1 Introduction

Over the past decade, static and dynamic taint analyses have gained significant traction both in industry and academia (Späth et al. 2019; Bodden 2018; Grech et al. 2018; Arzt et al. 2014). This is due to the fact that—in principle—most types of security vulnerabilities on the code level, e.g. 17 of the 25 vulnerabilities types of SANS-25 (Mitre 2020a), can be detected via taint analysis (Piskachev et al. 2019). Similarly, the OWASP top 10 list (OWASP 2020b) comprises 6 taint-style vulnerability types.

Taint analysis tracks sensitive data from sources, which are typically method calls to application programming interfaces (APIs), to program statements performing security-relevant actions, known as sinks. To soundly and precisely detect security vulnerabilities in a given software development project, any taint analysis, whether static or dynamic, requires a configuration. Particularly, the sources and sinks must be configured regarding the libraries and frameworks the project uses (Arzt et al. 2013). Additionally, due to a lack of scalability, static analyses frequently are unable to analyze all the software’s code and must instead be configured to cut corners.

Some existing static analysis tools from academia (Krüger et al. 2019; Martin et al. 2005; Johnson et al. 2015) as well as from industry (Checkmarx 2020; Microfocus 2020; Grammatech 2020; Github 2020) provide a DSL to configure their analyses. However, all of the existing DSLs are designed to be used by static analysis experts and not by software developers—despite the fact that developers are usually the ones who best know how the project under analysis is structured. This was also confirmed in a recent research project with several industry partners (SecuCheck 2021), in which the authors conducted interviews with software developers that have used various commercial and non-commercial static analysis tools. Eight of the nine interviewees find the configuration options of the taint analysis tools to be too complex. In another recent study among developers, the authors discovered that for 47.1% of the participants, there is a dedicated team to configure the used static analysis tools, 36.8% configure their analysis tools themselves, and 16.2% run on default settings (Nguyen Quang Do et al. 2020). Moreover, the existing DSLs require expertise in static code analysis which many developers do not have. We are not aware of any excising study that evaluates the usability of the DSLs used for configuring the tools.

While much effort has been spent on automatically proposing relevant sources, sanitizers, and sinks (Piskachev et al. 2019; Arzt et al. 2013; Sas et al. 2018) or inference of taint-flows (source-sanitizer-sink paths) (Livshits et al. 2009; Chibotaru et al. 2019; Song et al. 2019), in practice taint analyses still require substantial manual specification effort.

To address this shortcoming, this paper presents a new domain-specific language called fluentTQL. fluentTQL is designed for software developers—not static or dynamic analysis experts—and allows the specification of taint-flow queries. Compared to existing DSLs, the abstraction level of fluentTQL is specific to taint analysis and contains only concepts that allow software developers to easily create or modify taint-flow queries. In result, fluentTQL queries can be evaluated by virtually any existing taint analysis. This sets the language apart from previous more generic code-query language such as CodeQL, the state-of-the-art DSL used within the commercial tool LGTM by Semmle/GitHub. At the same time, fluentTQL is sufficiently expressive, though, to support the specification of multiple taint-flows which allow the detection of complex security vulnerabilities.

Since Java is still amongst the most widely used languages, we designed fluentTQL as an internal Java DSL with a fluent-API design.Footnote 1 This paper presents the syntax and semantics of fluentTQL, which is independent of any concrete (static or dynamic) taint analysis. Our example implementation instantiates fluentTQL with two static taint analyses, one based on Boomerang (Späth et al. 2019) and one based on FlowDroid (Arzt et al. 2014). We explain how these implementations statically approximate the fluentTQL semantics. The implementation is built on top of MagpieBridge (Luo et al. 2019) and the Language Server Protocol (Microsoft 2020). In result, it can be used in a multitude of editors and integrated development environments (IDEs), including Vim, Eclipse, VSCode, IntelliJ, SublimeText, Emacs, Thea and Gitpod.

We evaluate the usability of fluentTQL through a user study with 26 participants (professional software developers, students, and researchers). We compare fluentTQL to the more generic CodeQL. The results show that software developers perceive fluentTQL as easier to use. fluentTQL has an excellent System Usability Score (SUS) (Brooke 2013) of 80,77 (out of 100), whereas (for taint analysis) CodeQL has a score of only 38,56.Footnote 2 The Net Promoter Score (NPS) (Reichheld 2003) shows that—for the task of specifying taint-flow queries—participants would recommend to others fluentTQL over CodeQL. Moreover, we evaluate the applicability of fluentTQL by providing specifications of 11 popular vulnerabilities with catalog of small programs. Additionally, we select two vulnerable Java applications (OWASP WebGoat applicationFootnote 3 and PetClinicFootnote 4) and seven real-world Android applications from TaintBench (Luo et al. 2021) known with malicious behavior. For all applications, we specified corresponding fluentTQL queries and were able to detect most of the expected taint-flows.

To summarize, this paper makes the following contributions:

  • fluentTQL, a new DSL for specifying taint-flow queries, designed to be well usable for software developers.

  • A formal definition of the syntax and semantics of fluentTQL, the latter independent of any concrete taint-analysis tool.

  • An implementation and an empirical evaluation of the usability of fluentTQL in comparison to a state-of-the-art DSL for static code analysis.

Our artifact includes the fluentTQL tooling, the catalog of queries for popular taint-style security vulnerabilities and the dataset of our user study. It is available anonymously online at https://fluenttql.github.io/

We next explain relevant concepts on taint analysis and elicit the requirements for a developer-centric DSL. In Section 3 we present fluentTQL with its syntax and semantics, and explain how our static instantiations statically approximate this semantics. In Section 4 we discuss the user study. We discuss related work in Section 5 and, finally, we conclude in Section 6.

2 Requirements for a Taint Analysis DSL

We next explain the concept of taint analysis with an example and define requirements for a developer-centric DSL for taint analysis.

Listing 1 shows an excerpt of Java code of an HTTP handler. The method doGet is called upon a GET-request from a web browser when a user changes the password by providing the username, the old password, and the new password. The method calls a helper method changePassword shown in Listing 2 which verifies the user and changes the database. The code in doGet contains a potential cross-site scripting vulnerability (XSS) (Mitre 2020d). The username value from the request in the variable uName is added to the created HTML page for the response object to inform the user if the password was changed successfully (line 5). There is no sanitization check if the value contains any malicious behavior before it is added to the generated HTML page.

Listing 1
figure e

Java code with potential XSS vulnerability (from line 1 to line 5)

Listing 2
figure f

Java code with potential XSS vulnerability (from line 1 to line 5)

The code in the helper method changePassword contains a potential NoSQL injection vulnerability (NoSQLi) (Mitre 2020e). A single atomic action performs the user authentication and a change of a password in line 20 in which two database documents (filter and set), one with $where clause and one with $set clause are executed. To report the taint-flow precisely, both values should be marked as tainted. We explain both XSS and NoSQLi vulnerabilities throughout this section.

2.1 Selection of Sensitive Methods

To detect such vulnerabilities using a taint analysis, one must configure the analysis with any security-relevant methods (SM), such as sources, sinks and sanitizers.

Consider the example of the XSS vulnerability in Listing 1. Here, untrusted data flows from the parameter uName of the method doGet to the sink in line 5 where method append() is called with a string value of a request. Figure 1(a) shows the data-flow graph extracted from the code. To fix this vulnerability, a software developer should apply a sanitizer such as encodeHTML() to clear potential malicious inputs from the variable uName before appending the contents to the HTML string. This leads to our first requirement:

figure g
Fig. 1
figure 1

Data-flow graphs for (a) XSS and (b) NoSQLi vulnerabilities from Listing 1 and Listing 2

2.2 Selection of In- and Out-Values

Apart from the selection of the call sites, the actual values flowing in or out of the methods (return values, parameters, and receiver) must be selected. For the source of the XSS vulnerability in Listing 1, the developer must select the argument value of the first parameter of the method doGet. At the call to the sink of the vulnerability, the developer needs to provide the possibility to select a parameter of a called method.

figure h

2.3 Composition of Taint-Flows

The presented XSS vulnerability is detected by what we call a “single-step taint analysis”. It is relatively easy to detect, even manually. But many real-world taint-analysis problems comprise a sequence of multiple events. For example, consider the NoSQL injection vulnerability in Listing 2 and its data-flow graph in Fig. 1(b).

The NoSQLi vulnerability occurs in line 20 when the method updateOne is called under the condition that the Mongo database has a record with the username and the old password that matches the values coming from the request object (uName in line 1 and oldPass in line 3). The value of filter contains the document that checks the existing password for the given username by calling the method put in line 15 with a $where-clause. The value of set contains the document that sets the new password by calling the method put in line 18 with a $set-clause. When the method put is called in line 15 and line 17, the uName and oldPass taint the filter whereas the newPass taints the set. For the taint-flow to be complete, both calls to the method put must occur before the set and filter flow to the sink updateOne() in line 20. Thus, we desired a feature to compose complex queries consisting of multiple single-step taint analyses.

figure i

2.4 Detailed Error Message

When findings are reported, the analysis tool usually provides a description to the user to help understanding the vulnerability. The study of Christakis et al. (Christakis and Bird 2016) showed that software developers have difficulties in understanding those descriptions. For different vulnerabilities and types of data-flow the DSL shall present the results of the taint analysis with fine-grained error messages that help developers to quickly identify and fix the vulnerability. The user that specifies the taint-flow should be able to define a custom error message that can be reported at different locations.

figure j

2.5 Integration into Developer’s Workflow

Empirical studies show that software developers need static analysis tools integrated in their workflow (Christakis and Bird 2016; Johnson et al. 2013). Most software developers use integrated development environments (IDEs) and prefer static analyses to be directly integrated in the IDE. The results of the analysis should be shown within the IDE, preferably visible near the editor for the code. Therefore, a DSL designed for software developers should be integrated in this workflow with appropriate tooling and usability.

figure k

2.6 Independence of Concrete Taint Analysis

Software developers desire reusing taint-flow specifications for both static and dynamic taint analyses. Moreover, some analysis tools are only part of the continuous integration whereas others can be integrated in different workflows, e.g. the IDE. To enable reusability of the specifications among different tools, the DSL semantics must therefore be independent of any concrete static or dynamic analysis. Thus, any limitations due to the approximations of the underlying solver are transferred to the results reported by fluentTQL.

figure l

The NoSQLi vulnerability from the example in this section, can not be detected by default with the existing tools due to its specific structure. Such complex taint-flows require the user to specify a custom query. fluentTQL introduced in the next section aims at providing usable and easy approach for mainly software developers specifying custom queries. The existing DSLs are design for experts who have understanding in data-flow analysis, which most developers do not have. Moreover, based on our evaluation of the existing DSLs in Section 5, indicates that none of them completely fulfills all requirements.

3 fluentTQL

We next define the domain-specific language fluentTQL through its abstract and concrete syntax (Stahl et al. 2006). We also define the runtime semantics of fluentTQL as independent of a concrete taint analysis. Dynamic taint analyses could faithfully implement the semantics, whereas static taint analyses would seek to soundly approximate it. Finally, we discuss relevant implementation details.

3.1 Concrete Syntax

As a concrete syntax for fluentTQL, we decided to use a Java fluent-interface syntax. Since Java is one of the most popular programming languages, this allows software developers to learn the DSL with little effort. Moreover, in interviews with nine software developers (SecuCheck 2021), the authors asked what concrete syntax they would prefer if given the choice of (1) a fluent interface, (2) a graphical syntax, or (3) a textual syntax for taint-flow queries, six participants chose the fluent interface, and only two chose the graphical and one the textual syntax.

In the following, we explain the concrete syntax by specifying the fluentTQL queries for the detection of the XSS and NoSQLi code in Listing 1 and Listing 2. The specification is presented in Listing 3, where lines 23–31 contain the SM declaration and lines 32–38 contain the taint-flow queries.

Listing 3
figure m

fluentTQL specification for XSS and NoSQLi in Listings 1 and 2

In the code there are two potential sources. One source is the return value of the getParameter() method which in Listing 3 is specified in line 23. The first argument to the constructor of Method() takes a method signature as a String argument. Next, using the fluent interface of fluentTQL, we append out() indicating that the method generates a sensitive data-flow. Eventually, by appending return(), we select the return value as the out-value that is generated. The other source is the first parameter of the doGet() method (line 24) indicated by out() and param(0).

The fluent interface of fluentTQL allows calling out() or in() on a Method object. After out() there has to be at least one more call to return(), thisObject() and/or one or more calls to param(int) with the integer referring to the parameter index of the out-value. After in() there must be a call to thisObject() and/or one or more calls to param(int).

Both sources in line 23 and line 24 are potential sources for SQLi and XSS, i.e., they are not specific to the vulnerability type. Thus, they are grouped into a MethodSet object (line 25). Afterwards, the method encodeHTML is specified as sanitizer which is relevant to the XSS vulnerability only. The method put() is a propagator (i.e. only propagates the taint) but a required one, because it has to be called between the source and the sink for this specific vulnerability. It can be called with two different parameter types. Hence, it is specified twice (lines 27 and 28). They are grouped in the method set reqPropagatorsPut. Finally, the sinks are specified (lines 30 and 31). They are specific to each vulnerability type.

The taint-flow query for XSS is specified in line 32 where the class TaintFlowQuery is instantiated after which from(...), to(...), and report(...) are called. For the XSS taint-flow query, the sanitizer is also specified by calling the method notThrough(...). Each of these methods expects an object of type Method or MethodSet.

At the end there is a call to at(Location.SOURCE) which is optional and expresses where in the code the report message should be shown. Location is an enumeration with values SOURCE, SINK, and SOURCEANDSINK. The taint-flow query can be read as follows: If there is a taint-flow from the source source1 not propagating through the sanitizer and reaching any of the sinkXss, then report a finding with “‘Reflective XSS vulnerability”’ at the source location.

For the NoSQLi vulnerability there are two taint-flow queries in Listing 3, in lines 33–38. The object noSQLi1 will report a finding with a message “‘No-SQL-injection vulnerability”’ for the source getParameter, defined with source1, propagating through any required propagator from the set reqPropagatorsPut reaching the sinkNoSql. If applied to the code example from Listing 1 and Listing 2, there will be two traces found which will be reported as separate findings. The taint-flow from the first parameter of doGet carrying the username will be missed. To detect this taint-flow as well, one can use the method set sources instead of the single method source1. On the other hand, a taint analysis specified as defined though noSQLi2 will report a single finding only: For this specification, the three single taint-flows are joined by a call to and(), which means all separate taint-flows need to occur individually.

3.2 Abstract Syntax

We discuss the abstract syntax through the meta-model shown in Fig. 2. The DSL has a root node (class RootNode) containing all objects. An object of this class represents single instance of the DSL that can contain multiple top level elements. The abstract class TopLevelElement is a superclass of the main concepts in fluentTQL, i.e., the class Method and the class TaintFlowQuery.

Fig. 2
figure 2

fluentTQL meta-model (UML class diagram, gray-filled classes are abstract). The constraints of the cardinalities of the classes are shown as messages, since the semantics of UML class diagram can not express all of them.

3.2.1 Methods

The class Method represents a reference to a method from the analyzed code. It contains information about the method signature and the data-flow propagation when that method is called in a given context (conforming to R1 and R2). This is expressed through the references to InputDeclaration and OutputDeclaration. A Method object has to have one or both InputDeclaration or OutputDeclaration references. An InputDeclaration contains an in-value (abstract class Input), whereas OutputDeclaration contains an out-value (abstract class Output). In-values can be a parameter of a method call (class Parameter) or a receiver of the method (class ThisObject). Out-values can be a parameter, a receiver, or a return value (class Return). In-values flow into the method call and out-values flow out of the method call.

The class Method in combination with the classes InputDeclaration and OutputDeclaration can model sources, sinks, and sanitizers (R1). Source is a combination of Method and OutputDeclaration specifying which values become tainted through a method call. Sink is an instance of Method and InputDeclaration specifying which values must be tainted for the sink to be considered “reached”. Sanitizer is a combination of a Method and InputDeclaration, specifying which tainted value flowing in the method call will get untainted.

3.2.2 Required Propagators

Required propagators are method calls that have to be on the path between a source and a sink in order for a given vulnerability to be present. For instance the method put() in the running example from Section 2 has to be on the taint-flow trace from the source to the sink. It only propagates the taint from the in-value to the out-value. In fluentTQL, a required propagator is modeled as a combination of Method, InputDeclaration, and OutputDeclaration. This model allows propagating out-values once an in-value reaches a method. The analyses that are aware of these methods know how to propagate the data-flow without analyzing them, for example for improving scalability or handling calls for which the source code is not available.

3.2.3 Taint-Flow Queries

The class TaintFlowQuery represents a taint-flow query. It contains all the information one needs to trigger a taint analysis. It contains one or more TaintFlow objects and a user defined message (R4). The class TaintFlow has four references to the class FlowParticipant. The from reference defines the set of sources, the through reference defines the required propagators, the notThrough reference defines the sanitizers, and the to reference defines the sinks. For any valid TaintFlow there should be at least one source and one sink. A FlowParticipant is either a Method or a MethodSet, i.e., a collection of methods. Similarly, the QueriesSet is a collection of taint-flow queries.

3.2.4 Imports and Reuse

The root node can contain imports from other models defined in other locations. This is modeled via the class Import. This allows references of methods and taint-flow queries from different files. The classes Import, MethodSet, and QueriesSet are provided for maintenance, reusability, and structure of fluentTQL specifications, enabling software developers to define categories of methods and taint-flow queries and share them (R5). As Java internal DSL, the users of fluentTQL get all advantages of Java compared to any external DSL or XML/JSON-based DSL, often used in the existing tools. From Java, users can reuse existing abstractions such as packaging, modules, and object-oriented design to improve the maintenance, the readability, and the accessibility of the rules.

3.3 Semantics

A taint-flow query, an instance of the class TaintFlowQuery, is a fluentTQL specification that describes which traces of the program should be returned as findings to the user when a given taint analysis is triggered with that taint-flow query. In the following we define the relevant terms and how fluentTQL refers to them.

We denote M to be the set of all method signatures where a signature includes the fully qualified method name, parameter types, and a return type. A sensitive value is a type definition with information about the direction of propagation (in- or out-), and location (return, receiver, or parameter index). Hence, in- and out-values are sensitive values with in- and out-propagation, respectively.

Definition 1

A sensitive method is a tuple (m,SV), where mM and SV is a set of sensitive values. SV contains subset SVin for in-values and subset SVout for out-values.

Definition 2

A taint analysis specification TAS consists of the tuple (Sources, Sanitizers, RequiredPropagators, Sinks), where

  1. 1.

    Sources is a set of sensitive methods (m,SVout) for which SV contains at least one out-value, (SVout),

  2. 2.

    Sanitizers and Sinks are sets of sensitive methods (m,SVin) for which SV contains at least one in-value, (SVin), and

  3. 3.

    RequiredPropagators is a set of sensitive methods (m,SVin,SVout) containing at least one in-value and one out-value (SVin, SVout).

Given a taint analysis specification TAS, some black-box taint analysis T and a program P, we assume the execution of T returns a set of traces for the data-flow, i.e., \(T(P,\textsc {TAS}) = \{t_{1} \dots , t_{n}\}\) where each ti is a data-flow trace. A trace is a sequence of program statements, i.e., \(t_{i} = {s_{i}^{1}} {s_{i}^{2}} {\dots } {s_{i}^{n}}\). For each individual trace ti it holds that

  • the first statement is a source statement, \({s_{i}^{1}} \in \) Sources,

  • the last statement is a sink, \({s_{i}^{n}} \in \) Sinks

  • none of the statement \({s_{i}^{j}}\) is a sanitizer, \({s_{i}^{j}}\notin \) Sanitizers, and

  • if RequiredPropagators is non empty, there exists exactly one element from RequiredPropagators that appears at statement \({s_{i}^{j}}\), where j ∈{1,…,n}.

Note that in the case the analysis T is a dynamic taint analysis, the set of traces is a singleton set while static analyses, which simulate all possible executions, may generate multiple traces.

Example: A TAS can detect rudimentary data-flows modeled with the class TaintFlow from Fig. 2 such as the XSS vulnerability in Listing 1. The TaintFlowQuery xss in line 32 specifies a TaintFlow with

  1. sources -

    {(getParameter(String),returnout), (doGet(String, ...), 0out)}

  2. sanitizers -


  3. r. propagators -


  4. sinks -


fluentTQL allows one to specify these sets with respective syntax elements from(...), notThrough(...), and to(...). Running a taint analysis with the fluentTQL specification for xss on the code in Listing 1 returns the single trace consisting of the two statementsFootnote 5t1 = 1 5.

Additionally, the syntax element through(...) allows to specify the set of RequiredPropagators.

For instance, the taint-flow query noSQLi1 in line 33 specifies a non-empty set RequiredPropagators.

  1. sources -


  2. sanitizers -


  3. r. propagators -

    {(put(String, String),1in,returnout), (put(String, BasicDBObject),1in,returnout)}

  4. sinks -

    {(updateOne(BasicDBObject, BasicDBObject),0in,1in),returnout}

The result of the taint-flow query noSQLi1 is

$$ \textit{Trace$_{noSQLi1}$} = 2~ 4~ 10~ 15~ 20, ~ 3~ 4~ 10~ 17~ 19~20$$

and consists of two traces. Each of these traces is reported as a separate finding to the user. A “simple” finding is a single trace with a single message. For instance, the findings of noSQLi1 are FindingsnoSQLi1 = { F\(_{noSQLi1}^{1}\), F\(_{noSQLi1}^{2}\)}, where

\(F_{noSQLi1}^{1} =\) :

({2 4 10 15 20}, “No-SQL-Injection vulnerability.”)

\(F_{noSQLi1}^{2} =\) :

({3 4 10 17 19 20}, “No-SQL-Injection vulnerability.”)

Yet, for more complex queries one can use the and() operator, which combines findings over individual traces to a single finding over multiple traces.

Combining taint-flow queries: The and() operator allows one to merge multiple TAS as a single query. This is through an object of type TaintFlowQuery (from Fig. 2) that contains multiple objects of type TaintFlow. Formally, the operator computes the cross product of the traces of the individual TAS. For example, the taint-flow query noSQLi2 in line 34 defines three TAS specifications:

  1. sources -


  2. sanitizers -


  3. r. propagators -

    {(put(String, String),1in),returnout}

  4. sinks -

    {(updateOne(BasicDBObject, BasicDBObject),0in,1in)}

  1. sources -

    {(put(String, String),returnout)}

  2. sanitizers -


  3. r. propagators -


  4. sinks -

    {(updateOne(BasicDBObject, BasicDBObject),0in,1in)}

  1. sources -


  2. sanitizers -


  3. r. propagators -

    {(put(String, BasicDBObject),1in,returnout))}

  4. sinks -

    {(updateOne(BasicDBObject, BasicDBObject),0in,1in)}]

The first one returns the trace “2 4 10 15 20”, the second one returns the trace “1 4 10 15 20”, and the last one returns the trace “3 4 10 17 19 20”. Yet, the result of the query noSQLi2 will be a single finding, FindingsnoSQLi2 = {\(F_{noSQLi2}^{1}\)}, where

  • \(F_{noSQLi2}^{1} = (\{2~ 4~ 10~ 15~ 20,~ 1~ 4~ 10~ 15~ 20,~ 3~ 4~ 10~ 17~ 19~20\}\), “No-SQL-Injection vulnerability with multiple taint-flows.”).

Calculating Traces

By its definition, fluentTQL has a precise runtime semantics. However, when applied in static context, the traces need to be approximated by the underlying data-flow engine. Thus, reported traces of different tool implementations can differ.

To explain the precise runtime semantics for traces construction, we define a taint analysis core language, in similar fashion to previous works (Schwartz et al. 2010; Livshits 2012). Though simple, the core language covers relevant statements that can be mapped one-to-one with Java statements. The statements are listed in Table 1. A program of the language contains a sequence of statements with line number. For simplicity, we decided to exclude method calls from the language. These can be compiled to the language by storing the memory address of the return statement and transferring the control flow. This rule is not applied to the four statements in Table 1 which are special method calls.

Table 1 Statements of the core language for constructing fluentTQL traces

We denote variables with x and y, a field of an object with f, and an i-th index of an array with a[i]. We model all memory locations through a shadow heap: The shadow-heap values for a memory location v is true if the value is tainted and false otherwise. The execution context Σ has the parameters listed in Table 2. Σ.Δ[x] stores the current taint value of variable x. We write Σ ⊩ x v to extract that value into v. Similarly, notations like src(x) ⊩ (m,SV ) extract the method m with its sensitive values SV, when a method call src is matched. Additionally, Σ stores all traces tT that will be created during the execution. t is a sequence of statements (which we here denote by line numbers).

Table 2 Statements of the core language for constructing fluentTQL traces

Figure 3 shows fluentTQL’s semantics through inference rules. We use a syntax akin to the one used by Schwartz et al. (Schwartz et al. 2010). The semantics essentially define a regular dynamic taint analysis which, as side-effect collects un-sanitized traces from sources to sinks. For instance, given the statement x = y, the ASSIGN rule’s computation comprises four parts. First, Σ ⊩ y v evaluates and extracts the taint value v for variable y. Due to the assignment, the rule updates the taint value of x with v. The rule then also extracts each trace in t𝜃 and adds to it the current statement, identified by its line number. The rules for load/store and array accesses are equivalent. The rule SOURCE creates a new trace and taints the out-value, the rule SINK gracefully terminates a trace by untainting the sensitive value. The rule SANITIZER also discontinues the tracing. The rule PROPAGATOR taints the out-value if the in-value is tainted. SKIP advances to the next statement whereas SEQ enables the progression of the semantics covering the recursive case. The semantics must additionally enforce one aspect that we found hard to capture with inference rules: for such fluentTQL specifications that define required propagators, the taint analysis must ensure to report only such traces that actually contain all required propagators. Finally, the notion of user-defined message is skipped in the formal semantics due to simplicity, but we explain it in the following through our example.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Inference rules of the operational semantics of the traces construction in fluentTQL

Report Message

As seen in the previous examples, the queries specified in fluentTQL contain a user-defined message which is added to each finding (R4). In the concrete syntax, the mandatory syntax element report(...) takes the string message as an argument. Optionally, the user may specify the location for the reporting message by using the syntax element at(...). As an argument, the enumeration Location can be used, which contains three elements SOURCE, SINK and SOURCEANDSINK. SOURCE and SINK define that the reporting message should be shown at the source and the sink location respectively. For SOURCEANDSINK the message should be shown at both source and sink location in the code. If the finding has multiple traces then the reporting message is shown for each trace individually. For example, for noSQLi2 the error message will be shown at each source and sink location, i.e., lines 1, 2, 3, and 20, because SOURCEANDSINK is used in the query specification (Listing 3, line 38). This information can be used by tools for visualization purposes. E.g. an IDE plug-in may display error markers in the editor at the source location, the sink location, or both.

Usability Versus Expressiveness

fluentTQL is a DSL for users without deep expertise in static analysis as most software developers. Its purpose is to enable users specify a custom taint analysis for their codebase and detect many popular security vulnerabilities. Hence, the usability and simplicity of the language is the primary aim. A trade-off to this design decision is the lower expressiveness when compared to some existing DSLs such as CodeQL. fluentTQL does not provide the users a fine-grained manipulation of the abstract syntax tree (AST). Such expressive DSLs are used by program analysis experts. This fine-grained AST manipulation, can be useful for writing more compact code. Nonetheless, as our evaluation in Section 4 shows, most popular security vulnerabilities can be expressed in fluentTQL. This is due to the fact that the relevant data being tracked by the analysis is impacted only by specific method calls within the program, which is the case for most security vulnerabilities. Compared to CodeQL, in fluentTQL, other language constructs than method calls currently can’t be modeled. However, as discussed in Section 4.4, extending fluentTQL with new language constructs is possible without significant semantic changes. On the side of expressiveness, fluentTQL has a support of R3 which is only partially supported by other DSL as can be seen later in Section 5. Complex multi-step taint-flow queries are in particular relevant for stored versions of SQLi and XSS vulnerabilities. Finally, fluentTQL only support taint analysis, whereas other DSLs like CodeQL support additional types of analyses, such as value analysis.

3.4 Implementation

We implemented fluentTQL as an internal Java DSL which can be easily used in any Java project by implementing the interface FluentTQLSpecification. Hence, any Java editor can be used to write and edit fluentTQL queries.

Additionally, we implemented a server using the MagpieBridge framework (Luo et al. 2019) that can trigger, execute the analysis, and return the results to the IDE. fluentTQL is implemented as a standard Java library using the builder pattern to allow method chaining as user interface. All queries need to be implemented within a class that implements the interface FluentTQLSpecification. Using the Java classloader the classes are located and the queries correctly loaded and provided as input to the analysis.

As we rely on MagpieBridge, we support IDEs that support the Language Server Protocol (Microsoft 2020) such as Vim, Eclipse, VSCode, IntelliJ, and many more. The MagpieBridge server uses the Language Server Protocol to notify the IDE for available results. Figure 4 shows a component diagram of our implementation. The core analysis uses Soot as an underlying static analysis framework responsible for providing the main data structures, such as control-flow graph and call graph. Solvers such as Boomerang and FlowDroid provide interface for starting a taint analysis. The core analysis utilizes this to execute the semantics of the fluentTQL queries as described previously in fluentTQL’s semantics. The core analysis matches the solver’s APIs with the fluentTQL queries that are executed. For complex queries it breaks them into simple taint-flows which are independently solved by the underlying solver and their results merged afterwards. The queries are loaded through the fluentTQL-classloader into the MagpieBridge-Server.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Component diagram of the fluentTQL imeplementation as MagpieBridge server (gray components are external, white components are internal)

Our implementation uses the standard IDE features: errors view, editor markups, and notifications to display the results from the analysis directly in the IDE. Additionally, it provides a configuration page where the user can filter the queries and the entry points used for the call graph used by the analysis.

To instantiate fluentTQL with concrete analyses, we first implemented a taint analysis built on top of the Boomerang solver (Späth et al. 2019), an efficient and precise context-, flow-, and field-sensitive data-flow engine with demand-driven pointer analysis. Boomerang provides an API to query all traces from given seeds. The API of the seed is expressible to cover the fluentTQL semantics of the sensitive methods. However, the basic API of Boomerang does not support sanitizers, nor required propagators. To support the sanitizers we transformed the bodies of the sanitizers to empty, which is a terminal case of the Boomerang data propagation solver. To support required propagators, we break the TAS specification to multiple TAS specifications containing only sources and sinks. A TAS with required propagator is broken to two TAS where the first one has the original source and the required propagator as sink, whereas the second one has the required propagator as source and the original sink as sink. Boomerang returns the traces of the individual TAS, and our implementation merges them. There is no explicit well-formed check in our implementation. However, we implemented the taint analysis with Boomerang on ourselves and we, therefore, trust its correctness with respect to the semantics of the constructed traces. However, future implementation with other solvers, should also include a well-formed check.

Moreover, we instantiated fluentTQL with the existing taint analysis of FlowDroid (Arzt et al. 2014). This, however, was not possible without limitations. Specifically, the default component for defining sources and sinks in FlowDroid is limited and supports only return as out-value of sources and parameter index as in-value of sinks. This can be extended by adding new implementation of the SourceSinkManager, which we left as future work. Sanitizers by default are not supported, but we applied the same solution as in our Boomerang implementation, whereas required propagators are not supported and requires either extension of the taint analysis or post-processing of the findings which we also consider as future work.

Finally, both instances of fluentTQL have some limitations in the way the traces are constructed and reported. Since fluentTQL has precise runtime semantics, it is expected that static analysis engines like Boomerang and FlowDroid will approximate. In particular, both engines will unsoundly underapproximate the constructed traces. For example, both apply different strategies for merging conditional paths of the program. Thus, these limitations are part of our implementation, too.

4 Evaluation

We evaluated the usability of fluentTQL by conducting a comparative user study between fluentTQL and CodeQL. We chose CodeQL because it is part of LGTM, a state-of-the-art security tool, which has, in our perspective, very good tool support and the query specifications are open-source. There is also an Eclipse plugin, a web console for queries, and integration with GitHub, a popular versioning system among developers. Additionally, we evaluated the applicability of fluentTQL by specifying queries for different set of applications: a catalog of eleven Java programs, each demonstrating different security vulnerability, the deliberately insecure application OWASP WebGoat aiming to teach developers about relevant security vulnerabilities, an insecure version of the Spring Demo application PetClinic, and randomly selected five real-world Android apps with known malicious taint-flows part of TaintBench (Luo et al. 2021). All selected applications have known expected taint-flows that can be used to evaluate how does the analysis perform in finding real vulnerabilities. We answer the following research questions:

  • RQ1 How usable is fluentTQL for software developers?

  • RQ2 How does fluentTQL compare to CodeQL for specifying taint-flow queries for taint-style security vulnerabilities?

  • RQ3 Are fluentTQL syntax elements sufficient to express queries for popular taint-style security vulnerabilities?

  • RQ4 Can fluentTQL express and detect known security vulnerabilities in Java/Android applications?

To answer the research questions, we use corresponding metrics. For RQ1, we use the System Usability Scale and Net Promoter Score. The same metrics are also used in RQ2 to compare both DSLs. Additionally, we measure the time needed for the participants to complete the given tasks. We count only the solutions which are complete queries. The partial solutions are not counted due to the nature of the task. In similar realistic scenario, incomplete queries will not return results from the tools. For RQ3, we evaluate how each fluentTQL construct contributes in specifying the most popular Java security vulnerabilities. Moreover, we identify security vulnerabilities for which fluentTQL can not express the required constructs. Finally, for RQ4, we count how many of the expected taint-flows in the selected applications are found when fluentTQL runs with adequate queries.

The following subsection explains our methodology for the user study used to answer RQ1 and RQ2. The next subsections discuss the results of each research question individually. Finally, we discuss threats to validity.

4.1 Methodology


The user study was conducted over a set of teleconferences where each participant shared the screen. Each study took on average 80 minutes. The session was recorded for post-processing purposes. We invited 35 software developers to take part in the study, from which 26 accepted the invitation, referred to as P01-P26. We invited professional developers via our contacts from the industry as well as researchers and master level students. Additionally, we asked three students to participate in a test session, which helped us to estimate the time and adjust the difficulty of the tasks.

Due to the limited number of participants, we chose a within-subjects design. Hence, each participant worked in Eclipse with available tool support for both DSLs. The fluentTQL implementation used the more versatile instantiation based on Boomerang. To avoid any bias, we referred to the DSLs by DSL-1 and DSL-2. Initially, the participants received a project with all files needed for the practical part. The moderator gave an introduction to taint analysis and showed a Java code example with an SQL injection vulnerability (Mitre 2020h) to make sure that the participant understands the required concepts such as source, sanitizer, required propagator, and sink. Then, the exercises for DSL-1 and DSL-2 followed.

Each exercise consisted of a tutorial and a task. The tutorial for each DSL was based on the SQL injection vulnerability. Then, the participants had ten minutes to write a specification in the same DSL for a new vulnerability explained by the moderator. We chose the vulnerability types open redirect (Mitre 2020l) for fluentTQL and cross-site scripting (Mitre 2020d) for CodeQL. For either type, we selected an example with the same pattern in form of source-sanitizer-sink. This ensures that writing a specification for each vulnerability is equally hard, i.e., the effort is the same regardless of the vulnerability.

For each vulnerability type, we provided a Java code example as a reference. The participant was allowed to use any of the files provided that included the Java classes and the files with example specifications of fluentTQL and CodeQL. For each task, we additionally provided a file with a skeleton code in which the participant wrote the solution. During the tasks, the participants were allowed to ask questions for clarification.

After the tasks, we let the participants fill a web form. The moderator guided the participant in the discussion and collected the data for the questionnaire.


In total the questionnaire asked 28 questions, of which two are of open type and optional (Q26 and Q27). The complete list of questions is part of our artifact. Each of the questions asks for feedback for each DSL by the participant. From the 26 mandatory questions of closed type, 4 are informational, 20 are related to the System-Usability-Scale (SUS) (Brooke 2013), and two are related to the Net Promoter Score (NPS) (Reichheld 2003). The SUS value is a usability metric that can be calculated with ten simple questions in a predefined format. The SUS-related questions (Q4–Q23) are the same ten questions per DSL with answering options on agreement scale from one to five. SUS expresses usability of a single DSL. Hence, for comparison we use the same questions for each DSL. The NPS metric expresses how likely the participant would recommend something to a colleague. To calculate a value, NPS identifies so-called promoters and detractors among the participants. The NPS-related questions (Q24–Q25), ask for the likelihood of DSL1 being recommended over DSL2 for the task of specifying taint-flow queries and vice versa. The informational questions ask about participant coding experience (Q1), security expertise (Q2), willingness to learn a new DSLs (Q3), and preferred way of learning new languages (Q28).


The study population with 26 participants is larger than the size of related studies that have been performed earlier, e.g. 10 in (Smith et al. 2019), 12 in (Smith et al. 2020), and 22 in (Nguyen Quang Do and Bodden 2020). We chose participants with a diverse background. Ten of them are professional developers, six are computer science students on the master level, and ten are researchers in computer science. The participants have different experiences in programming. Twelve of the participants have 10+, nine have 6–10, four have 3–5, and one has 1–2 years of programming experience. They rated their experience with security vulnerabilities. Three consider themselves as beginners, 16 have basic knowledge, five regularly inform themselves about the topic, and two consider themselves as experts.

Statistical Tests

Along with the reported data and metrics, we perform relevant statistical tests. As a within-subject design our collected data is paired, i.e, for each participant we have one set of collected data. Exception are the SUS and NPS metrics which are aggregated among all participants. The limitation of this design is the possibility of carryover effects, such as learning effects. The main treatment variable is the technique, stating which DSL was used to solve each task (nominal data). In addition, we have an independent crossover treatment variable, the choice of DSL for the first task (binomial data). The background variable are: years of coding experience (ordinal data), position (nominal data), and security experience (nominal data). Finally, we have two effort variables, one for the outcome of each task (binomial data) and the time (ratio data). As most of the data is nominal and ordinal, we used only non-parametric statistical tests. Bellow we report individually each selected test and the results. We used the significance level α = 0.05 for all the tests.

4.2 RQ1 Usability of fluentTQL

fluentTQL was positively received by the participants of our user study. It received an excellent System Usability Score of 80,77 on a scale from 0 to 100 where 68 is considered to be an average usability and 100 is imaginary perfect.

Using the null hypothesis “fluentTQL is usable (SUS is bigger then the hypothetical value of 68)”, we select the Wilcoxon test (the data is ratio but without normal distribution). The test accepts the hypothesis with statistical significance and large effect size (> 0.5). For the given task, 20 out of 26 participants have finished with a correct solution in 10 minutes (on average 472 s, with σ = 99,05). Table 3 shows the exact time in seconds for each participant. In the open questions (Q26–Q27), many of the participants gave additional feedback what they like and what they would improve in fluentTQL. Most of the participants said that they can learn the language very easily, one of them said “‘with simple tutorial, I can learn it (fluentTQL) even without an expert. (...) it was very intuitive”’ and other said “‘I didn’t have to learn a lot”’. Few participants mentioned that they like that the queries are compact and have the right level of abstraction.

Table 3 List of participants: coding experience and position, time in solving each task and DSL used in the first task (X means the participant did not solve the task in 10 minutes)

We noted a few points that many participants disliked. Most dislike that the method signatures are specified as a string value. One participant said “‘method calls are prone to typos or cumbersome to create”’. For this, we already added a check in the editor to inform the users if their string is an invalid method signature. We support Java and Soot signatures. We even plan to add suggestions for existing methods from the workspace to the code completion feature of the editor. Some participants gave suggestions for improving the names of some keywords. For example the class ThisObject, which in fluentTQL is called with thisObject(), was earlier called This and confused many participants with the this keyword in Java.

figure n

4.3 RQ2 Comparison of fluentTQL and CodeQL

In terms of usability, with a SUS value of 38,56 CodeQL is perceived with bad usability. Using the null hypothesis “CodeQL is not usable (SUS is smaller than the hypothetical value of 68)”, we select the Wilcoxon test. The test accepts the hypothesis with statistical significance and large effect size (> 0.5). On the questions how likely will the participant recommend one DSL over the other for the task they were given (Q24-Q25), fluentTQL over CodeQL has a Net Promoter Score value of 30,77, whereas CodeQL over fluentTQL has a value of − 86,96, where on the scale from − 100 to 100, positive values are considered good. It follows that for specifying taint-flow queries, participants would more likely recommend fluentTQL over CodeQL.

Listing 4
figure o

CodeQL specification for XSS

To compare both languages, let us consider the CodeQL example for XSS in Listing 4. This is a solution for the task given to the participants. The query (lines 47–49) consists of three sections, from, where, and select. In the from section, the user defines objects from predefined or self-defined classes. In the where section, constraints are defined that may also contain calls to predicates. In the select section, the results of the query are defined. For taint analysis, CodeQL provides a module. The class XSSConfig extends from the configuration class for taint analysis where the sources, sanitizers, and sinks are defined. Additionally, the classes RemoteFlowSource and XssSink are provided and can be used to detect sources and sinks for XSS. The stub code with relevant imports given to each participant contained information that these classes exist and can be used. A user who needs other SM that the provided classes cannot detect, will need to write a new implementation. Note that the provided classes RemoteFlowSource and XssSink will match more sources and sinks than the fluentTQL query solution. To have an equivalent query as the one in fluentTQL, the participants would have to write additional code for the isSource (Line 42) and isSink (Line 43) methods instead of using the provided classes.

Few participants mentioned the amount of code they would need to write in CodeQL is large. One participant said, “‘...way too much code to get to the actual thing that needs to be written.”’.

Furthermore, we observed how each participant performed in solving the tasks. The task with CodeQL was solved by 17 participants, compared to 20 with fluentTQL. Fourteen participants solved both tasks. However, on this data, the Fisher’s test (selected due to binomial small sample) did not indicate a statistical significance. We measured the time each participant needed for each task, which is given in Table 3. On average participants solved the task with CodeQL in 546 s (σ = 57,89), which is by 13,4% slower than with fluentTQL. Using the Wilcoxon test we found a statistical significance for the null hypothesis with a small effect.

We performed few additional Wilcoxon tests for the impact of the background variables, i.e. Coding, Position, and Security experience. None of these tests showed a statistical significance of the null hypothesis which tested whether the variable impacts the time of solving the tasks. Finally, we look into the outcome of each task. The null hypothesis is “The order of the tasks impact the output”. We used the two-way ANOVA (Girden 1992) test, which did not show a statistical significance. Hence, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative one stating that the order of the tasks does not impact the outcome.

figure p

4.4 RQ3 Expressiveness

To evaluate whether fluentTQL syntax elements are sufficient to express popular Java taint-style vulnerabilities, we created a catalog with Java code examples accompanied by fluentTQL specifications. The catalog contains eleven types of security vulnerabilities (Table 4). Each Java code example has a variant with and without sanitization. The catalog demonstrates different language syntax elements of fluentTQL and how they can be used for specifying vulnerabilities. The Java examples and the SM are manually collected from several sources including the Mitre (2020b) and OWASP (2020b) databases, OWASP benchmark project (OWASP 2020a), and other publicly available SM lists (Arzt et al. 2013; Brooke 2013; Piskachev et al. 2019; Thomé et al. 2017).

Table 4 List of vulnerability types implemented in the fluentTQL catalog (so - sources, sa - sanitizers, rp - required propagators, si - sinks)

Many of the taint-style vulnerabilities from the Mitre and OWASP databases can be modeled with single taint flow queries. Yet, we found some examples such as the noSQLi2 query in Listing 3 where the and() operator is needed.

Taint flows that require multiple intermediate source-sinks steps were necessary for the specification of many taint flows, i.e., the feature of multi-step taint analysis is ubiquitous. For example, the OWASP Benchmark test 00001Footnote 6 contains Path Traversal vulnerability (Mitre 2020j). A File object is constructed using a String parameter as location to the file. If the String is user-controllable, i.e., tainted, and the File object is passed to a FileInputStream constructor, a path traversal vulnerability occurs. The file constructor in this case is a required propagator that ensures the order of SM calls.

When it comes to the SM specifications, we observed that most of the sources have a Return object as an out-value. For sinks, most of the in-values are Parameter objects.

Additionally, we inspected the vulnerability types (known as Common Weakness Enumerations - CWEs) in the SANS-25 list (Mitre 2020a). 17 of 25 vulnerability types can be expressed as taint-style. 13 of those can be modeled in fluentTQL.

The remaining four CWEs are: CWE-119, CWE-787, CWE-476, and CWE-798. Both, CWE-119 and CWE-787 are related to buffer overflows, which do not apply to Java. The CWE-476 cannot be expressed because the potential sources are new-expressions, which cannot currently be modeled. Also, constant values cannot currently be modeled as potential sources which is needed for CWE-798 where these values should be detected as hard-coded credentials. Extending fluentTQL to support new-expressions and constant values is possible in the abstract syntax by modeling them with a new class that extends the class FlowParticipant. The semantics needs to be extended to define how these values will be detected and define appropriate concrete syntax.

Even though our implementation of fluentTQL if bound to Java only, fluentTQL can express taint-style vulnerabilities in other languages too. To specify a query for other languages, the only requirement is that the sources, sanitizers, and sinks are defined as method calls. Similar to Java, fluentTQL can be adapted to work for C/C++, C#, other JVM-hosted languages and cover a wide range of taint-style vulnerabilities. In languages such as JavaScript, the coverage of vulnerabilities is smaller since the sources and sinks are often not method calls.

figure q

4.5 RQ4 Analyzing Java/Android Applications

To answer RQ4 we ran fluentTQL queries on two Java applications, OWASP WebGoat and PetClinic, and seven Android applications from TaintBench (Luo et al. 2021).

The OWASP WebGoat is a deliberately insecure application aiming to teach developers about relevant security vulnerabilities. As a Java Spring application,Footnote 7 it is popular in the community and has been used for evaluating static analyses (Antoniadis et al. 2020). We used this application to evaluate the applicability of fluentTQL on real-world scenario, including specifying taint-flow queries and running our Boomerang-based and FlowDroid-based taint analysis.

We chose to work with the SQL injection as example since it has the most taint-flows in WebGoat. We documented all 17 SQL injection taint-flows in OWASP WebGoat and use them as ground truth. This was manually done by following the directions of the lessons present in WebGoat and inspecting the source code.

Next, we specified the sensitive methods which includes 17 sources, 1 sanitizer, 2 required propagators, and 2 sinks. We only needed to create two taint-flow queries to be able to cover all types of taint-flows. The Boomerang-based implementation was able to detect all 17 taint- flows. The official FlowDroid implementation (we used version 2.8) was not able to find any taint-flow in WebGoat. We investigated and found out that FlowDroid defines only the return values of the sources as taints. For all taint-flows in WebGoat, the taints are the parameters of the sources. Hence, we adapted FlowDroid to support this and after doing so, the FlowDroid implementation detected 13 taint-flows. Those that were missed are the types that contain a required propagator which is currently not supported by FlowDroid.

For the second Java application, PetClinic, we followed the same steps as for OWASP WebGoat. We identified and documented five taint-flows of type hibernate injection and two taint-flows of type cross-site request forgery. In this application, all taint-flows were detected by our implementation with Boomerang and our updated version of FlowDroid. Table 5 shows summary of the Java applications.

Table 5 Overview of the evaluated Java projects. Flows/B/F is number of expected taint-flows (vulnerability instances) and those found by Boomerang and FlowDroid, CWE is number of common weakness enumerations (vulnerability types), Runtime is average over ten runs

TaintBench is a collection of real-world Android apps that contain malicious behavior in form of taint-flows. These apps have well documented information about the expected taint-flows and should help analyses writers evaluate their tools in a rigorous and fair way. Table 6 summarizes the findings of running our fluentTQL implementation with Boomerang as well as with FlowDroid. Out of 25 expected taint-flows among all apps the Boomerang-based implementation found 18 whereas FlowDroid-based implementation found 13. We manually inspected those that were not found and identified two causes which are due to the existing solvers and not the inability of fluentTQL to express them. The first cause is the inability to analyze taint-flows through different threads in the code. Due to implicit data-flow behavior of the threads, the existing call graph algorithms have limitation in modeling this correctly. This second cause is that the existing data-flow analyses do not analyze the expressions within path constraints. In the case of our experiments, we found that the call of the source method is within the condition of an IF statement, which is not analyzed by Boomerang nor by FlowDroid.

Table 6 Overview of the evaluated Android apps from TaintBench. Flows/B/F is number of expected taint-flows (vulnerability instances) and those found by Boomerang and FlowDroid, Runtime is average over ten runs

The runtime values reported in Tables 5 and 6 are the average values over ten runs on a system with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz, 16 GB RAM with Win-10 OS.

Listing 5
figure r

Malisious taint-flow through a file in the dsencrypt app from TaintBench

Detecting Taint-Flows Through Files

The code in Listing 5 shows the loadClass method from the app dsencryptFootnote 8 which contains the malicious taint-flow. It reads an encrypted zip file from asset folder (source in Line 54), decrypts it and extracts class.dex which contains malicious code (intermediate statements in the trace are lines 57, 58, and 59). The malicious code is called via reflection (sink in Line 67). As reported in the work by Luo et al. (2021), these kind of taint-flows going through files, databases, etc., can not be detected by the existing Android taint analysis tools. With fluentTQL, we are now able to model and detect these taint-flows using the and() operator.

figure s

4.6 Threats to Validity

We next discuss the most relevant threats to the validity of our study design and evaluation based on the threat types by Cook and Campbell (1979).

External Validity

The participation in the study was voluntary. We asked our contacts in industry to invite their software developers. The invitation mentioned that the study would try to compare two domain-specific languages for static analysis. Having this information, it is more likely that the participants have some interest in the design of programming languages and/or static analysis. Hence, there is a threat of having a subject not representative for the entire population of software developers.

Internal Validity

Apart from professional software developers, we invited researchers and master-level students from the university. Previous work has shown that graduate students are valid proxies for software developers in such studies (Naiakshina et al.2017, 2018, 2019, 2020). Also, our results confirm that there is no significant correlation between the position of the participant and the performance in the task, thus also confirming that—for the purpose of such studies—researchers and master-level students have coding knowledge comparable to professional developers.

Moreover, the format of within-subjects study design has its own limitations. As both tasks were the same, but for a different DSL and context (vulnerability example), when solving the second task, participants may have be influenced by the first task, known as carryover effects. To deal with this we applied randomization of the order of the tasks.

Construct Validity

Another threat to validity is the fairness of the tasks. Both DSLs are not equally expressible. This means one may need more or less time to learn a new DSL. To address this, we took into consideration the following points. First, we used vulnerabilities that have the same taint-flow pattern. The Java code shown as an example for each task had the same complexity. Second, for each task, we provided a stub code for the solution. In the case of CodeQL, which is more expressible DSL than fluentTQL, and has support not only for taint analysis but other analyses too, we asked the participants to focus only on the taint analysis module. Finally, we had three test sessions to adjust the tasks and define what exact information the participants will need to be able to solve each task in under ten minutes. Similarly, a possible threat to validity comes from the design of our study to use the open redirect vulnerability with fluentTQL and XSS for CodeQL for all participants without switching among half of the participants. To mitigate the threat, we have selected the code examples used in the tasks to have the same structure, i.e. the taint was in both cases created by a call to an HTTP request object and only the sink method differs for each vulnerability. Additionally, while explaining each task, we also explained the vulnerability. While the participants were performing the task, we encouraged them to verbally share their thoughts. After processing the recorded material, we find none of the participants to struggle with understanding the vulnerability itself.

5 Related Work

With few exceptions, such as DroidSafe (Gordon et al. 2015), which has hard-coded SM, the SM of the existing static analyses can be customized by the user, to some extend. In this section, we discuss the related approaches summarized in Table 7 that shows design principals of each approach and level of fulfillment to the requirements from Section 2.

Table 7 List of related approaches, their design characteristic, and their support of the requirements in Section 2

5.1 Graph-Based Approaches

We group DSLs in this category that allow users to explicitly manipulate graph structures to specify code patterns.

CxQL, the DSL of the tool Checkmarx (2020), is general-purpose-like and object-oriented language. It supports a wide range of SM (R1). The flow propagation is done implicitly via the graph patterns (R2). As a commercial tool it provides well integrated workflow for the users (R4 and R5). Since CxQL is capable of expressing a broad range of graph properties, it is hard to integrate it to a generic taint analysis (R6) as it is bound to the tool’s core analysis.

CodeQL has good integration in the developers’ workflow (R5) with plugins for popular IDEs as well as web-based interface. It is a declarative language with support for predicates and object-oriented design. The DSL can express a wide range of properties similar to CxQL.

PIDGIN (Johnson et al. 2015) follows the object-oriented design. It is not designed for taint analysis, therefore it is hard to integrate it in a generic way (R6). PIDGIN does not provide tool integrations for software developers.

IncA (Szabó et al. 2016) is a DSL for specification of the rules for incremental execution of static analyses. Compared to the other DSL in this category it is the least expressive and targets very specific domain. The SM and flow propagation can be expressed through the graph patterns (R1, R2). User-defined messages are not supported (R4).

5.2 Typestate Approaches

This category consists of two DSLs, i.e. CrySL and PQL, which are designed for typestate analysis, that detects the incorrect API usage.

CrySL (Krüger et al. 2019) enables cryptography experts to specify the correct usage of the crypto API making it not suitable for generic taint analysis (R6). The DSL is declarative with mechanism based on predicates and constraints. It has a full support for SM and flow propagation (R1, R2). The tool support is maintained.

PQL (Martin et al. 2005) is declarative DSL with specifications comparable to CrySL. Compared to fluentTQL, the PQL’s syntax significantly differs from regular Java syntax making it difficult to use for non-experts. PQL does not ship with available tooling support for the users (R6).

5.3 Other Approaches

The approach used in CheckersFramework (Dietl et al. 2011) is based on the annotations @tainted and @untainted which developers can use to annotate their code to mark custom SM. The annotation specification requires additional manual work, which - in the case of legacy code - is even infeasible (R5). The CheckersFramework allows to configure the messages that are reported (R4).

Apposcopy (Feng et al. 2014) is a Android-specific taint analysis (R6) with a Datalog-based DSL for data-flow and control-flow predicates. The sources, sinks, and propagators are specified in form of annotations (R1, R2). We were not able to find tooling support (R5) for the language.

Athena (Le and Soffa 2011) is a declarative DSL based on patterns and constraints with explicit support for SM and flow propagations (R1, R2). Athena does not support user-defined messages and is tightly coupled to a generator of analysis configurations.

AQL (Pauck et al. 2018) is an Android-specific (R6) querying language for taint flow results from different taint analysis tools. It supports specifications of sources and sinks (R1) and flow propagations (R2) and provides workflow with tool support for developers to query taint results from multiple tools (R5).

WAFL is the DSL of the F4F approach (Sridharan et al. 2011) and is a general-purpose-like language with object-oriented design that allows the specification of reflective behavior in frameworks so that static analyses can propagate the flow. WAFL has partial support for SM and flow propagation (R1, R2). Its main purpose is modeling of frameworks.

Finally, Saluki (Gotovchits et al. 2018) is a declarative DSL where method patterns can be specified. SM and flow propagation are supported (R1, R2), but complex flows not (R3).

6 Conclusion

Static and dynamic taint analyses can detect many popular vulnerability types. Using them during development time can reduce the costs. To use taint analysis tools efficiently, software developers need to configure them to their contexts.

We proposed fluentTQL, a new domain-specific language for taint analysis designed to be used by software developers. fluentTQL is able to express many taint-style vulnerability types. It supports single-step as well as multi-step taint-flow queries. Moreover, taint-flow queries can be combined with and operator to express parallel taint-flows. fluentTQL uses Java fluent interface as a concrete syntax. Its semantics is independent of a concrete implementation of taint analysis, making it easy for integration into existing tools.

In a comparative, within-subjects user study, fluentTQL showed to be more usable for software developers than CodeQL, a state-of-the-art DSL of the commercial tool LGTM. Participants were faster in solving the task of specifying a taint-flow query for given vulnerability type in fluentTQL than in CodeQL.

In future, we plan to make fluentTQL more expressive. With fluentTQL, only method calls can be modeled as sources and sinks. We will add support for modeling specific variables, such as constant values for detecting hardcoded credentials and nullable variables for detecting null pointer dereferences. Moreover, we will add support for regular expressions to ease the specification of methods in case of method overloading in Java. Additionally, we plan on investigating the usefulness of incorporating the concept of entry point as part of fluentTQL. Finally, we are working on further evaluations of the applicability of fluentTQL in other real-world large-scale Java applications and creating new queries for detecting more security vulnerabilities.