1 Correction: Language Resources and Evaluation https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-023-09655-2

In Sect. 3.2, the second paragraph, the sentence describing the Fig. 1 needs to be corrected. The incorrect and corrected versions are given below:

Incorrect version:

The left-most image represents the continuum of phonation types based on Ladefoged (1971) referring to the degree of openness. The image in the middle shows a feature space for labelling emotions using two dimensions of activation and valence (see e.g., Smith & Ellsworth, 1985). The right-most example represents a mixed rating scale: discrete (10 distinct categories for emotion perception labelling are represented in the pie chart) and continuous (the distance from the centre of the circle refers to the emotion intensity) (cf. Ekman, 1992; Plutchik, 1982).

Corrected version:

The left-most example shows a feature space for labelling emotions using two dimensions of activation and valence (see e.g., Smith & Ellsworth, 1985). The image in the middle represents a mixed rating scale: discrete (10 distinct categories for emotion perception labelling are represented in the pie chart) and continuous (the distance from the centre of the circle refers to the emotion intensity) (cf. Ekman, 1992; Plutchik, 1982). The right-most image represents the continuum of phonation types based on Ladefoged (1971) referring to the degree of openness.

The original article has been corrected.