Correction to: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology

The original version of this article contained a random order of part labels for Fig. 4. The correct caption of Fig. 4 with correct order of part labels is given below.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Neuroglia bordering the lesion core: Coronal images demonstrate OX6 positive cells restricted to the lesion core (a). On d28, OX6 positive ramified microglial cells border the lesion core in ET1 and Aβ+ET1 rats (b). Plot shows a percentage of OX6 positive neuroglial cells bordering the lesion core in ipsilateral striatum of ET1 and Aβ+ET1 rats from d1 to d28 (c). Coronal images demonstrate the loss of GFAP immunoreactivity in the lesion core, which is filled with edematous fluid on d1 in Aβ+ET1 rats, d1 and d7 reprinted by permission from Springer Nature, Amtul et al. 2018C (d). On d28, GFAP positive active astrocytes border the lesion core in ET1 and Aβ+ET1 rats (e). High-resolution images are showing astrocytes surrounding the small pockets of lesion core (separated by black dotted lines) in ET1 and Aβ+ET1 rats on d28 (f). Plot shows a percentage of GFAP positive neuroglial cells bordering the lesion core in ipsilateral striatum of ET1 and Aβ+ET1 rats from d1 to d28 (g)