
Open innovation has ushered in an era often likened to “mass entrepreneurship and innovation,” catalyzing unparalleled creativity and problem-solving (Clapp et al., 2016; Chatterji et al., 2014; Basadur & Hausdorf, 1996). This paradigm shift can be compared to kernels of popcorn bursting forth across the landscape, signifying innovation sprouting everywhere (Li, 2020; Asheim et al., 2007). In this vibrant landscape, the “maker” concept has assumed a central role, weaving various tenets of open innovation into a dynamic community.

The term “maker” encapsulates two core principles: a passion for technology and a dedication to transforming ideas into tangible realities (Halverson & Sheridan, 2014; Martinez & Stager, 2013). These principles encompass the fundamental aspects of innovation, hands-on practice, and collaborative sharing, which lie at the heart of the maker movement. While individuals within this movement possess diverse interests and skills, they all share a common enthusiasm for fostering innovation and nurturing creativity. The maker movement has earned global recognition for promoting innovation, open knowledge sharing, experiential learning, and the pursuit of an enhanced quality of life. Rooted in the do-it-yourself (DIY) and hacker cultures of Europe and America, this movement has evolved to encompass cutting-edge technologies such as information technology, open-source software, and innovative tools (Liu et al., 2021; Lindtner, 2015). Enabled by the internet, 3D printing, and other modern technologies, the maker movement has the power to materialize imaginative concepts into tangible products.

The global phenomenon of Maker Faire, a celebration of creativity, has served as an inspiring force, igniting the imagination of people worldwide. Furthermore, governments have recognized the significance of the maker movement, offering support through specialized initiatives and policies (Tabarés & Boni, 2023; Hepp, 2020). In China, the DIY trend has thrived since the 1980s, spanning diverse domains, including furniture craftsmanship and personal computer assembly, known as “building your PC” (Wen et al., 2022; Williamson, 2016; Lazonick, 2004). Over time, passionate individuals have underscored the value of hands-on creativity, assuming pivotal roles in a culture of exploration and innovation.

This paper explores the transformative period, investigating the intersection of open innovation and maker culture as we approach an era filled with remarkable possibilities. To guide our inquiry, we have formulated the following research questions:

  • How does open innovation manifest within the context of maker culture?

  • What factors contribute to innovation and creativity in this context?

  • In collaborative efforts between American and Chinese stakeholders, how do they influence the outcomes in this maker culture context?

Background and literature review

The essence of this study relies on an interconnected web of concepts that form the framework for investigating open innovation within the domain of Maker Education and its impact on creative problem-solving. Comprehending the fundamental principles of these concepts is crucial to grasping the theoretical underpinning of this research.

Maker education

The maker movement and education merge to reshape our perception of learning. This new educational approach, termed maker education, encompasses two core objectives: promoting innovation and creativity while developing essential skills, particularly in young learners (Weng et al., 2022; Peppler & Bender, 2013).

At the heart of maker education lies the concept of “learning by doing,” where learners employ a range of tools, both technical and non-technical, to acquire knowledge (Anzai & Simon, 1979). This methodology equips makers with teamwork skills, encourages innovative thinking, fosters critical analysis, and enhances their professional capabilities. It also prepares them to adapt to future societal and career challenges (Kolb et al., 2014). Maker education underscores collaborative work, knowledge sharing, and integration of advanced technologies. Over time, it has evolved into a means of promoting innovation across various subject areas. Makers actively participate in their learning, reflecting the ideas of philosophers like Dewey, who emphasized learning through experience and linking theory with practice (Miettinen, 2000; Deans, 1999).

These educational concepts also resonate with Chinese philosopher Xingzhi Tao’s life education theory, highlighting the connection between life and education (Yao, 2002). Tao’s ideas, like Dewey’s, emphasize real-world engagement and the concept of “learning by doing.” They also align with the Situated Learning theory, which asserts that learning is most effective in real-life contexts (Korthagen, 2010). The combination of maker education, Dewey’s philosophy, Tao’s life education theory, and Situated Learning theory underscores the importance of experiential learning in authentic settings. By adhering to the “learning by doing” principle, maker education equips learners with a comprehensive skill set, preparing them for the complexities of the real-world.

Human-computer interaction (HCI)

In maker education, HCI is crucial in connecting learners with the ever-expanding new technologies. As technology increases, HCI empowers learners to navigate this evolving landscape confidently and creatively (Chen et al., 2023; Li et al., 2022). HCI goes beyond mere technology usage; it facilitates active interaction and participation in shaping technological development.

The integration of HCI within maker education underscores the significance of hands-on experience with emerging technologies. It enables makers to gain profound insights into the design and functionalities of technology through direct engagement with modern tools (Jiang et al., 2021; Tan et al., 2020). HCI not only imparts knowledge of how things operate but also fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are indispensable for adapting to and harnessing ongoing digital transformations.

When makers incorporate HCI into their maker education journey, they go beyond passive technology learning. They embark on an exciting voyage of exploration and creativity. HCI encourages them to become more than mere technology consumers; it empowers them as individuals capable of influencing technological development and change (van Mechelen et al., 2023). By integrating Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with maker education, we are equipping individuals not only with proficiency in new technologies but also with the capability to use these advancements to drive a wave of innovation and significant positive change.

Design-driven innovation (DDI)

DDI acts as a transformative force in maker education, igniting creativity by placing a strong emphasis on user experience and psychology-driven interaction design. Integrating DDI into maker education aligns with the core principles of nurturing creative thinking and active engagement in the creation process (Al Mahmud & Soysa, 2020; Dym et al., 2005). However, DDI’s influence extends beyond the mere construction of physical prototypes; it embodies the philosophy of user-centered design, prompting learners to dive into understanding user needs, desires, and psychological aspects.

In the context of maker education, DDI encourages makers to dive into the psychology-related dimensions of design, emphasizing empathy and a user-centered approach. As they immerse themselves in their projects, makers develop the ability to discern how users interact with products and the emotional responses these interactions elicit (Liu et al., 2023; Kalogiannakis et al., 2021; Desmet & Fokkinga, 2020). This heightened awareness improves their design skills and fosters a deep understanding of the complex relationship between design, human psychology, and user experience.

DDI, when intertwined with maker education, empowers learners to transcend superficial solutions and encourages them to tackle the multifaceted challenges of crafting meaningful and impactful solutions (Yang et al., 2022; Koelle et al., 2019). This approach fosters creativity, innovation, and a profound sense of responsibility in shaping products that have the potential to influence people’s lives positively. The seamless integration of design thinking and DDI principles with the broader objectives of maker education helps nurture versatile problem solvers who excel in innovative thinking and embody the essence of creating genuine impact. This harmonious synergy lays the groundwork for a future defined by inventive thinking, practical functionality, and an unwavering commitment to crafting purposeful solutions, all in alignment with the fundamental principles of maker education.

Cross-cultural perspectives (CCP)

In maker education, integrating CCP holds significant importance, particularly when considering the collaboration between China and the United States. These two culturally rich regions bring diverse perspectives, values, and traditions (Xu et al., 2023; Yu et al., 2021). Delving into the collaborative process, CCP emerges as a framework to explore how distinct cultural backgrounds contribute to innovation and creativity (Westwood & Low, 2003). This dynamic exchange fosters a spectrum of creative solutions as the unique viewpoints from each culture converge to address various challenges. Through this vibrant interaction, CCP promotes a profound appreciation of the distinct characteristics of each culture, setting the stage for a global dialogue that aligns seamlessly with maker education, guiding the path toward a future created collaboratively and enriched by cultural diversity.

The landscape of China-U.S. collaboration

In the past decade, the educational partnership between China and the United States has followed a promising trajectory. Since 1992, as bilateral relations improved, there has been increased dialogue and foundational work to promote collaboration (Wang & Beasley, 2014). This encompassed official visits, discussions among educational institutions, and agreements on diverse projects to advance education.

However, the sudden global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with some resistance to international engagement, has significantly reshaped how countries collaborate in education. This has made it challenging for the United States and China to continue sharing their respective cultures. Consequently, it is essential to reevaluate and enhance education to facilitate cross-border communication and cooperation. This necessitates thorough examination and research, underscoring the urgent need for improved educational collaboration.

On September 28, 2017, China and the United States engaged in their first comprehensive discussions on social and cultural matters in Washington, D.C. During this meeting, they emphasized the appropriateness of young people from both countries collaborating on new ideas and entrepreneurial ventures. This step signifies their mutual commitment to working together in ways that promote interpersonal connections, reflecting positively on their educational efforts over the past decade. This dedication to educational collaboration is expected to inject new vitality into their joint initiatives. By working together more robustly and steadily, they can overcome current challenges, further cementing their collaborative educational pursuits.

Decade of the China-U.S. young maker competition

The China-U.S. Young Maker Competition, established by China’s Ministry of Education and guided by the China Scholarship Council, has evolved into a vibrant platform for cross-cultural collaboration and innovation over a decade. Since its inception in 2014, it has engaged over 60,000 participants who have crafted over 15,000 creations. This significant international event, designed to unite young individuals from both nations, foster a maker spirit, and address challenges, has become a cornerstone of innovation in numerous cities and universities in China and the United States, catalyzing novel ideas, businesses, and advancements in innovative thinking, technology, and emerging industries. With the overarching theme of “co-making the future,” the competition spotlights the interdependence of human destinies, focusing on addressing “climate change and sustainable development.” It seeks inventive solutions across various domains, including resilient communities, environmental education, low-carbon initiatives, food systems, crisis management, health and well-being, clean energy, green transportation, and the circular economy, by interweaving forward-thinking concepts like HCI, DDI, and CCP, the competition endeavors to nurture pioneering creations that encapsulate societal significance and industrial value. As this chapter of the competition’s history comes to a close, it stands as a beacon of transnational collaboration and creativity, ready to inspire a new generation of innovators. These future leaders are set to shape a world marked by advanced intelligence, sustainability, and deep mutual understanding.

Methodology, data collection, and analysis

Research approach

In this study, we adopted a qualitative research approach (Sanders & Stappers, 2012). Our choice of a qualitative methodology was informed by our extensive involvement with the competition as judges and mentors, providing us with a unique and in-depth perspective. The qualitative approach was chosen to dive into the detailed aspects of participant experiences and the complex interaction between open innovation and maker culture.

Authors’ dual roles as judges and coaches

Our dual roles as evaluators and guides offer a multifaceted perspective on the competition. As judges, we conducted meticulous assessments of a diverse range of prototypes, critically evaluating contestants’ levels of innovation, creativity, and adaptability. In our coaching roles, we guided participating teams, delving into their thought processes and gaining insights into the challenges and opportunities they encountered during project development. This dual perspective allowed us to comprehensively grasp the outcomes and the creative journeys leading to them.

Data collection techniques

The data collection included a variety of methods spanning different phases of the competition:

  • Direct Observations: We actively observed team interactions, decision-making processes, and creative methodologies during the competition. These observations were made at various stages of the competition, including initial ideation, prototyping, and presentation, providing us with real-time insights into the participants’ activities, collaborations, and decision-making processes. The data collected through direct observations included detailed field notes, participant interactions, and observed challenges. We accumulated approximately 250 pages of data through direct observations, amassing extensive field notes and a rich set of observations.

  • Personal Notes and Reflections: Throughout the competition, we maintained meticulous records and reflective notes. These notes included initial observations, ongoing developments, and concluding reflections. They served as an evolving record of our perspectives during the competition and offered a detailed account of our experiences and insights. We generated over 80 pages of personal notes and reflections, providing a substantial dataset for analysis.

  • Feedback and Discussions: Post-competition conversations, feedback sessions, and informal interactions with participants were key sources of information. These interactions provided deeper context regarding the reasoning behind design choices, encountered challenges, and takeaways from the competition. These discussions ranged from the design process and innovation challenges to cultural exchange and interdisciplinary collaboration. This rich source of information added depth to our understanding of the competition and enriched our insights. Feedback sessions and discussions generated substantial qualitative data, encompassing participants’ perspectives, experiences, and insights. We collected extensive feedback and discussion transcripts, amounting to over 50,000 words of text.

Qualitative analysis techniques

The data collected underwent a systematic thematic analysis to uncover recurring patterns, unique insights, and overarching narratives (Braun & Clarke, 2023). Our approach involved the following stages:

  • Coding: Initially, we categorized the data into broad segments to facilitate organization and analysis. This initial coding allowed us to manage the substantial volume of data collected during the competition, covering a range of themes and topics.

  • Thematic Identification: Subsequent examination of these initial codes allowed us to identify recurring themes and trends across multiple observations. This process unveiled the underlying patterns that shaped the competition’s evolution. These themes included collaboration, innovation, cultural exchange, pedagogical approaches, and more.

  • Narrative Construction: After identifying these themes, we crafted a cohesive narrative weaving diverse insights, observations, and reflections. This narrative chronicles the competition’s comprehensive journey over the past decade, providing readers with a rich and contextually grounded understanding of the competition’s dynamics and evolution.

The data collection methods were extensive and comprehensive, covering various aspects of the competition, from direct observations during the event to post-competition feedback and discussions. This approach ensures the study is grounded in rich, contextually relevant data, offering readers a comprehensive view of the competition’s evolution and impact. We collected data continuously throughout the competition, amassing a substantial qualitative dataset that forms the foundation of our analysis and insights. The extensive dataset collected through these methods underpins our comprehensive analysis and insights into the competition.

Maker prototypes: timeless examples spanning the decade

Figure 1 presents a comprehensive visualization of empirical data spanning 2014 to 2023, categorizing nine primary prototype categories within the China-U.S. Young Maker Competition. Each line in the figure represents the evolution and prevalence of a specific category, ranging from resilient communities to clean energy innovations. This chart is more than a mere factual overview; it serves as a foundational element in our analysis, providing an essential context for understanding the changing dynamics in maker education and the role of international collaboration in fostering innovation.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A comprehensive analysis of prototype categories from 2014 to 2023. The data points reflect changes in each category over time

In the subsequent sections, we explore deeper into a curated selection of prize-winning projects that have not only achieved recognition but also significantly influenced the trajectory of the competition over the past ten years. These examples were meticulously chosen to encapsulate the core principles and enduring impact of the competition. They stand out for their groundbreaking ideas, sophisticated design thinking, and deep-rooted appreciation of diverse cultural perspectives. These projects are emblematic of the participants’ extraordinary talents and enthusiasm, and they vividly illustrate the distinctive blend of creative ingenuity and futuristic vision that has become synonymous with the competition.

Our detailed exploration of these projects aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the competition’s diverse dimensions. The recognition and accolades received by these examples underscore their significant contributions to the global maker culture. Furthermore, these case studies offer valuable lessons for the advancement of maker education, HCI, DDI, and CCP. The insights garnered from these projects are instrumental in shaping our understanding of the competition’s influence and are discussed in greater detail in the following sections.

Cosmic octave box

The prototype exemplifies the innovative spirit of the competition. Addressing the urgent issue of climate change, this project uniquely blends climate science with music, creating an educational tool that resonates both emotionally and intellectually with users (see Fig. 2). The prototype’s dual-component design—a space module for data collection and a terrestrial device for musical transformation—makes complex climate data accessible and engaging. By converting environmental variables like wind speeds and temperatures into music, the prototype provides a novel approach to understanding and communicating climate science.

Significantly, this project demonstrates the power of interdisciplinary collaboration, a core tenet of the competition. It combines advanced sensing technology, satellite communication, and machine learning algorithms to create a harmonious blend of science and art. This interdisciplinary approach not only showcases the technical prowess and creativity of the makers but also highlights the competition’s role in fostering international collaboration by merging diverse fields and perspectives.

This prototype has immense potential for educational impact. By targeting schools and educational institutions, it aims to elevate climate awareness among students and spark discussions about sustainable living. Its expansion plans, involving partnerships with academic bodies and the creation of a diverse sound library, indicate a forward-thinking approach to education. This prototype serves as an illustrative example of how maker projects can influence maker education by promoting experiential learning and cross-disciplinary engagement, embodying the competition’s ethos of innovative, impactful, and collaborative making.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The concept design and prototype of the cosmic octave box


The prototype is a trailblazing metaverse platform tailored to promote low-carbon living, aligning with the competition’s emphasis on sustainable solutions. This custom-built social platform, emerging in response to the critical need for sustainable lifestyles, exemplifies the innovative spirit of the competition by tackling the complex challenge of carbon offsetting and eco-friendly decision-making (see Fig. 3). What sets the prototype apart is its sophisticated integration of data analytics to track and reward users’ eco-friendly actions. By creating personalized carbon accounts, the platform not only incentivizes sustainable behavior but also confronts the technical intricacies of precise carbon accounting. This feature underscores the project’s commitment to real-world impact, a key criterion in the competition.

Further, its use of augmented reality to foster social interactions within an environmentally focused platform reflects a unique blend of technology and sustainability. This approach is indicative of the competition’s goal to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and to push the boundaries of what maker projects can achieve in terms of user engagement and environmental awareness.

Looking ahead, its development trajectory aims to refine its carbon accounting mechanisms and expand its virtual offerings. This forward-thinking approach resonates with the competition’s vision of nurturing projects that are not only technologically advanced but also socially and environmentally responsible. The prototype serves as a model project in maker education, illustrating how innovative thinking and collaborative efforts can lead to solutions that benefit both individuals and the planet.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The concept design of the Environ

EyeLove robot

The prototype is presented as a response to the critical issue of increasing myopia rates among primary school students in China, an issue that aligns well with the competition’s focus on health and technology. This prototype represents an innovative approach to vision care, combining advanced technology and interactive features to ensure more effective and engaging eye health management in schools (see Fig. 4). The prototype utilizes cutting-edge components such as a Rockchip chip-controlled mobile unit for movement and a Raspberry Pi-controlled display for eye tests. These elements facilitate interactive and frequent vision care, making the process more engaging for students. By projecting interactive eye-care exercises onto classroom screens, the robot not only enhances student participation but also integrates seamlessly into the educational environment.

Moreover, the robot’s design demonstrates the value of integrating hardware and software innovations in addressing health concerns. The Raspberry Pi’s functionalities enable real-time vision tests and interactive exercises, while the mobility provided by the Rockchip chip ensures adaptability to different classroom settings.

The go-to-market strategy involves partnerships with schools, emphasizing its potential to become a regular feature in school health programs. This strategy underscores the competition’s emphasis on practical, sustainable solutions that address real-world problems. By making eye care a more consistent and engaging part of school life, the prototype exemplifies how maker projects can contribute significantly to health education and preventative care, reflecting the competition’s goal of fostering impactful, real-world applications of technology.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The concept design and prototype of the EyeLove robot

Search and rescue drone

The prototype directly addresses the time-sensitive and challenging nature of search and rescue operations, particularly in difficult terrains. This initiative aligns with the competition’s focus on using technology for humanitarian aid. The drone system exemplifies a significant technological advancement in emergency response, leveraging the capabilities of drones and cutting-edge technologies to improve efficiency and accuracy in locating and assisting individuals in distress (see Fig. 5). The prototype combines rapid-deployment drones with a precise GPS algorithm and beacons that emit visible and audible signals, enhancing location accuracy. This integration of technologies ensures a swift and effective response, crucial in emergency situations. Additionally, the drone’s capacity to carry multiple payloads and its custom release mechanisms for beacons and supplies demonstrate its adaptability and practicality in various scenarios, including areas with limited network coverage.

The technical specifications of the drone emphasize its durability and functionality, with features like reliable GPS connectivity and the potential for future enhancements like vital sign monitoring and enhanced communication capabilities. This project not only showcases the power of AI in continual improvement but also reflects the competition’s goal of fostering innovative solutions with real-world impact.

Looking forward, the prototype envisions further enhancements to increase its utility in search and rescue operations, such as a tablet app for ease of operation and additional survival tools. By seeking global support, the project aims to revolutionize rescue operations, reducing response times and enhancing the efficiency of search and rescue teams worldwide. This ambitious vision embodies the competition’s emphasis on global collaboration and the use of technology for societal betterment.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The concept design and prototype of the search and rescue drone

Insights, findings, and perspectives for envisioning the next decade

Following the methodologies outlined in Sect. 3.3, encompassing direct observations, personal notes, reflections, feedback, and discussions, we conducted a comprehensive thematic analysis of evaluations gathered from a cohort of 386 student makers over ten years. Remarkably, the competition consistently received high average ratings, achieving an impressive 4.78 out of 5 across the six criteria detailed in Table 1.

Table 1 Average criteria ratings for the competition

Our thematic analysis, as systematically detailed in Table 2, forms the backbone of the findings in Sect. 5.15.6. This analysis started with an extensive review of varied data sources, including in-depth structured interviews, comprehensive surveys of the maker community, and detailed assessments of competition results. Each data source brought forth distinct insights, crucial in developing our comprehensive understanding of the maker competition’s impact. To clarify and substantiate our findings, we meticulously linked these varied data sources to their respective thematic categories. For instance, the theme ‘Building on the Past’ was primarily informed by quantitative data such as competition evaluation scores. These scores provided an objective measure of the competition’s evolution over time. Complementing this, qualitative insights from participant interactions offered personal narratives and experiences, enriching our understanding of the competition’s historical context and legacy. Similarly, the findings related to ‘Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity’ were predominantly derived from a thorough analysis of targeted observations. These data highlighted the diverse perspectives and experiences of participants, underlining the importance of inclusivity within the competition framework. This thematic area was further enriched by personal notes and discussions, which provided anecdotal evidence and individual stories that illustrated the competition’s role in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. In developing our proposals and suggestions for each theme (1–3 per theme), we closely examined which data sources most significantly informed our understanding of each thematic area. This process involved a critical assessment of the relevance and impact of each data type – be it direct observations, personal notes, or feedback sessions – on our thematic conclusions. By rigorously analyzing and cross-referencing these data sources, we were able to identify the most salient insights and translate them into actionable proposals that are directly grounded in empirical evidence.

Table 2 Extended thematic analysis coding

Our analytical approach went beyond the usual scope of data aggregation; it was a carefully managed process that involved deep categorization, measurement, and critical evaluation of each data set. This thorough process was crucial in making sure that every piece of information was not only relevant but also solidly based on factual evidence. This careful approach was key in creating a narrative that is more than just engaging; it is deeply rooted in the empirical evidence gathered from our research. In our effort to be transparent and thorough, we carefully described the sources of our data. This included a clear explanation of how each data source contributed to our findings, and where possible, we included quantitative assessments to add more credibility to our conclusions. Our goal was to give our study a level of depth and reliability that is often desired but rarely achieved in qualitative research.

The narrative that emerged from this process is extensive and reflects the rigorous and diverse nature of our data analysis. It is a narrative that is not just comprehensive in its scope but is also detailed in its interpretation of the data. This careful approach ensures that our conclusions are not only well-founded and strong, but they also accurately represent the extensive and varied data we have carefully collected and thoroughly examined. By rigorously analyzing each data source and its importance to our thematic categories, we were able to extract detailed insights and create a narrative that is both authentic and authoritative. This approach, we believe, establishes a new standard in qualitative research, providing a model for future studies aiming to draw meaningful and impactful conclusions from complex, multi-layered data sets.

Building on the past

The collaborative spirit championed by the competition, supported by experts in education and innovation from the United States Embassy in Beijing and China’s Ministry of Education, catalyzed groundbreaking ideas and cross-border initiatives. This international partnership proved to be a crucible for innovation, as evidenced by the comprehensive surveys and skill-building workshops that pinpointed participant needs and nurtured their innovative capabilities. Central to the competition’s ethos was the fostering of deep, meaningful relationships between American and Chinese makers. Guided by mentors, these connections showcased the power of unity in tackling global challenges and highlighted the lasting benefits of collaborative endeavors. A participant captured this sentiment, stating, “The collaborative ethos between American and Chinese makers is the heart of this competition, fostering robust bonds and transcending borders.” The solid groundwork laid over the past ten years sets a promising stage for future collaborations, inviting a broader community of global innovators to contribute to a future enriched by shared intelligence and creative solutions.

  • Boost Transdisciplinary Teamwork: Encourage collaboration across varied fields to spark innovative, multifaceted solutions.

  • Expand International Participation: Broaden the competition’s reach by including more countries, thereby creating a global network of creative minds.

  • Engage Alumni Continuously: Foster a dynamic network of past participants to keep the collaborative spirit thriving through ongoing idea exchange and joint projects.

Fostering innovation

The Innovation Centers for China-U.S. Youth Exchange, established in 2017, have become vibrant hubs of creativity, blending cultural perspectives with fresh ideas. These centers serve as cross-disciplinary meeting grounds, nurturing dialogues and innovations between the United States and China. Their focus on teamwork has cultivated a fertile environment for nurturing new ideas that bridge the two nations. With diverse projects spanning psychology, education, digital media, and HCI, these centers have transformed their vision into impactful programs, linking real-world business challenges with academic research. State-of-the-art labs, guided by global experts, provide spaces for makers to experiment and innovate. The centers are celebrated for fostering international cooperation and generating ideas that have led to competition successes. Emphasizing educational development, they employ unique teaching methods to empower youth in turning their visions into impactful actions (Chao et al., 2023; Desmet et al., 2023; Gray, 2023). “Our Center has ignited a symphony of transdisciplinary exploration, amalgamating various disciplines from psychology and education to digital media and computer science,” says an Innovation Center mentor. These centers are more than just sites of invention; they are where diverse cultures and values converge, guiding future generations towards a more enlightened future.

  • Promote Socially Impactful Projects: Encourage initiatives that address societal challenges, inspiring young innovators to apply their creativity for greater global impact.

  • Strengthen Business Collaborations: Enhance connections between innovation centers and the business sector through partnerships, offering real-world problem-solving experiences to makers.

  • Leverage Technology for Collaborative Learning: Utilize online platforms to facilitate cross-cultural collaboration, enhancing the global network and diversity of ideas among makers.

Strengthening China-U.S. collaboration

Since its inception in 2014, the competition has played a pivotal role in facilitating cultural exchange. Supported by leaders from both nations, it has become a vital forum for young people to collaborate, share ideas, and engage in meaningful dialogue. The emphasis is on open communication, team-based projects, mutual learning, and harnessing skills for societal benefit. This collaboration has significantly influenced bilateral relations, with the United States showing increased commitment to the competition and exploring new avenues for partnership. This engagement furthers the goals of cultural exchange and talent development, strengthening ties between the two countries and fostering a conducive environment for international cooperation. An event organizer reflects, “The competition stands as a central and influential beacon of bilateral interactions, providing a vital platform for cross-cultural dialogue and innovation.” This initiative exemplifies the power of collaboration in breaking down barriers and fostering collective progress.

  • Cultivate Youth Leadership: Launch a youth ambassador program with representatives from both countries to enhance dialogue, build understanding, and forge lasting connections.

  • Engage Local Communities: Amplify the competition’s impact by involving local communities, schools, and groups in both nations, promoting local events and activities that resonate with the competition’s objectives.

  • Enhance Cultural Exchange: Introduce more opportunities for participants to explore each other’s cultures through activities, workshops, and discussions, fostering deeper understanding and empathy.

Future-proofing maker education

The competition’s focus on maker education aims to cultivate innovative skills and foster a culture of creativity. Integrating various subjects into hands-on projects, student makers become pivotal links between academic institutions and the broader community. This initiative propels educational advancement and nurtures a culture of entrepreneurship. In the maker community, a unique spirit of collaboration thrives, uniting diverse talents to innovate. Makers, driven by their interests, are eager to share and explore new ideas. This journey from concept to creation enhances their creativity and practical abilities. Maker activities encourage experimentation with accessible tools and technologies, emphasizing innovation not only for business but for societal benefit. As observed by a maker educator, “Maker education fosters innovation capabilities and promotes a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, serving as a crucial connector between educational institutions and society.” In these transformative times, integrating maker education into the academic curriculum can revolutionize schools and communities, inspiring an enduring culture of innovation.

  • Integrate Maker Education: Advocate for the inclusion of maker education in all educational levels and disciplines, encouraging hands-on projects and real-world problem-solving skills.

  • Emphasize Entrepreneurial Skills: Incorporate business and entrepreneurship education within maker programs, equipping makers with the necessary skills to transform ideas into viable businesses.

  • Sustain Lifelong Learning: Ensure the continuity of maker education beyond formal schooling, offering resources and workshops for lifelong innovation and hands-on learning.

Expanding the horizon

The integration of innovation ecosystems with maker education represents a significant paradigm shift in learning. In a world increasingly embracing hands-on and participatory learning, the synergy between these domains offers vast opportunities. The concept of “innovation ecology” aligns with the principles of maker education, highlighting environments that nurture creativity and interdisciplinary collaboration (Dvir & Pasher, 2004). This approach is complemented by MIT’s “entrepreneurship ecosystem” model, which emphasizes practical learning and entrepreneurial skills (Elia et al., 2020). The idea of “crowd creation” enriches this integration, fostering a collaborative blend of ideas reshaping student-centered learning (Täuscher, 2017). As expressed by a visionary educator, “The convergence of innovation ecosystems and maker education marks a transformative connection, reshaping contemporary learning paradigms.” This synergy equips learners with tools for modern challenges, fostering adaptability, innovative thinking, and cooperative engagement, thus enriching the educational journey and impacting society at large.

  • Support Educators as Facilitators: Train teachers in innovation ecosystems and maker education, equipping them to create classrooms that encourage creativity and critical thinking.

  • Focus on Ethical and Social Impact: Incorporate ethical and societal considerations in innovation and maker education, encouraging responsible and community-beneficial innovation.

  • Encourage Collaborative Ideation: Promote “crowd creation” in educational settings, providing platforms for diverse collaboration and idea generation.

Promoting inclusivity and diversity

The competition stands at the forefront of championing inclusivity and diversity, essential in today’s evolving societies. It represents a melting pot of innovation and cultural harmony, where diversity is not only foundational but also a catalyst for creativity. This initiative breaks down barriers, encouraging a harmonious integration of diverse perspectives. The competition’s platform, enriched by mentors from various backgrounds, fosters cross-cultural understanding and nurtures a new wave of innovators. “The competition’s embrace of diverse voices fosters an environment where unity thrives through diverse perspectives,” as noted by a diversity advocate. Looking forward, the competition symbolizes a beacon for inclusivity, guiding a future where diversity and unity coexist in an innovative ecosystem.

  • Elevate Underrepresented Voices: Actively include and highlight contributions from underrepresented groups to enrich the diversity of ideas and solutions.

  • Embed Diversity in Content: Integrate diverse narratives and experiences into educational materials and projects, broadening participants’ perspectives.

  • Foster Cultural Awareness: Incorporate cultural competence into the competition, enhancing collaboration quality and fostering a respectful and open environment.

Discussion, conclusions, and limitations

The China-U.S. Young Maker Competition not only exemplifies the synergy between diverse educational methodologies but also underscores the critical importance of cultural diversity in educational research. This competition serves as a real-world embodiment of contemporary theories in psychology and education, which posit that exposure to diverse cultures and perspectives is instrumental in fostering creativity and cognitive flexibility. Research in cross-cultural psychology, for instance, suggests that individuals with diverse cultural experiences tend to demonstrate superior creative problem-solving skills and cognitive complexity. This aligns with the findings of educational theorists, who emphasized the sociocultural context in cognitive development (John-Steiner & Mahn, 1996). The competition’s success in integrating American and Chinese educational practices offers a compelling case study for the application of these theories. The fusion of American emphasis on individualism, creativity, and innovation with the Chinese focus on discipline, rigor, and collective effort creates a rich educational milieu. This hybrid approach resonates with the notion of the zone of proximal development (ZPD), where learners are challenged just beyond their current capabilities, fostering optimal learning and development (Vygotsky, 1979). The competition’s maker education paradigm resonates with the experiential learning theories. This hands-on, experiential approach aligns with Kolb’s model, which underscores the importance of active engagement and reflection in the learning process (Kolb, 2014). The competition’s framework, which encourages participants to engage in real-world problem-solving, mirrors Kolb’s cycle of experiential learning: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. The competition also aligns with the theory of multiple intelligences, as it caters to diverse learning styles and intelligences, including logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, and interpersonal (Gardner, 2011). By doing so, it offers a more holistic approach to education, recognizing the importance of nurturing diverse talents and skills. Considering these theoretical underpinnings, the competition can be seen as a representative example of global educational trends towards embracing diversity, transdisciplinary learning, and experiential education. Its success stories and challenges provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers aiming to cultivate creativity, innovation, and adaptability in students. These insights are particularly relevant in the context of preparing students for the demands of the 21st century global economy, where such skills are increasingly indispensable.

The competition emerges as a guiding light of innovation and collaboration in the field of education. As we explore further into the implications of this competition and its impact, it becomes evident that it not only exemplifies the benefits of cross-cultural collaboration but also provides a significant bridge to the existing body of educational literature. One of the key takeaways from this study is the profound influence of diversity on creativity and problem-solving, a concept well-documented in educational research. This competition’s ability to harness the collective creativity of American and Chinese participants underlines its alignment with existing educational theories that emphasize the enrichment of learning experiences through diverse cultural perspectives. By linking these findings to the broader educational literature, we can appreciate the competition’s contribution to a growing body of research that supports the value of cross-cultural experiences in education. The integration of maker education within the competition’s framework reflects a broader shift towards experiential learning, a concept deeply rooted in educational philosophy (Dewey, 1986). This hands-on approach to learning, as demonstrated by the competition, offers a practical link to existing educational theories advocating for active and participatory learning experiences. By establishing this connection, we not only validate the competition’s approach but also highlight its relevance in the context of contemporary educational discussions. The competition’s impact resonates with established educational theories and practices (Martin, 2015; Maddux & Galinsky, 2009; Gay, 2002). By drawing these connections, we not only extend the relevance of the competition but also enrich the educational discourse. This competition serves as a real-world example of how theory and practice can harmonize to create innovative and dynamic educational models. As such, it provides a valuable contribution to the existing educational literature and sets a standard for future endeavors in cross-cultural education and experiential learning.

While the competition has demonstrated significant achievements, it also faces limitations, such as the need for greater inclusivity and adaptability in a changing geopolitical landscape. These challenges present vital areas for future research, focusing on how international educational programs can evolve to be more inclusive and resilient during socio-political shifts. This is a crucial aspect of current educational research that emphasizes equity and access, underscoring the importance of designing programs that are accessible to a diverse range of participants and flexible enough to adapt to varying global contexts. Expanding on these areas, future studies could explore innovative strategies to enhance inclusivity in international collaborations and investigate methods to maintain program integrity and effectiveness during geopolitical changes. This extended focus is essential to ensure that international educational initiatives like this competition continue to thrive and remain relevant, providing valuable opportunities for diverse global learners.