
Optimization of radionuclide production for those isotopes of interest in medical applications are of considerable interest to IAEA. The IAEA Nuclear Data Section has hence coordinated several actions to set up a database for recommended cross-sections and associated nuclear decay data for various charged-particle reactions used for medical radionuclides production over the last 25 years. The results of these evaluations were published in webpages of the IAEA-NDS and documented in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] and at numerous conferences. For most of the reactions studied these evaluations resulted in recommended cross section data with uncertainties and production yield data. For few earlier evaluations the uncertainties of the recommended cross section data are missing. Over the last 2 years an upgrade of these evaluations to include an uncertainty quantification was carried out. The results are presented in this work for 25 reactions relevant for production of 67Cu, 103Pd, 102m,gRh, 114mIn, 125I, 169Yb, 177m,gLu, 186Re, 192Ir and 210,211At therapeutic isotopes.

Methods of compilation, correction, selection and data fitting

The main steps of this upgrading evaluation process are:

  • Survey of new or missing literature for experimental data of studied production routes.

  • Correction of the published datasets for up-to-date monitor cross sections or nuclear decay characteristics.

  • Selection of the data sets for fitting of all available corrected datasets considering the earlier evaluations and the results of model calculations.

  • Fit of the selected experimental data using Padé approach (approximant by rational function) [8, 9].

  • Deducing recommended data with uncertainties.

  • Calculation of integral production yields based on recommended cross-section data.

Some additional, important comments should be repeated related to above mentioned steps:

  • The experimental circumstances and the nuclear decay data used are often not documented properly in the original publications. In those cases, corrections for nuclear data are practically impossible, when the only information available is the year of publication to estimate the values of the used decay data.

  • Without detailed experimental description decay data can only be corrected for the linearly contributing parameters (intensities) and correction for half-life is, in most cases, impossible.

  • Systematic differences of cross sections often exist between the different publications. One of the main reasons is an improper estimation of the number of incident particles that can be determined by direct measurement of collected charge (or secondary particles) or indirectly by using monitor reactions. The proper technical base and equipment for direct charge measurement are available only at a limited number of experimental sites. To determine the beam intensity by using monitor reactions requires in principle exact knowledge of the incident energy on the monitor foils. In most cases the energy of the extracted beams is not well defined and by using only one monitor foil, especially in an energy region where the excitation function is rapidly changing, improper estimation of the beam intensity can be obtained.

  • It is a well-known experimental fact that cross section data deduced from spectra measured at different times and different sample-detector distances may be systematically different (within usual 3–4% uncertainties), due to uncertainties in the efficiency of the detector and different dead-time corrections during measurements. To reduce uncertainties hence in principle the monitor and target foils should be measured practically simultaneously, which in most cases is not possible.

  • The estimation of the target thickness and hence number of target atoms present, is also improper in many cases, especially for targets made by sedimentation, pressing, electro-deposition etc. Improper target preparation can result in systematic errors of the measured data, but also can be the source of scattering of the obtained data.

  • An important factor in data selection is the experience of the research group in data measurement and data evaluation. Some laboratories have a proper technical background and large expertise in data measurement and reporting, proved by several earlier publications. Usually, more weight is given to results measured in these laboratories when only limited number of discrepant data points are available.

  • In the evaluations the weight of each experiment is determined by the reported uncertainties, which hence deserve special attention. In reported data uncertainties difference by a factor of two are seen for laboratories having the same level of technical background and expertise. Evaluations based only on original data, without critically considering uncertainties, will often result in erroneous recommended data.

  • Theoretical data and systematics can be helpful for selection of experimental data especially for decisions on very outlying data points, on overall shape of the excitation function and for systematic energy shifts. This is especially true near the threshold of the reaction as the theoretical calculations are reliable and depend only on the well-measured masses. During the data selections, these outlying data points are mostly neglected, and systematic energy shift can be only partly corrected when the data set covers a large energy range.

  • The fitting process requires often additional de-selection of outlying data points, or to introduce additional “guessed” points in energy ranges not covered or represented by the reported experimental results.

  • Uncertainties in the fitted results were estimated via a least-squares method with an addition of a 4% systematic uncertainty which is an expert estimate of overall unrecognized uncertainties as discussed in Ref. [10].

Detailed information on the method of collection and selection of experimental data including extensive discussion of the Padé fitting methodology and obtaining uncertainties of the fit, can be found in the introductory chapters of the IAEA related publications: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].

Evaluated nuclear reactions

The summary of the evaluated reactions in the present report is collected in the Table 1 that contains the list of reactions, the number of available experimental data sets, the maximal energy of the experimental data, the number of selected data series and the parameters of the final Padé fit. The main decay data used in the evaluation of the reported radionuclides and the parameters showing their applicability in nuclear medicine are collected in Table 2.

Table 1 List of evaluated nuclear reactions for radionuclide production
Table 2 Decay data of investigated reaction products taken from ENSDF [15]. ENSDF nuclear structure and decay data can be easily extracted, understood and studied in an attractive user-friendly manner by means of LiveChart of Nuclides [16] and NuDat [17]

For each radionuclide of interest, we mention shortly the possible medical applications in separate subsections. They were discussed in detail in the IAEA TRS 473 [2] and specially dedicated paper [6]. After presentation of the decay data of the reaction product the evaluation and the results for each of the reactions studied (multiple reactions possible for one medical radioisotope) are illustrated in two figures: the first figure shows all available experimental data (corrected if necessary), the second figure contains only the selected experimental data with their uncertainties and the Padé fit that defines the recommended cross sections for the evaluated reaction. The uncertainties defined for the recommended cross sections are expressed as percentages on the secondary axis of the figure. The theoretical predictions taken from the TENDL 2017 [11] and TENDL 2019 libraries [12], based on TALYS-model code calculations, are also shown for comparison in the first figure. Integral yields for every reaction (integrated yield for a given incident energy down to the reaction threshold) are calculated from the recommended cross section data, as shown in a separate figure at the end of each subsection. The results represent the physical yields (obtained in an instantaneous irradiation time) [13, 14].

67Cu production

67Cu is the longest-lived radioisotope of copper, is ideally suited for both radionuclide therapy and imaging. Along with 100% β emission, 67Cu emits gamma photons of 92 and 184 keV that are suitable for gamma scintigraphy (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

67Cu decay scheme

The 68Zn(p,2p)67Cu, 70Zn(p,α)67Cu, natZn(p,x)67Cu and natZn(d,x)67Cu production routes were evaluated.

Cross sections for production of 67Cu

68Zn(p,2p)67Cu reaction

A total of 10 data sets were found in literature: [18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29] (Fig. 2). Out of them two [28, 29] are new and were not included in the previous evaluation [2].

Fig. 2
figure 2

68Zn(p,2p)67Cu reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Only one data point at 200 MeV was reported in Mirzadeh et al [22] that was not considered in the evaluation process. The data of McGee [21] were adjusted in order to account for improved IAEA monitor data. Data of Levkovskij [23] were corrected by 0.8 to adjust to the new monitor data. No correction was done for the small contribution of the reactions on 70Zn for data measured on natZn.

Two data sets were deselected. Cohen [18] data were rejected because the authors state a very high uncertainty for their 67Cu cross-sections; Schwarzbach [28] published relative data that showed a very large scatter. Twelve data points in the energy range 35–45 MeV of Stoll [24] were excluded due to systematic errors in that energy range (information from authors). The selected data vs the Padé fit are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

68Zn(p,2p)67Cu reaction: selected experimental works and Padé fit (solid line) with total derived uncertainties, including 4% systematic uncertainty (dashed line, right hand scale)

70Zn(p,α)67Cu reaction

A total of 3 data sets were found in literature: [23, 28, 30] (Fig. 4). None of these sets are new and were already evaluated in TRS 473 [2]. The data in Schwarzbach [28] are only relative and were normalized at low energies, but as the resulting values are very different from the TENDL predictions they were excluded.

Fig. 4
figure 4

70Zn(p,α) 67Cu reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

The two last, discrepant, points of Kastleiner et al [30] were excluded (large difference from TENDL predictions showing rising cross sections at this energy) as shown in Fig. 5. Fit made till 30 MeV.

Fig. 5
figure 5

70Zn(p,α)67Cu reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

natZn(p,x)67Cu reaction

This reaction on natural targets was not evaluated earlier. A total of four data sets can be derived from literature: [23, 25, 28, 30] and are compared with TENDL evaluations in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

natZn(p,x)67Cu reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Schwarzbach [28] data (see remark on normalisation above) were deselected as they are scattered and contradicting the Bonardi [25] data.

Levkovskij [23] and Kastleiner [30] data, measured on 70Zn, were normalised to natZn below the (p,2p) threshold and were included. Levkovskij [23] data were corrected due to outdated monitor reaction data. The selected and corrected data vs the Padé fit are shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

natZn(p,x)67Cu reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale).

natZn(d,x)67Cu reaction

A total of 2 data sets were found in literature: Tárkányi [31] and Khandaker [32] and are compared with TENDL evaluations in Fig. 8. Both sets were selected and fitted (Fig. 9). This reaction was not evaluated earlier.

Fig. 8
figure 8

natZn(d,x)67Cu reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 9
figure 9

natZn(d,x)67Cu reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

Integral yields for production of 67Cu

The integral yields calculated on the basis of fitted cross-sections for production of 67Cu are collected in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Yield calculated from the recommended cross sections for 67Cu production

103Pd and 102Rh production

Palladium-103 (T1/2 = 16.991 d) decaying 100% by electron capture, accompanied by emission of Auger electrons and low energy X-rays, is extensively used in the treatment of prostate cancer and ocular melanoma. Applied mostly in brachytherapy form.

Rhodium-102 (metastable and ground state) is an important radioisotopic impurity generated during production of 103Pd.

The simplified decay schemes of 103Pd and 103mRh are shown in Fig. 11, and those for the co-produced 102mRh and 102gRh in Fig. 12.

Fig. 11
figure 11

The 103Pd and 103mRh decay scheme

Fig. 12
figure 12

The 102mRh and 102gRh decay scheme

The 103Rh(p,n)103Pd, 103Rh(d,2n)103Pd, 103Rh(p,x)102mRh,102gRh, 103Rh(d,x)102mRh,102gRh production routes were evaluated.

Cross sections for production of 103Pd and 102m,gRh

103Rh(p,n)103Pd reaction

A total of 9 data sets were found in literature: [33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41], which are compared to TENDL evaluations in Fig. 13. The work by Bramblett [36] is to be considered new as it was not included in the previous evaluation.

Fig. 13
figure 13

103Rh(p,n)103Pd reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

The set of Mukhammedov [39] was de-selected because of the differences in shape compared with all other excitation functions just above the threshold energy.

The highest energy point of Albert [34] is outlying and was not considered for the fitting.

It was mentioned in an earlier publication [2] that a systematic difference in cross sections was found depending on if X-lines, or γ-lines were used for the activity measurement. This discrepancy could not be explained by a recent unpublished review of 103Pd decay data although for X-lines absolute intensities are calculated, while γ-ray abundances are measured. For the present report we used cross sections derived from X-ray measurement, except for the datasets of [34, 35, 38] that rely on neutron measurements.

The uncertainty for data of Sudar [41] was increased up to 10% (selected data vs. Padé fit are shown in Fig. 14).

Fig. 14
figure 14

103Rh(p,n)103Pd reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

103Rh(p,x)102m,gRh reaction

For formation of the ground and metastable state of 102Rh by proton induced reactions on 103Rh, the two data sets found in literature were used for fitting: [40, 42]. The data by Tárkányi [42], both for production of 102mRh and 102gRh, are new. All data and the fitted data vs the Padé fit are shown in Figs. 15 and 16, respectively.

Fig. 15
figure 15

103Rh(p,x)102mRh reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 16
figure 16

103Rh(p,x)102mRh reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

103Rh(p,x)102gRh reaction

Two data sets were found in the literature published by [40] and are compared with TENDL evaluations in Fig. 17. Tárkányi 40 data have large uncertainties in the overlapping high energy region and were normalized to Hermanne [42] data by a factor of 0.7 before the fit was undertaken. Corrected data are shown in Fig. 18 versus the Padé fit.

Fig. 17
figure 17

103Rh(p,x)102gRh reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 18
figure 18

103Rh(p,x)102gRh reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

103Rh(d,2n)103Pd reaction

For formation of 103Pd by deuteron induced reactions on 103Rh, the two data sets found in literature were used for fitting: [43,44,45] (Fig. 19). The set of Tárkányi [45] is new and was not considered in the earlier evaluation. The data reported in Ditrói [46] are identical to those in Tárkányi [45] and were excluded from the compilation. In the earlier evaluation the X-ray data were selected. In the last unpublished review of decay data, a small change was made for γ-ray probability. The Tárkányi data [45] relying on γ-measurements are systematically lower than the Hermanne [43, 44] values based on X-ray measurements and were hence multiplied by 1.2 according to ratio shown in case of protons for the 103Rh(p,n)103Pd reaction.

Fig. 19
figure 19

103Rh(d,2n)103Pd reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Hermanne [43, 44] X-ray data and the Tárkányi [45] corrected gamma data were selected and used for fitting as shown in Fig. 20.

Fig. 20
figure 20

103Rh(d,2n)103Pd reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

103Rh(d,x)102mRh,102gRh reactions

A total of 3 data sets were found in literature for formation of the ground and metastable state of 102Rh by deuteron irradiation of 103Rh: [43, 44, 46, 47]. The values reported in Hermanne [47] and Ditrói [46] data are new.

A few low energy points of Ditrói [46] below the threshold were deselected.

The collected and the selected data vs the Padé fit for production of 102mRh are shown in Figs. 21 and 22, and for production of 102gRh in Figs. 23 and 24, respectively.

Fig. 21
figure 21

103Rh(d,x)102mRh reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 22
figure 22

103Rh(d,x)102mRh reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

Fig. 23
figure 23

103Rh(d,x)102gRh reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 24
figure 24

103Rh(d,x)102gRh reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

Integral yields for production of 103Pd, 102mRh and 102gRh

The deduced integral yields for the (p,n) and (d,2n) reactions leading to 103Pd are shown in Fig. 25.

Fig. 25
figure 25

Yields calculated from the recommended cross sections for 103Pd production

Four calculated integral yields of the 103Rh(p,x)102gRh, 103Rh(p,x)102mRh, 103Rh(d,x)102mRh and 103Rh(d,x)102gRh reactions are shown in Fig. 26.

Fig. 26
figure 26

Yield calculated from the recommended cross sections for 103Rh(p,x)102m,gRh and 103Rh(d,x)102m,gRh reactions

114mIn production

The radionuclide 114mIn (T½ = 49.51 d), being a longer-lived analogue of 111In, is of potential interest in Auger and conversion electron therapy for longer lasting therapeutic studies with use of its compounds of appropriately slow kinetics.

The decay scheme and the decay data are shown in Fig. 27 and Table 2.

Fig. 27
figure 27

114mIn decay scheme

Evaluated nuclear reactions

The 114Cd(p,n)114mIn, 114Cd(d,2n)114mIn and 116Cd(p,3n)114mIn reactions were evaluated.

114Cd(p,n)114mIn reaction

A total of 17 data sets were found in literature: [48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62] (Fig. 28). Two sets are new as they were not included in the previous evaluation: Hermanne [57] and Zarubin [62].

Fig. 28
figure 28

114Cd(p,n)114mIn reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Five datasets were de-selected: Zaitseva [55] (obtained on natCd target, shows a systematic shift to the higher energies), Abramovich [53] (refer to sum of metastable + ground state cross sections), Nieckarz [51] (high energy measurements), Mirzaei [56] (data are theoretical results obtained from ALICE code, no experimental data for 114mIn), and Said [59] (measured on enriched target, the large deviation from other sets is probably caused by an unreliable target thickness determination).

The collected and the selected data vs the Padé fit for the 114Cd(p,n)114mIn reaction are shown in Figs. 28 and 29, respectively.

Fig. 29
figure 29

114Cd(p,n)114mIn reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

114Cd(d,2n)114mIn reaction

A total of 5 data sets were found in literature: [56, 63,64,65] (Fig. 30). No new data were found since the last evaluation. The set of Tárkányi [65] was corrected by a factor of 0.9 after re-analysing and using the Cu + d monitor reactions instead of the Fe + d reactions. The data of Mirzaei [56] were deselected. The absolute cross-section values are too small comparing to Tárkányi [65] and to Nassiff [63]. The absolute cross-section values are also too small for the simultaneously measured 111In. Two data points of Nassiff [63] above 17 MeV were deselected.

Fig. 30
figure 30

114Cd(d,2n)114mIn reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

The data measured on natCd target of Tárkányi [60] contains the contribution from the 113Cd(d,n)114mIn reaction. According to the Alice IPPE calculation this contribution can be neglected (estimated 113Cd(d,n)114m+gIn is around 5–10% in the important low energy range, for 114mIn alone is even smaller). No correction was done for this contribution considering that the data measured on 114Cd targets and derived from natCd targets show excellent agreement and the uncertainty on the absolute values is in both cases in the 12–15% range.

As the threshold for 116Cd(d,4n)114In is 19.6 MeV, we used normalized data obtained on natCd up to 20.7 MeV. The collected and the selected data vs the Padé fit for the 114Cd(d,2n)114mIn reaction are shown in Figs. 30 and 31, respectively.

Fig. 31
figure 31

114Cd(d,2n)114mIn reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

116 Cd( p,3n) 114m In reaction

A total of 3 data sets were found in literature: [51, 64, 66]. The sets of Nieckarz [51] and Hermanne [66] are new and were not used in the previous evaluation as shown in Fig. 32. All data were selected and fitted and are shown vs the Padé fit in Fig. 33.

Fig. 32
figure 32

116Cd(p,3n)114mIn reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 33
figure 33

116Cd(p,3n)114mIn reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

114mIn yields

Calculated integral yields of the 114Cd(p,n)114mIn, 114Cd(d,2n)114mIn and 116Cd(p,3n)114mIn reactions are shown in Fig. 34.

Fig. 34
figure 34

Yield calculated from the recommended cross sections for 114Cd(p,n)114mIn, 114Cd(d,2n)114mIn and 116Cd(p,3n)114mIn reactions

125I production

The long-lived iodine isotope 125I (T½ = 59.41 d) is an intense Auger electron emitter. It is commonly used in radio-immunoassay.

The decay scheme and the decay data are shown in Fig. 35 and Table 2.

Fig. 35
figure 35

125I decay scheme

The 125Te(p,n)125I and 124Te(d,n)125I production routes were evaluated.

125Te(p,n)125I reaction

A total of five data sets were found in literature: [67,68,69,70,71] (see Fig. 36).

Fig. 36
figure 36

125Te(p,n)125I reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Three datasets are new and were not used in the previous evaluation [2]: [68,69,70].

The single discrepant data point of Zweit [68] was deselected due to its low cross-section value.

The lowest energy outlying data point of Al-Azony [70] was removed. The selected data and the Padé fit are shown in Fig. 37.

Fig. 37
figure 37

125Te(p,n)125I reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

124 Te( d,n) 125 I reaction

Three data sets measured by Bastian [72] on highly enriched 124Te and by Zaidi [73] and Hermanne [74] on tellurium target with natural isotopic composition were found in literature (Fig. 38). Zaidi [73] and Hermanne [74] data were not considered relevant here due to the low threshold (3.2 MeV) of the contaminating 125Te(d,2n)125I reaction, so those data are not shown in Fig. 38. Selected data are shown vs the Padé fit in Fig. 39.

Fig. 38
figure 38

124Te(d,n)125I reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 39
figure 39

124Te(d,n)125I reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

Integral yields for production of 125I

Calculated integral yields of the 125Te(p,n)125I and 124Te(d, n)125I reactions are shown in Fig. 40.

Fig. 40
figure 40

Yield calculated from the recommended cross sections for 125Te(p,n)125I and 124Te(d,n)125I reactions

169gYb production

169Yb emits a low-energy photon spectrum, evaluated for use in high dose rate brachytherapy.

The decay scheme and the decay data are shown in Fig. 41 and Table 2.

Fig. 41
figure 41

169gYb decay scheme

The 169Tm(p,n)169Yb and 169Tm(d,2n)169Yb reactions were evaluated.

Cross sections for production of 169Yb

169Tm(p,n)169Yb reaction

Four data sets measured by [75,76,77,78] were found in literature. Two of them are new and were not considered in the previous evaluation: [77, 78]. All data sets were selected and compared with TENDL predictions in Fig. 42.

Fig. 42
figure 42

169Tm(p,n)169Yb reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

The data in Spahn [76] were normalized considering the systematic trend of the other selected datasets. Two outlying data points of Birattari [75] near the maximum were excluded from the figure and uncertainties were increased up to 10%. The fitted data versus the Padé fit are shown in Fig. 43.

Fig. 43
figure 43

169Tm(p,n)169Yb reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

169Tm(d,2n)169Yb reaction

A total of four data sets were found in literature: [79,80,81,82,83] and are compared to TENDL libraries in Fig. 44. The results of [80,81,82,83] are new as they were not considered in the earlier evaluation. All data sets were selected for fitting without changes and are shown vs the Padé fit in Fig. 45.

Fig. 44
figure 44

169Tm(d,2n)169Yb reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 45
figure 45

169Tm(d,2n)169Yb reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

Integral yields for production of 169Yb

Calculated integral yields of the 169Tm(p,n)169Yb and 169Tm(d,2n)169Yb reactions are shown in Fig. 46.

Fig. 46
figure 46

Yield calculated from the recommended cross sections for 169Tm(p,n)169Yb and 169Tm(d,2n)169Yb reactions

177gLu production

The ground state of 177Lu is one of the most important novel therapeutic β emitters that also emits low energy gammas for imaging and localization with gamma cameras (a theranostic radioisotope).

The simplified decay scheme and the decay data are shown in Fig. 47 and collected in Table 2.

Fig. 47
figure 47

177Yb, 177mLu and 177gLu decay schemes

The 176Yb(d,p)177Yb- > 177gLu and 176Yb(d,n)177gLu reactions were evaluated.

176Yb(d,p)177Yb reaction

A total of 4 data sets were found in literature for formation of the parent radionuclide 177Yb: [84,85,86,87] and are compared to TENDL evaluations in Fig. 48. The data sets of Tárkányi [85] and Khandaker [87] are new. All data series were selected for fitting and are compared versus the Padé fit in Fig. 49.

Fig. 48
figure 48

176Yb(d,p)177Yb reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 49
figure 49

176Yb(d,p)177Yb reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

176 Yb( d,x) 177g Lu reaction

A total of 5 data sets were found in literature: [84, 85, 87,88,89]. The results by [85,86,87,88] are new as they were published after the earlier evaluation. All available data are compared to TENDL libraries in Fig. 50.

Fig. 50
figure 50

176Yb(d,x)177gLu reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

The data sets of Tarkanyi [85, 86] are deselected as they are significantly different within the uncertainty limits of the three other datasets that agree very well. The selected data are compared with the Padé fit in Fig. 51.

Fig. 51
figure 51

176Yb(d,x)177gLu reaction selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

Integral yields for production of 177Yb and 177gLu

Calculated integral yields of the 176Yb(d,p)177Yb and 176Yb(d,x)177gLu reactions are shown in Fig. 52.

Fig. 52
figure 52

Yield calculated from the recommended cross sections for 176Yb(d,p)177Yb and 176Yb(d,x)177Lu reactions

186gRe production

The radionuclide 186gRe provides both high-abundance β particle emissions to deliver high doses, and low-energy γ-rays suitable for imaging.

The simplified decay scheme and the decay data are presented on Fig. 53 and Table 2.

Fig. 53
figure 53

186m,gRe decay scheme

The 186 W(p,n)186gRe and 186 W(d,2n)186gRe reactions were evaluated.

186 W(p,n)186gRe reaction

A total of 11 data sets were found in literature: [90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102] and are compared with TENDL libraries in Fig. 54.

Fig. 54
figure 54

186 W(p,n)186gRe reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Four sets are new and were reported after the last evaluation: [98,99,100,101].

The reason of large systematic disagreements was not found during detailed investigation of the reported experimental methods and data evaluation methods. Systematic behavior of the excitation functions in the same atomic mass range was also studied. The data by Shigeta [90], Zhang [92], Khandaker [98], and Tarkanyi [94] were deselected as they show too high or too low cross-section values, respectively. Lapi data [97] were normalized at the maximum to get more data points to fit near the maximum. Selected data vs the Padé fit are compared in Fig. 55.

Fig. 55
figure 55

186 W(p,n)186gRe reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

186  W( d,2n) 186g Re reaction

A total of 11 data sets were found in literature: [103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114] which are compared with TENDL evaluations in Fig. 56.

Fig. 56
figure 56

186 W(d,2n)186gRe reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Three datasets are new since the last evaluation: [112,113,114].

Three sets were deselected: Manenti [104] and Duchemin [106] (unusual shape, too high cross-section values) and Alekseev [110] (shifted in energy).

The too low cross-section point at 15.7 MeV of Zhenlan [105] was not taken into account for fitting. The selected data and the Padé fit are shown in Fig. 57.

Fig. 57
figure 57

186 W(d,2n)186gRe reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

Integral yields for production of 186Re

Calculated integral yields of the 186 W(p,n)186gRe and 186 W(d,2n)186gRe reactions are shown in Fig. 58.

Fig. 58
figure 58

Yield calculated from the recommended cross sections for 186 W(p,n)186Re and 186 W(d,2n)186Re reactions

192Ir production

The 192Ir has good decay properties for therapy (high intensity beta radiation and long half-life), but it emits undesirable high-energy gammas difficult for shielding. It is commonly used in brachytherapy. The simplified decay scheme and the decay data are presented in Fig. 59 and Table 2.

Fig. 59.
figure 59

192mIr and 192gIr decay scheme

The reactions 192Os(p,n)192m1+gIr and 192Os(d,2n)192m1+gIr were evaluated.

Cross sections for production of 192m1+gIr

192Os(p,n)192m1+gIr reaction

A total of four data sets were found in literature: [115,116,117,118] and were compared with TENDL evaluations in Fig. 60. The two sets by Szelecsenyi and Hermanne [117, 118] are new since the last evaluation. All data sets were selected and fitted and are compared vs the Padé fit in Fig. 61.

Fig. 60
figure 60

192Os(p,n)192m1+gIr reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 61
figure 61

192Os(p,n)192m1+gIr reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

192Os(d,2n)192m1+gIr reaction

Two experimental data sets were published and compared to TENDL evaluations in Fig. 62. Both datasets were selected for fitting: [119, 120] Fitted data versus the Padé fit are shown in Fig. 63.

Fig. 62
figure 62

192Os(d,2n)192m1+gIr reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 63
figure 63

192Os(d,2n)192m1+gIr reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

The data series of Hermanne [120] is new and was not included into the earlier evaluation.

Integral yields for production of 192m1+gIr

Calculated integral yields of the 192Os(p,n)192m1+gIr and 192Os(d,2n)192m1+gIr reactions are shown in Fig. 64.

Fig. 64
figure 64

Yield calculated from the recommended cross sections for 192Os(p,n)192Ir and 192Os(d,2n)192Ir reactions

211At production

211At is one of the most promising α-particle emitting radionuclides for targeted radionuclide therapy using short penetration, high linear energy transfer and great biological effectiveness of the α-particles. 210At is an impurity that leads to production of radio-toxic 210Po. The decay schemes of 211At and 210At are shown in Figs. 65 and 66 and their decay data are collected in Table 2.

Fig. 65
figure 65

Decay scheme of 211At, 211mPo and 211Po

Fig. 66
figure 66

Decay scheme of 210At and 210Po

The 209Bi(α,2n)211At and 209Bi(α,3n)210At reactions were evaluated.

Cross sections for production of 209Bi(α,2n)211At and 209Bi(α,3n)210At

209Bi(α,2n)211At reaction

A total of seven data sets were found in literature: [121,122,123,124,125,126,127] (in Refs. [126] and [127] two data sets were reported: by direct measurement and through decay of 211Po). Comparison of available data versus TENDL evaluations is shown in Fig. 67. No new data were reported since the last evaluation in [2]. The data by Stickler [124] were deselected, due to significantly lower cross-section values. Fitted data versus the Padé fit are shown in Fig. 68.

Fig. 67
figure 67

209Bi(α,2n)211At reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 68
figure 68

209Bi(α,2n)211At reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

209Bi(α,3n)210At reaction

A total of 13 data sets were found in literature: [121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132] (two data sets were reported in [126, 127]: by direct measurement and through decay of 210Po). Available data are compared with TENDL evaluations in Fig. 69. No new data were published since the last evaluation. The data by Rattan [128] were deselected because they show significantly lower cross-section values, similarly data above 38 MeV of incident α-energy from Rizvi [130] were also deselected due to too low and scattered cross-section values. The selected data were fitted and are compared vs the Padé fit in Fig. 70.

Fig. 69
figure 69

209Bi(α,3n)210At reaction: all experimental data and TENDL predictions

Fig. 70
figure 70

209Bi(α,3n)210At reaction: selected experimental works (with uncertainties) and Padé fit with derived uncertainties (dashed line, right hand scale)

Integral yields for production of 211At and 210At

Calculated integral yields of the 209Bi(α,2n)211At and 209Bi(α,3n)210At reactions are shown in Fig. 71.

Fig. 71
figure 71

Yield calculated from the recommended cross sections for 209Bi(α,2n)211At and 209Bi(α,3n)210At reactions


New evaluations were performed on 25 reactions for production of 67Cu, 103Pd, 102mgRh, 114mIn, 125I, 169Yb, 177gLu, 186Re, 192Ir and 210,211At therapeutic radioisotopes by upgrading the compilations with new experimental data and to get uncertainties of the recommended data. The experimental data were compared with theoretical predictions taken from the TENDL-2017 and TENDL-2019 libraries. A Padé fitting method was applied for the selected evaluated datasets to deduce recommended data and their uncertainties. Based on recommended production data integral yields were calculated. Recommended cross-section data and their uncertainties for production of therapeutic radionuclides are available on the Web page of the IAEA Nuclear Data Section at and also at the IAEA medical portal These data have importance for radionuclide production and can be used to validate nuclear reaction models.