot data is increased which alleviates domain shift caused by any long-tail issue. At the same time, due to the introduction of \(E_{w}\), the vocabulary diversity in the field will be richer.

3.4 Event detection

BERT has achieved SOTA performance on a wide range of tasks and has been proved very effective on ED secnarios (Wang et al., 2019). We apply BERT as our classifier. It could obtain semantics level information, overcoming the mismatch problem between words and event triggers (Lin et al., 2018). Following the mechanism of BERT fine-tuning in dealing with classification tasks, our event type classifier directly uses the sub-types of the event, which ignores the hierarchical relationship of event types and the direct impact of event trigger words on event detection.

Formally, given the token features of the input S, firstly we get the hidden representation H for each sentence through BERT, after which a fully connected layer and softmax will be applied to calculate the score assigned to each event sub-type:

$$\begin{aligned} H= BERT(S) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} c=HW_{f}+b_{f} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} P( y\mid x )= softmax(c) \end{aligned}$$

3.5 Active learning workflow

The most difficult part of test data to predict is the pentagram ones in Fig. 1. For this part of data, there are two main difficulties. Firstly, as there are no obvious trigger words or semantics supervision information in corresponding training domain, it’s hard to fit the distribution in test data. Secondly, when adding new trigger words that are similar to existing ones, it’s hard for a deep model to perfectly learn it and overcome the catastrophic forgetting issues in the incremental learning process. To alleviate these problems, we apply an active learning mechanism to directly evaluate correct and wrong labels of the generated data. As in Fig. 3, if a poor amount of data is generated \(S_c= \{S_w,Y_w \}\mid ^w_1\), the effect of the classification model will be reduced, and we will abandon this batch of data. In the meantime, DAFS will continue to generate new data \(G_w=\{G_x,G_y\}\) until our classifier achieves the relative higher scores when predicting \([S_w,Y_w]\). Formally, For DAFS:

$$\begin{aligned} g=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}r=1 &{} \textit{add to } G^+\\ r=0 &{} \textit{turn to } G_{x+1}\end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

For Classifier:

$$\begin{aligned} r=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &{} P(Y_w)>Tep \textit{ when predict } S_w\\ 0 &{} \textit{ otherwise }\end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(S_y\) stands for the score from classifier and Tep is the critical point of our probability value in the multi-label classification task. \(G^+\) stands for new collection from valid generated data. \(G_{x+1}\) stands for the data generated next. Finally, when we collect and generate a certain amount of data-\(N_g\) to \(G^+\), we will train our classifiers in batches. Typically, we set \(N_g\) to one-tenth of the total data-W. The overall process is shown in algorithm 1.

On the other hand, in the learning of new trigger words, DAFS’s domain adjacency matrix solves the catastrophic forgetting problem of incremental learning very well. Suppose we have a domain dictionary with d dimension and we have probability transition matrix \({\mathbb {M}}_{D}^{d \times d}\), we face two situations: The first one is that the domain dictionary matrix contains new trigger word while the other does not. As shown in the Fig. 4, we can get the maximum in-degree and out-degree probability and their corresponding token of the original word. We define them as \({\mathbb {V}}_{in}^{1 \times 10}\) and \({\mathbb {V}}_{out}^{1 \times 10}\). If the new trigger word is similar to the original one, we just need to modify the 20 relative positions in transition matrix \({\mathbb {M}}_{D}^{d \times d}\). In addition, if the new trigger word is out of the dictionary of \({\mathbb {M}}_{D}^{d \times d}\), we have to update the original matrix to \({\mathbb {M}}_{D}^{(d+1) \times (d+1)}\) and do the same thing as above.

Through the above two methods, we can generate a large number of sentences containing new trigger words, thereby improving the classifier’s ability to fit Zero-Shot and One-Shot samples.

figure a
Table 2 Ant Financial Event Detection(AFED) corpus
Table 3 The influence of special semantics on ED. ACE2005 is not sensitive to the above special semantics, but in real scenes, these semantics are more important to trigger events

4 Experiments

4.1 Experiment settings

Datasets We conducted experiments on three corpora: ACE2005-EN corpus, ACE2005-CH corpus and our real financial corpus, Ant Financial Event Detection(AFED). For ACE2005-CH corpus, we use the same setup as (Chen et al., 2009), (Feng et al., 2018) and [35], in which 521/64/64 documents are used as training/development/test set. Due to the different definitions of trigger events, we build AFED to show the robustness of our model in dealing with different data. AFED corpus has more complex evaluation criteria, which embodies the following three aspects:1) Trigger words are not the only criteria for triggering an event. For instance, if the special case semantics in Table 3 occurs around the trigger word, it may mean that the event is not triggered. 2) In addition to the trigger words, there are many implicit features in the sentence. Only when the key features and trigger words appear at the same time can the event be truly triggered. For example, “actual controller breaks law”, only when “controlling shareholder” and “actual controller” appear in the event “violation of the law” can the event be regarded as triggered. 3) The “Other” class is very complex, and there will be interference items with similar semantics. For example, the negative sample of bankruptcy liquidation - “CIMC Group intends to purchase the bankrupt company”. This belongs to the “Other” category, because “bankrupt" is not to describe the subject. Data distribution for AFED can be seen in Table 2. All AFED data are obtained from real-time news and will be released on GitHub in the future.

Comparison Methods In order to demonstrate the robustness of our approach on Multilingual and real data sets, We applied different optimal models to Chinese and English corpora:

ACE2005 Chinese We include classic papers such as Convolutional Bi-LSTM model (C-BiLSTM) proposed by (Zeng et al., yyy), Forward-backward Recurrent Neural Networks (FBRNN) as proposed by (Ghaeini et al., 2018), word-based DMCNN and Hybrid Neural Network proposed by (Feng et al., 2018), incorporate CNN with Bi-LSTM and achieves the SOTA NN based result on ACE2005. Rich-C (Chen & Ng, 2012) developed several handcraft Chinese-specific features, which improve the effect of Chinese ED. In addition, we adopt NPNs (Lin et al., 2018) which can solve the word-trigger mismatch problem by directly proposing entire trigger nuggets centered at each character. Hybrid Character Representation(HCR) for ED (Xiangyu et al., 2019) employs BERT-base model as its trigger classifier and achieve a relatively good score. It is the-state-of-the-arts for an ACE2005-CH corpus.

ACE2005 English We compare our methods with other six state-of-the-art data enhancement models, including: GCN-ED deeply excavates the structural information from labeled data with dependency syntax tree and uses GCN for classification (Nguyen & Grishman, 2018). Lu’s DISTILL proposes a learning approach that applied effective separation, incremental learning, and finally adaptive synthesis of different event feature representation (Lu et al., 2019). TS-DISTILL exploits the entity ground-truth and uses an adversarial imitation-based knowledge distillation approach for ED (Liu et al., 2019). AD-DMBERT adopts a confrontational simulation model to continuously train the discriminator’s resistance to noise (Wang et al., 2019). DRMM employs an alternating dual attention to select informative features for mutual enhancements to ED (Tong et al., 2020). EKD leverages external open-domain trigger knowledge to reduce the inherent bias of frequent triggers in annotations (Tong et al., 2020) The last three baselines both use BERT as the feature extractor.

AFED To reflect the effectiveness of our model DAFS, we use only the original BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) model which is the best classifier in the real data set for comparison.

4.2 Overall performance

Table 4 Results on ACE2005-CH Corpus for Event Detection

Tables 4, 5 and 6 show the results on ACE2005-CH & EN and AFED respectively. From the results, we can make the following observations:

  1. (1)

    DAFS achieve significant improvement of the precision, recall and F1-score by 3.8, 9.3, 12.3 on ACE2005-CH and 7, 12, 9.5 on AFED respectively. This is benefiting mainly from the effective data enhancement and the large-scale pre-training information of BERT. Our method expands the training data to further enhance BERT, which achieve better performance and demonstrates the effectiveness of our model. HCR also uses BERT as its feature extractor. It uses word vector splicing. Experiments show that compared with the whole sentence vector produced by original BERT Finetune, it will cause a loss in precision.

  2. (2)

    For English Corpus as shown in Table 5, BERT contributes 4.9 of recall enhancement compared with none-BERT-base model TS-DISTILL. Since we expect to generate more realistic words, we retain tense, plural and other forms in the process of word segmentation, making our English vocabulary up to 10355. In the meantime, the vocabulary of ACE2005-CH is only 3305. This brings some difficulties to the generation of sparse features, but our data enhancement based on DAFS still keeps the growth of 4, 6.6 and 4 compared with original BERT. DAFS+BERT improves the state of the arts by 6.7 in Recall. EKD introduces data from the outside, which improves precision considerably, indicating it introduces a lot of additional constraints. Due to the increase of positive samples from DAFS, Recall is greatly improved. However, due to the similar combination from internal dictionary, the boundary of each event is not obvious, and the improvement of precision is limited.

  3. (3)

    As analyzed in Sect. 4.1, AFED has complex interference and class boundary complexity. As shown in Table 8, experiments show that DAFS contributed a lot of effective data to the original corpus, significantly improving the Precision,Recall and F1-score by 7, 10.2, 9.5 respectively. This proves that our model is also effective in generating a corpus with fuzzy boundaries, negative and questionable semantics problems in actual scene.

  4. (4)

    Figure 5 show that, our model delivers obvious improvement in alleviating the long tail problem. The F1-Scores of Chinese and English training data between 10 and 30 were improved by 0.2 and 0.16 respectively. In addition to the number of 0-10, the amounts of other train data phases have increased by about 0.05-0.1 due to its original high score. It’s worth noting that we increased “0-10" phase from 0, 0 to 0.1, 0.2 for ACE-EN and ACE-CH respectively.

Table 5 Results on ACE2005 English Corpus for Event Detection
Table 6 Table caption

4.3 Domain-based joint algorithm of generative model

Fig. 4
figure 4

The Global and specific domain transition probability. Example of the transition probability for the word “open” in Event “Start-org”, “End-Org”and train data. OD is short for Out of Degree and ID is short for In Degree

Fig. 5
figure 5

The average F1-Score for different amount of training data on ACE multilingual dataset. X-axis represents the range of training data

To prove the effectiveness of our joint algorithm, we perform the following ablation experiments. Firstly, we define zero-shot as test data with no trigger word appearing in training data for the classifier. Secondly, we define “Few-Shot" as the number of data in the training corpus does not exceed 50. In the meantime, as shown in Table 7, “Normal" means the number of training data for generative model is around 200. We choose the “Meet” event as our “Normal” case with its data of 190 in training data. To be fair, we choose “End-Org” event as our “Zero-Shot” and “Few-Shot” case. It has 31 records of training data. “Dismantling", “dissolved”, “crumbled” are the trigger words that appears in the test set but not in the training set. Experiments in Table 7 show that the DTP matrix is helpful to maintain the stability of data generation, especially under the case of zero shot condition. It improves from 0 to 5 of when DTP is taken into consideration. Meanwhile, GTP increases the diversity of generated text. As shown in Table 7, DAFS with GTP could provide more data than DAFS with DTP in Few shot and normal region. And with GTP, DTP works better in Zero Shot conditions improving the generated number from 5 to 7. Here, we define diversity as the generation of richer and non duplicate data. Formally, when \(duplicate\ data/generate\ data <0.75\), we consider it as diversity. Here, duplicate data means the generated data, which is same as in the training corpus. Experiments show that the global transition matrix provides more choices than the domain matrix. However, the out degree of probability in GTP used to be very small (around 8% for ID in Fig. 4c) and the probability of DTP is usually large (Figure 4b and c). So, we introduce weight parameter \(\lambda \)Footnote 1 to adjust its weight and calculate the joint probability that can achieve the best relative effect as visualized in Table 7.

Table 7 Data generation results on different training set scales. DTP is short for Domain transfer probability. GTP is short for global transfer probability. M represents DTP+GTP, N represents DTP+GTP+\(\lambda \)
Table 8 DAFS-W represents the result of introducing incremental learning

4.4 Case study

In this section, we use some generated corpus as case studies to show the generation model under Zero Shot, Few Shot and Normal conditionsFootnote 2. Note that, the generated data is not the fact, but the re combination of key trigger words and tags under the domain joint probability. As shown in Table 9, the generated corpora are positive samples conductive to ED. For the Zero-Shot data, its trigger only appears in test data but not in training data. We change the transition probability of each word in the transition matrix to realize synonym replacement. For example, in ACE2005,the trigger word “ordered” does not appear in the training corpus, but it has similar semantics to “buy” and “purchase”, which appear in the training corpus. And we generate “ordered” related data in the form of synonym substitution. The sample data generated by DAFS are all translated from Chinese, but it can be seen from the examples that the trigger words are complex in AFED, usually a combination of multiple words. For example, the triggered word is “Guarantee liability” in AFED for the domain Guarantee Liability, but in the test corpus showed the new word transposition combinations - “liability guarantee”and a new similar phrase - “liability for refund”. This phenomenon is more obvious in Chinese. Usually, a trigger word is composed of 4-5 words on average. However, our model can still generate more effective data to improve the classifier, which also proves the robustness for DAFS. In addition, as shown in the example, for the original data with normal level, DAFS can generate data that takes diversity and effectiveness into account.

Table 9 case study for generated corpus

4.5 Active learning workflow

As shown in Table 8, when active learning workflow is applied in our model, the improvement for F1-score on ACE2005-CH, ACE2005-EN, AFED for F1-score is 1.9, 2.1, and 1.5 respectively. The workflow based on active learning technology can choose suitable generated data to improve support for the incremental evolution of the classification model. In a real production environment, we often need models which can learn the relevant features through a sample quickly, and our joint algorithm based on domain transfer possibility could quickly generate data to fit new samples from the perspective of training data to realize incremental learning. Note that, under this workflow, we use test data to verify the generation data and then iterate to create both the DAFS and classifier evolution. This is more like offline learning, and so we discuss it separately in this chapter.

5 Conclusions and future work

By utilizing the potential supervisory information in the limited corpus, DAFS and the proposed domain-based algorithm generate more diverse and effective training data sets to solve the Zero-Shot and the Few-Shot problems, thus significantly improving the robustness and accuracy of the classification model. Based on the framework of DAFS and the active learning mechanism, our workflow effectively solves the problems related to One-Shot learning. Experiments demonstrate that our method surpasses the other 15 strong baselines through multilingual data sets. Our method is based on the comprehensive calculation of context probability, global transition probability and domain transition probability. We are going to try the above methods in knowledge inference, QA and other tasks in the future.