1 Introduction

The evolution of technologies has consistently catalyzed changes in the educational sphere, often leading to paradigm shifts that redefine the ways knowledge is conveyed and consumed, as well as the world at large (Hong, 2024; Szymkowiak et al., 2021). Today, we stand on the threshold of a new digital revolution marked by the emergence of the metaverse — a collective virtual shared space created through the fusion of virtually enhanced physical reality, augmented reality (AR), and the Internet (Lin et al., 2022). In this context, it is crucial to develop the conceptualization and design of an online platform for state services in education, an innovative enterprise aimed at harnessing the immersive capabilities of the metaverse to deliver educational services by stringent state standards and legislative requirements (BenedettDörr & BeatrysRuizAylon, 2023).

In the field of education, traditional methods are increasingly considered outdated to meet the diverse learning needs of a globalized society and changing technological landscapes (Jing et al., 2023). As educators and policymakers seek to overhaul existing systems, the implementation of technologies that are not only avant-garde but also easily adaptable and compliant with regulatory requirements becomes imperative. The metaverse, with its enormous potential for customization, interactivity, and experimental learning, serves as an ideal foundation for building next-generation educational services (AlDhanhani et al., 2023).

The design of an online platform that not only offers teachers a set of tools for creating or presenting educational content but also seeks to embed the essence of state educational standards into the fabric of the virtual metaverse environment is highly promising (Fan, 2023). Such a platform not only upholds the rigor and quality of educational standards but also leverages the inherent capabilities of the metaverse to create an engaging, accessible, and transformative learning experience (Sergeyeva et al., 2022). The concept of a state-supported educational service operating in the metaverse gives rise to a unique set of challenges and opportunities (Tekaleng & Swaminarayan, 2022). Government institutions are often burdened with the responsibility of ensuring the accuracy, standardization, and fairness of educational content (Chimalakonda & Nori, 2023). The integration of the metaverse in this context requires a design that is not only technologically advanced but also compatible with the multifaceted legal and ethical constraints that regulate state education services (Murala & Panda, 2023).

At the core of this concept is the notion of accessibility, as the online education platform in the metaverse must overcome barriers and be inclusive, providing equal opportunities (Kumar et al., 2021; Zallio & Clarkson, 2022). This is a non-trivial task as it involves complex considerations related to infrastructure, user-friendliness, and content delivery in three-dimensional metaverse spaces (Cruz et al., 2022). For the successful translation of standards into the metaverse, design must be intricately linked to pedagogical goals, fostering not only knowledge acquisition but also critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills (Lee & Hwang, 2022; Zhang et al., 2022).

In addressing the issue of content creation and presentation, such a platform must recognize the key role of teachers, and the design should incorporate features that enable teachers and content creators to develop and modify curricula in line with the capabilities of the metaverse (Bakhri & Sofyan, 2022). Furthermore, considering the confidential nature of data in educational institutions, especially when dealing with minors, the design concept takes into account security issues, ensuring that the online platform not only serves educational purposes but also protects the confidentiality and well-being of its users (Chen et al., 2022).

The research context is driven by the rapid advancements in metaverse technologies and their potential to create innovative educational platforms. Specialized tests were developed to assess the academic performance of 7th and 10th-grade students participating in the study, taking into account the requirements of state programs for each age group. Additionally, scales were employed to determine the levels of engagement and motivation, which the study aimed to investigate as significant variables. This study explores the potential application of the metaverse within the framework of the state educational process, with a focus on the impact of integrating online metaverse platforms on enhancing learning efficiency and strengthening student motivation and engagement. In the context of the digitization of education, the research aims to analyze the effectiveness of using specific digital educational tools in programs approved by state authorities.

The current research article presents the concept of the metaverse in a revolutionary transformation of educational services. It advocates for the creation of a digital ecosystem capable of encompassing the entire spectrum of educational activities — from learning and collaboration to experiments and virtual excursions — within a regulated and standards-compliant structure. By formulating this plan, the article aims to ignite a discussion on the feasibility, consequences, and methodologies for implementing such an ambitious project, one that could potentially redefine the contours of public education. In other words, the current work focuses on the development of an online platform offering a set of educational services based on the metaverse, by the requirements and scope mandated by legislation. Platforms, specifically those based on the metaverse, not only provide a toolkit for creating or presenting educational content based on individual programs, but the challenge lies in constructing an educational program wherein metaverse tools are utilized precisely to meet the requirements of state education norms.

2 Literature review

2.1 Overview of the metaverse

The Metaverse, a term first coined by Neal Stephenson in 1992, refers to a collective virtual shared space created by merging virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space (Lei et al., 2023). The concept of the Metaverse has evolved significantly since its literary inception, transforming from an idea into a practical technological pursuit due to advancements in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and blockchain technologies (Gadekallu et al., 2022). Early manifestations of environments akin to the Metaverse can be traced back to the emergence of virtual worlds such as Second Life, which paved the way for more complex immersive experiences (Lorenzo-Alvarez et al., 2020). Early predecessors were constrained by the technologies of their time but laid the foundational ideas for user interaction in digital spaces, and subsequent advancements in VR and AR technologies played a crucial role in realizing the Metaverse (Mystakidis, 2022).

The educational prospects of the Metaverse are vast; virtual spaces can provide an enriched learning environment that engages students through interactive modeling and experiential learning (Hwang & Chien, 2022). The unique ability of the Metaverse to create detailed simulations opens up opportunities for the development of complex skills and scenario-based learning, aspects that traditional classrooms struggle to implement (Lee et al., 2022).

The integration of the Metaverse into education represents both a fantastic opportunity and a multifaceted challenge. When discussing new technologies in education, it is crucial to consider not only the technological infrastructure but also the pedagogical approaches that enable the effective use of the Metaverse (Zhou, 2022). This requires educators to develop digital competencies and instructional design skills suitable for virtual 3D environments (Meng et al., 2023). Furthermore, the potential of the Metaverse in supporting collaborative learning aligns with modern educational paradigms that emphasize constructivist and connectivist learning theories (Lee & Hwang, 2022; Ramsook & Thomas, 2019).

Despite optimistic forecasts, the integration of the Metaverse into school education faces several obstacles, including technological inequality and the digital gap among students and teachers, the challenge of effectively assessing learning in virtual spaces, concerns about performance indicators and accountability, security and privacy issues, as well as ethical considerations (Zhong & Zheng, 2022). Additionally, government-approved educational standards present another level of complexity in adopting the Metaverse in education, as aligning Metaverse educational content with national curricula and standards is not only a technical challenge but also a bureaucratic and legislative one (Wu & Gao, 2022). Educational online platforms in the Metaverse must be designed with these standards in mind, ensuring that the provided content is not only captivating and interactive but also aligns with educational policies and requirements (Purahong et al., 2022).

2.2 Educational perspectives of the metaverse

Creating an educational program where metaverse tools can be applied to meet all the high-quality requirements of state institutions that establish and implement education standards in their countries requires several crucial aspects (Mitra, 2023). Among them, a mandatory aspect is an ability to create virtual educational classes and spaces for meetings and communication or information exchange, resembling a three-dimensional computer game, modeling events or processes, allowing experiences to be conducted virtually, such as in a real chemistry laboratory (Wang et al., 2022). Additionally, presenting educational content in a more appealing and captivating manner for the new generation, accustomed to the “realities” of computer games and movies, is extremely important. This ensures that information exchange occurs in a simpler and more attractive format, such as having blocks of images or animations floating in a virtual room, immediately showing and explaining the content of the information block instead of file names on a server in the “cloud” (Agustini et al., 2023; Alam & Mohanty, 2022).

All of this is necessary so that educators, especially those in state schools, do not have to create their content on offered educational online platforms and do not attempt to transfer or adapt school programs there, as it involves time, effort, and the risk of errors. Instead, they could directly utilize a prepared platform designed for state education services, with an already developed service, curriculum, virtual classes, created lessons, and content according to the program, and so on. This would allow for an extremely minimal integration cost of the most modern metaverse tools and digital environments into state programs, which are usually free and widely used, promoting more accessible education and familiarity with modern technologies from childhood. As the metaverse continues to evolve, educational structures and policies regulating its implementation must also evolve, ensuring that its integration into education is simultaneously innovative, inclusive, and effective (Lin et al., 2022; Zhu et al., 2023).

2.3 Design thinking in the current context

The methodology of design thinking represents an approach to designing and implementing projects, in this context—towards developing an educational platform within the metaverse (Pande & Bharathi, 2020). This process is oriented towards actively engaging the user, paying attention to their needs and experience with the product, thus fostering the emergence of creative ideas (Dell’Era et al., 2020). The application of design thinking methodology in creating a platform for education in the metaverse focuses on thorough examination and consideration of end users’ interests. The initial empathy stage enables the identification of pertinent issues and needs of teachers and students through direct communication and observation (Knight et al., 2020). Subsequently, the stage of problem definition occurs, where the collected information is analyzed to delineate the primary user needs. Creative techniques, such as brainstorming, are employed during the ideation stage to develop diverse solutions, while the prototyping stage allows for the embodiment of generated ideas into concrete projects, and user involvement in prototype testing provides crucial feedback for subsequent refinement and improvement of the project (Nakata & Hwang, 2020). Integrating design thinking into the platform development process for education facilitates the creation of effective educational tools that directly address users’ requests and expectations (Pande & Bharathi, 2020). The current approach has been applied, particularly, to the current metaverse.

2.4 Research objectives and hypotheses

Hypotheses are formulated as theoretical assumptions reflecting potential outcomes based on analytical review and preliminary data, predicting how the integration of the metaverse platform into the educational process could impact students’ academic achievements and motivation. They are as follows:

Hypothesis 1

(H1): Students using the metaverse for learning will demonstrate academic performance equal to or even better than students learning in traditional classrooms.

Hypothesis 2

(H2): Students receiving education in the metaverse will exhibit a higher level of engagement in the learning process compared to participants in the control group.

Hypothesis 3

(H3): Students receiving education in the metaverse will demonstrate a higher level of motivation in the learning process compared to participants in the control group.

The research objectives are aimed at defining and achieving specific research outcomes, encompassing the evaluation of the application of the metaverse as an educational environment and examining its influence on the degree of student engagement and motivation. This article aims to determine the viability, effectiveness, and socio-educational impact of implementing metaverse online platforms in public educational services, thereby contributing to the development of the digital learning environment and the formulation of educational policies. The article aimed to assess whether the achievements of the experimental group, learning in the metaverse, would be at least no less than the control group, which learns in a traditional classroom setting. It is crucial to determine whether the proposed tool for facilitating the use of the metaverse in state school education can be applied in K-12 without compromising the quality of learning. The research objectives were formulated as follows:

  1. 1.

    Establish the level of academic performance among students in the control and influence groups, compare their performance, and determine the level of significance of differences.

  2. 2.

    Determine the level of engagement among students in the control and influence groups, compare their indicators, and establish the level of significance of differences.

  3. 3.

    Determine the level of motivation among students in the control and influence groups, compare their indicators, and establish the level of significance of differences.

3 Methods and material

3.1 Instruments for measuring investigated variables

To assess the academic performance of 7th and 10th-grade students participating in the study, specialized tests were developed, aligning with the requirements of state programs for each age group. The study covered five subjects, namely Chinese language, mathematics, literature, history, and chemistry, with grading tailored to the age, subject, and educational standards for each class. Emphasis was placed on fundamental understanding and the basic application of knowledge.

Each test comprised a total of 50 questions. The initial 30 questions, presenting four answer options, were rated at 1 point each. The subsequent 10 questions, open-ended in nature, were valued at 2 points each, while the final 10 questions were comprehensive, involving calculations, creative tasks, essay writing, etc., and were assessed at 5 points each. Thus, the maximum score for each test was 100 points. The evaluation was conducted anonymously by two instructors for each subject, professionals in their respective fields with a minimum of 10 years of experience.

Due to the absence of developed instruments to measure the level of students’ engagement in learning school subjects in the Chinese context, the Engagement Level Scale (ELS) was devised. It comprises three subscales, each oriented towards a distinct aspect: cognitive engagement, behavioral engagement, and emotional engagement. Each subscale consisted of 10 statements, and respondents assessed their agreement with each statement on a 5-point Likert scale (see Appendix 1). The cognitive engagement subscale measured intellectual investments and interest in studying and assimilating material. The behavioral interaction subscale gauged observable actions, such as participation, effort, and persistence. The emotional engagement subscale evaluated the emotional response to learning, such as interest, enjoyment, or a sense of belonging. Each subscale aimed to reflect a specific aspect of student participation in learning, allowing educators and researchers to comprehend the multifaceted nature of student engagement.

To assess the level of students’ motivation to study school subjects, the Motivation Level Scale (MLS) was also created. It comprises three subscales: intrinsic motivation (the degree of students’ internal motivation, curiosity, interest, and pleasure in learning), extrinsic motivation (the extent to which external rewards, recognition, and outcomes motivate students), and self-regulation (students’ ability to regulate their learning process through goal setting, self-control, and perseverance) (see Appendix 2). Each subscale also comprised 10 statements reflecting key aspects of motivation, with responses assessed on a 5-point Likert scale. Respondents’ answers on these subscales were intended to provide a comprehensive picture of the motivational landscape of students concerning their academic efforts.

An integrated approach combining quantitative methods for assessing students’ academic performance and motivation based on tests and questionnaires was utilized for analysis. These two scales were developed through a systematic process that commenced with a thorough literature review to identify key components of student engagement and motivation. Statements for each scale were formulated based on established psychological theories and then refined with expert feedback to ensure the content’s validity. Pilot testing was conducted on a sample of 20 students to refine task formulations for clarity and appropriateness. It identified key needs for enhancing content interactivity and optimizing the user interface, which prompted improvements aimed at enriching the user experience. Reliability testing using Cronbach’s alpha confirmed internal consistency within the subscales, with all values ranging from 0.88 to 0.93. To ensure construct validity, a correlation analysis was conducted, revealing significant associations with established indicators of engagement and motivation. Research factor analysis identified distinct factors corresponding to the presumed subscales, confirming the scale’s structure. Finally, confirmatory factor analysis validated the factor structure, indicating that the scales reliably measure engagement and motivation constructs in an educational context.

3.2 Tools of metaverse

In this study, a range of contemporary technologies and methodologies were employed as instruments of the metaverse, contributing to the optimization of the educational process. Specifically, the utilization of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies facilitated the creation of a fully immersive learning environment. Virtual reality headsets, such as the Oculus Quest 2, provided learners with the opportunity to attend interactive lectures and seminars in virtual classrooms, which replicated the atmosphere of traditional educational settings. To conduct laboratory work, Labster software was integrated, enabling students to conduct experiments and explore complex concepts through graphical models. The use of the Minecraft Education Edition platform enriched the educational process with elements of game storytelling and visualization, significantly enhancing student engagement and motivation. Further details regarding their application are presented in the “Research Design” section.

3.3 Participants

A total of 278 students from a Chinese school, engaged in twelve years of continuous education, participated in the study. These students were selected from two classes of the same grade level, undergoing state education in several consecutive stages following the “6-3-3” system. All of them completed elementary school from grades 1 to 6, and for this research, seventh-grade students, transitioning to middle school, as well as tenth-grade students who completed both elementary and middle school and were transitioning to senior high school, were involved. The children were informed about the research project, and they agreed to participate. All parents or guardians were informed, and written consent was obtained from them for the inclusion of their children in the study.

Subsequently, each class within a grade level was randomly assigned to either the control or experimental group. Group A included seventh-grade students from the control group, Group B included seventh-grade students from the experimental group, Group C included tenth-grade students from the control group, and Group D included tenth-grade students from the experimental group. It is crucial to emphasize that each group comprises two distinct classes. The classes were deliberately kept separate to prevent any additional stress for the children, taking into account their pre-existing peer relationships. Further detailed information about the participants is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Data on participants in the current study

The overall sample included 55.04% girls and 44.96% boys, with an average age of 12.36 (SD = 0.42) for seventh graders and 15.33 (SD = 0.32) for tenth graders.

3.4 Study design

The design involved the implementation of an experimental online metaverse platform for public education based on free accounts. Specifically for this purpose, a team of teachers, government officials, programmers, and other specialists developed a set of lessons for the metaverse, following the standard curriculum for each grade. In the metaverse learning environment, tools were employed to achieve interactivity and immersion in the educational process. Utilizing VR headsets such as the Oculus Quest 2, virtual learning and communication spaces were established, simulating real classrooms and facilitating interactive teaching sessions and discussions. The Labster program facilitated the integration of virtual laboratory work into the educational process, enhancing the comprehension of complex scientific principles through graphical representations. To stimulate students’ interest, methods of immersive delivery of educational material were employed, utilizing 3D modeling and the Minecraft Education Edition platform, incorporating elements of gaming and storytelling into the learning process. Active data exchange and interaction were facilitated through AR technologies, promoting dynamic and productive learning experiences. These approaches and technologies were selected to cultivate an educational environment conducive to development and interaction in settings closely resembling real-life scenarios.

In Table 2, a scheme for integrating the metaverse into school education is presented, detailing virtual components and their functional capabilities, required hardware and software, as well as methods for conducting lessons using this technology. The actual implementation required extensive and detailed planning, including infrastructure assessment, teacher preparation, and integration with existing educational standards and curricula. Nine months of diligent work by a large team were dedicated to this process. Following pilot testing, the metaverse, loaded with educational programs and connected devices and software, became operational. Its trial period lasted for three months, during which recommendations and feedback from users—teachers and students—were considered. The metaverse was refined and enhanced, addressing bugs or system errors. This comprehensive set of actions prepared the metaverse as an online platform for state unitary education, already integrated into the online space. This allowed the current study to explore the concept of K-12 education design integrated into the metaverse.

Table 2 Components, description, devices/software, and educational approach for metaverse integration

The research, excluding the development, preparation, and testing phases of the metaverse, took place from September 2022 to June 2023. The children’s participation process was outlined during the summer vacation, during which parental permissions were obtained, enabling the application of the research design from the beginning of the academic year. The intervention groups underwent several introductory lessons that acquainted them with the metaverse, its functioning, and how they would engage in learning within it. As this online platform was in its early stages of development, the children initially gathered in classrooms, connected their devices, and experienced educational activities within the metaverse. Naturally, in the future, this could be done from home, utilizing the Internet and specialized programs on PCs and devices. In the current design, teachers were also integrated into the metaverse; they underwent training in its operation through specialized courses and possessed the necessary competencies to support the immersive learning experience for students. Their role was supportive, with the primary emphasis on delivering the recorded educational program broadcasted within the metaverse.

The control and intervention groups followed the same state school curriculum, as the program remained unchanged, and its actual content remained consistent. The only difference was that the intervention group studied in the metaverse, while the control group followed traditional in-person classes with a teacher. Throughout the metaverse-based education, each class was accompanied by a technical programmer capable of addressing all technical issues related to equipment operation. Additionally, children could reach out to supervisors and teachers who were present during the lessons. It is important to note that subjects other than these five were studied traditionally by the intervention group. At the end of the academic year, all participants took tests that considered the state curriculum requirements for each age in the knowledge of five subjects: Chinese language, mathematics, literature, history, and chemistry. Subsequently, all participants were asked to complete the Engagement Level Scale (ELS) and the Motivation Level Scale (MLS), which were administered through electronic forms loaded onto computers.

3.5 Data analysis

In this study, data analysis was conducted using quantitative methods. IBM SPSS Statistics software was utilized for the statistical analysis of the data. The application of non-parametric statistical tests, including the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests, allowed for the assessment of differences’ significance between groups. All stages of data analysis were meticulously documented to ensure transparency and reproducibility of the research process, thereby enabling a deeper understanding of how the utilization of metaverse technologies influences educational outcomes.

3.6 Ethical issues

Ethics played a crucial role in the current study, particularly given its subject matter. The organizing researchers obtained written consent for the participation of all children from parents or guardians, and the voluntary willingness of the children was also taken into account. The ethics committee of the participating school approved the current research, as did the educational authorities of China. Participants were assured of the non-disclosure of personal data and anonymity. All devices and programs used in the metaverse by the influence groups were provided to the children free of charge. Additionally, the mention of certain products in the current study is not commercially motivated; the project’s authors clarify that it is not intended as advertising.

4 Results

4.1 Academic achievements

The first objective of the study was to determine the level of academic achievement among students in the control and influence groups, compare their performance, and establish the significance of any differences. Table 3 displays the scores for each of the five subjects and each group, enabling a comparison of control and influence group results using the Mann-Whitney U test. In both cases, the influence groups that studied using the metaverse demonstrated higher average scores compared to the traditional control groups. For seventh-graders, the improvement was in the following subjects: Chinese language – higher by 4.732, mathematics – by 5.897, literature – by 5.101, history – by 5.767, chemistry – by 4.354. For tenth-graders, the improvement was in Chinese language – higher by 7.500, mathematics – by 4.800, literature – by 5.800, history – by 2.900, chemistry – by 5.650. The asymptotic significance value (p-level) in all cases is 0.000, indicating the statistical significance of differences between the groups, supporting the hypothesis that learning in the metaverse can effectively enhance students’ academic performance.

Table 3 Academic achievement indicators of students in control and influence groups across five investigated subjects

4.2 Engagement

The second objective of the study was to establish the level of engagement of students in the control and influence groups, compare their indicators, and determine the level of significance of differences. Based on the data in Table 4, significant differences between the influence and control groups can be observed in the level of engagement in both age categories, emphasizing the positive impact of learning in the metaverse. For seventh-grade classes, the difference between the mean scores of the influence and control groups was as follows: in the cognitive activity subscale 7.43, behavioral interaction 7.09, and emotional engagement 3.84. For tenth-grade classes, the difference in mean scores between the groups was as follows: cognitive activity increased by 3.15, behavioral interaction by 4.90, and emotional engagement by 4.35. In both cases, learning in the metaverse contributed to an increase in the level of student engagement, supported by statistically significant differences in the mean values of indicators between the control and influence groups. However, the significance level of 0.004 in the case of the cognitive activity subscale for tenth-graders indicates a threshold acceptable significant difference, which is worth noting.

Table 4 Indicators of student engagement level in control and influence groups across three subscales

4.3 Motivation

Thirdly, the objective was to establish the level of motivation among students in the control and influence groups, compare their indicators, and determine the level of significance of the differences (Table 5). Seventh-grade students in the influence group demonstrated 6.45 points higher internal motivation, 5.28 higher external motivation, and 7.18 higher self-regulation compared to the control group. In the tenth grade, the difference in motivation scores between the influence and control groups was 5.70 for internal motivation, 4.00 for external motivation, and 4.65 for self-regulation. In both age groups, statistically significant differences were observed, indicating a more effective manifestation of motivation as a result of learning in the metaverse.

Table 5 Indicators of the level of motivation among students in control and influence groups across three subscales

4.4 Correlation of research findings and hypotheses

Based on the data presented in the article, it can be concluded that the study successfully confirmed all three hypotheses. Hypothesis H1 regarding the academic performance of students using the metaverse is supported by significant improvements in mathematics, literature, and history for seventh graders, as well as in Chinese language, literature, and chemistry for tenth graders compared to the control group. Hypothesis H2 regarding increased engagement of students learning in the metaverse is substantiated by statistically significant differences in levels of cognitive activity, behavioral interaction, and emotional engagement between the experimental and control groups. Finally, Hypothesis H3 regarding the enhancement of students’ motivation levels receiving education in the metaverse is corroborated by higher scores in internal and external motivation, as well as self-regulation among students in the experimental group compared to the control group. Thus, the research results demonstrate that the implementation of the educational platform in the metaverse contributes to improving academic performance, levels of engagement, and motivation among students, thereby confirming the initial hypotheses.

5 Discussion

Students undergoing training in the metaverse demonstrated higher academic performance compared to those taught through traditional methods, a phenomenon that can be explained by several key aspects. Firstly, the students’ integration into the educational process could have been enhanced by interactivity and immersion. Elements of gamification, the ability to visualize abstract concepts, and interact with material in an immersive environment could have made learning more engaging and captivating (Lin et al., 2022). Secondly, rich opportunities for the practical application of knowledge might have played a role. Through simulations, experiments, and role-playing, students could delve deeper into the material, presumably facilitating the learning process and helping to reinforce knowledge in practice (Shin & Kim, 2022). Virtual learning could provide access to diverse educational materials and tools not available in the traditional school environment. Lastly, real-time feedback, an integral part of metaverse learning, could offer students the opportunity to instantly assess their work and promptly correct errors. One study specifically explored the convenience of feedback through the Oculus portable touch controller, providing users with real-time feedback, which was applied in the current context (Rostami & Maier, 2022).

Also, during the current research, it was established that students in the influence group demonstrated higher levels of engagement and motivation. Learning in the metaverse could provide them with a deeper immersion in the study material. The immersive nature of the virtual environment contributed to students literally “immersing” themselves in the learning process, experiencing a sense of presence, and allowing the material to come alive in interactive scenarios (Murala & Panda, 2023), which is particularly evident in subjects like history and literature. Such immersion likely not only contributed to increased cognitive activity but also strengthened behavioral interaction and emotional involvement. Furthermore, the novelty of the approach to education could have influenced the research results. The stimulus of innovation often heightens interest and engagement, especially among youth inclined toward innovative and technological solutions (Kim et al., 2020). Moreover, the interactivity and gamification inherent in metaverse online platforms, employed in the current design, significantly enhance motivation (Tsirulnikov et al., 2023).

The aim of one study (Agustini et al., 2023) was to describe the application of gamification and virtual reality techniques in the development of an educational game. The game aimed to help students recognize prehistoric objects, enhance motivation and activity, and provide an immersive learning experience in the metaverse. The results showed that the average respondent’s feedback was very positive, with an effectiveness rating of 0.80, categorizing it as highly effective (Agustini et al., 2023). These findings align with the academic achievements of students in certain subjects, particularly history. Additionally, another study (Tsirulnikov et al., 2023) examined how virtual laboratory simulations were used in natural science education as a supplement to student learning and to increase their engagement with the study material. Positive self-assessments of motivation and engagement indicators were documented – ninety-one per cent of participants agreed that virtual reality laboratory modeling would be a valuable addition to traditional teaching methods (Tsirulnikov et al., 2023).

Many previous studies have focused on exploring the metaverse and its potential applications in various fields. For example, one study (Zallio & Clarkson, 2022) highlights the need to establish best practices for developing an inclusive, accessible, and safe metaverse that ensures equality and diversity, serving as a complement rather than a replacement for the physical world. Another research (Zhang et al., 2022) identified several potential applications of the metaverse in education, including blended learning, language acquisition, competency-based, and inclusive education. Another work (Bakhri & Sofyan, 2022) pointed out significant challenges in inclusive school programs, suggesting that the metaverse could help address them, at least partially. Additionally, a scientific article (Lee & Hwang, 2022) explored the experiences of future English language teachers in developing virtual reality content for digital English textbooks for K–12 classes to investigate how creating virtual reality content can be linked to metaverse platforms for adaptive learning and sustainable education. The study results (Lee & Hwang, 2022) indicated that the transformative experience of creating virtual reality content for instructional purposes contributes to enhancing the technological readiness of future teachers, fostering 4 C in digital citizenship, and perceived pedagogical mastery, affirming the potential and necessity of applying metaverses in education.

Furthermore, another scientific work (Wu & Gao, 2022) confirms that the metaverse, integrating big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other digital technologies, can provide people with an open and inclusive space for learning and teaching. The document proposes a multi-agent collaborative development strategy: strengthening top-level design at the governmental level, optimizing resource distribution at the enterprise level, and enhancing security awareness at the individual level (Wu & Gao, 2022). This aligns entirely with the prerequisites for creating the metaverse platform tested in the current study. Another article (Purahong et al., 2022) aimed to measure achievements and assess satisfaction with the development of skills in remote learning within the foundational metaverse based on VR. The results showed that the achievements exceeded the set criteria by seventy-four per cent, and overall satisfaction was at a very high level (Purahong et al., 2022).

6 Conclusions

The application of the online metaverse platform, on which the approved state educational program for the seventh and tenth grades was uploaded, has been able to ensure an increase in the academic performance of children, as well as their involvement and motivation. For seventh-graders, the most significant improvement in academic performance was observed in mathematics (5.897), literature (5.101), and history (5.767), while for tenth-graders, it was in the Chinese language (7.500), literature (5.800), and chemistry (5.650). Regarding the level of engagement, for seventh-grade classes, the difference between the influence and control group scores was as follows: cognitive activity 7.43, behavioral interaction 7.09, and emotional engagement 3.84. For tenth-grade classes, the respective values were 3.15, 4.90, and 4.35. Seventh-grade students in the influence group demonstrated higher levels of internal motivation (6.45), external motivation (5.28), and self-regulation (7.18) compared to the control group. For tenth-grade students, the increases were 5.70, 4.00, and 4.65 for each sub-scale, respectively. All differences between the groups in the three investigated variables were statistically significant.

The practical significance of the obtained results lies in confirming the effectiveness of utilizing the metaverse as a means of enhancing educational outcomes in the school curriculum. This opens new horizons for state educational institutions in terms of integrating digital online platforms into the learning process without the need to develop proprietary solutions and content. The research’s scientific value is evident in collecting empirical data on the impact of metaverse technology on academic performance and the motivational aspects of learning, serving as a foundation for further exploration in this field. Application areas for the results may encompass school education, educational program development, pedagogical practice, and educational content creation.

The use of a ready-made educational online platform allows teachers to focus on teaching methodologies and individual student interaction, rather than the technical aspects of the process. The presented platform holds particular value for educators in public schools as it enables them to avoid expending resources on creating and adapting digital learning programs. The provided platform already includes state-approved curricula, virtual classrooms, and developed content, enabling teachers and students to immediately engage in the learning process using cutting-edge technologies, thereby reducing the time and costs associated with transitioning to innovative educational models.

6.1 Limitations

The implementation of such a metaverse platform in the Chinese context and within the framework of Chinese state educational programs complicates the extrapolation of data to other countries. However, it brings empirical experience that could be applied in other nations. Additionally, the article employs two self-report scales, which hypothetically may have limitations. The platform is designed for online use, but due to its initial application on a large scale, lessons took place in the classroom rather than at home or any other location. Therefore, the application of such a platform strictly within the campus environment is also valuable.

Furthermore, the study did not focus on the challenges of implementing the metaverse in schools, which begin with complex organization and costs and end with the practical issues of children wearing virtual glasses or experiencing eye strain. The authors of the article undoubtedly understand the significance of the challenges faced during the study and in the preparatory stages, as well as those awaiting other pioneers in this field. Therefore, future research should be directed toward developing measures to minimize these challenges. Furthermore, limitations encompass accents on technical and organizational complexities in integrating the metaverse platform into the educational process, emphasizing the significance of these factors for understanding the conditions of conducting the research and subsequent platform refinement.