1 Introduction

Natural Language Sentence Matching (NLSM), which aims to predict the relationship between two sentences, is a fundamental technique for many natural language processing tasks [1]. For example, in paraphrase identification, it is used to identify whether two sentences express the same intention or semantics [2]. In natural language inference, sentence matching is used to determine whether a hypothetical sentence can be inferred from a given premise sentence [3]. In question answering, it is used to judge whether a given response can answer a question correctly [4, 5]. However, in these tasks, it is not easy to correctly predict the relationship between two sentences [6], due to the diversity of language expression and the complexity of sentence semantics.

With the development of deep learning, there have been many successful applications to natural language processing tasks [7,8,9,10]. For NLSM tasks, there are two popular deep learning methods, sentence-encoding based methods and joint-feature based methods [11]. Because a sentence-encoding based method cannot capture the interactive features between two sentences, people usually take advantage of the joint-feature based method, which utilizes the interactive features or attention information across two sentences to encode them, resulting in a significant improvement in model performance. Attention mechanisms play an important role in sentence alignment and modeling of dependency relationships [12]. The attention mechanism is usually applied to determine the semantic interaction and degree of dependence between two sentences, so that the model can understand them better. In recent years, it has been found that using a deeper model structure can improve the performance of the model. This kind of structure can extract the deeper semantic features and dependency relationships of sentences [11].

At present, most sentence matching methods predict the semantic relationship between two sentences by comparing all their parts. However, social media posts or web page blogs typically consist of short informal texts containing many colloquialisms: Sentences may contain a lot of redundant information or noise, which affects the understanding of their semantics by a model, thus limiting its performance. On the other hand, we find that some word pairs between two sentences can capture the key semantic relationships without being affected by such noise. For example, here are two sentences in LCQMC [13]: “s1: (En): What can you do in Beijing in winter” and “s2: (En): What should I wear in winter in Beijing”. We take 3 word pairs: “ En:(Beijing, Beijing)”, “ En:(winter, winter)”, “ En:(do, wear)”. Through “(Beijing, Beijing)”, we know that the place relations of the two sentences are the same; through “(winter, winter)”, we know that the time relations of the two sentences are the same; through “(do, wear)”, we know that the intention of these two sentences is different. Therefore, through these three word pairs, we can determine whether the time, place and intention of these two sentences are the same, and according to these relations, we can establish that these two sentences have different semantic relations. If the sentence s2 is changed to “ (En): Who knows what to do in winter in Beijing?”, and the third word pair becomes “(do, do)”, it can be determined that the two sentences express the same intention, and we can mark them as having the same semantic relationship. However, there is no “who knows” in s1, but there is in s2. If all the information in the sentences is used, it may mislead the model to judge their relationship, so we think they are noise words. We argue that “what” and “in” are redundant words, which have little effect on the prediction of semantic relationships between two sentences. Therefore, we propose an approach based on multi keyword-pair matching (MKPM) to achieve the sentence matching task.

Given two sentences, we first perform word segmentation, then obtain their embedded representations, and thirdly use the 2-layer Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory Network (BiLSTM) to encode each word in the sequence to obtain their contextual representation. Next, in the core part of our model, we use the sp-attention to select the most important word pair from the two sentences as a keyword pair. In order to capture the semantic relationship between two sentences at different semantic levels, we extract multiple keyword pairs. We propose a Bi-task architecture to model the semantic information of these keyword pairs, and the specific structure is as follows: 1. The purpose of the word-pair task (WP-Task) is to understand semantic relationships at the word level. Because each keyword pair can complete the sentence matching task independently, the model will learn to identify the keyword pairs containing significant sentence semantic relationships. 2. The purpose of the sentence-pair task (SP-Task) is to use the information from keyword pairs to reduce the noise within sentences in order to represent the key semantics of each sentence, and then to use the interaction features between two sentences to understand semantic relationships at the sentence level. Bi-task integrates WP-Task and SP-Task to predict sentence semantic relationships.

The main contributions of this paper are as follows:

  • We propose a word-pair-based attention mechanism sp-attention to extract the most important word pairs in sentence pairs, so that the model can more accurately select keyword pairs and better understand the semantic relationship between two sentences.

  • We propose a Bi-task architecture to enhance the performance of the model. We use WP-Task to understand the semantic relationships of keyword pairs, and SP-task to understand the semantic relationships of sentence pairs. Through the integration of the two tasks, our model can understand the relationship between two sentences from dual granularities: word level and sentence level.

  • We propose a sentence representation method based on keyword pairs to carry out the sentence matching task. We only use keywords that are useful for sentence matching to represent the key semantics of each sentence, thus avoiding interference caused by redundant information.

2 Related work

Earlier sentence matching methods mainly rely on conventional methods, such as bag-of-word retrieval, semantic analysis, and syntactic analysis [14,15,16,17], but these methods usually have low accuracy and are only suitable for specific tasks.

With the release of datasets such as LCQMC [13], BQ [18], QuoraFootnote 1 and SNLI [19] and the development of neural networks such as CNN, LSTM and GRU [20,21,22], more and more attention has been paid to sentence matching. Two methods are widely used, one based on sentence encoding and the other based on joint features. For the sentence-encoding based method, two sentences are first encoded into fixed dimension vectors, and then the two vectors are matched to achieve the relationship prediction [23,24,25,26,27]. Mueller et al. [23] use word embedding with synonym information to encode sentences into vectors of fixed dimensions with the same LSTM, and then use Manhattan distance to measure their similarity. Nie et al. [25] use a stack-based bi-directional LSTM to encode sentences into vectors of fixed dimensions, and then use a classifier over the vector combination to complete the sentence relationship classification. However, these methods only match the two sentence vectors, and the fine-grained information between the two sentences is not captured, resulting in lower performance. As a result, researchers have proposed the joint-feature based method, using the interactive features or attention information between two sentences in the process of encoding sentences at the same time, thus significantly improving the performance of the model [1, 28, 29]. Wang et al. [1] propose a bilateral multi-perspective matching model, which matches sentences in two directions and from four different perspectives, aggregates the matching results into feature vectors with a BiLSTM, and then classifies the feature vectors. Attention mechanisms play an important role in sentence alignment and modeling of semantic relationships [12, 26, 27, 29, 30]. Yin et al. [12] propose an attention-based convolutional network, using three attention schemes to obtain different semantic interactions between sentences so that the model can better understand the sentences. Shen et al. [26] integrate both soft and hard attention into one context fusion model (reinforced self-attention); this efficiently extracts the sparse dependencies between each pair of selected tokens.

Recently, it has been found that using a deeper model structure can improve performance, although this method increases the number of parameters. Gong et al. [11] propose a densely interactive inference network. It achieves a high-level understanding of sentence pairs by extracting semantic features hierarchically from the interaction space. Kim et al. [29] propose a densely-connected co-attentive recurrent neural network, each layer using the attention features and hidden features of all previous recursive layers to achieve a more precise understanding. Most current methods use all the information in a sentence directly, without considering which information is important. So Zhang et al. [31] propose a dynamic re-read network approach; this pays close attention to the important content of the sentence in each step, by re-reading important words to better understand the semantics.

Our work achieves a precise understanding of the semantic relationship between two sentences via a joint-feature based method. We first apply our sp-attention mechanism to extract multiple keyword pairs and then use the information of these keyword pairs to model sentences from two granularities of word and sentence.

3 Method

3.1 Task definition

We define the sentence matching task as follows: Consider two sentence sequences P = (p1,p2,...,pM) and Q = (q1,q2,...,qN), where p and q are the tokens of sentences P and Q respectively, M and N are the lengths of sentences P and Q respectively. The goal is to train a classifier so that it can correctly predict the relationship between P and Q. We propose a sentence matching method based on multi keyword-pair matching (MKPM) to achieve sentence matching so as to understand the semantic relationship between two sentences accurately.

3.2 Overall architecture of MKPM

The overall architecture of MPKM is shown in Fig. 1. MPKM comprises the Word Representation Layer, the Keyword Pair Extraction (KWPE) Layer, the Denoising Layer, the Matching Layer and the Prediction Layer. The purpose of the Word Representation Layer is to encode two sentence sequences into a vector representation with context information. The Word Pair Extraction Layer extracts multiple keyword pairs using the attention mechanism. The Denoising Layer first denoises each sentence, and then obtains the key semantic feature vector of the sentence. The Matching Layer uses two feature vectors to obtain interactive features. Finally, the Prediction Layer uses interactive features to predict sentence-semantic relationships. MKPM includes two tasks: WP-Task and SP-Task. WP-task regards each keyword pair as a pair of word semantic vectors, and then sends them to the Matching Layer and Prediction Layer to predict the relationship between two sentences. SP-task first obtains the semantic vectors of two sentences after noise reduction through the Denoising Layer, and then sends them to the Matching Layer and Prediction Layer to complete the classification. Then the Matching Layer and Prediction Layer are used to complete the prediction of the relationship between the two sentences.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Architecture of MKPM

3.2.1 Word representation layer

The goal of this layer is to obtain the context representation of each word in the sequences P and Q, including the Word Embedding Layer and the Context Layer (Fig. 1). The Word Embedding Layer consists of three parts (for each word w): 1. Word embedding: We use Word2vec [32] and Glove [33] to pre-train the word vector as \(E1\left (w\right )=Word2vec\left (w\right )\) or \( Glove\left (w\right )\). 2. Character embedding: In order to solve the OOV (out of vocabulary) problem, we need to use the features of characters to represent words. First, each character of a word is embedded as a character, and then the character sequence is sent to the LSTM to get the character representation of the word as \(E2\left (w\right )=\) Char-LSTM(w). 3. Exact word matching [4]: If word w exists in the other sentence, \(E3\left (w\right )\) is marked as 1, as shown in (1), otherwise it is marked as 0. The three parts are cascaded together as a word embedding representation E = [E1(w);E2(w);E3(w)]. We get the word embedding of P and Q respectively as \(E^{p}=\left [E^{p_{1}},E^{p_{2}},\ldots ,E^{p_{M}}\right ]\) and \(E^{q}=[E^{q_{1}},E^{q_{2}},\ldots ,E^{q_{N}}]\).

$$ E3(w) = \left\{ \begin{aligned} 1 & &\text{The word w exists in the other sentence} \\ 0 & &\text{Otherwise} \end{aligned} \right. $$

We use a 2-layer BiLSTM as the Context Layer to encode P, so that each time step of the sequence contains context semantic information. First, we calculate the hidden state of each time step of the first layer BiLSTM as shown in (2). Then we take the hidden state of the first layer as the input of the second layer, and calculate the hidden state of each time step of the BiLSTM of the second layer as shown in (3).

$$ h^{p^{1}}=BiLSTM_{1}(E^{p}) $$
$$ h^{p^{2}}=BiLSTM_{2}(h^{p^{1}}) $$

Finally, we concatenate the hidden states of the two layers of the BiLSTM together as the context representation of P as shown in (4). We use the same network structure to encode Q as shown in (5).

$$ h^{p}=[h^{p^{1}};h^{p^{2}}] $$
$$ h^{q}=[h^{q^{1}};h^{q^{2}}] $$

3.2.2 KWPE layer

The KWPE layer is the core part of our model as shown in Fig. 2. We propose a sentence-pair-based co-attention mechanism called sp-attention, which is used to calculate the attention value of sentence pairs (P, Q) for each word in P and Q. We think that for each word wp in P, if the sentence pair (P, Q) has a large attention score on it, it should: 1. have rich semantic features, 2. be very important in P, and 3. have great influence on Q. Specifically, these three characteristics are respectively determined by P’s context features, hp, P’s attention score to P, hphpT, and Q’s attention score to P, hphqT. As shown in the P-module in Fig. 2, we use the tanh function to activate these three weighted sums, then transform them linearly, and finally use the softmax function to calculate the sp-attention weight αp of each word in P. Similarly, we use the Q-module to calculate αq. αp and αq are 1-dimensional vectors. We wish to choose the words with the largest sp-attention score from P and Q as the selected keyword pair (wp,wq). However, this cannot easily be achieved and therefore the effect of the choice is approximated (see below). The detailed calculation is shown in (6) to (11).

$$ m^{p}=tanh{\left( h^{p}{h^{p}}^{T}W_{pp}+h^{p}{h^{q}}^{T}W_{pq}+h^{p}W_{p}\right)W_{d}} $$
$$ m^{q}=tanh{\left( h^{q}{h^{q}}^{T}W_{qq}+h^{q}{h^{p}}^{T}W_{qp}+h^{q}W_{q}\right)}W_{d} $$
$$ \alpha^{p}=\frac{exp(m^{p})}{{\sum}_{i=1}^{M}{exp({m_{i}}^{p})}} $$
$$ \alpha^{q}=\frac{exp(m^{q})}{{\sum}_{i=1}^{N}{exp({m_{i}}^{q})}} $$
$$ w^{p}={h_{t}^{p}},(t=index\left( max{\left( \alpha^{p}\right)}\right)) $$
$$ w^{q}={h_{v}^{q}},(v=index\left( max{\left( \alpha^{q}\right)}\right)) $$

where Wpq, Wpp, Wp, Wqp, Wqq, Wq, Wd are trainable parameters, and (wp,wq) is the selected keyword pair. The \(max{\left (*\right )}\) function is not differentiable, which means its gradient cannot be calculated. Thus we cannot simply determine the maximum value in α. Instead, we use a trick in Zhang et al. [31] to multiply mp and mq by a relatively large value γ, sharpening the distributions of αp and αq. After sharpening, the weight of the word with the largest sp-attention score in the sentence is very close to 1, while the weight of all other words is very close to 0, that is, αp and αq are very close to a one-hot distribution. Then for sentence P, the context vectors hp for the words in P are weighted by their corresponding values in the sharpened αp and then summed to obtain the approximate representation of the keyword w which has the maximum sp-attention score. The same operation is performed on the context vectors hq for sentence Q, using the sharpened αq. The calculation process is shown in (12) to (15).

$$ \alpha^{p}=\frac{exp(m^{p}\gamma)}{{\sum}_{i=1}^{M}{exp({m_{i}}^{p}\gamma)}} $$
$$ \alpha^{q}=\frac{exp(m^{q}\gamma)}{{\sum}_{i=1}^{N}{exp({m_{i}}^{q}\gamma)}} $$
$$ w^{p}\approx\sum\limits_{i=1}^{M}{{\alpha^{p}_{i}}}{h_{i}}^{p} $$
$$ w^{q}\approx\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}{{\alpha^{q}_{i}}}{h_{i}}^{q} $$
Fig. 2
figure 2

Architecture of KWPE Layer, where Ci, j represents the attention score between the ith word of P and the jth word of Q, and Si, j represents the attention score between the ith word of P and the jth word of P. The P Module calculates the sp-attention score αp of the sentence pair (P, Q) to each word in P, and the Q Module calculates the sp-attention score αq of (P, Q) to each word in Q. The blue box indicates finding the maximum sp-attention value, and the red box indicates selecting the word with the maximum sp-attention value. In fact, these operations are not easy to achieve and so they are approximated by sharpening the distribution of weights αp and then computing the sum of all hp, weighted by their corresponding αp values. The same applies to αq and hq. See the text for more details

However, sharpening αp and αq at the beginning of training may cause the model either not to converge, or to converge to a suboptimal region. So we set up an annealing schedule: In the process of training, we increase the value of γ, as shown in (16).

$$ \gamma_{i}=min((i+1)/3,\gamma_{max}) $$

where i is the epoch of training, γmax is the maximum value of γ.

In order to capture the semantic relationship between two sentences at different levels, we need to extract multiple keyword pairs. By calculating attention K times, i.e. each time the model learns different parameters, we can obtain multiple keyword pairs. We obtain the semantic information of these keyword pairs through WP-Task and SP-Task.

3.2.3 Denoising layer

In order to enable SP-Task to better understand the key semantic information of the sentence, we only use the keyword sequence of the sentence to represent it, so we propose the Denoising Layer, as in Fig. 3. As described in the previous section, we use the approximate keyword pairs extracted by the KWPE layer, and mark the selected keyword pairs with a red box in the original sequence. We take these marked words as a new sequence, and then use the BiLSTM network to encode it. Finally, we cascade the vector in the last time-step of the BiLSTM network to construct the keyword semantic feature vectors Vp and Vq of sentences P and Q.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Architecture of Denoising Layer

3.2.4 Matching layer

This layer mainly obtains the interaction information of the two input vectors V1 and V2. We use the processing method of Kim [29] to calculate the interaction between two semantic vectors, expecting to obtain local differences or conflict information between the vectors to infer the relationship between the two sentences. The interaction information is extracted in both WP-Task and SP-Task:

  1. 1.

    WP-Task: We use the K word pairs selected by the KWPE layer as semantic vectors to allow the model to understand the semantic relationship at word granularity. The interaction feature vector Fwpk of each set of keyword pairs is obtained as shown in (17).

    $$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} F_{{wp}_{k}}&=&\left[{w_{k}^{p}},{w_{k}^{q}},{w_{k}^{p}}+{w_{k}^{q}},{w_{k}^{p}}-{w_{k}^{q}},\left|{w_{k}^{p}}-\right|\right],\\k&=&1,2,...,K \end{array} $$
  2. 2.

    SP-Task: We take the vector representation of the sentence extracted by the Denoising Layer as the semantic vector input, and let the model understand the semantic relationship at sentence granularity. The interactive feature vector Fsp of the two sentences is obtained as shown in (18).

    $$ F_{sp}=[V^{p},V^{q},V^{p}+V^{q},V^{p}-V^{q},|V^{p}-V^{q}|] $$

The reason why we design these two tasks with different granularity is that we hope the network can learn different levels of semantic information. By combining these two tasks, we can improve the prediction accuracy of the model.

3.2.5 Prediction layer

We feed the interaction feature vector into a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to predict the relationship between two sentences. The MLP has two fully-connected hidden layers activated by ReLU, and an output layer activated by softmax. We first feed the interaction vectors of K word pairs extracted by WP-Task into K different MLPs for classification, and then take the average value as the prediction result of WP-Task. Then the sentence semantic interaction vector extracted by SP-Task is sent to the MLP to obtain the prediction result of SP-Task. We define the contribution of SP-Task to the model as β, and the contribution of WP-Task to the model as 1 −β, where β is an adjustable super parameter. The prediction result of MKPM is shown in (19), and the model is trained by minimizing the cross-entropy loss.

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} Predict&=&\upbeta\times{MLP}^{sp}\left( F_{sp}\right)+\left( 1-\upbeta\right)\\&&\times\frac{1}{K}\sum\limits_{k=1}^{K}{{MLP}_{k}^{wp}\left( {F_{wp}}_{k}\right)} \end{array} $$

4 Experiments and results

In this section, we first describe four benchmark sentence matching datasets, and then introduce our experiments and results analysis.

4.1 Datasets

We briefly introduce the datasets used in our paper:

  • Large-scale Chinese Question Matching Corpus (LCQMC) [13]: This is an open-domain Chinese dataset collected from Baidu Knowledge (a popular Chinese community QA website). Its goal is to determine whether the semantics of two questions are the same, and it focuses on intent matching rather than paraphrase. LCQMC includes 239k sentence pairs for training, 8.4k pairs for validation, and 12.5k pairs for testing.

  • Bank Question (BQ) corpus [18]: It contains a 1-year customer service log from an online bank. BQ is a dataset for Sentence Semantic Equivalence Recognition (SSEI) and it is the largest manually annotated Chinese dataset in the banking field. BQ includes 100k training sentence pairs, 10k validation pairs, and 10k test pairs.

  • Quora Question Pair (QQP): This is an English dataset of question matching published by Quora, whose purpose is to determine whether the semantics of two questions are the same. QQP includes 360k training sentence pairs and 40k validation pairs. We split the QQP dataset into training set, validation set and test set according to [1]’s method.

  • The Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) Corpus [19]: It is a collection of human-written English sentence pairs. These sentence pairs are manually annotated with entailment, contradiction, and neutral labels, and support natural language inference tasks. SNLI includes 550k sentence pairs for training, 10k pairs for validation, and 10k pairs for testing.

4.2 Implementation details

We use 300d Word2vec [34] Chinese word vectors pre-trained on the Baidu Encyclopedia corpus and 300d GloVe [33] English word vectors pre-trained on the 840B Common Crawl corpus to initialize word embeddings, and randomly initialize out-of-vocabulary word embeddings. We also randomly initialize character embeddings and use the LSTM to extract the character representation of the word. In addition, we use Batch Normalization [35] to speed up model training and prevent overfitting. The hidden layers of the LSTM all have 128 units. We apply the RMSProp optimizer with an initial learning rate of 0.001. Except for the embedding matrix, all weights are constrained by L2 regularization with a regularization constant λ = 10− 6. The settings of each dataset are shown in Table 1, where Sentence length is the length of our intercept sequence, Word embedding is the training method and dimension of the pre-trained word vectors, Word length is the character length of each word, Word dim is the initial vector dimension of each word, Char dim is the character embedding dimension of each word, and OOV is the proportion of out-of-vocabulary words. We choose the model that works best on the validation sets, and then evaluate it on the test sets.

Table 1 Dataset parameter settings

4.3 Baselines

We briefly introduce the Baselines as follows:

  1. 1.

    Text Convolutional Neural Network (Text-CNN) [20] is a CNN model for sentence classification. The model represents each sentence as an embedding matrix, and then uses the convolutional neural network to classify the sentence.

  2. 2.

    Siamese Long Short-term Memory (Siamese-LSTM) is a variant of RNN which considers both long and short dependencies in context, working both forward and backward. Mueller et al. and Varior et al. [23, 24, 36] use the same LSTM to encode sentences into sentence vectors in both forward and backward directions, and then match the two sentence vectors.

  3. 3.

    Lexical Decomposition and Composition (L.D.C.) [4] is a model to take into account both the similarities and dissimilarities by decomposing and composing lexical semantics over sentences. The model represents each word as a vector, and calculates the semantic matching vector of each word according to all the words in the other sentence.

  4. 4.

    Pretrained Decomposable Attention Character n-gram (pt-DecAttchar.c) [37] is a decomposable attention model, extended with character n-gram embeddings and noisy pretraining for the task of question paraphrase identification.

  5. 5.

    Compare Propagate Alignment-Factorized Encoders (CAFE) [38] is a new deep learning architecture for Natural Language Inference; it compares and compresses aligned pairs, and then propagates to the upper layer to enhance representation learning.

  6. 6.

    Gumbel Tree Long Short-term Memory (Gumbel Tree-LSTM) [39] is a novel tree-structured LSTM that learns how to compose task-specific tree structures efficiently, using only plain-text data.

  7. 7.

    Distance-based Self-Attention Network (Distance-based SAN) [40] determines the word distance by using a simple distance mask in order to model the local dependency without losing the ability to model global dependency.

  8. 8.

    Bilateral Multi-Perspective Matching (BiMPM) [1] is a model with good performance for sentence matching. The model uses a BiLSTM to learn sentence representations, matches sentences from two directions and multiple perspectives, aggregates the matching results with a BiLSTM, and finally makes predictions with fully-connected layers.

  9. 9.

    Densely Interactive Inference Network (DIIN) [11] achieves a high-level understanding of sentence pairs by extracting semantic features hierarchically from the interaction space.

  10. 10.

    Dynamic Re-read Network (DRr-Net) [31] pays close attention to the important content of the sentence in each step, by re-reading important words to better understand the semantics of the sentence.

  11. 11.

    Densely-connected Recurrent and Co-attentive neural Network (DRCN) [29] uses within each layer the attention features and hidden features of all previous recursive layers to achieve accurate understanding of sentences.

4.4 Results and analysis

We first evaluate the performance of the model on the two Chinese paraphrase identification datasets LCQMC and BQ; next, in order to prove that our method is suitable for different languages, we apply the model to the English dataset QQP. At the same time, in order to demonstrate that our method is suitable for different sentence matching tasks, we evaluate it on the natural language inference dataset SNLI. We conduct an ablation study to prove the effectiveness of SP-Task, WP-Task, the KWPE layer, and the annealing schedule. Then, we explore the impact of the number K of extracted keyword pairs on the model’s performance. Finally, we qualitatively evaluate the extracted keyword pairs to verify the validity and accuracy of the model.

4.4.1 Experiment results

We show the experimental results of our model on the four datasets, LCQMC, BQ, QQP and SNLI, see Tables 23 and 4.

Table 2 MKPM performance (accuracy) on LCQMC & BQ
Table 3 MKPM performance (accuracy) on QQP
Table 4 MKPM performance (parameters and accuracy) on SNLI

Table 2 shows the performance of our model on the two Chinese datasets LCQMC and BQ, compared with the baselines, where (1)-(4) are from [13, 18], and (5) is our implementation of the DRCN model in [29], using the same word embeddings to obtain the model’s performance. The results show that, for the two datasets, our model is 3.3% and 2.2% higher than the sentence matching BiMPM model and it is 0.8% and 0.8% higher than our implementation of the DRCN model.

Table 3 shows the performance of our model on the English dataset QQP, compared with the baselines, where (1)-(5) are from [11], (6) is from [31], (7) is from [29], and (8) is our implementation of the DRCN model in [29]. Experimental results show that our model is superior to the general sentence matching models (1)-(5), and is also better than BiMPM and DIIN. Rows (6)-(7) show that our model is 0.1% lower in performance than DRr-Net and 0.5% lower than DRCN. In row (8), our implementation of DRCN achieves 89.6% accuracy, which is close to the author’s score. Table 4 shows the results on the English dataset SNLI, where (1)-(5) are from [31]. Here, our model performs better than the general natural language inference models (1)-(5). Row (5) shows that our model is 0.5% higher than the best previous model DRr-Net, and our model parameters (1.8m) are only half of DRr-Net (3.5m) and one third of DRCN (5.6m). Although our model does not perform as well as DRCN and DRr-Net on the QQP dataset, it has far fewer parameters than them. Generally, these two experiments show that our model not only adapts to different languages, but also has high performance on different sentence matching tasks, while using fewer parameters.

4.4.2 Ablation study

We conduct ablation studies on the experiments working with the LCQMC and BQ datasets, aiming to verify the effectiveness of the 2-layer BiLSTM representation, the WP-Task, the SP-Task, the KWPE layer and the annealing schedule. The results are shown in Table 5, where we set the keyword pairs parameter K = 5. First, we study the impact of the number of BiLSTM layers on the performance of the model when representing the context. We remove the 2-layer BiLSTM and use only a single layer BiLSTM to encode the sentence, as shown in row (1) of the table. We can see that if we only use a 1-layer BiLSTM to encode sentences, the model performance decreases by 0.2%. Next, we verify the impact of the WP-Task and SP-Task on model performance. We remove one of the tasks, as shown in rows (2) and (3) in the table. Whichever task is removed, the performance of the model declines. In particular, when WP-Task is removed, the performance drops by about 0.7%, so the importance of WP-Task is self-evident. Then we study the contribution of the two tasks to the model. We set β to 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1 as shown in rows (4)-(8) of the table. We see that when β is 0.7 and 0.5, the model achieves the highest performance on the two datasets. Therefore, we conclude that the performance of the two tasks WP-Task and SP-Task is mutually reinforcing, and the model achieves the highest performance when β is around 0.5 to 0.7. Finally, in order to verify the contribution of the KWPE layer to the model, we remove it in row (9). Performance is reduced by 2.7% on LCQMC and 2.6% on BQ, indicating that the KWPE layer is irreplaceable. To verify the effectiveness of the annealing schedule to the model, we remove it in row (10), and find that the performance is slightly decreased, which proves the effectiveness of the annealing schedule.

Table 5 Ablation study performance (accuracy) on LCQMC & BQ

4.4.3 Analysis of the number of keyword pairs

We set the value of β on LCQMC and BQ to 0.7 and 0.5 respectively, and set the word pair parameter K = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. We study the effect of the number of keyword pairs on the model’s performance. The results are shown in Fig. 4. From the figure, it can be seen that if the word pair parameter K is too large or too small, the performance of the model will be reduced. When K = 6 on the LCQMC data set, the model performance reaches the highest value of 86.71%, and when K = 5 on the BQ data set, the model performance reaches its highest value of 84.11%, so for these two data sets, a value of 5 or 6 for K is most appropriate. From the experimental results, we can conclude that when the value of the word pair K is small, the model cannot learn the full semantic relationship of the sentence by a small number of word pairs, resulting in low performance. When the value of the word pair K is too large, the word pair extraction may include all the words in the sentence, which will contain redundant semantic information, so it will also cause the model performance to decline.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Impact of the Number of Keyword Pairs, K, on Accuracy

4.4.4 Qualitative evaluation

We select four sentences to visualize the prediction results and extract keyword pairs from the LCQMC test set as shown in Table 6, where “\(T\rightarrow P\)” means “\(True\ label\rightarrow Predict\ label\)”. For the sentence pair “ (En): How to download audio on the web”, “ ? (En): How to download audio on this page ?”, the model extracts five keyword pairs “ (En): (How, How), (on, page), (on, this), (web, page), (audio, audio)”. Through these word pairs, we can see that the objects described by the two sentences are audio on the web page, and we have not found a word pair that can indicate that the semantic relationship between the two sentences is not the same; so the model thinks that these two sentences have the same semantics, and hence the label is predicted to be 1. For the sentence pair “ (En): Which province is Guilin’s scenic spot in?”, “ (En): Which city is Guilin’s scenic spot in?”, the model extracts five keyword pairs “ (En): (province, city), (province, city), (province, city), (province, city), (province, city)”. We find that these are five identical word pairs, and the word pair “(province, city)” means that the location information expressed in the first sentence is province, while in the second sentence it is city; when the model finds a keyword pair with different semantics, the label is predicted to be 0. From the above analysis, we see that when the model predicts the semantic relationship between two sentences, it tries to find keyword pairs that represent differences between them. If it cannot find such keyword pairs, it will predict the label as 1. Conversely, if it can find a keyword pair with different semantics, it will directly predict the label as 0.

Table 6 Keyword-pair visualization results

4.5 Discussion

The experimental results show that our model uses WP-Task to understand the semantic relationship at the word level, and SP-Task to understand the semantic relationship at the sentence level. Through the integration of the two tasks, our model can understand sentences more accurately by means of the two granularities, words and sentences.

Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on two Chinese question matching datasets LCQMC and BQ. Experiments on the English dataset QQP for question matching and the natural language inference dataset SNLI show that our model not only adapts to different languages, but can also be applied to different sentence matching tasks. At the same time, our model has fewer parameters. However, because the model is keyword-based, the quality of words has a great impact on its performance. In summary, the model has the following shortcomings: 1. It is sensitive to OOV words. In QQP, for example, OOVs account for 25%, while in LCQMC and SNLI they only comprise 10%. In consequence, our model performs better on LCQMC and SNLI than on QQP. 2. Differences between Chinese and English words lead to the performance of our model being better on the Chinese dataset than it is on the English dataset. In English, a character only represents the pronunciation, while a word not only includes semantic features, but also carries complex grammatical information. In consequence, it is difficult to capture the key semantics of an English sentence through keywords alone. In Chinese, by contrast, a character includes both pronunciation and semantic features, while a word is composed of multiple characters, increasing still more the information being conveyed. Hence, it is easier to understand the key semantics of a Chinese sentence through keywords. 3. Our model contains two hyper-parameters K and β, which need to be adjusted.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a sentence matching method called MKPM. We only use multiple keyword pairs to carry out the task. We propose for the first time that such keyword pairs are used to represent multi-level semantic relationships between sentences. Experimental results show that our model can achieve state-of-the-art performance in several sentence matching tasks. In addition, compared with the most advanced methods, our model is simpler and has fewer parameters. In order to achieve a better performance, our future work can be divided into three parts:

  1. 1.

    Let the model automatically learn better hyper-parameters.

  2. 2.

    Study networks with Dense structure to make the model understand sentences more deeply.

  3. 3.

    Make the model more adaptable to OOV words and different languages.

  4. 4.

    Improve the annealing schedule for model training.