Correction to: Conserv Genet (2014) 15:897–907

In the original publication of the article, the primer sequence was published incorrectly. The 3′–5′ sequence has been written out as 5′–3′. The sentence “Molecular sexing was carried out using primers ZF79F” that reads as “5′-AAATGCACAAGTGTAAATTCT-3′, ZF324R 5′-GAATGGCATCTCTTTACTATG-3′, and ZFY161R 5′-TACTGGGGAGAAACCCA-3′ (Prithiviraj Fernando, pers. comm.) to amplify a ~ 265 bp fragment from the X chromosome and two bands from the Y chromosome." should read as "Molecular sexing was carried out using primers ZF79F 5′-AAATGCACAAGTGTAAATTCT-3′, ZF324R 5′-GAATGGCATCTCTTTACTATG-3′, and ZFY161R 5′-TAGGGTTTCTCCCCAGTA-3′ (Prithiviraj Fernando, pers. comm.) to amplify a ~ 265 bp fragment from the X chromosome and two bands from the Y chromosome."