1 Introduction

The Gale-Shapley algorithm [8] solves a matching problem: it finds a stable matching between two sets of elements given an ordering of preferences for each element. This work spawned a subfield of research, stable matching. The algorithm is of great practical importance: variations of it have been used for matching medical school students and hospital training programs since the 1950s [11] and are used today for matching clients and servers in Akamai’s content delivery network [20]. The textbook by Kleinberg and Tardos [14] presents the problem and the algorithm as the first of five representative algorithm design problems. Shapley and Roth were awarded the 2012 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel “for the theory of stable allocations”. Nevertheless, no formally verified correctness proof of the algorithm can be found in the literature (see Sect. 14).

This paper presents the first formally verified development of a linear-time executable implementation of the Gale-Shapley algorithm (using the proof assistant Isabelle [24, 25]). The formalization is available online [23]. The development of the final algorithm is by stepwise transformation. By accident we discovered a small defect in a proof rule in a well-known program verification textbook [2, 3] that had gone unnoticed for 30 years (see Sect. 9).

2 Problem and Algorithm

We start with the informal presentation of the problem and algorithm by Gusfield and Irving in their well-known monograph [11]. However, our terminology avoids all reference to gender.Footnote 1

There are two disjoint sets A and B with n elements each. Each element has a strictly ordered preference list of all the members of the other set. Element p prefers q to \(q'\) iff q precedes \(q'\) on p’s preference list. The problem is to find a stable matching, i.e. a subset of A \(\times \)B, with the following properties:

  • Every \(a \in \) A is matched with exactly one \(b \in \) B and vice versa.

  • The matching is stable: there are no two elements from opposite sets who would rather be matched with each other than to the elements they are actually matched with.

The Gale-Shapley algorithm (Algorithm 0) is guaranteed to find such a stable matching in \(O(n^2)\) iterations. Moreover, because the \(a \in \) A get to choose, the resulting matching is A-optimal: there is no other stable matching between A and B with the given preferences where some \(a \in \) A does better, i.e. is matched to a \(b \in \) B that a prefers to the computed match.

figure a

3 Isabelle Notation

Isabelle types are built from type variables, e.g. , and (postfix) type constructors, e.g. . The infix function type arrow is . The notation \(t \,{::}\, \tau \) means that term t has type \(\tau \). Isabelle (more precisely Isabelle/HOL, the logic we work in) provides types and of sets and lists of elements of type . They come with the following notations: (the image of set under ), function (conversion from lists to sets), (list with head and tail ), (length of list ), (the th element of starting at 0), and (list where the th element has been replaced by ). Throughout the paper, all numbers are of type , the type of natural numbers.

Data type is also predefined:

figure z

4 Hoare Logic and Stepwise Development

Most of the work in this paper is carried out on the level of imperative programs. The Hoare logic used for this purpose is based on work by Gordon [10] and was added to Isabelle by Nipkow in 1998. Possibly the first published usage was by Mehta and Nipkow [21]. Recently Guttmann and Nipkow added variants, i.e. expressions of type that should decrease with every iteration of a loop. Total correctness Hoare triples have the syntax where and are pre- and post-conditions and is the program. Loops must be annotated with invariants and variants like this:

figure af

The implementation of the Hoare logic comes with a verification condition generator.

We progress from the first to the last algorithm by stepwise transformation. In each step we restate the full modified algorithm, which is not an issue for algorithms of 15–20 lines. Readjusting the proofs to a modified algorithm is reasonably easy: the proofs of the verification conditions are all relatively short (about 60 lines per algorithm), they are structured and readable [26, 27], and our transformation steps are small. Most importantly, the key steps in the proofs are formulated as separate lemmas that are reused multiple times. For example, we may have an algorithm with some set variable , prove some lemma about , refine the algorithm by replacing by a list variable , and reuse the very same lemma with instantiated by .

Although this methodology is inspired by stepwise refinement, in particular data refinement, we avoid the word refinement because it suggests a modular development. Instead we speak of stepwise transformation or development and of data concretisation.

This methodology is not intended for the development of large algorithms but for small intricate ones. I can confidently say that it worked well for Gale-Shapley: I spent most of my time on the core proofs and very little on copy-paste-modify. Structured proofs helped to localize the effect of most changes. The problems of code duplication in programming do not arise because the theorem prover keeps you honest.

It should be mentioned that there is a refinement framework in Isabelle [18] and it would be interesting to see how the development of Gale-Shapley plays out in it.

5 Formalization of the Stable Matching Problem

We do not refer to the actual sets A and B and their elements directly but only to their indices \(0,\dots ,n-1\). We use mnemonic names like and to indicate which of the two sets these indices range over. We speak of ’s and ’s to mean sets of indices. By we abbreviate the set of all .

We fix the following variables:

  • The cardinality

  • The preference lists , . For each , is the preference list of , i.e. a list of all b’s in decreasing order of preference. Dually for . We assume that the preference lists have the right lengths and are permutations of :

    These properties are used implicitly in proofs we discuss.

It is important to emphasize that although we model everything in terms of lists, in a last step these lists will be implemented as arrays to obtain constant time access to each element.

The notation means that occurs before (meaning is preferred to ) in the preference list :

figure bg

The algorithm tries to match each first with , then with etc. Thus we do not record ’s current match but we record the , and increment every time a match has to be undone. A list (of length ) will record the index for the current match of each . The actual match is and we define

figure bv

Note that unless the algorithm has really matched and , then is merely the current top choice of .

In the sequel, will always represent such a list of indices into the preference lists. The predicate expresses that associates every with some :

figure cf

This means that is a function from to .

To improve readability we introduce the following suggestive notation:

figure cj

where .

5.1 Stable Matchings

We are looking at the special case of bipartite matching where every and are connected. A matching on is an injective function from M to .

figure cp

The predicate means that is injective on .

We want a stable matching, i.e. one where there are no “unstable” matches and such that prefers b’ to and b’ prefers to a’:

figure cy

We will not just show that the Gale-Shapley algorithm finds a stable matching but also that this matching is A-optimal, i.e. there is no stable matching where some can do better:

figure da

The dual property is B-pessimality, i.e. no can do worse:

figure dc

Unsurprisingly, it is easy to prove that any A-optimal is -pessimal:

figure df

5.2 Stepwise Development

The following points remain unchanged throughout the development process:

  • The matchings are recorded as a variable as described above. How it is recorded if some has been matched to or not changes during the development process.

  • The precondition always assumes , where is a list of ’s. That is, all ’s start at the beginning of their preference list. Making this assumption a precondition avoids a trivial initialization loop. We will frequently deal with initializations like this.

  • The postcondition is always

6 Algorithm 1

Algorithm 1 follows the informal algorithm by Gusfield and Irving [11] quite closely. Variable records the set of ’s that have been matched. Initially no has been matched.

figure ds

At the beginning of each iteration an unmatched is picked via Hilbert’s choice operator: is some that satisfies . If there is no such , we cannot deduce anything (nontrivial) about . However, we only use the choice operator in cases where there is a suitable . If there are multiple , will return an arbitrary fixed one. Although the choice is deterministic, our proofs work by merely assuming that some suitable has been picked and thus the algorithm would work just as well with a nondeterministic choice. In the end, the exact nature of is irrelevant: only the first two programs use , it is transformed away afterwards.

The term ( ) expresses the inverse of applied to .

In each iteration, one of three possible basic actions is performed, where is unmatched and :

  • match (line 5): was unmatched; now is matched (to ).

  • swap (line 8): was matched to some but prefers to ; now is unmatched and moves to the next element on its preference list and is matched (to )

  • next (line 9): was matched to some and prefers to ; now moves to the next element on its preference list.

We will now detail the correctness proof, first of the invariant, then of the variant.

6.1 The Invariant

figure fb

The predicate says that if prefers to its match then is matched to some a’ who prefers to . This is the invariant way of expressing this more operational or temporal property used by Knuth [16] (adapted):

figure fj

An alternative formulation of is based directly on the indices below :

figure fm

where is the prefix version of the infix !. Both predicates are equivalent

figure fo

and we use whichever is more convenient in a given situation.

The invariant can be seen as a generalization of the postcondition. The missing link is this lemma from which it follows directly that the invariant together with implies the postcondition:

Lemma 1


By contradiction. Assume there are , , such that and . Assumption implies that there is an such that and . Injectivity of on implies and thus we have both and , a contradiction. \(\square \)

The precondition is easily seen to establish the invariant.

6.2 Preservation of the Invariant

We need to show that is preserved by the basic actions match, swap and next. For match this is easy and we concentrate on swap and next. We present the proofs bottom up, starting with the key supporting lemmas.

We begin by showing that is preserved. Both swap and next increment some where and (swap: instead of ). We need to show that the result is still . This is the corresponding lemma:

Lemma 2


By contradiction. If , then (by assumptions). Moreover because . Thus and hence . This is a contradiction because implies . \(\square \)

The following lemma (proof omitted) shows that is preserved by swap and next:

Lemma 3

The following three lemmas (of which the first one is straightforward) express that is preserved by the three basic actions match, swap and next.

Lemma 4

Lemma 5


Preservation of follows from Lemma 2, preservation of injectivity is straightforward and preservation of follows from Lemma 3. It remains to prove where and :

figure hh

where we have already replaced by because implies . Now we distinguish if or not.

If then and we have to show

figure hp

If , yields a witness . It remains to show that there is also a witness . This follows in the critical case because does the job: and imply because .

If then . If the claim follows from . The fact that any witness is also in follows because would imply , a contradiction. If then is a suitable witness. \(\square \)

Lemma 6

The proof is similar to the one of the preceding lemma, but simpler.

6.3 The Variants

Our variants (see Sect. 4) are of the form where counts the number of iterations and is some upper bound. It will follow trivially from our definitions of that it increases with every iteration. Thus decreases if the invariant and the loop condition imply ; the latter is required because subtraction on stops at 0.

The term is clearly an upper bound of the number of iterations. If the loop body executes in constant time, we can conclude that the loop has complexity .

6.3.1 A Simple Variant

Examining the loop body of Algorithm 1 we see that with each iteration either increases (action match) or it stays the same and one (where ) increases (actions swap and next). Thus is . Because is bounded by and we will prove that every (where ) is bounded by , there is an obvious upper bound of . A possible variant is given by the following function of and :

figure ji

The following easy properties show that is decreased by all three basic actions:

figure jk

This is the variant that Hamid and Castleberry [13] work with, except that they do not have but increment A ! a where we add to . However, we can do better.

6.3.2 The Precise Variant

Knuth [16] improves the bound to based on this exercise:

figure jq

Gusfield and Irving [11] argue that this bound follows because “the algorithm terminates when the last is matched for the first time”. We will now give a formal proof that is more in line with Knuth’s text and does not require the temporal “first” and “last”.

Knuth’s exercise amounts to the following proposition: there is at most one unmatched that is down to its last preference.

Corollary 1

This is a corollary to the following lemma: if an unmatched has arrived at the end of its preference list, then all other ’s are matched.

Lemma 7


From it follows that and thus is injective on and thus in particular on (because ). Hence (1). Assumption implies (2). From and it follows that (3). Combining (1), (2) and (3) yields and thus . \(\square \)

Now we can prove the key upper bound for :

Lemma 8


From Lemma 2 we have . We distinguish two cases. If there is an such that and then, because there is at most one such (by Corollary 1), it follows that and thus . If there is no such , then and thus . \(\square \)

The assumptions of Lemma 8 imply and hence

figure lc

Thus the following definition of var makes sense:

figure ld

The following easy properties (except that one has to be careful about subtraction) show that is decreased by all three basic actions. The invariant together with implies the assumptions of Lemma 8 which imply

figure lg

7 Algorithm 2

Algorithm 2 is the result of a data concretisation step: the set of matched ’s is replaced by a list of unmatched ’s. Thus the abstraction function from lists to sets is . (Note that formally it is only an abstraction function if the -choice is nondeterministic.) The program treats the list like a stack: functions and return the head and the tail of the stack. In addition to the invariant we also need the well-formedness of :

figure lu

Thus the complete invariant is .

figure lw

To exemplify our stepwise development approach we consider preservation of the invariant by the basic action match (line 6) where abbreviates . That is, we assume , , and . Thus for some , and (using ). Now Lemma 4 applies and we conclude which implies , which is what we actually need to show. In summary, the translation between the two state spaces requires some bridging properties, but then we can apply the abstract lemmas.

From now on, we do not present correctness lemmas or proofs anymore but only annotated programs because the annotations are the key. Of course we still present all variants, invariants and non-trivial auxiliary definitions.

8 Algorithm 3

This data concretisation step addresses the issue that the algorithm needs to find out if the prospective match of some is already matched and to whom. Algorithm 3 records the inverse of as a variable . Eventually will be implemented by arrays. We call a function a map. Maps come with an update notation:

figure mt
figure mu

Function inverts : . The notation denotes the list .

The new variable requires its own invariant:

figure nb

where . In a nutshell, is the inverse of . Preservation of by all three basic actions is a one-liner.

9 Algorithm 4

In this step we eliminate the list . The resulting algorithm is (more or less) the one that Knuth [16] analyzes. The main idea: with each basic action, either the top of changes or it is popped. Thus we don’t need to record all of but only how far we have popped it. The new variable does just that. It starts with and is incremented after each match step. This can also be viewed as a data concretisation: and represent .

Instead of one we now have two loops. In the inner loop, swap and match actions are performed, followed by a single match action. That is, is initialized with and the inner loop tries to find an unmatched for , possibly unmatching some in the process.

figure nt

The invariants and are unchanged, and the set of matched ’s is simply . In the inner loop, because we are looking for a match for .

The outer variant is . Note that the syntax permits us to remember that value of the outer variant in an auxiliary variable, here . The point is that we need to show that the outer variant is not incremented by the inner loop. Hence we remember its value in and add the invariant . Although Isabelle’s Hoare logic formalization goes back more than 20 years, it was only recently extended with variants for total correctness (by Walter Guttmann). In the process of verifying the Gale-Shapely algorithm Nipkow noticed that invariants need to refer to variants and generalized Guttmann’s extension. He also noticed that the account in the textbook by De Boer et al. [2] (which has not changed from the “first edition” [3]) is incomplete, which the authors confirmed (private communication). Their definition of valid proof outlines (programs annotated with (in)variants) [2, Definition 3.8] does not allow inner invariants to refer to outer variants: replacing \(S^{**}\) by S in the side condition for z fixes the problem.

Finally we consider the inner variant:

figure of

To show that decreases when (or ) are incremented we consider one loop iteration with initial value and final value . Note that because the invariant again holds for , Lemma 8 implies that .

figure on

The initial value of is . Because the outer loop does not modify , is an upper bound on the total number of iterations of the inner loop, i.e. the number of swap and next actions. To this we must add the exactly match actions of the outer loop to arrive at an upper bound of actions, just like before.

10 Algorithm 5

In this step we implement by two lists (think arrays): records which ’s have been matched with some and says which . This is expressed by the following abstraction function:

figure pd
figure pe

At this point it is helpful to introduce names for the two invariants:

figure pf

11 Algorithm 6

In this step we implement the inefficient test . Instead of finding the index of and in the list we replace by a list of lists that map ’s to their index, i.e. their rank in the preference lists. From we construct the new data structure as where

figure pp

If the list update operation is constant-time (which it will be with arrays), is a linear-time algorithm and thus can be computed in time . A more intuitive but less efficient definition of is

figure pu

The two definitions coincide if .

In Algorithm 6, the only operations used are arithmetic, list indexing and pointwise list update . If we implement the latter with constant-time operations on arrays (as we will, in the next section), each assignment and each test takes constant time. Thus the overall execution time of the algorithm is proportional to the number of executed tests and assignments. Clearly the outer loop, without the inner one, takes time O(n). As analyzed in the previous section, the inner loop body is executed at most times. Thus the overall complexity of the algorithm is \(O(n) + O(n^2) = O(n^2)\). Because the input, and , is also of size we have a linear-time algorithm.

figure qc

12 Algorithm 7

In a final step (on the imperative level) we implement lists by arrays. The basis is Lammich’s and Lochbihler’s Collections library [17, 19] that offers imperative implementations of arrays with a purely functional, list-like interface specification. The basic idea is due to Baker [4, 5] and guarantees constant time access to arrays provided they are used in a linear manner (i.e. no access to old versions), which our arrays obviously are, because the programming language is imperative.

Algorithm 7 is not displayed because it is Algorithm 6 with replaced by , replaced by "array_set xs i x" and replaced by , where (below: ), (below: ) and (below: ) are defined in the Collections library. Correctness of this data concretisation step is proved via the abstraction function and refinement lemmas like .

This is our final imperative algorithm. It has linear complexity, as explained in the previous section. Although the programming language has a semantics that can in principle be executed, Isabelle provides no support for that. Therefore we now recast the last imperative algorithm as recursive functions in Isabelle’s logic, which can be executed in Isabelle [1] or exported to standard functional languages [12].

13 Algorithm 8, Functional Implementation

figure qq

We translate the imperative code directly into two functions and (Algorithm 8) using the combinator

figure qt

from the Isabelle library [22]. It comes with the recursion equation

figure qu

for execution and a Hoare-like proof rule (not shown) for total correctness involving a wellfounded relation on the state space. With its help and the lemmas used in the proof of Algorithm 7 we can show the main correctness theorem: computes a stable matching that is A-optimal:

figure qw

where converts from lists to arrays and converts into in array-form, i.e. behaves like , but on arrays. Both , (which are straightforward and not shown) are linear-time functions. Thus the conversion from lists to arrays does not influence the time and space complexity of the algorithm. The complexity is still because all basic operations are constant-time and the wellfounded relations used in the total-correctness proofs are defined directly in terms of the variants of the imperative Algorithms  (and hence 7).

So far we have worked in the context of the assumptions on and stated at the beginning of Sect. 5. In a final step, to obtain unconditional code equations for the implementation, we move out of that context. The top-level Gale-Shapley function checks well-formedness of the input explicitly by calling predicate before calling :

figure rm

where selects the first component of a tuple. Function is executable but not linear-time because it operates on lists. It would be simple to convert it to a linear-time function on arrays, but because it is just boiler-plate and not part of the actual Gale-Shapley algorithm we ignore that.

The correctness theorem for follows directly from the one for :

figure rr

14 Related Work

Most proofs about stable matching algorithms, starting with Gale and Shapley, omit formal treatments of the requisite assertions. However, there are noteworthy exceptions.

Hamid and Castleberry [13] were the first to subject the Gale-Shapley algorithm to a proof assistant treatment (in Coq). They present an implementation (and termination proof) of the Gale-Shapley algorithm and an executable checker for stability but no proof that the algorithm always returns a stable matching. They do not comment on the complexity of their algorithm, but it is not linear, not just because they do not refine it down to arrays, but also because of other inefficiencies. Nor do they consider optimality.

Gammie [9] mechanizes (in Isabelle) proofs of several results from the matching-with-contracts literature, which generalize those of the classical stable marriage scenarios. Along the way he also develops executable algorithms for computing optimal stable matches. The complexity of these algorithms is not analyzed (and not clear even to the author, but not linear). The focus is on game theoretic issues, not algorithm development.

Probably the first reasonably precise analysis of the algorithm is by Knuth [15, 16, Lecture 2]. His starting point is akin to our Algorithm 4, except that at this point he is not precise about the representation of data structures and the operations on them. Moreover, his assertions are a mixture of purely state-based ones and temporal ones (e.g. “has rejected”) and the proof is not expressed in some fixed program logic. In a later chapter [15, 16, Lecture 6] he shows an array-based implementation and relates it informally to the algorithm from Lecture 2.

Bijlsma [6], in Dijkstra’s tradition and notation [7], derives in a completely formal (but not machine-checked) manner an algorithm very close to our Algorithm 7. The main difference is that he starts from a specification and we start from an algorithm. Thus his and our development steps are largely incomparable. He does not consider optimality.

15 Conclusion and Further Work

We have seen a step by step development of an efficient implementation of the Gale-Shapley algorithm. It is desirable to cover more of the algorithmic content of the stable matching area. A good starting point are the further problems covered by Gusfield and Irving [11], e.g. the hospitals/residents problem (where m doctors are matched with n hospitals with a fixed capacity) and the stable roommates problem (where 2n people are matched with one another into pairs). A second avenue for further work is the development of efficient code from the abstract fixpoint-based algorithm for matching-with-contracts that was formalized by Gammie [9].