The International Symposium on Nano & Supramolecular Chemistry (ISNSC) started in Busan, Korea, in October 2007 and has been held in Bangkok, Bali, Brisbane, Naples, Dresden, and Qingyang (China). This symposium series has become very successful, with approximately 200 to 250 participants from about 30 countries annually. The 12th ISNSC, canceled for three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was successfully resumed on July 23–25, 2023, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The event’s main aim was to promote friendship and share recent scientific findings. The conference was attended by 230 scientists from 22 countries on all continents and featured 60 oral presentations and 93 posters across six sessions (Fig. 1). The event provided an excellent platform for participants to share their research experiences and innovative ideas on various interdisciplinary topics such as supramolecular chemistry, nano-science and technology, catalyst and material science, and engineering. It also offered an opportunity to conduct joint international research. Furthermore, students were given a chance to present their findings orally to a global audience through flash talk opportunities. A special session was held simultaneously to commemorate the late Dr. Jacques Vicens (1945–2020) [1,2,3], who worked at the CNRS (the French National Organization for Scientific Research) from 1981 to 2011.

Fig. 1
figure 1

12th ISNSC on July 23–25, 2023, in Chiang Mai

The 13th ISNSC ( will be held in Sardinia, Italy, on October 6–9, 2024. The event will be organized by Profs. Claudia Caltagirone (University of Cagliari, Italy), Giacomo Picci (University of Cagliari, Italy), and Silvia Marchesan (University of Trieste, Italy). The 14th ISNSC will be held in Santiago, Chile, in 2025 and organized by Profs. Diego Venegas-Yazigi (University of Santiago, Chile) and Véronica Paredes García (Andrés Bello University, Chile). The 15th ISNSC is planned to take place in Bali, Indonesia, in 2026 and will be organized by Drs. Dewi Hastuti (Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia) and Elisabeth Rukmini (Binus University, Indonesia).

We want to extend our sincerest gratitude to the organizing committee and the participants who made the 12th ISNSC an immense success. A special thanks to Thammasat University (Thailand) for their support in preparing the meeting, as well as to all the staff and students who generously contributed to its smooth progress. We would like to thank Springer ( and Thieme ( publishers for their kind sponsorship of awards to encourage young scientists. Additionally, we extend our thanks to all the authors who contributed to this special issue. Lastly, we thank the Journal of Inclusion Phenomena & Macrocyclic Chemistry (JIPH, as well as Prof. Markus Albrecht (Editor-in-Chief of the journal) and Dr. Cansu Kaya (Associate Publisher in Chemistry, Springer Nature) for enabling this special issue to come to fruition.