1 Introduction

Since its inception in the early 1990s [17, 31, 36], Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) as a third way of doing science [3, 5] has matured substantially and has found its way into the mainstream of science [25]. Further, a number of ABS frameworks and tools like RePast, AnyLogic and NetLogo as well as open databases of ABS models [16] have been developed, allowing for quick and robust prototyping and development of models.

However, despite the broad acceptance and adoption of ABS as methodology and generative way of doing science, there have been struggles as reported by Axelrod [4]. He discusses the vulnerability of ABS to misunderstanding: due to informal specifications of models and change requests amongst members of a research team, bugs are very likely to be introduced. Further, he reports how difficult it was to reproduce other work [2], which took the team four months, due to inconsistencies between the original code and the published paper. The consequence is that counter-intuitive simulation results can lead to weeks of checking whether the code matches the model and is bug-free [3].

The same problem was reported by researchers [7], which tried to reproduce the work of Gintis [19]. In his work, Gintis claimed to have found a mechanism in bilateral decentralized exchange, which resulted in Walrasian General Equilibrium without the neo-classical approach of a tatonement process through a central auctioneer [14]. This was a major breakthrough for economics as the theory of Walrasian General Equilibrium is non-constructive. It postulates the properties and existence of the equilibrium but does not explain the process and dynamics through which this equilibrium can be reached or constructed. Gintis seemed to have found a model for this process.

The authors [7] failed to reproduce the results and were only able to solve the problem by directly contacting Gintis, which provided the code, the definitive formal reference. It was found that there was a bug in the code leading to unexpected results, which were seriously damaged through this error. They also reported ambiguity between the informal model description in Gintis’ paper and the actual implementation. This discovery lead to research in a functional framework for agent-based models of exchange [8], which tried to give a very formal functional specification of the model, coming very close to an implementation in Haskell. The failure of Gintis was investigated in more depth also by other researchers [18] who got access to Gintis’ code through his website [20]. They found that the code in Object Pascal did not follow good object-oriented design principles (all of it was public, code duplication) and discovered a number of bugs serious enough to damage the results.

These issues show that due to the fact that ABS is primarily used for scientific research, often producing break-through scientific results, besides on converging both on standards for testing the robustness of implementations and on its tools, ABS more importantly needs to be free of bugs, verified against their specification, validated against hypotheses and ultimately be reproducible [4]. Further, a special issue with ABS is that the emergent behaviour of the system is generally not known in advance and researchers look for some unique emergent pattern in the dynamics. Whether the emergent pattern is then truly due to the system working correctly, or a bug in disguise is often not obvious and becomes increasingly difficult to assess with increasing system complexity.

These facts are also underlined in summaries of various ABS development methods [28] which all put fundamental emphasis on the verification and validation process for ABS. Although there exist methods and research of verification and validation in ABS, unfortunately, as Sect. 2 shows, there does not exist much research on the issue of code testing an ABS implementation. In software engineering, this task has been traditionally achieved by unit testing, as introduced by Beck in the seminal work on Test-Driven Development [6]. Unit tests are code pieces which test a given unit of functionality of some given feature. Generally, this results in hundreds or sometimes thousands of unit tests as all execution paths of the whole software should be covered.

We hypothesise that the reason why unit testing is not very present in the field of ABS verification and validation research, is a conceptual mismatch between unit testings’ deterministic and ABS’ rather stochastic nature. The fact that a unit test needs to be written for each edge case makes it difficult to scale up to the stochastic nature of ABS, where the agent and model behaviour in general is often characterised by probabilistic distributions instead of deterministic rules. As a possible solution to this issue, our work [34] was the first to propose property-based testing as an alternative to unit testing for code testing ABS implementations. The main idea of property-based testing is to express model specifications and invariants directly in code and test them through automated and randomised test data generation. In our paper [34] we presented various ways to conceptually use property-based testing to code test ABS implementations. However, we did not discuss technical details and sequential statistical hypothesis testing and left the exact workings of property-based testing for ABS open as it was beyond the focus of that paper.

In this paper we pick up our conceptual work [34] and put it into a more technical perspective and demonstrate additional techniques of property-based testing in the context of ABS, which were not covered in the conceptual paper. More specifically, in this paper we additionally show how to encode agent specifications and model invariants into property tests, using an agent-based SIR model [24] as use case. Following an event-driven approach [27], we demonstrate how to express an agent specification in code by relating random input events to specific output events. Further, additionally using specific property-based testing features, which allow expressing expected coverage of data distributions, we show how transition probabilities can be tested. Finally, we also express model invariants by encoding them into property tests. By doing this, we demonstrate how property-based testing works on a technical level, how specifications and invariants can be put into code and how probabilities can be expressed and tested using statistically robust verification. This in-depth technical investigation was beyond the focus of our original, conceptual work [34] but the results of this paper gives additional evidence to its conclusion, that property-based testing maps naturally to ABS. Further, this work shows that in the context of ABS, property-based testing does scale up better than unit testing as it allows to run thousands of test cases automatically instead of constructing each manually and, more importantly, property-based testing is able to encode probabilities, something unit testing is not capable of in general.

The paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 presents related work. In Sect. 3 property-based testing is introduced on a technical level. In Sect. 4 the agent-based SIR model is introduced, together with its informal event-driven specification. Sections 5 and 6 contain the main contribution of the paper, where it is shown how to encode agent specifications, transition probabilities and model invariants with property-based testing. Section 7 discusses the approach and concludes and Sect. 8 identifies further research.

2 Related work

Research on code testing of ABS is quite new with few publications so far. Our own work [34] is the first paper to introduce property-based testing to ABS. In it we show on a conceptual level that property-based testing allows to do both verification and validation of an implementation. However, we do not go into technical details of actual implementations, nor how to use property-based testing on a technical level, nor do we introduce the sequential statistical hypothesis testing of the QuickCheck library to express probabilities.

The use of unit testing in the context of ABS was first discussed by Collier et al. [15]. The authors introduce Test-Driven Development to ABS and use RePast to show how to verify the correctness of an implementation with unit tests. A similar approach has been discussed for Discrete Event Simulation in the AnyLogic software toolkit [1].

Unit tests to verify an ABS implementation of maritime search operations was mentioned in [29]. The authors validate their model against an analytical solution from theory by running the simulation with unit tests and then performing a statistical comparison against the formal specification.

Property-based testing has also connections to data generators [21] and load generators and random testing [11] with the important benefit that property-based testing allows to express them directly in code.

The authors of [21] provide a case study of an agent-based simulation of synaptic connectivity, for demonstrating their generic testing framework in RePast and MASON, which rely on JUnit to run automated tests.

As most of these works are using unit testing, we provide a comparison between our proposed approach and unit testing in the following section.

3 Property-based testing

In property-based testing functional specifications, also called properties, are formulated in code and tried to falsify using a property-based testing library. In general, to falsify a functional specification, the property-based testing library runs automated test cases by automatically generating test data. When a test case fails, the functional specification was falsified by finding a counter example. For better analysis, the library then reduces the test data to its simplest form for which the test still fails, like shrinking of a list or pruning of a tree. On the other hand, if no counter example could be found for the functional specification, it is deemed valid and the test succeeds.

Property-based testing has its origins in the QuickCheck library [12, 13] of the pure functional programming language Haskell. QuickCheck tries to falsify the specifications by randomly sampling the test space. This library has been successfully used for testing Haskell code in the industry for years, underlining its maturity and real world relevance in general and of property-based testing in particular [22].

To give an understanding of how property-based testing works with QuickCheck, we give a practical example of how to implement a property of lists. Such a property is directly expressed as a function in Haskell, with the return type of Bool. This indicates whether the property holds for the given random inputs or not. In general, a QuickCheck property can take arbitrary inputs, with random data generated automatically by QuickCheck during testing. The example property we want to encode is that reversing a reversed list results again in the original list:

figure a

Testing the property with QuickCheck is simply done using the function


figure b

QuickCheck generates 100 test cases by default and requires all of them to pass. Indeed, all 100 test cases of prop_reverse_reverse pass and therefore the property as a whole passes the test. Note that we do not provide any data for the input argument [Int], a list of Integers, because QuickCheck is doing this automatically for us. For the standard types of Haskell, QuickCheck provides existing data generators.

To give an example of what happens in case of failure due to a wrong property, we look at a wrong implementation of the property, that reverse distributes over the list append operator (++ in Haskell):

figure c

As expected, the property test fails because QuickCheck found a counter example to the property after 4 test cases. Also, we see that QuickCheck applied 5 shrinks to find the minimal failing counter example xs = [0] and ys = [1]. The reason for the failure is a wrong implementation of the prop_reverse_distributive property: to correct it, xs and ys need to be swapped on the right hand side of the equation. Note that when run repeatedly, QuickCheck might find the counter example earlier and might apply fewer shrinks due to a different random-number generator seed, resulting in different random data to start with.

3.1 Generators

QuickCheck comes with a lot of data generators for existing types like String, Int, Double, [] (List), but in case one wants to randomize custom data types, one has to write custom data generators. There are two ways to do this. The first one is to fix them at compile time by writing an Arbitrary type class instance. A type class can be understood as an interface definition, and an instance as a concrete implementation of such an interface for a specific type. The advantage of having an Arbitrary instance is that the custom data type can be used as random argument to a function as in the examples above. The second way to write custom data generators is to implement a run-time generator in the Gen context.

Here we implement a custom data generator for both cases, using a simple color representation as example. We start with the run-time option, running in the Gen context:

figure d

This implementation makes use of the elements :: [a] \(\rightarrow\) Gen a function, which picks a random element from a non-empty list with uniform probability. If a skewed distribution is needed, one can use the frequency :: [(Int, Gen a)] \(\rightarrow\) Gen a function, where a frequency can be specified for each element. Generating on average 80% Red, 15% Green and 5% Blue can be achieved using this function:

figure e

Implementing an Arbitrary instance is straightforward, one only needs to implement the arbitrary :: Gen a method:

figure f

When we have a random Double as input to a function, but want to restrict its random range to (0,1) because it reflects a probability, we can do this easily with newtype and implementing an Arbitrary instance:

figure g

3.2 Distributions

QuickCheck provides functions to measure the coverage of test cases. This can be done using the label :: String \(\rightarrow\) prop \(\rightarrow\) Property function. It takes a String as first argument and a testable property and constructs a Property. QuickCheck collects all the generated labels, counts their occurrences and reports their distribution. For example, it can be used to get an idea of the length of the random lists created in the reverse_reverse property shown above:

figure h

When running the test, we get the following output:

figure i

3.3 Coverage

QuickCheck provides two additional functions to work with test-case distributions: cover and checkCoverage. The function cover :: Double \(\rightarrow\) Bool \(\rightarrow\) String \(\rightarrow\) prop \(\rightarrow\) Property allows to explicitly specify that a given percentage of successful test cases belongs to a given class. The first argument is the expected percentage, the second argument is a Bool indicating whether the current test case belongs to the class or not, the third argument is a label for the coverage, and the fourth argument is the property which needs to hold for the test case to succeed.

Here we look at an example where we use cover to express that we expect 15% of all test cases to have a random list with at least 50 elements:

figure j

When running the twice, we get the following output:

figure k

As can be seen, QuickCheck runs the default 100 test cases and prints a warning if the expected coverage is not reached. This is a useful feature, but it is up to us to decide whether 100 test cases are suitable and whether we can really claim that the given coverage will be reached or not. To free us from making this guess, QuickCheck provides the function checkCoverage :: prop \(\rightarrow\) Property. When checkCoverage is used, QuickCheck will run an increasing number of test cases until it can decide whether the percentage in cover was reached or cannot be reached at all. The way QuickCheck does this, is by using sequential statistical hypothesis testing [35]. Thus, if QuickCheck comes to the conclusion that the given percentage can or cannot be reached, it is based on a robust statistical test giving us high confidence in the result.

When we run the example from above but now with checkCoverage we get the following output:

figure l

We see that after QuickCheck ran 12,800 tests it came to the statistically robust conclusion that, indeed, at least 15% of the test cases have a random list with at least 50 elements.

3.4 Comparison with unit testing

Section 2 shows that the standard in code testing of ABS is unit testing. For a better understanding and how our work relates to this other technique we briefly introduce unit testing in Java and compare it with property-based testing as introduced above.

As already pointed out in the introduction, unit tests are small pieces of code which test other code. These pieces of code are call test cases, and should be as small as possible, testing only a single aspect of the code under test. The way to implement unit tests is using the unit testing library JUnit, which provides annotations, assertions and test executors, to annotate test cases, express invariants, execute test cases and generate reports of the results.

In the following we briefly show how to express the properties of lists, as introduced above, with unit testing. We write a class ListTest, which contains all test cases, each annotated by @Test, which tells the test executor that this is a test to run. Invariants are expressed in our case with assertEquals, however JUnit provides all sorts of asserts, to express different invariants.

figure m

We immediately see how verbose unit tests are over property tests. The reason is not only found in object-oriented programming, but also that unit tests are not expressing specifications but following a very operational, imperative approach, stating how to test something instead of what is actually tested. We argue that without the comments added by us and appropriate naming of the tests, it would be not very obvious what exactly the unit tests are testing, whereas in property-based testing this is immediately clear.

A very important detail is that in this listing we only provide tests with 3 elements in each list. This does not cover all test cases, for example lists with a single element, empty lists, or lists of different sizes in the case of testReverseDistribute are missing. For a proper test coverage, we would need to manually provide all edge cases as additional test cases. This is implicitly covered in property-based testing, which generates the input data, automatically covering edge cases as well.

As for the label, cover and checkCoverage feature from property-based testing with QuickCheck, there is simply no equal in unit testing with JUnit. Therefore it is simply not possible to express such specifications.

It might look like that property-based testing is superior to unit testing, however it is not as both focus on different types of tests. Whereas property-based testing is ideally suited for testing data-centric problems, which can be expressed in specifications, such as the list properties above, unit testing is better suited for testing side effects of imperative code in a rather operational way. Therefore we see property-based testing and unit testing as complementary techniques.

4 Event-driven agent-based SIR model

As use case to develop the concepts in this paper, we use the explanatory SIR model [23]. It is a very well studied and understood compartment model from epidemiology, which allows to simulate the dynamics of an infectious disease like influenza, tuberculosis, chicken pox, rubella and measles spreading through a population.

In this model, people in a population of size N can be in either one of the three states Susceptible, Infected or Recovered at a particular time, where it is assumed that initially there is at least one infected person in the population. People interact on average with a given number of \(\beta\) other people per time unit and become infected with a given probability \(\gamma\) when interacting with an infected person. When infected, a person recovers on average after \(\delta\) time units and is then immune to further infections. An interaction between infected persons does not lead to re-infection, thus, these interactions are ignored in this model. This definition gives rise to three compartments with the transitions seen in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

States and transitions in the SIR compartment model

In this paper we follow [24] for translating the informal SIR specification into an event-driven agent-based approach [27]. The dynamics it produces are shown in Fig. 2, which was generated by our own implementation undertaken for this paper, accessible from our repository [32].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Dynamics of the SIR compartment model using an event-driven agent-based approach. Population size N = 1000, contact rate \(\beta = \frac{1}{5}\), infection probability \(\gamma = 0.05\), illness duration \(\delta = 15\) with initially 1 infected agent

4.1 An informal specification

In this section we give an informal specification of the agent behaviour, relating the input to according output events. Before we can do that we first need to define the event types of the model, how they related to scheduling and how we can conceptually represent agents.

We are using Haskell as notation and implementation language as we conducted our research with it because it originated property-based testing. We are aware that Haskell is not a mainstream programming language, so to make this paper sufficiently self contained, we introduce concepts step-by-step, with many comments ( in the Haskell code) and explanations. This should allow readers, familiar with programming in general, understand the ideas behind what we are doing. Fortunately it is not necessary to go into detail of how agents are implemented as for our approach it is enough to understand the agents’ inputs and outputs. For readers interested in the details of how to implement ABS in Haskell, we refer to another work of us [33].

We start by defining the states the agents can be in:

figure n

The model uses three types of events. First, MakeContact is used by a susceptible agent to proactively make contact with \(\beta\) other agents per time unit by scheduling it to itself. Second, Contact is used by susceptible and infected agents to contact other agents, revealing their id and their state to the receiver. Third, Recover is used by an infected agent to proactively make the transition to recovered after \(\delta\) time units.

figure o

As events are scheduled we need a new type to hold them, which we termed QueueItem as it is put into the event queue. It contains the event to be scheduled, the id of the receiving agent and the scheduling time.

figure p

Finally, we define an agent: it is a function, mapping an event to the current state of the agent with a list of scheduled events. This is a simplified view on how agents are actually implemented in Haskell but it suffices for our purpose.

figure q

We are now ready to give the full specification of the susceptible, infected and recovered agent by stating the input-to-output event relations. The susceptible agent is specified as follows:

  1. 1.

    MakeContact—if the agent receives this event it will output \(\beta\) (Contact ai Susceptible) events, where ai is the agents own id and Susceptible indicating the event comes from a susceptible agent. The events have to be scheduled immediately without delay, thus having the current time as scheduling timestamp. The receivers of the events are uniformly randomly chosen from the agent population. Additionally, to continue the pro-active contact making process, the agent schedules MakeContact to itself 1 time unit into the future. The agent doesn’t change its state, stays Susceptible and does not schedule any other events than the ones mentioned.

  2. 2.

    (Contact _ Infected)—if the agent receives this event there is a chance of uniform probability \(\gamma\) that the agent becomes Infected. If this happens, the agent will schedule a Recover event to itself into the future, where the time is drawn randomly from the exponential distribution with \(\lambda = \delta\). If the agent does not become infected, it will not change its state, stays Susceptible and does not schedule any events.

  3. 3.

    (Contact _ _) or Recover—if the agent receives any of these other events it will not change its state, stays Susceptible and does not schedule any events.

This specification implicitly covers that a susceptible agent can never transition from a Susceptible to a Recovered state within a single event as it can only make the transition to Infected or stay Susceptible.

The infected agent is specified as follows:

  1. 1.

    Recover—if the agent receives this, it will not schedule any events but make the transition to the Recovered state.

  2. 2.

    (Contact sender Susceptible)—if the agent receives this, it will reply immediately with (Contact ai Infected) to sender, where ai is the infected agents’ id and the scheduling timestamp is the current time. It will not schedule any events and stays Infected.

  3. 3.

    In case of any other event, the agent will not schedule any events and stays Infected.

This specification implicitly covers that an infected agent never goes back to the Susceptible state as it can only make the transition to Recovered or stay Infected. Also, from the specification of the susceptible agent it becomes clear that a susceptible agent who became infected, will always recover as the transition to Infected includes the scheduling of Recovered to itself.

The recovered agent specification is very simple: it stays Recovered forever and does not schedule any events.

5 Encoding agent specifications

We start by encoding the invariants of the susceptible agent directly into Haskell, implementing a function, which takes all necessary parameters and returns a Bool indicating whether the invariants hold or not. We are using pattern matching, therefore it reads like a formal specification due to the declarative nature of functional programming.

figure r

Next, we give the implementation for the checkInfectedInvariants function. We omit a detailed implementation of checkMakeContactInvariants as it works in a similar way and its details do not add anything conceptually new. The function checkInfectedInvariants encodes the invariants which have to hold when the susceptible agent receives a (Contact _ Infected) event from an infected agent and becomes infected.

figure s

5.1 Writing a property test

After having encoded the invariants into a function, we need to write a QuickCheck property test, which calls this function with random test data. Although QuickCheck comes with a lot of data generators for existing Haskell types, it obviously does not have generators for custom types, like the SIRState and SIREvent. We refer to Sect. 3, where we explain the concept of data generators and implement generators for Color and Probability. The run-time generators for SIRState and genEvent for generating random SIREvents work similar to the Color generator and is omitted. For readers who are interested in a detailed implementation of both, we refer to the code repository [32].

All parameters to the property test are generated randomly, which expresses that the properties encoded in the previous section have to hold invariant of the model parameters. We make use of additional data generator modifiers: Positive ensures that a value generated is positive; NonEmptyList ensures that a randomly generated list is not empty. Further, we use the function label, as explained in Sect. 3, to get an understanding of the distribution of the transitions. The case where the agents output state is Recovered is marked as “INVALID” as it must never occur, otherwise the test will fail, due to the invariants encoded in the previous section.

figure t

We have omitted the implementation of genRunSusceptibleAgent as it would require the discussion of implementation details of the agent. Conceptually speaking, it executes the agent with the respective arguments with a fresh random-number generator and returns the agent id, its state and scheduled events.

Finally, we run the test using QuickCheck. Due to the large random sampling space with 5 parameters, we increase the number of test cases to 100,000.

figure u

All 100,000 test cases pass, taking 6.7 s to run on our hardware. The distribution of the transitions shows that we indeed cover both cases a susceptible agent can exhibit within one event. It either stays susceptible or makes the transition to infection. The fact that there is no transition to Recovered shows that the implementation is correct.

Encoding of the invariants and writing property tests for the infected agent follows the same idea and is not repeated here. Next, we show how to test transition probabilities using the powerful statistical hypothesis testing feature of QuickCheck.

5.2 Encoding transition probabilities

In the specifications from the previous section there are probabilistic state transitions, for example the susceptible agent might become infected, depending on the events it receives and the infectivity (\(\gamma\)) parameter. To encode these probabilistic properties we are using the function cover of QuickCheck. As introduced in Sect. 3, this function allows us to explicitly specify that a given percentage of successful test cases belong to a given class.

For our case we follow a slightly different approach than in the example of Sect. 3: we include all test cases into the expected coverage, setting the second parameter always to True as well as the last argument, as we are only interested in testing the coverage, which is in fact the property we want to test. Implementing this property test is then simply a matter of computing the probabilities and of case analysis over the random input event and the agents output. It is important to note that in this property test we cannot randomise the model parameters \(\beta\), \(\gamma\) and \(\delta\) because this would lead to random coverage. This might seem like a disadvantage but we do not really have a choice here, still the fixed model parameters can be adjusted arbitrarily and the property must still hold. We could have combined this test into the previous one but then we couldn’t have used randomised model parameters. For this reason, and to keep the concerns separated, we opted for two different tests, which makes them also much more readable.

figure v

We have omitted the details of computing the respective distributions of the cases, which depend on the frequencies of the events and the occurrences of SIRState within the Contact event. By varying different distributions in the genEvent function, we can change the distribution of the test cases, leading to a more general test than just using uniform distributed events. When running the property test we get the following output:

figure w

QuickCheck runs 100 test cases, prints the distribution of the labels and issues warnings in the last two lines that generated and expected coverages differ in these cases. Further, not all cases are covered, for example the contact with an Infected agent and the case of becoming infected. The reason for these issues is insufficient testing coverage as 100 test cases are simply not enough for a statistically robust result. We could increase the number of test cases to 100,000, which might cover all cases but could still leave QuickCheck not satisfied as the expected and generated coverage might still differ.

As a solution to this fundamental problem, we use QuickChecks checkCoverage function. As introduced in Sect. 3, when the function checkCoverage is used, QuickCheck will run an increasing number of test cases until it can decide whether the percentage in cover was reached or cannot be reached at all. With the usage of checkCoverage we get the following output:

figure x

After 819,200 (!) test cases, run in 7.32 s on our hardware, QuickCheck comes to the statistically robust conclusion that the distributions generated by the test cases reflect the expected distributions and passes the property test.

6 Encoding model invariants

By informally reasoning about the agent specification and by realising that they are, in fact, a state machine with a one-directional flow of Susceptible \(\rightarrow\) Infected \(\rightarrow\) Recovered (as seen in Fig. 1), we can come up with a few invariants, which have to hold for any SIR simulation run, under random model parameters and independent of the random-number stream and the population:

  1. 1.

    Simulation time is monotonic increasing. Each event carries a timestamp when it is scheduled. This timestamp may stay constant between multiple events but will eventually increase and must never decrease. Obviously, this invariant is a fundamental assumption in most simulations where time advances into the future and does not flow backwards.

  2. 2.

    The number of total agents N stays constant. In the SIR model no dynamic creation or removal of agents during simulation happens.

  3. 3.

    The number of susceptible agents S is monotonic decreasing. Susceptible agents might become infected, reducing the total number of susceptible agents but they can never increase because neither an infected nor recovered agent can go back to susceptible.

  4. 4.

    The number of recovered agents R is monotonic increasing. This is because infected agents will recover, leading to an increase of recovered agents but once the recovered state is reached, there is no escape from it.

  5. 5.

    The number of infected agents I respects the invariant of the equation \(I = N - (S + R)\) for every step. This follows directly from the first property which says \(N = S + I + R\).

6.1 Encoding the invariants

All these properties are expressed directly in code and read like a formal specification due to the declarative nature of functional programming:

figure y

Putting this property into a QuickCheck test is straightforward. We randomise the model parameters \(\beta\) (contact rate), \(\gamma\) (infectivity) and \(\delta\) (illness duration) because the properties have to hold for all positive, finite model parameters.

figure z

Due to the large sampling space, we increase the number of test cases to run to 100,000 and all tests pass as expected. It is important to note that we put a random time limit within the range of (0,50) on the simulations to run. Meaning, that if a simulation does not terminate before that limit, it will be terminated at that random t. The reason for this is entirely practical as it ensures that the wall clock time to run the tests stays within reasonable bounds while still retaining randomness.

7 Discussion

In this paper we have shown how to use property-based testing on a technical level to encode informal specifications of agent behaviour and model invariants into formal specification directly in code. By incorporating this powerful technique into simulation development, confidence in the correctness of an implementation is likely to increase substantially, something of fundamental importance for ABS in general and for models supporting far-reaching policy decision in particular. Although our research uses the simple agent-based SIR model to demonstrate our approach, we hypothesise that it is applicable to event-driven ABS [27] in general, as we clearly focus on relating input to output events. To put our hypothesis to a test would require the generalisation of this simple model into a full framework of property-based testing for event-driven ABS, which we leave for further research.

The benefits of a property-based approach in ABS over unit testing is manifold. First, it expresses specifications rather than individual test cases, which makes it more general than unit testing. It allows expressing probabilities of various types (hypotheses, transitions, outputs) and performing statistically robust testing by sequential hypothesis testing. Most importantly, it relates whole classes of inputs to whole classes of outputs, automatically generating thousands of tests if necessary, therefore better scaling to the stochastic nature of ABS.

The main challenge of property-based testing is to write custom data generators, which produce sufficient coverage for the problem at hand, something not always obvious when starting out. Further, it is not always clear without some analysis, whether a property test actually covers enough of the random test space or not. As a robust solution to this issues, QuickCheck provides functions allowing to specify required coverage as well as functionality to perform sequential statistical hypothesis testing to arrive at statistically robust coverage tests. An alternative solution to the potential coverage problems of QuickCheck is the deterministic property-testing library SmallCheck [30], which instead of randomly sampling the test space, enumerates test cases exhaustively up to some depth.

We hypothesise that it is very likely that if Gintis [19] would have applied rigorous unit and property-based testing to his model he might have found the inconsistencies and could have corrected them. Additionally, the code of the re-implementation [18] contains numerous invariant checks and assertions, which are properties expressed in code, thus immediately applicable for property-based testing. Further, due to the mathematical nature of Gintis’ model, many properties in the form of formulas can be found in the paper specification [19], which could be directly expressible using property-based and unit testing.

Property-based testing has a close connection to model checking [26], where properties of a system are proved in a formal way. The important difference is that the checking happens directly on code and not on the abstract, formal model, thus one can say that it combines model checking and unit testing, embedding it directly in the software development and Test-Driven Development process without an intermediary step. We hypothesise that adding it to the already existing testing methods in the field of ABS is of substantial value as it allows to cover a much wider range of test cases due to automatic data generation. This can be used in two ways: to verify an implementation against a formal specification and to test hypotheses about an implemented simulation. This puts property-based testing on the same level as agent- and system testing, where not technical implementation details of agents are checked like in unit tests but their individual complete behaviour and the system behaviour as a whole.

8 Further research

The transitions we implemented were one-step transitions, feeding only a single event to the agents. Although we covered the full functionality by also testing the infected and recovered agent separately, the next step is to implement property tests which test the full transition from susceptible to recovered. This would require a stateful approach with multiple events and a different approach calculating the probabilities. We leave this for further research.

We have omitted tests for the infected agent as they follow conceptually the same patterns as the susceptible agent. The testing of transitions of the infected agent work slightly different though as they follow an exponential distribution but are encoded in a similar fashion as demonstrated with the susceptible agent. The case for the recovered agent is a bit more subtle, due to its behaviour: it simply stays Recovered forever. A property-based test for the recovered agent would therefore run a recovered agent for a random number of time units and require that its output is always Recovered. Of course, this is no proof that the recovered agent stays recovered forever as this would take forever to test and is thus not computable. Here we are hitting the limits of what is possible with random black-box testing like property-based testing. Without looking at the actual implementation it is not possible to prove that the recovered agent is really behaving as specified. We made this fact clear at the beginning of this paper, that property-based testing is not proof for correctness, but is only a support for raising the confidence in correctness by constructing cases that show that the behaviour is not incorrect. To be really sure that the recovered agent behaves as specified we need to employ white-box verification and look at the actual implementation. This is beyond the scope of this paper and left for further research.

The reason why we limit the virtual time in Sect. 6 to 50 time units is also related to the limitations of property-based testing. Theoretically, limiting the duration is actually not necessary because we can reason that the SIR simulation will always reach an equilibrium in finite steps. Unfortunately, this is not possible to express and test directly with property-based testing and would also require a dependently typed programming language like Idris [9, 10]. We leave this for further research.

An interesting and valuable undertaking would be to conduct a user study with a couple of users (around 5) to show that our approach indeed brings benefits, for example injecting faults into implementations and then see if and how the users detect these faults using property-based testing. As a user study is beyond the focus of this paper, we leave it for further research.