1 Introduction

The current trend in software development pushes for shorter release cycles (Wang et al. 2020a) and several tools support developers in this process (Shahin et al. 2017). Unfortunately, the very process that generates quick updates and increase business opportunities is also a source of security vulnerabilities (Massacci and Pashchenko 2021b). To address the trade-off between business opportunities and security risks (Massacci and Pashchenko 2021a), qualitative studies with developers have shown that developers would appreciate automated tools to quickly and correctly patch security vulnerabilities (Pashchenko et al. 2020).

In this respect, Automated Program Repair (APR) tools could be a promising avenue. The field is mature and the performance and correctness of the different tools have been the subject to significant automated benchmarking studies performed by independent researchers (Durieux et al. 2019; Kechagia et al. 2021; Martinez et al. 2017; Chong et al. 2021). The applicability of APR tools designed for security has also been the subject of some comparative case studies (Pinconschi et al. 2021). Recently, specialized tools for security vulnerabilities such as SeqTrans (Chi et al. 2022), VuRLE (Ma et al. 2017), and SEADER (Zhang et al. 2021) have also been recently proposed, albeit not yet independently evaluated.

As argued by Pinconschi et al. (2021) different type of bugs have different type of impacts on program behaviour. while ‘normal’ bugs can cause unexpected failures that can be circumvented or avoided, security bugs makes it possible violation of system’s security properties. Security bugs require (beside the normal bugs of failure to increment a variable) also the existence of a control/data path from an externally controlled input to the bug in questions. The empirical evidence is that security bugs are typically harder to find and fix but are typically compactly located, a property that is consistent across the years (Zaman et al. 2011; Nguyen et al. 2016).

Most importantly from the perspective of automated repair, a ‘normal’ fix actually achieves the desired functionality whether a security fix bugs has to both eliminate the security vulnerability and maintain the functionality. For example, Bui et al. (2024) showed that for the tool SeqTrans (security APR tool) from 10 plausible patches only 4 are correct, 3 are fixing the vulnerability but they introduce functional errors, and 3 do not fix the vulnerability. Therefore, it is interesting to perform a human study the assess the correctness of the acceptance of the patches suggested by the APR tool.

The problem of identifying correct patches is of course not limited to security patches, ‘normal’ patches identified by APR tools may have passed all automatic tests and still be ‘semantically wrong’ in which they do not actually fix the bug or introduce bugs in other functionalities when subject to a manual validation (Liu et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2020b). The percentages of ‘semantically wrong’ patches are significantly high even for mature and well-studied tools: out of 395 bugs present in Defetcs4J, the best-performing tool could semantically fix only 54 bugs, even when given the exact bug-fixing position (Liu et al. 2021, Table 3 vs Table 5).

Developers using APR tools might face candidate patches that are semantically wrong: this is a change-based code review problem (Cohen 2010; Baum et al. 2016) where the only difference is that the patch comes from an APR tool rather than a human developer as it happens in companies (Sadowski et al. 2018) or open source projects (Rigby and Bird 2013; Rigby et al. 2014).

As Winter et al. (2022a) argues that few studies has been performed to investigate the interaction between developers and APR tools, it is important to perform experiments with human code reviewers.

Hence, a partially unexplored overarching research question (Fry et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2022; Cambronero et al. 2019) is to understand whether human code reviewers will be able to discriminate between correct and wrong security patches submitted by APR tools (RQ1). Since different vulnerabilities require different patterns it might be that human patch reviewers would be able to discriminate more effectively for some vulnerabilities than others. There might be a difference also among tools using different patch strategies but to explore this option in details one would require that the number of patches generated by each tool is significantly larger than the one currently available (Liu et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2020b).

Consequential to the research question above is understanding whether code reviewers decisions will be actually influenced by knowing that some patches come from a specialized security tool (RQ2). There is already some evidence in the literature that providing this information can influence code reviewers. Such bias might not be necessarily for the good as APR tools designed for security (APR4Sec) might not be necessarily more accurate than the general APR tools.

1.1 Pre-registration and Data Availability Statement

The design of this experiment was published as a registered report in Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement 2022 (Papotti et al. 2022). The full protocol is available at the link https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2209.07211.

2 Related Work

Bug Repair

 Durieux et al. (2019) performed a large-scale evaluation of eleven APR tools on 2,141 general bugs from five different benchmarks. The result of their experiment is not promising as expected, the tools were able to fix only 0.7-9.9% of the bugs. This study’s outcome is affected by patch overfitting in the Defects4J dataset (Just et al. n.d.). However, this study did not assess the correctness of the patches, and they provide only a comprehensive review of tools repairability. There are several studies (Liu et al. 2020; Kechagia et al. 2021; Martinez et al. 2017; Ye et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2020b) that assess APR patches correctness. These studies show that several patches from APR tools are wrong.

Vulnerability Repair

One of the first studies that assess generic APR tools’ effectiveness for security vulnerabilities is the paper of Le Goues et al. (2012). This study evaluated GenProg (a generic APR tool enhanced for fixing vulnerabilities) on the fixes for CVE-2011-1148. This paper focuses on the evaluation of a single vulnerability, therefore, there is no complete evaluation of the tool’s performance.

Several tools have been implemented specifically for vulnerability repair. ExtractFix (Gao et al. 2021) and Senx (Huang et al. 2019) use data from vulnerability exploits to generate vulnerability without any test-suites. Abadi et al. (2011) developed a tool specifically for fixing injection vulnerabilities by placing sanitizers on the right place in the code. Another study, regarding security vulnerabilities, performed by Pinconschi et al. (2021), compares ten APR tools for C/C++ programs, using the concept of PoV (Proof of Vulnerability) test. The aim of the test is to measure the success rate of an APR technique but it does not test the semantic correctness assessments of the generated patches which has only be recently done by Bui et al. for vulnerability patches in Java (Bui et al. 2024).

More recently, SeqTrans (Chi et al. 2022), VuRLE (Ma et al. 2017), and SEADER (Zhang et al. 2021) are tools that leveraged existing repair patterns to produce vulnerability patches also for the Java language. Despite these studies, an independent evaluation of the repair rate on a broader set of vulnerabilities in Java is still lacking as the source code of SeqTrans (Chi et al. 2022), and SEADER (Zhang et al. 2021) has been only recently published.

APR vs. Developers

Even though there have been a lot of studies in APR evaluation, these machine-based evaluations have biases (Liu et al. 2021). This fact encourages human studies with APR tools (Zhang et al. 2022; Cambronero et al. 2019; Fry et al. 2012; Tao et al. 2014) to understand how effective actually the patches are in assisting the development process. Indeed, a recent study by Winter et al. (2022b) found that human studies are rare, and make only 7% in the Living Review (Monperrus 2018), even less for patch adoption experiments, let alone for vulnerability patches.

The concept of trustworthiness has been studied in the context such as social, business, etc. However, it is an important issue also in computer science, in particular it has an impact for organizations that intend to reuse, adapt, and extend code over time. Factors such reputation, transparency, and performance can influence the trustworthiness of code, moreover, well written code can facilitate the detection of malicious or poorly written code (Alarcon et al. 2017).

The first key question is whether human developers will actually accept an automatic suggested patch. To the best of our knowledge, the first work to study the adoption of automated patches by human developers has been the deployment of GetaFix at Facebook (Bader et al. 2019). In one case, for 250 suggested fixes the tool suggestions proved to be useful and accepted ‘as-is’ by 42% of the developers which raises to 61% if one consider adoption of semantically equivalent but stylistically different variations or lower ranked fixes. They authors also deployed GetaFix for Field Not Nullable and Return Not Nullable warnings, and the acceptance rate of fixes for both warnings is around 60%. Also, there is an increase in the fix rate when displaying displaying an auto-fix next to a warning resulted. Such success rate might be explained by one of the key feature of the GetaFix algorithm which mined past human generated fixes for similarity and pattern extraction.

Later studies did not show such wholehearted acceptance: Alarcon et al. (2020) performed a study with 51 programmers with at least 3 years’ experience and knowledge of the C programming language. The results show that the participants reported higher levels of perceived trustworthiness and intentions to reuse for human referents compared to automated code repair. Another study with 100 practitioners (Noller et al. 2022), showed that developer were willing to accept automated patches provided the number of suggested patch candidate be small (5-10 patches). This is also consistent with the observation of Bader et al. (2019) which actually recommended the candidate patches to be limited to one individual patch. Another requirement is that patches should be produced within a reasonable time. One needs to differentiate between what developers are considered acceptable and what is technically feasible. Indeed according to the technology acceptance model, developers may not intend to use a technology if their perceived usability is lower than expected (Moody 2003). In this respect (Noller et al. 2022) suggest less than 1 hour, while Bader et al. (2019) set the boundary at 10 seconds. This might be a reasonable assumption as a preliminary study by Vu et al. (2021) has shown that even giving exponentially more time does not significantly improve the patch quality after the first few minutes.

In Ryan et al. (2019) they investigated programmer’s perceptions of trustworthiness and trust in automated code repair, in particular, how those perceptions differ from code repaired by a human and by an APR tool. A half of the sample participants included experienced developers and the other half experienced developers. The results show that inexperienced developers find automated code repair more trustworthy than repairs made by a human, but the intentions of both experienced and inexperienced developers do not significantly differ to trust the automated code repair program after reviewing the repairs.

There is not agreement in the literature whether the developers prefer to be part of the loop in the correct patch identification. In the study (Noller et al. 2022) developers do not seem to be interested in a significant human-in-the-loop interaction with APR tools. The study by Winter et al. (2022a) instead declares that even though full automation may be a key a technical in terms of proving the efficacy of an APR system, developers do not necessarily be out of the loop. The authors highlight the need of more studies about the interaction between APR tools and developers as only few have been conducted.

Another key issue towards acceptance is whether the reputation of the tool might make a difference. In this respect there is no significant evidence in the literature. In the post experiment survey reported by Noller et al. (2022) only 9/103 developers indicated the reputation of an APR tool itself may be a factor that influences the trust for adopting a patch. To the best of our knowledge, the only studies that considered the reputation of the patch producers focused on the human developer. These studies considered the impact on the perceived trustworthiness of the patch’s provenance in terms of the requesters’ gender (Terrell et al. 2017), requesters’ behaviour (Iyer et al. 2019), or social cues such as the participant’s avatar (Ford et al. 2019). Reputational considerations based on contribution to well known repositories (e.g. by number of download or github stars) were not found even in eye tracking studies (Ford et al. 2019).

figure a

Code Review and Secure Coding Practices

Over the years several empirical studies on code inspections have been conducted (Kollanus and Koskinen 2009). Code reviewing occupies expensive developer time, therefore, nowadays organizations are adopting modern code review technique (Cohen 2010). Modern code review or change-based review (Baum et al. 2016), is widely used across companies (Bacchelli and Bird 2013; Sadowski et al. 2018), and community-driven projects (Rigby and Bird 2013; Rigby et al. 2014).

We investigated studies that explicitly asked for implementing secure coding practices. Naiakshina et al. (2017, 2018) conducted two experiments with 40 computer science students, who were divided into two halves. The two groups received different task descriptions. One description did not mention security, the other one explicitly gave security instructions; As a result, the group without security instructions did not store passwords securely.

There are few studies on checklists for contemporary review. Rong et al. (2012), through a study with students, found that checklists were helping them during code review. In addition, Chong et al. asserts that students were are able to anticipate potential defects and create a relatively good code review checklist (Chong et al. 2021). Finally, a reports by Gonçalves et al. (2020), explores whether review checklists and guidance improve code review performances.

Braz et al. (2022) explores both aspects of explicitly asking for secure coding practices and providing checklists. She conducted an online experiment with 150 developers, setting up three different treatments. The baseline treatment consists in asking to the participants to perform a code review without any special instructions. In another treatment she explicitly asked the developer to perform the review from a security perspective. Finally, the third treatment additionally asked developers to use a security checklist in their review. The results showed that asking participants to focus on security increases the probability of vulnerability detection, besides, the presence does not significantly improve the outcome further.

figure b

3 Research Questions

We structure our study around the two research questions:

figure c

As of today, all APR tools are research tools, with a great variety of user experience. Their ‘users’, who are not the tool’s inventors or competing researchers, are essentially novices. From an internal validity perspective, this is an advantage, as our ‘users’ know about the domain but not about the tool inner workings so they do not have a prejudiced prior belief on what the tool expected output should be.

We hypothesize that the number of wrong patches identified as wrong, will be higher than the number of correct patches identified as correct, and therefore adopted.

H1.1: Wrong patches are more easily identified as wrong than correct patches are identified as correct.

The practical impact of this hypothesis is that code review of APR patches is an effective last line of defense against large mistakes. However, we further assume that it is much harder to distinguish a partially correct patch from a correct patch.

H1.2: partially correct patches are equally identified as correct patches as actually correct patches.

A further natural hypothesis is that specialized tools perform better than general-purpose tools and therefore a higher number of correct patches suggested by security designed tools will be actually adopted by the code reviewers as they would more closely match what a security patch should be.

H1.3: Patches from APR tools designed for Security are adopted more often than than patches suggested by generic APR tools.

We did not specify whether such adoption happens irrespective of correctness of the suggested patches. We suspect that correctness would not make a difference as the pattern of the patch rather than its actual semantic correctness would be a key measure of identification. This hypothesis leads to our second question.

figure d

To answer this question we use the same approach used for password testing (Naiakshina et al. 2018) with a minimal deception of the participants. We provide to a (random) subset of reviewers bogus information that one of the tools is a APR4Sec when in reality it is just a generic APR tool. We formulate our corresponding hypothesis as follows:

H2.1: Both experimental and treatment groups will have the same number of switches after revealing the security information.

In other words, knowing that a tool is a security tool (even if is actually not such a tool) will create a bias in the decision-making process of the code reviewer. Further, we hypothesize that after revealing the security information, the participants will tend to adopt the patches suggested by the security-designed tools. Therefore, our second formal hypothesis is:

H 2.2: The number of adopted patches from known security designed tools will be higher after the security information is revealed.

4 Experimental Protocol

Figure 1 summarizes the experimental protocol that we propose to address our research questions. We consider an APR tools set composed of a security tool A, and two generic tools B and C. In the first phase of the experiments, all the APR tools are labeled as generic. In the second phase of the experiment, we gave one group the true security information, and the other bogus security information (the tools are labeled wrongly). We decided to set up different treatments on the basis of Braz et al.’s study (Braz et al. 2022)

We have already done a pilot, in which we involved 42 computer science students (grouped in two) and after removing the answers without consent and unfinished answers, we are left with 16 sets of answers. We divided the participants into 2 groups to which we applied 2 different treatments: the first group got the complete version of the VSCode plugin that shows the unpatched and patched version side-by-side while the second group got the incomplete version that only highlights the vulnerable lines and show the patches but not side-by-side.

In this pilot experiment, we give the students 7 CVEs (the same CVEs used in the main experiment) and patches from 6 different tools (the same as the main experiment except for SeqTrans). The result is summarized in Table 9 in the appendix. In our first pilot, we wanted to understand the usability of the plug-in, the time needed to fix the a vulnerability, and to show the different tools. Moreover, we wanted to make sure there were no confounding factors. Therefore, we performed a large scale pilot to assess the absence of designer issues (e.g. out of this we opted to fully integrate the patches into the Visual Studio Editor). Then we did a small scale pilot of the final experiment with PhD students to check the overall construction.

Overall, the experimental plan in this work is adapted from the lessons learned from the pilot, including: as there is no significant difference between the two treatments (\(p > 0.05\)), we decided not to use the same treatment difference in the main experiment and only pick one (using the complete version of the plugin) that is the same for everyone.

4.1 Ethical Approval

The students received a bonus point for the course for participating in the experiment. The ethical procedure was followed and it determined that a full ethical review was not necessary. In particular this was determined because (i) upfront, opt-in consent was asked, (ii) no personal or sensitive information was involved, (iii) it did not pose potential risks to either participants or researchers, (iv) the confidentiality of the participants was guaranteed by collecting data by GDPR compliant tool and removing their details before processing the data for the analysis, (v) the incentives to participate were minimal, (vi) and the participants were minimally deceived and thoroughly debriefed afterwards (they actually had full access to the anonymized data). There was no monetary compensation, and the participants received a compensation in terms of coursework’s bonus. Such value was minimal (less than 2% of the final grade), and the participants could deny the consent, and still obtain the participation bonus. The personal details were only collected to grant the coursework’s bonus.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Steps of our experiment

4.2 Execution Plan


The participants of the experiments completed two training phases: (i) finding Vulnerabilities training, and (ii) using APR tools to fix vulnerabilities training. The purpose of the first phase was to help them to recognize vulnerabilities in the raw source code, and the second one on how to perform the same task when supported by APR tools (as we did not ask them to fix the vulnerability but to adopt a fix).

The first preliminary activity aims to demonstrate that giving to developers a slice of the file, instead of the full file (during code review), leads to finding more vulnerabilities. Participants were therefore trained on the identification of vulnerabilities in code running for 1.5 hours (two academic hours of 45 minutes). The slides give a general introduction about vulnerabilities, and which ones are the most common ones. Then, we provide a more detailed explanation about injections, information disclosure, and denial of service vulnerabilities, and how to recognize them in the code. Then they were asked to identify the vulnerabilities in both a fragment of the code and in the full file.

The duration of the training is an important experiment parameter. Comparing to other experimental activities this is considerably short: in the field of threat analysis and security requirements training sections last several hours (Wuyts et al. 2014; Scandariato et al. 2015) or even days (Tuma and Scandariato 2018).

In the domain considered for this experiment, Chong et al. (2021) performed the experiment after several weekly lectures with 60 minutes a week. On the opposite side of the spectrum, among the cited works, Tao et al. (2014) provides only a 10 minute tutorial. Several other works did some introduction or instruction or tutorial for their participants but they do not mention the length of the session (Naiakshina et al. 2017, 2018; Cambronero et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2022; Fry et al. 2012). Other works (Rong et al. 2012; Gonçalves et al. 2020) do not mention any training for their participants. Braz et al. (2022) mentions training as one of their control variable but they did not actually conduct any training as their experiment was an online experiment.

Eventually, we have opted for our construction by considering previous studies where professionals were involved and the minimum duration was indeed 1.5 hours (Allodi et al. 2020; Gramatica et al. 2015). This is essentially also a typical session of professional training session performed in industryFootnote 1. Also the survey by Kollanus and Koskinen (2009) mentions the use of “overview meetings" in most of the software inspection publications, which seems to imply that the duration was significant (as a 10 or 30 minutes presentation would hardly be considered a “meeting”).

The second part of the training happened a week later than the first part. The participants received a general introduction on how APR tools work with the IDE that was used to perform the code reviews of the patches suggested by the APR tools. We provided the participants with the instructions to install an IDE plugin. Once the plugin is installed, the vulnerable lines will be highlighted; then the students can choose which pair patch-tool to adopt.

Digital copies of lecture slides, technical documentation, etc. were provided to the participants and they can be consulted at any time.

Experiment - Phase 1

The experiment consists of three hours of physical laboratory. The participants were separated into different rooms according to their treatment (group) of belonging to avoid spillover effects. In this phase, there are no differences in the execution of the experiment between the two treatments. Each room is supervised by an experimenter whose role does not go beyond the supervision of the room and the technical support, s/he cannot reply to questions regarding the solution of the correct patches.

The participants in both treatments have to download a plugin in the software development IDE VSCode. The plugin suggests different patches from different APR tools for each vulnerability. The participants had several vulnerable code files to evaluate: they opened them in VSCode and used the plugin provided to analyze the identified vulnerability. The plug-in shows the faulty identified line, and it proposes a series of candidate patches for that vulnerability. Figure 2 shows an example of what the participants saw when using the plug-in. Among those, the participants had to select which one they thought it fixes the vulnerability. We did not provide a stack trace as it has no relevance: all the suggested patches satisfies the test cases, therefore, there is no need to use it. On the Qualtrics submission tool, the participants specified, for each suggested patch, whether it is correct, partially correct, or wrong.

Fig. 2
figure 2

View of the plug-in used by the participants. This an example of the view of the participants when using the plug-in into VS Code. The plug-in shows the identified faulty line and it shows the proposed the patches for that specific vulnerability

Once the participants have analyzed all projects, they could move to the second phase of the experiment.

Experiment - Phase 2

In the second phase, additional information about the tools’ type is given to the participants. The students in the baseline treatment received correct information about the APR tools’ type. Unlike, the students in the second treatment received bogus information. Once the students receive the additional information, they can review their answers for each project and decide whether to change their response or keep their choice made during the first phase of the experiment.


The participants have to reply to a few questions regarding their perception of the task. The questions were answered through an ordinal scale, moreover, we also design an open question for those who want to give additional comments, and give suggestions.

Since the experiment was relatively long, we allowed breaks between the training and the experiment phases. Moreover, the participants could take breaks during the execution of the experiment (e.g. going to the services), or finish the experiment earlier. We did not explicitly track whether the participants communicated with each other during the individual breaks. However, we did not observe groups of participants clustering together during the breaks..

4.3 Measurement Plan

The measurement plan describes where in the process we collect the various variables that are further described in Section 5.


We randomly separate the participants into two groups (treatments), in the variable Assignment to a Treatment.


The purpose of the training is to collect information regarding the background of the participants as in the studies (Braz et al. 2022; Naiakshina et al. 2017, 2018). Knowing the participant’s background helps us to better evaluate the results that we collect in the experiment part. We collect the variables Knowledge of Security Vulnerabilities, Knowledge of Java, Knowledge of Software Development IDE by means of a Qualtrics questionnaire. For example, we ask whether students attended the tutorial, a full course, have done vulnerability assessment in an internship or have true professional assessment.

We collect the Time spent on the video, to check if the students watched the video/material provided for the training part.

Experiment - Phase 1

The purpose of the first phase of the experiment is to determine if Automated Program Repair tools effectively support the developer in the identification of correct vulnerability fixes. We collect the dependent variable to measure correctness for proposed (tool,patch) whether Patch Classification adoption by means of a questionnaire and a log as an additional measure, e.g. we ask whether the patch for vulnerability 1 proposed by tool A is correct, partially correct, or wrong (Fig. 1).

Experiment - Phase 2

The purpose of the second phase of the experiment is to determine if APR4Sec are better than generic APR tools. Also, we want to know if the ‘security’ information will lead to switches irrespective of correctness. We collect the dependent variables Patch-Adoption after security information by pair (Tool, CVE), and Number of switches after security information by pair (Tool, CVE).


The experiment ends with a few questions regarding the perception of the tasks. We collect three variables: Process Understanding to measure whether the participants had a clear understanding of the experiment, therefore, of the tasks, Process Time to check whether the participants had enough time to complete the experiment, Process Training to control whether the training material was sufficient to carry out the tasks and on open-ended Process Material as feedback if there was any other material that could have been useful or necessary to complete the tasks.

5 Variables

Table 1 presents all the variables we consider in our experiment.

Table 1 Experimental Variables

5.1 Independent Variables

Assignment to a Treatment

For phase one, there were diverse pairs of types of vulnerabilities and APR tool patches with different types of answers. For phase two, this variable describes the random assignment of each participant to one of the two treatments. For the experiment, we designed two different treatments: (i) in one treatment true security information about the nature of the tools is given; (ii) in the other bogus security information about the nature of the tools is given.

5.2 Background Variables

The purpose of background variables is to ascertain if they have any experience in different contexts (e.g. University projects, personal developed projects, or professional experience) that might impact the result of the experiment.

Knowledge of Java

Java experience of the participants.

Knowledge of Security Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability assessment experience of the participants.

Knowledge of Software Development IDE

Software Development IDE experience of the participants.

5.3 Dependent Variables

Patch-Classification by Pair (Tool, CVE)

This variable describes how participants classify the different patches proposed by the selected tools for the experiment. It is used to answer to RQ1.

We designed the next two variables to answer RQ2.

Patch-Adoption after Security Information by Pair (Tool, CVE)

This variable describes what happens once the participants receive the security information.

Number of Switches after Security Information by Pair (Tool, CVE).

This variable is 1 if a user has changed his/her decision to adopt a patch after receiving the information of which patches have been suggested by a security tool and 0 if no change has been made.

5.4 Experiment Validation Variables

We collect these variables in order to verify the correctness of the experimental process.

Time spent on Training Video

With this variable we measure the time spent by each participant on the training video. Also, we verify how many participants actually completed the training.

Time Spent on Task

We designed this variable to measure the time spent by each participant to classify the patches proposed for each project. We measure the time by how long the participants spend on each page in the online form assessment. We do not envisage measuring time (besides the previously mentioned timer as an overall interval) as this is not a fully controllable variable. We realistically assume that in 20 minutes per vulnerability, one should have made a choice.

Process Understanding

We ask the participants if they had a clear understanding of the experiment. We designed this variable to measure the overall clearness of the experiment, and therefore what is necessary to improve for the future.

Process Time

We ask the participants if the time provided to complete the experiment is enough.

Process Training

We ask the participants if the training is sufficient to complete the experiment. We measure this variable to collect feedback for future improvements of the experiment.

Process Material

We measure if the provided material is useful to carry out the tasks.

Perceived Usefulness (PU)

We ask the participants to evaluate the usefulness of the experiment.

6 Ground Truth Dataset

We built a dataset that we intend to use for the execution of the experiment. The dataset contains a set of vulnerabilities and APR tools that have been selected according to two criteria.

Java Program Repairs

A study on the repair of C++ vulnerabilities already exists (Pinconschi et al. 2021). We want to focus on Java given the recent studies on on non security bug in Java (Durieux et al. 2019).


We want to check the performance in the presence of test cases present in industrial projects (Maven/Gradle).

6.1 Choice of Vulnerabilities

We use the Vul4J dataset (Bui et al. 2022) as it is the only existing benchmark that satisfies our requirements. The dataset contains 79 vulnerabilities from 51 real-world open-source Java projects (libraries, web frameworks, data-processing desktop apps, and CI/CD servers); it is extracted from the ‘Project KB’ knowledge base (Ponta et al. 2019).

We ran the chosen tools on all 79 vulnerabilities in the dataset. However, only 14 of them have generated patches from the tools (generated patches are the patch candidates that have passed the tool’s tests). From these 14 vulnerabilities, we chose 7 in Table 2 because (i) they cover different vulnerability classes and (ii) they have more than two (successfully-tested) patches from the selected tools.

Table 2 Vulnerabilities used in experiment

6.2 Choice of Tools

We limit the tools scope to Java test-based APR tools for which we have the sufficient in-house expertise to validate the correctness of the APR-generated patches for the experiment. We selected both generic APR tools and APR4Sec, using four criterion.

Accessible Source Code

We want to eliminate some elements of uncertainty in vulnerability identification, and want to use Maven testing pipeline.


We do not intend to use tools that are no longer maintained, or not executable due to technical issues.

Extensible to any Dataset

We prefer to use tools that do not require major efforts to make it work with a different dataset than the tool’s own recommended dataset.

Generating (security) Patches

Each tool should possibly generate some patch for a vulnerability, even if the patch is not semantically correct.

Can Fix Multiple Kinds of Bugs or Vulnerabilities

The selected tool should be able to fix different kinds of bugs or vulnerabilities and not limited to only one specific kind of bug/vulnerability.

We have considered the list of tools in the living review of Monperrus (2018) and analyzed the relevant literature on APR tools and APR4Sec. We then use the criteria listed above to choose the APR tools for our experiment, which we summarized in Table 3. The applicability of the Maven test suite criteria is important for realism. We must be able to say to the participants that the selected patches passed all the tests. In this way, the participants were put in the frame of mind that the eventual acceptance of the patch only depends on their code review. We also limit the generic tool scope to Java test-based APR tools which then we can validate the correctness before using the patches for the experiment.

For the APR4Sec, in the design of this experiment, we proposed either SEADER (Zhang et al. 2021) or SeqTrans (Chi et al. 2022). We decided to not use SEADER (Zhang et al. 2021) because it does not fulfill our last criteria as it targets only a specific kind of vulnerability (APW misuse). We instead chose SeqTrans (Chi et al. 2022) as it fulfills all the criteria we defined. SeqTrans is well-known in the community for being the class-leading and state-of-the-art one in Java APR4Sec world. While other tools have passed an end-to-end test in RepairThemAll framework (Durieux et al. 2019; Bui et al. 2024), we acknowledge that SeqTrans is not test-based, which means it can not be run with RepairThemAll. Therefore, to be fair on the ground-truth definition process, we ran end-to-end tests on SeqTrans patches ourselves with an automated framework mimicking the RepairThemAll framework (Durieux et al. 2019) that we use to evaluate the other APR tools. Other APR4Sectool such as ExtractFix (Gao et al. 2021) and Senx (Huang et al. 2019) are exploit based, which make them not fit our dataset which is test-based. Moreover, these tools cannot be used as they target a different programming language(C/C++ instead of Java). The latest does not have an available artefact.

Table 3 Tools used in experiment

6.3 Applying Tools on Vulnerabilities

We have already started a preliminary analysis of the tools and the vulnerabilities that we intend to use. Table 4 describes the patches classification of the APR tools for each vulnerability (from the dataset experiment) made by the experimenters. A cell of the table can assume three different values. Each participant was exposed to the same set of outputs corresponding to the patches of the vulnerabilities reported in Table 4. They received six files and when opening a file they received a warning in Visual Studio that a vulnerability has been found and they have to choose a fix identified by some APR tool. For each vulnerability all generated patches will be shown. This design choice was made because some tools did not produce any patch for several vulnerabilities. Therefore, we do not have enough patches per tool to run an experiment where we expose participants to different tools. Since the participants are exposed to the same set of outputs, there is no real ‘randomization’. However, the generation of patches was attempted from a wider sample of APR tools and some tools failed to report a patch while others succeeded (albeit with possibly wrong or partially wrong patches). We can consider this process a sufficient proxy for a randomizing behavior (given the low success rate). We have considered the option of providing manually designed wrong patches but discarded them since they would not be generated by an APR tool and would not answer our research question as formulated.

Table 4 Preliminary Analysis of Possible Tools

We adopt the patch classification by Bui et al. (2024) to distinguish the patches used as our ground truth. Bui et al. (2024) did a systematic manual analysis by 3 experts to classify the patches (plausible ones) until they reached a consensus. The patches are classified in 3 classes as follows:

C = Correct

A patch is considered correct if it passes the end-to-end test, fixes the security vulnerability, and preserves the functionality of the program (Bui et al. 2024).

PC = Partially Correct

This type of patch refers to security-fixing patch in Bui et al. (2024): the vulnerability patch fixes the vulnerability but might introduce other functional errors as it changes the semantics of the execution in some non-trivial ways (in the non-vulnerable case).

W = Wrong

The vulnerability patch is just plausible, but it is wrong. It might have passed all regression tests and the specific test showing that the vulnerability is present, but according to the experimenters, it is clearly a wrong patch as it changes the semantics of the execution in a drastically different way.

We have not adopted in this paper the exact wording from Bui et al. (2024) because we have presented to our participants the choice between correct, partially correct, and wrong patch. Using a terminology such as ‘security-fixing’ would have created a bias that would have interacted with our main research question.

If a cell is empty, it does not mean that we did not select the tool, it means that there is no patch suggested by the tool for that vulnerability. Compared to the design in Papotti et al. (2022), in Table 4 we have added the evaluation of SeqTrans tool (Chi et al. 2022). Unfortunately, the tool performs poorly and was only able to produce a correct patch for one out of 7 vulnerabilities we used in our experimental setting.

For the very same lack of maturity in users’ interfaces, participants did not actually use the tools. They received the code changes recommended by the tool in a standardized and well-known interface such as Visual Studio.

7 Participants

Our population is Master Computer Science students, with some differences in the elective courses and program choices. All the participants are students enrolled in the course Security Experiments and Measurements from VU Amsterdam. The course is taught by the experimenters. We decided to perform the experiment with students as in the studies (Naiakshina et al. 2017, 2018; Rong et al. 2012; Chong et al. 2021).

The experiment was performed during class time of the course, and the purpose of this research methodology course is also to introduce the students to the critical issues behind the design, execution, and measurements of security experiments.

In terms of learning outcomes, through this experiment, the students have the possibility to critically review the results of the experiment and evaluate its statistical and practical significance. In the course, we do not evaluate the number of correct responses given, but the student’s capability to review and analyze the experiment results that we obtained.

As we have students as participants, this may affect the outcome of the experiment. However, we believe that master students have enough experience to participate in the experiment, and we think that we can collect interesting results and insights that can help us with future research. Moreover, obtaining significant results with students may suggest that we designed a relevant experiment that we can carry out with developers from companies in the future.

8 Analysis Plan

Ground Truth

For the previous experiment, we have manually evaluated all patches generated by the tools in advance and we compared them with the results of the participants. We follow the same procedure for this experiment, and we determine the correct number of results, measuring the true positive, and false positive rates.

Statistical Tests

As we do not expect normally distributed samples, we planned to use a non-parametric, Mann-Whitney test. To be conservative we also used the t-test since our data is not ordinal. We used the test from a python library: scipy Footnote 2 and similarly for Wilcoxon test in the same package. We tested the data for normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Some of our hypotheses are about the equivalence of treatments. To answer them, we used TOST (Two One-Sided T) test as a test of equivalence which was initially proposed by Schuirmann (1981) and is widely used in pharmacological and food sciences to check whether the two treatments are equivalent within a specified range \(\delta\) (Food and Drug Administration 2001; Meyners 2012). Therefore two distributions x and y will be considered equivalent if \(x \cdot \delta< y < x \cdot 1/\delta\) for \(\delta = 0.8\). The underlying directional test can be either the Mann-Whitney test or the t-test. We report here in the t-test because it was more conservative than Mann-Whitney test. The two tests never produced a qualitative difference (e.g. one test was significant and the other was not).

In case we had disproportionally many zero values (i.e. many participants failed to recognize even some lines of code) we planned to investigate the use of the combined test proposed by Lachenbruch (2002) but this case did not arise.

9 Results

In this section, we report the results of our investigation.

9.1 Validation of the Participants Data

A total of 80 Computer Science master’s students participated in the experiment. As a population, this is consistent with several other studies (Naiakshina et al. 2017, 2018; Rong et al. 2012; Chong et al. 2021).

We did a preliminary check on the collected data. The participants were initially asked whether they agree to share their data for research purposes. The participants that denied this consent were removed from the data. Since the experiment was part of a course as a learning objective, the students that declined consent could still complete the activities of the experiment to obtain the credits for participating. We also removed clearly invalid submission attempts as measured by the process metrics. In particular, we deleted submissions from participants who failed the attention check by checking the time spent to complete the preparatory instruction videos before the experiment (Ejelöv and Luke 2020). We chose a minimum threshold of 15 minutes (the total length of the videos) to perform the attention check. As a final result, we counted \(n=72\) valid submissions for the experiment.

9.2 Demographics

To validate the participants’ experience we looked first at their Java, Vulnerability Detection, Automated Testing, Automated Fault Localization, Security Testing, and Visual Studio Code expertise as collected during the training phase. The expertise scale values went from “No experience” to “Experience through projects performed outside University”.

A consistent number of participants used Java (57%) and Visual Studio Code (69%) as part of university projects. An equal number of participants (16%) used both technologies outside of the university context, and developed several projects using Java (11%) and Visual Studio Code (10%). Only few participants do not have any experience with Visual Studio Code (5%). Therefore, we can conclude that participants would not have had any difficulty in using the proposed tools.

The majority of the participants do not have any experience in Vulnerability Detection (58%), Automated Testing (74%), Automated Fault Localization (96%), and Security Testing (77%). Around a third of participants found vulnerabilities as part of university projects (37%), only the 3% did it for several projects, or outside of university projects (3%). Regarding Automated Testing and Security Testing an equal number of participants (18%) gained experience through university projects. Only the 5% have experience besides university projects, and really few participants (3%) used Automated Testing for several projects. Finally only two participants used Automated Fault Localization for university projects, and only one participant declared that used it also for projects outside of academia context. Therefore, we can conclude there was no significant previous security experience that could bias the final result.

9.3 Preliminary Analysis

We performed a preliminary analysis by evaluating how participants classified each patch proposed, Table 5 shows the result we obtained. We observed that not always the participants have been able to classify correctly the patches as expected. Figure 3 shows the general picture of the average percentage of patch identification. We can observe that is easier to identify wrong patches as wrong patches rather than correct patches as correct patches.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The average percentage of patch identification. The picture shows the average of patches classification. We observe that 43.33% of wrong patches have been classified as wrong patches, and 24.32% of correct patches have been classified as correct patches

Table 5 Classification by students of each Tool per CVEs

Moreover, Table 6 shows the number of time that each patch tool has been adopted by the participants per CVE and we used the tools columns as contingency table to perform a chi-squared testFootnote 3 python function. Since some cells contains zero as frequency we added two “successes” and “failures” to the sample (Agresti and Coull 1998). The result is not significant as expected, there is no difference among CVEs in terms of participants’ abilities to spot the correct patches.

Table 6 Tool Adoption per CVEs

9.4 RQ1. Discrimination Between Correct and Wrong

For each participant, we calculated the number of wrong patches correctly identified by the participants divided by the total number of wrong patches. We applied the same procedure for the correct patches. As result we obtained \(t = 15.12, p=2.39\cdot 10^{-24}\), therefore the data supports H1.1.

We used TOST test to investigate if partially correct patches are equally identified as correct patches as actually correct patches. We used again t-test (\(\delta = 0.8\)) to check the equivalence between the means of the two samples. As the result we obtained \(p_{lower\_bound} = 0.76\cdot 10^{-08}, p_{upper\_bound} = 0.99\), therefore the data does not support H1.2. Figure 4 shows that H1.2 is satisfied only for the lower bound but not for the upper bound.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Distribution behind TOST of H1.2. The green and the red lines corresponds to the values \(x \cdot \delta< y < x \cdot 1/\delta\) for \(\delta = 0.8\), where x is partially correct patches identified as correct patches, and y is correct patches identified as correct patches. As one can see the correct patches (y) are even higher than the 125% value of the partially correct patches. To improve visibility, the coordinates of data points have been slightly randomized by an offset in the range \([-0.01, 0.01]\)

We did an additional exploratory analysis by testing whether correct patches are identified as actually correct patches more than partially correct patches are identified as correct patches. Again we used t-test and as result we obtained \(t = 4.57, p=0.98\cdot 10^{-07}\), therefore correct patches are more easily identified as correct patches rather than partially correct patches are identified as correct patches.

Finally, we explored if patches from APR tools designed for security are adopted more often than patches suggested by generic APR tools. At first, we performed a global test using the scipy.stats.kruskalFootnote 4 python function to perform a Kruskal-Wallis test. We used seven arrays (one for each tool) where each value was the number of time a participant selected the specific tool and as result we obtained \(k = 106.86, p=0.93\cdot 10^{-22}\).

Then we performed a post-hoc analysis by comparing how many times participants adopted a patch suggested my one of the generic tools and how many times they chose a patch suggested by SeqTrans. Table 7 reports the t-test results that we performed, which suggest that the data support H1.3.

Table 7 Results statistical t-test for RQ1 - H1.3

9.5 RQ2. Influenced on the Perceived Security Specialization

We used again TOST test to investigate if experimental and treatment groups have the same number of switches after revealing the security information. First we test whether the participants were shown equivalent numbers of bogus and real potential switches, i.e. the two groups started from the same baselines of potential switches. As result we obtained \(p_{lower\_bound} = 0.01, p_{upper\_bound} = 0.01\), which shows that in terms of potential choices the groups of participants were identical. Then we test whether the number of switches were equivalent between participants to whom a real security switch was proposed and participants to whom a bogus security switch was proposed. To do so, we computed the proportion of actual switches with respect to potential switches available to the participants. Figure 5 shows that there is a higher proportion of switches for the bogus treatments. The result for TOST test is \(p_{lower\_bound} = 0.37, p_{upper\_bound} = 0.01\), which shows that there is not enough evidence to support H2.1. This might be explained by the large number of zeros. We considered the option of using Lachenbruch test but the TOST restricted to non-zero switches was already not significant.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Distribution behind TOST H2.1. On the x axes there is the proportion of actual switches with respect to potential switches available to the participants, and on y axes there is the frequency. As one can see there is a higher proportion for the bogus treatment rather than the real treatment. Moreover, we can notice a large number of zeros, which it represents no switches. However, even by removing the zero values the TOST was not significant

Finally we performed t-test to verify if the number of adopted patches from known security designed tools will be higher after the security information is revealed. The result of the test is \(t = -13.27, p = 5.65 \cdot 10^{-06}\), therefore the data support H2.2. Figures 6 and 7 show the number of adopted patches from security tools (both for bogus and real treatments) before and after revealing the security information.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Security Patch Adoption before and after revealing the security information. The plot on the left shows the number of security patches adopted for each CVE before and after the security information has been revealed. The plot on the right gives the same information for the bogus case. As one can see the number of the number of adoption of allegedly of “security” tools increases after their security quality is revealed

A possible alternative explanation of the switches could have been that participants actually switched to a better solution, for example from a wrong patch to a partially correct patch. Figure 7 shows this is not case. In the pictures we represent useless switches with red and yellow dashed edges. Such switches are those that do not improve the previous choice, for example switching from a partially correct patch to another partially correct patch, or from a wrong patch to a partially correct patch, or from a correct patch to another correct patch. In particular, useless switches are those that diminish the quality of the adoption choice, in particular, switching from a wrong patch or partially correct patch or a correct patch to a wrong patch, or also switching from a correct patch to a partially correct patch.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Switches between Patches. The figure shows the switches performed by participants from a type of adopted patch to another adopted patch when they are told that a patch was generated by a security tool. On the left the patch was really generated by the security tool, on the other the tool was just a generic tool. Circles corresponds to a patch type (red for wrong, yellow for partially correct, green for correct). Edges corresponds to switches. The number inside the circles corresponds to type of adopted patches in which the user decided not switch. As we can see several switches, represented by dashed red or yellow edges are useless or worsening. For example in the real case on the left 36 participants switched from a wrong patch to another wrong patch and 17 actually moved from a correct patch to a wrong patch

This qualitative evidence shows that the choice switching cannot be explained by the opportunity to reflect on the quality of patch to improve the quality of one’s own choice. Hence, the most likely explanation is that such switch is due to authority bias (Silvester 2021).

9.6 Robustness Check

We performed a robustness check to verify that participants did not just select the patches according to the order they were showed. Indeed, we observed the frequencies of patches selected based on the order in which they were presented to participants as \(\langle 104,143,115,66,78\rangle\) for the number of time each patch \(P_i\) was adopted in the order in which it was presented. It might seem to suggest that participants selected more often one of the first three patches.

To understand whether such number is just by chance we needed to estimate what would be the probability that they would select the first patch that they meet that looks correct. We assume that participants will not adopt a wrong patch that they believe is wrong. However, if they believe that the patch they encounter it is correct they will select it. So we first assigned a probability of being chosen by a participant based on the classification of the patch. To choose the probability we relied on the results shown in Fig. 3. For example, 10.89% of wrong patches have been classified as correct patches, therefore, we considered that the probability that a participant adopt a wrong patch when they first meet it is \(Pr[P_i~\textrm{correct} | P_i = W] = 0.11\). Similarly \(Pr[P_i~\textrm{correct}| P_i = PC] = 0.07\) and \(Pr[P_i~\textrm{correct} | P_i = C] = 0.24\).

So for each individual CVE we determined which patch was first presented to the participants. For example for CVE-2018-1192 the order was \(\langle P_1 = C, P_2 = W, P_3 = PC, P_4 = C, P_5 = W \rangle\). Therefore, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Pr\left[ P_1 \textrm{adopted}\right]= & {} Pr\left[ \textrm{correct} | P_1 = C\right] \\ Pr[P_2 \textrm{adopted}]= & {} (1-Pr[P_1 \textrm{adopted}])\cdot Pr[P_2~\textrm{correct} | P_2 = W] \\ Pr[P_3 \textrm{adopted}]= & {} (1-Pr[P_1 \textrm{adopted} \vee P_2 adopted])\cdot Pr[P_3~\textrm{correct} | P_3 = PC] \\ ... \\ Pr[P_i \textrm{adopted}]= & {} (1-\sum _{j=1}^{i-1}Pr[P_j \textrm{adopted}])\cdot Pr[P_i~\textrm{correct} | P_i = type(P_i)] \end{aligned}$$

The final number might not add up to one. However, since a participant must eventually adopt the less worst patch in the current design we normalized everything by \(\sum _i Pr[P_i \textrm{adopted}]\). According to this estimation we finally obtained \(\langle 132,111,114,91,58\rangle\) as expected frequencies array. We performed Pearson’s chi-squared test and the result is \(\chi ^2 = 28.94, p=8.04 \cdot 10^{-06}\), which may mean that participants tend to adopt earlier patches in the list. Future experiments should control for this possibility.

To ensure that both treatments do not have an unequal distribution of experienced participants we performed a chi-squared test to compare the two different groups bogus and real. We focused on the knowledge of Java as it is one of the main skills necessary to be able to perform the experiment. We separated the data points in 3 main groups: (i) no experience, (ii) some experience (developed in Java for university projects, or developed some projects in Java), (iii) significant experience (developed several projects outside of University context). We used the scipy.stats.chi2_contingency python function, and we obtained \(\chi ^2 = 0.077, p=0.96\) with 2 degrees of freedom (\((2-1)\times (3-1)\)). The result is not significant, which it means that the groups are not significantly unbalanced in terms of experienced participants.

10 Perception Results

We asked the participants their feedback about the experiment. We used the perception questions as a control to make sure that the experiment did not suffer from internal validity issues. In particular we asked them if they (i) clearly understood the task they had to perform, (ii) had enough time to perform the experiment, (iii) the training was sufficient enough.

Most of the participants somewhat agreed (40%) and agreed (27%) that they understood the task they had to perform for the experiment. A few percentage strongly disagreed (3%) and disagreed (8%) that the explanation of the experiment was clear. Few participants (21%) neither agreed nor disagreed.

The participants strongly agreed (48%) and somewhat agreed (38%) that they had enough time to perform the experiment. Only 1% strongly disagreed, and 10% disagreed that the time was not enough. Finally, 3% of the participants neither agreed nor disagreed.

Some participants suggested that a more detailed training could be beneficial. While 41% either agreed or strongly agreed that the training was sufficient, there were 21% that neither agreed nor disagreed. One of the participant declared that “A live example of how such vulnerabilities are actually detected, maybe during the lecture we can be made to slowly work on this over the week so we can arrive at the experiment more prepared.”; another one suggested “more information about the patches and the development”, which is inline with another participants opinion: “if time allows, more detailed sources would definitely be more helpful”. This may also be due to the fact that for some instances of the experiment we made available the video recording of the training with a wrong format. Therefore, the students had to zoom in, affecting the ease of use of the training material.

11 Discussion and Implications

Table 8 summarizes the main findings of our study. We first tried to investigate if human code reviewers are able to discriminate between correct and wrong patches submitted by the APR tools (RQ1).

The result are encouraging from the perspective of tool debugging as it shows is easier to identify wrong patches than correct patches. So code reviewers could potentially quickly discard wrong or partially correct solutions. From the perspective of the developers being able to recognize whether a patch is definitely wrong (RQ1) is an interesting finding. However, the recognition of partially correct patches is only the first step. What would be important to understand is what impact the delivery of a partially correct patch by an APR tool has on the actual fixing of the bug. If there is no difference then a wrong and partially correct patches would become one category for all practical purposes.

To investigate this issue we performed a qualitative analysis of the reasons proposed by the participants to select or discard the patches and the qualitative distinction between definitely wrong and partially correct emerged from the comments as semantically important. For example, partially correct patches gave suggestions to the participants to fix the vulnerabilities themselves. In one instance, a participant commented: “I chose this one because it was improving the code by checking not only for null but also empty string but it is partially correct because session-id also must be checked if it does not have illegal characters”. Another one wrote: “I chose this one because it was improving the code by checking not only for null but also empty string but it is partially correct because session-id also must be checked if it does not have illegal characters”. For another vulnerability a participant explicitly mentioned the patch as a good initial starting point: “1 and 2 simply delete unsafe code, 3 and 4 encode. Not sure if encoding reduces risk of xss attack but looks like a good start”. Fully answering the question would require a different experiment in which we propose wrong or partially correct patches and ask the participants to develop a fix based on the candidate patches. One of the difficulties behind this experiment is that both wrong and partially correct patches are candidate patches, which means that they all passed all the available tests. Therefore, we cannot use tests to discriminate among them and among the solutions proposed by the developers. Assessing the semantic correctness of patches would be therefore an expensive manual work.

Furthermore, code review remains expensive and time consuming. In fact, in another study (Cambronero et al. 2019) the authors observed that developers had difficulty in identifying correct patches in a set of plausible patches, and consequently spent a lot of time trying to find contextual information to assess the correctness of the candidate patches.

This is also supported by out qualitative analysis of the reason behind the failed choice among correct patches. For example for CVE-2018-1324 which has 3 correct patches (Table 4), some participants had difficulties to discriminate the semantically correct solution from the semantically wrong but thoroughly tested solution. In our setup testing is not helpful because all candidate patches satisfy all tests. For example a participants wrote: “I don’t want to choose either of them. In patch 1, it will not enter the loop structure. In patch 2, syntax errors. In patch 3, 4, and 5, necessary code misses.”, another one stated: “Patch 2 changes the logic of the for loop however patches 3,4 and 5 just remove parts of the code which i do not believe is a good idea. Patch 1 changes the for loop condition which also does not look like the right option.”. In contrast other participants interpreted correctly the very same proposed solution: one observed that “There is a useless code and patch 3,4,5 found that” and another one wrote that “Patch 3 correctly removes unnecessary loops that serve no purpose, patch 5 does the same thing”. Sieving among correct and partially correct patches seemed somehow easier. For example a participant analyzing CVE-2013-4378 reported that clearly: “P1: do nothing useful, just delete the part; P2: do not have a javascriptEncode method; P3: fix the Information Disclosure vulnerabilities; P4: do nothing useful, just delete the part;”.

A possible helping hand could be the use of machine learning tools to further prioritize patches to be recommended to developers as suggested by Long and Rinard (2016). Further experiments with trying to provide developers with this information may help to distinguish correct patches from wrong patches. Since we also observed that patches from APR4Sec are adopted more often than patches suggested by generic tools, and we may think that this choice does depend on the presence of patterns in the proposed patches, the study performed by Long and Rinard (2016) can also be applied in this case for further investigations.

In Section 3 we assumed that in both experimental and treatments groups there is the same number of switches after revealing the security information. From the results we obtained we did not get enough evidence that the patches claimed as produced by security tools are indistinguishable or different from patches actually produced by security tools. It would be necessary to use more diverse security tools to investigate if there is a difference between the two treatment groups, or if patches are patches and are essentially indistinguishable.

For our study we decided to propose a limited number of patches to the participants (no more than 4/5). Our choice is inline with the finding of Noller et al. (2022) that showed that developers would not review more than 5-10 patches. We did not focus on the importance of ranking in the resulting patches from the APR tools because we selected only the ones that passed all the test cases and restricted the result to one patch per tool as recommended by Bader et al. (2019), in our case the first patch. The pilot study that we performed also suggested that the number of shown patches had to be limited. Moreover, in our study, we wanted to focus on the evaluation of correctness of the patches from the participants. An interesting point for future works would be focusing on the ranking of the patches suggested by the APR tools and how these affect also the current findings of this study. The study by Bader et al. (2019) suggested that a better ranking would have increased the acceptance of patches by 10%.

Finally, we observed that knowing a patch is from a security tools increases the chances of adoption irrespective of correctness. In medicine authority figures and hierarchy affects the doctor-patient relationship, such phenomenon is called authority bias which predisposes people towards believing and obeying authority figures (Silvester 2021). We think that a similar situation of authority bias can be behind tool adoption and perception of tool correctness, which it might influence participants’ choice. Therefore training programs for tools should make it clear when also when the tool may be wrong, and provide evidences to developers on how frequently tools can be wrong.

This finding is partly supported by the qualitative survey reported in Noller et al. (2022). A small number of interviewees (9/103 interviewees) reported that reputation of the tool was a key concept. However, whether patch adoption would vary depending on the tools’ reputation was not tested in the paper which only reported traditional test measures of patch correctness on the ManyBugs’ dataset (Le Goues et al. 2015). While 9/103 is too small to draw any conclusion, it suggests the possibility of performing an interesting experiment, similar to the one we propose here, in which the patch is attributed to a well known tool (either for real or by a bogus attribution). Such attribution could change the patch adoption. For example, in Iyer et al. (2019) is shown that pull requests from authors that are more open and conscientious, but less extroverted, have a higher chance of approval. Terrell et al. (2017) also argues that women’s contributions tend to be accepted more often than men’s, however, for contributors who are outsiders to a project and their gender is identifiable, men’s acceptance rates are higher. An eye-tracking study of students acceptance of pull-requests (Ford et al. 2019) showed that social cues are used to make such decisions (as measured by eye-fixation) yet almost no student looked at the popularity of repositories of past contribution and only few looked at Github stars. Our work seems therefore the only one which evaluated this aspect so far. More experiments or observational studies are required to conclude whether authority bias in the (security) tool is a general phenomenon.

Table 8 Summary of Findings and Implications

12 Threats to Validity

Possibly not Representative Sample

We acknowledge that our sample can be considered as not representative of all developers since we are considering only master students from a single course. More than 90 thousand professional developers replied to the 2023 developer survey of StackoverflowFootnote 5, and for 41.16% of them, the Bachelor’s degree is the highest education they had. Also, a consistent part (20.11%) of developers’ age range is between 18 and 24 years old. These statistics are well aligned with our population sample. However, the experience of the developers may be a significant factor, and academic education by itself may not be the most critical aspect in the participant outcome. Since running the experiment with novice vs expert professional could lead to different results for a well known technology (Salman et al. 2015), to generalize the results of our study, more studies should be designed and run with a different population sample and repeated training.

Participant Bias

Students’ background, knowledge, and practice may impact the experiment’s results. However, as mentioned in Section 2, several studies have been performed with students (Naiakshina et al. 2017, 2018, 2020; Rong et al. 2012; Chong et al. 2021). Salman et al. (2015) shows a comparison between students and professionals to understand how well students represent professionals as experimental subjects in SE research. The results show that both subject groups perform similarly when they apply a new approach for the first time. Therefore, for relatively new tools outside the research community (such as APR tools), the threat to external validity may be limited. However experiments should be run after extensive training to determine whether this similarity still holds for better known technology.

Patches Order Bias

The order in which the patches are given to the participants may affect their choice as they may tend to check only few them selecting mostly the earlier patches shown. We tried to analyze this factor in Section 9.6, our results suggests that the order in which the patches are presented to participants affects their adoption choice. In the context of code review, tools such as GitHub present the files to review sorted in alphabetical order. Fregnan et al. (2022) provide evidence that the relative position in which files are presented has an impact on code reviews’ outcome. Therefore, we think that similar investigation should be also conducted on the order and the number of candidate patches.

Time Measurement

Through Qualtrics we registered the time that each student took to perform the experiment. We set a lower and an upper bound to consider a submission valid enough to be significant. We acknowledge that the time measurement would not exactly reflect the actual time the participants spend on the tasks. We plan to investigate these limitations with further studies. However, we believe that we can still get significant results, that will give us a strong basis to explore further in the future, and replicate the experiment in different contexts; such as with developers from companies.


Focusing on a limited sample of popular APR tools and popular vulnerability types may not capture the full spectrum of challenges associated with different tools and vulnerabilities. The limited scope of tools and vulnerabilities examined raises questions about the broader applicability of the findings. Therefore, future works could include a broader spectrum of vulnerable files. In particular, examples of path traversal with closer vulnerable lines.

Tools Performance

The performance of SeqTrans, as shown in Table 4 is not very promising. It produced a correct patch only for one vulnerability, limiting a diverse investigation of the correctness aspect of the patches. However, SeqTrans was the only available tool when we performed the experiment, and it was not working properly. Bui et al. (2024) showed that the results claimed in the original paper were not good as expected. We plan to replicate the experiment in the future with more successful tools.

Tool Documentation and User Experience

Among the potential factors that might influence the behavior of code reviewers in a real-life context is the role of tool documentation and user experience with different tools in the code review process. This was indeed the main reason for us to test the user interface in our pilot (§ 4).

13 Conclusions

The correctness of candidate patches proposed by APR Tools have been traditionally evaluated by automated means (Durieux et al. 2019) or by researchers to provide a ground truth (Liu et al. 2021).

The first study to actually analyze the acceptance of an automated fix by developers has been the deployment at Facebook of Getafix (Bader et al. 2019) where 250 fixes for null deference warnings generated from patterns of previous fixes have been proposed to developers. While only 42% have accepted the fix, acceptance raised to more than half if we consider semantically equivalent fixes or fixes that were identified but not suggested as top by the tool. This paper continues in this direction by being the first study to analyze whether vulnerability patches proposed by SOTA APR tools for real-world projects are eventually accepted or rejected by human patch reviewers. In particular, we investigated whether (possibly wrong) security patches suggested by APR tools are recognized and possibly adopted by human reviewers. We also investigated whether being told that a patch was produced by an allegedly specialized tool does change the decision of human to adopt this particular patch.

To answer these questions, after an initial pilot with \(n = 40\) students, we have run an experiment with \(n = 72\) students enrolled in the Computer Science Master at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. We used a balanced incomplete design where we proposed to each participant a combination of patches proposed by APR tools for different vulnerabilities and ask them to adopt or reject the proposed patches. Participants could better identify wrong patches than correct patches thus showing that code reviews might actually work well.

In a second phase, we told participants that some of the proposed patches were generated by security-specialized tools (even if the tool was actually a generic APR tool) and measure whether the human reviewers would change their decision to adopt or reject a patch. The key finding is that the number of switches to the patches suggested by security tool is significantly higher after the security information is revealed irrespective of correctness. Several switches are actually switches moving from a correct to a wrong or a partially correct patch. This shows that there might be a potential authority bias in the decision of adopting what is recommended by a tool that claims to be specialized. To the best of our knowledge, the only studies that analyse the adoption of a patch based on knowing its provenance (as opposed to testing or validating its correctness) are observational studies focusing on the acceptance of pull-request based on the reputation or gender of the human developers proposing them (Iyer et al. 2019; Terrell et al. 2017; Ford et al. 2019). The practical implication is that authority bias might have an impact in the adoption of solutions that might turn out to be wrong.

Another interesting future work is to explore the difference between "Wrong" and "Partially Correct" as suggested by one of the Reviewer and supported by the analysis of the comments left by the participants when justifying their choice for the selected patch. Does the partially correct patch help the developer to fix the bug? Or are wrong and partially corrected patches in the same class? Answering this question requires to design a novel experiment, along the empirical, observational study on GetaFix (Bader et al. 2019), where we ask the participants to suggest different types of fixes and the actual (possibly different) fix suggested by the developer is validated in term of semantic correctness. We leave this experiment as a promising future work.