This issue of the Journal of Global Optimization consists of a collection of research papers (see [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) submitted to this special issue after the 14th International Workshop on Global Optimization (LeGO) organized by Leiden University. The LeGO workshop was co-organized by the International Society of Global Optimization and Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science and Mathematical Institute. The local chairs of the event were Michael Emmerich and André Deutz from Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science and Sander Hille from Mathematical Institute. One of the highlights of this workshop was a particular focus on the topic of multiobjective global optimization, and experts from this emerging topic in global optimization were particularly encouraged to send their contribution. Therefore, the conference featured a special track on multiobjective global optimization chaired and organized by Iryna Yevseyeva from De Montfort University, UK. The previous International Workshops on Global Optimization took place since 1985 in: Braga, Portugal, 2016; Málaga, Spain, 2014; Natal, Brazil, 2012; Tolouse, France; 2010; Skukuza, South Africa; 2008; Myconos, Greece, 2007; Almería, Spain, 2005; Santorini, Greece, 2003; Hanmer Springs, New Zealand, 2001; Firenze, Italy, 1999; Szeged, Hungary, 1995; Sopron, Hungary, 1985 and 1990.

The LeGO workshop was a very successful event that has attracted young researchers and brought them together in the program with senior specialists giving rise to discussions on new results and open research questions. The workshop was held in the Snellius building and Poortgebouw of Leiden University, in the historical Dutch university city of Leiden. Seventy participants of the Workshop presented and discussed their research results in the single track sessions. Five distinguished keynote speakers (Professors Sergiy Butenko, Kaisa Miettinen, Panos Pardalos, Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, and Antanas Žilinskas) gave inspiring plenary talks. Proceedings of the workshop edited by Michael T.M. Emmerich, André Deutz, Sander Hille, and Yaroslav D. Sergeyev have been published in 2019 as volume 2070 of AIP Conference Proceedings.

All the papers submitted to this special issue were regularly peer-reviewed. The Guest Editors greatly appreciate the hard work of the reviewers. Special thanks go to the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Optimization Professor Sergiy Butenko and the technical staff of Springer for their valuable support.