1 Correction to: J Eng Math (2021) 127:9 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10665-021-10097-4

In this note we wish to correct an error in our paper ‘The effect of residual stress on the stability of a circular cylindrical tube’, which appeared in the Journal of Engineering Mathematics 127, 9 (2021). The code used in the computation of Figs. 7 and 8 in [1] had a small error in computing the values of \(\bar{\nu }\) and \(\bar{a}\) for which bifurcation is possible. This affected the accuracy of the figures, which are replaced with Fig. 1 herein. The difference is not noticeable for a thin walled tube with \(\bar{B}=1.1\), but becomes more evident with increasing wall thickness. The panels in the first and second columns of Fig. 1 correspond to Figs. 7 and 8 in [1], respectively.

The discussion of the results in [1] remains largely valid except that now there are no bifurcation curves in the region where \(\bar{a} \ge 1\). Figure 1 shows that all bifurcation curves in the strongly elliptic region are in the region defined by \(\bar{a} <1\), which is consistent with the situation where there is no residual stress [2]. In particular, within the strongly elliptic region bifurcation for an unloaded cylinder is not possible.

We also clarify that Eqs. (75) and (76) in [1] show the explicit forms of the first derivative of \(\alpha \) and the first and second derivatives of \(\gamma \) for the case \(\kappa =0\) only. The corresponding expressions for \(\bar{\kappa } \ne 0\) were not included, but are easily obtained.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Plots of \(\bar{\nu }\) versus \(\bar{a}\) for which bifurcation is possible for \(\lambda _z=1\). The mode numbers n are indicated in each panel by their adjacent numerical values. The panels a, c, e in the left column correspond to Fig. 7 in [1], with \(\kappa =0\), and panels b, d, f in the right column correspond to Fig. 8 in [1], with \(\bar{\kappa }=0.5\). Panels a and b are for \(\bar{B}=1.1\), c and d for \(\bar{B}=1.2\), e and f for \(\bar{B}=1.5\). For \(\kappa =0\) the region of strong ellipticity lies between the two horizontal red lines, while for \(\bar{\kappa }=0.5\) the region is between the two red curves