Correction: Annals of Biomedical Engineering (2021) 49:3018–3030

The location parameter of the Lognormal cumulative density function should be 0 instead of − 0.0578. Therefore, there are two corrections needed in the original publication. Paragraph 5 of the Results section should read: “The resulting lumbar injury criteria (Lic) with the combined metric (κ) using the T12-L1 resultant compressive force (Fr) and the decorrelated bending moment (My) is given by the location and scale parameters of the Lognormal cumulative density function, which were determined to be 0 and 0.3214, respectively (Eq. 4). The critical parameters of Eq. 2 were optimized to Fr,crit = 5824 N and My,crit = 1155 Nm (Eq. 5).”

Equation (4) should be as follows:

$${\text{L}}_{ic} (\kappa ;0,0.3214) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} \cdot {\text{erf}}\left( {\frac{\ln (\kappa ) - 0}{{0.3214*\sqrt 2 }}} \right)$$